Bombay sapphire script

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Bombay sapphire script

Bombay Sapphire Script

A long shot of a man walking down the street from the side. He stops at an alleyway.

Cut to to a close shot of his face looking down the alleyway

Cut to an extreme close up of a piece of paper he is holding, bearing an address

Mid shot of him walking down the alleyway, towards the camera

He stops at an abandoned house, nervously gets in, close up of his face

Establishing shot of inside the house. Lots of homeless people.

Man walks up to a homeless woman.



Man utters “Who are you” to woman. No response.

Man bends down and reaches for the woman’s book

Woman slaps his hand away

“What are you doing” says the woman

“What’s that” he asks. Points towards a dusty book, with the words vita orbis etched on to the front

“Nothing, Why?” she asks, suspiciously and nervously

He quickly takes it. Womans eyes in shock. Silence between them.

“Don’t open it” she says.

“Why not?” he says. He is breathing hevily and sweating.

“You might regret it”

“I’ll take my chances”

“Fine, go ahead, open it”

He opens it, and he reads. A shot that lasts a long time of him reading it. His hands start to shake. He screams. He throws the book to the side. HE stumbles to the ground on all fours. He is breathing heavily.

“Why didn’t you say something” he mutters

“Would you have believed me?”

The man scribbles a note on a piece of paper. He then takes out a gun and points it towards his own head. They both stare at each other.

The woman has an understanding look on her face. “Where are you going?”

“Isnt it obvious?” he asks. He then shoots himself.Someone who had heard the gunshot from outside the bulding called the police, who then searched the area for an idea as to what happened, and come across the man’s body, with nothing around it,except a book and a piece of paper. They pick up the note he left. Close up of what was written. It read “We are all slaved. We are nothing but parts to a computer.” The policemen pick up the book and open it to read. Close up of what is on the page. Just one number, on every page. The number 42.