Bolwarra Public School€¦ · 5% refund on all of your purchases at REBEL SPORTS. Next time you...

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Transcript of Bolwarra Public School€¦ · 5% refund on all of your purchases at REBEL SPORTS. Next time you...

Maitland Learning

Community From Kindergarten to Year 12 in Partnership

25 Bolwarra Road, Bolwarra, NSW 2323 T 49301296 T 49301233 F 49300032


Bolwarra Public School Success Through Effort

Term 4 Week 2



SCHOOL PLAN 2018 – 2020

NSW public schools are part of a strong and supportive public education system. Every three years, schools develop a new school plan and clear strategic directions to be achieved over the three-year period. During the planning process, the school is gathering information from students, staff and the local community. Over the next few weeks, we will be selecting families at random to participate in a phone survey. During this process, a School Administration Officer will phone and ask if you are willing to spend a couple of minutes having a conversation about the school. The Admin Officer will ask the following questions:

What do you value about our school?

What would you tell others about our school?

In 5 years’ time, how would you like to see our school operating?

What would you like to:




(from the school)

All information provided in the survey will assist the school in developing the new 2018-2020 School Plan. We thank you for your support. SCHOOL PHOTO DAY School Photo Day is this Monday 23rd October. Students will need to wear their full summer school uniform. Summer School Uniform Boys: Grey shirt, grey shorts, grey socks and black shoes Girls: Blue Tunic, navy blue socks and black shoes Classes will be photographed throughout the day, with family and group photos being taken in lunch breaks. Photo envelopes can be returned to office prior to photo day. There will be group photos for: School Leaders, Sports House Captains and Vice Captains, Environmental Leaders, Library Monitors, Junior Choir, Senior Choir, Boys Choir and PSSA State Sport Representatives. PSSA Sport representatives will need to bring their jacket to wear for the photo and Junior Choir will need to bring their Primary Proms T-Shirt.

MAITLAND HIGH SCHOOL PARENT INFORMATION NIGHT Maitland High School will be holding their parent information night on Wednesday 25th October 2017. This is a great chance for parents of students going into Year 7 next year to learn about how the high school operates and gives an insight into the wonderful things that occur on a daily basis. MINDFULNESS LUNCH TIME GROUP On Wednesday, Mrs Humphreys began her mindfulness group in the Library at Lunch 2. This is open to all students in K-6 and gives students a chance to participate in positive and relaxing activities. I was fortunate enough to observe Mrs Humphreys and her first group this week, and it was wonderful to see so many students participating and the quality of the session was outstanding. 2018 CLASS REQUEST: The planning process for classes in 2018 begins this term. The number of classes and the type of class will be settled in the coming weeks. To enable the school to make the best possible preparations it is vital they we have accurate numbers for student enrolments. Please contact the office if you are not returning to Bolwarra Public School next year. Parents are invited to make a request for special consideration for placement for their child for 2018. A special request form is available for collection from the school office. Requests from parents will only be considered if they are on this form. Please note that whilst all parent requests will be considered, the decision of student placement will be made by the teaching and Executive staff and will be based on our collective professional judgement. The closing date for requests is 3pm Friday 27th October. Requests made after this date will not be considered. NSW PSSA STATE ATHLETICS Congratulations to Charlee Belcher in Year 5, who competed at the NSW PSSA State Athletics in Sydney on Wednesday. Charlee came 12th out of 49 competitors in Shot Put with a distance of 10.55m. Charlee informs me that this is her Personal Best. Well done Charlee! MERIT AWARDS Students receiving awards at next Monday’s assembly are: Principal Award: Seth Horne 1st Bronze Award: Chace Beeching & Jade Davis 2nd Bronze Award: Riley Walsh & Penelope Sellens 1st Silver Award: Emity Beeching 2nd Silver Award: Violet Lantry, Samuel Walz & Mia Lane Thank you for your continued support.

Years K-6 News

Intention to apply for Year 7 entry to a selective high school in 2019

If you would like to have your child considered for Year 7 selective high school entry in 2019, you need to apply soon. You will need to apply on the internet using a valid email address (not the student’s email address). Detailed instructions on how to apply online will be available from 10 October 2017 in a printed application information booklet and at classes/year-7.

The application website opens on 10 October 2017 and closes

on 13 November 2017. You must apply before the closing


Please contact Bolwarra School’s front office to receive an

‘Intention to apply for Year 7 entry to a selective high school in

2019 information note.

KM Brayden Brimble

KB Lyla Chambers

1T Paddy Stolk

1B Tiana Cremen

1/2D Cruz Walker

2H Huxley Dean

2L Toby Pollard

3S Milla Banks

3DM Emity Beeching

3/4M Xavier Gollan

4L Molly MacIntyre

4/5W Amber Hughes

5A Trai Hegarty – Taylor

5/6D Finn Hutchinson

6H Oaka Redgrove

6L Gracee McJannet

Technology Darcy Maddock

Year 5 Cake Stalls

Year 5 will be conducting a number of cake stalls throughout Term 4. Students will be selling cupcakes, slices, biscuits etc . Each item will be 50cents. The cake stalls will be set up in the courtyard during Lunch 1 and run each Tuesday and Thursday of this term.

Year 5 Pt Wolstoncroft Camp

Year 5 students will be attending a 5 day Camp to

Point Wolstoncroft during Week 5 of this term. Further

information about this camp has been sent home to

Year 5 students this week. Instalment payments are

most welcome – with the total amount due by Friday,

3rd November (end of Wk 4). School medical forms

must be returned to school by Friday, 20th October.

Online medical forms for the Point Wolstoncoft camp

MUST be completed online and submitted to Point

Wolstoncroft by Monday, 16 October, 2017. A parent

information meeting will be held on Tuesday 31st

October at 5.30pm (week 4) in the 5/6D classroom.

During this meeting, teachers will communicate further

information about the camp and answer any questions

you may have.

Important Dates


23 October School Photos


27 October

Bike Education Program

Scholastic Book Club due


28 October Last Day for Mango Orders


31 October Year 5 Point Wolstoncroft Meeting


4 November P & C Movie Fundraiser 6pm


14 December Stage 1 End of Year Party Day

When it is your child’s birthday, they have the opportunity

to donate a book of their choice (already purchased by

the library) for the small cost of $6.00. After paying, the

children can come to the library and select a birthday


The books will be presented to the children on assembly.

Each book will have a special message inside saying

who has donated the book. The birthday child will be the

first to borrow the book. Welcome to the club: Harvie

and Serena

Did you know Did you know Did you know our school can receive

5% refund on all of your purchases at


Next time you are in any Rebel store just join as a

free Rebel member and nominate Bolwarra

School on your membership.


We are after donations for raffle

prized for the Xmas raffle. If you

have anything or know of anyone

who would be able to contribute,

please drop them to the office.

As a little thank you, each week in Term 4 anyone who has volunteered for a shift (even an hour) at the canteen will go in a weekly draw to win a $25 REBEL SPORT voucher.

Congratulations to our first winner – Sharon Bourne.



More info coming soon

Bolwarra Facebook Fundraising Page. Be sure to visit the page, like and share. We currently have a page competition to win a tray of MANGOES

Bunnings BBQ Saturday 28th


Volunteers Needed. Please contact

Beck Croese on: 0418437820

* One for our 2018 kindy kids.

When you sign up for Flexischools, register your little

one to the 2018 kindy clas. Iif you are already on flexis-

chools, add your kindy student to go in for a chance to

win a voucher. This will be drawn on the last orienta-

tion on the 21st November

* The other voucher is to reward those students who

order through Flexishools in term 4. If you have already

ordered in week 1 or 2, you have automatically gone

into the draw. Every time you order your name will go

into the draw again until Friday 24th November. The

winner will be drawn Monday 27th November.

Two $50 Flexi schools vouchers

to use for any purchase

through flexisxhools to win!!


ATTENDANCE AT SCHOOL Regular attendance at school is important for students to be able to reach their potential. The school is required to record the

reason for any absences. Students are only to be absent when they are sick or have another good reason for missing school. If

your child is sick you can notify us via the Skoolbag App, telephone us, or send a note in when your child returns to school.

You can download the App on Apple or Android devices– simply visit your Apple Store or Google Play Store and search for

My child ..............................................of class ............. was absent on (date) ..................................

For the following reason .....................................................................................................................

Parent signature: ……………………………………………………………………………………………


**Please make sure all orders are in by the due

Fri 27 October


8.45 – 2.30

MONDAY Alison H Mel N

23rd Jody B

TUESDAY Lunch two only 12noon - 2:30

24th Megan P Judi B

Wednesday Kim C

25th Bron W

THURSDAY Lunch two only 12noon - 2:30

26th Beck C Amanda B

FRIDAY Alison R Vanessa S



30th Alison H

TUESDAY Lunch two only 12noon - 2:30

31st Kylie B Mel N

Wednesday Greata P HELP NEEDED


THURSDAY Lunch two only 12noon - 2:30

2nd Anite W & Rana R HELP NEEDED


3rd Mel N

Are you a parent who would love to help out the canteen but works or has young children so can’t… We are always looking for not only volunteers to come in but also people to make ANZAC biscuits. A single batch or more, anything is welcomed and at any time. Below is the school recipe that needs to be followed to keep in the healthy schools guidelines.

Anzac Biscuit Recipe

1 ½ Cup Rolled Oats - ½ cup Plain Flour

½ cup Sugar - 1 tblsp Golden Syrup

85g Margarine - 1 tblsp Water

1 tsp Bi-Carb Soda


Preheat oven to 180°C. Line two baking trays with baking paper.

In a medium bowl mix together oats, flour and sugar

Melt margarine and golden syrup together using a microwave or stovetop

Combine water and bicarbonate of soda in a small bowl and then stir into golden syrup mixture

Pour syrup mixture into dry ingredients and mix to combine

Roll spoonfuls of mixture into balls and place onto lined trays. Flatten slightly using the back of a spoon.

Bake for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown. Stand for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool.


As a little thank you, each week in Term 4 anyone who has volunteered for a shift (even an hour) at the canteen will go in a weekly draw to win a $25 REBEL SPORT voucher.

Winners will be drawn and announced at assembly each Monday. Congratulations to our first winner – Sharon Bourne.

Please come and collect your prize at the office. Thank you to all our awesome volunteers.

Bolwarra Public School MANGO Drive

$25.75 per tray* Each 7 kg tray holds 12- 23 farm fresh Bowen (Kensington Pride) mangoes direct from the farm

Fundraising to supply & install air conditioning to our 10 new classrooms

Delivery date is end of NOV approx. & will be advised via Facebook as fruit ripens

NOTE: Orders and payment to be made via ONLY. NO CASH/CHQ orders.

Available to school and non-school families. Log onto FLEXISCHOOLS, search Bolwarra on the main screen, select a class or “Mangoes” (non-school family) and complete your order with payment.

Note: This form is only required if you are making an order on behalf of others via flexischool. Individual orders DO NOT require a form.

*Small surcharge applies to Flexischool

All orders will be delivered to BOLWARRA SCHOOL.

In order to best manage large orders we cannot separate individual orders at pick up. The entire order must be collected in one lot to be distributed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I have completed the above order in my name __________________________________ via flexi schools, on behalf of the above orders. The order was completed via flexischool on ______________________(date).

I am a school family/ Tilly’s Day Care/community member (circle)

Name: Phone:

Child’s name: Child’s Class:



1. $

2. $

3. $

4. $

5. $

6. $

7. $

8. $

9. $

10. $