Body of F.I.R.E. Nutrition Guide

Post on 07-Apr-2015

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Nutrition strategies for weight loss.

Transcript of Body of F.I.R.E. Nutrition Guide

©2010 Chad Waterbury LLC


©2010 Chad Waterbury LLC ©2010 Chad Waterbury LLC

NoticeThe information in this book is meant to supplement, not replace, proper exercise training. All forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. The author advises readers to take full responsibility for their

safety and know their limits. Before practicing the exercises in this book, be sure that your equipment is well-maintained, and do not take risks beyond your level of experience, aptitude, training, and

exercise routine or treatment or dietary regimen that may have been prescribed by your doctor. As with all exercise and dietary programs, you should get your doctor’s approval before beginning.

© 2010 by Chad Waterbury LLC

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, include photocopying, recording, or any other information storage

and retrieval system, without the written permission of the author.

©2010 Chad Waterbury LLC

I want to make this clear right from the start: getting six-pack abs requires a very good diet. You

don’t need to be perfect 100% of the time, but if you have more than 10 pounds to lose, exercise

alone won’t do it. Recent research demonstrates that a solid exercise program, without a change

in diet, results in little more than one pound of fat loss per month. In other words, simply exercising

isn’t enough to make dramatic changes to your physique. You should be losing double, or triple, that

amount of fat each week. This plan will show you how.

Transforming your body requires a strong metabolism: the faster your metabolism, the faster you’ll

transform your body. The number of calories a person burns each day depends on two factors:

How much muscle you have. Muscle is metabolically active tissue that requires energy to

maintain. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism. Men can, and will, build muscle

faster than women. That’s probably a good thing since most females don’t want to gain excessive

What you eat, and when, controls your

hormones. The way you train also has an affect on hormones. Some hormones are best for

building muscle; others are best for burning fat; and one hormone (insulin) is a duplicitous monster

that can make or break your efforts. Again, it’s all about timing.

A person who gains muscle burns more calories, even at rest, because of little furnace-like structures

within the muscle known as mitochondria. Muscle tissue requires a lot of energy to maintain, and that

energy is made in the mitochrondria.

In order to explain how your metabolism works, think of a furnace. In the winter months your gas

bill goes up because the furnace has to work harder (use more fuel) to maintain the temperature in

your house. So when your metabolic needs go up, your body burns more fat off your body, provided

you give your body fewer calories than it needs per day.The workout programs in Body of F.I.R.E.

will provide the stimulus for burning fat and sculpting a lean, hard body, and this upregulates your


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metabolism from the formation of more mitochondria in lean muscle tissue.

This nutrition plan will control the key body-shaping hormones at the right times. Indeed, timing is

everything when it comes to nutrition. Of supreme importance is the time directly before and after the


First, there must be the right nutrients present in your body to fuel the workouts. It’s

counterproductive to go into a workout in a starved or nutrient-depleted state. When you do, your

performance suffers. Second, the right nutrients must be consumed directly after the workout to raise

or lower the hormones that can literally double your results. Piles of research show that the hour after


Let me explain.

Throughout most of the day your metabolism is like that cousin who won’t end his stay at your

house – lazy and unmotivated. Sure, the food you eat is doing some good by feeding your brain and

cells with energy, but overall, nothing much is happening to boost your metabolism. But as soon

as you start an intense, full-body workout like I designed for Body of F.I.R.E. your body screams,

“Whoa, what’s going on here?!” The hardcore workouts create a large metabolic demand for your

body to ramp up its cardiovascular, muscular, endocrine, and nervous systems. Now your body has

to work extra hard to provide all the nutrients and hormones you need to survive the workout. During

the workout, nutrients must be available to fuel your exercise. After the workout, key nutrients and

hormones must be replenished and restored.

Which nutrients am I talking about? Amino acids and glucose. Which hormones? Cortisol and


Amino acids and glucose: During and after training, your body feeds off amino acids to repair

isoleucine, and valine are most important. Glycogen is the stored form of glucose in your

muscles and it provides energy for your workouts. You need a fast-acting form of glucose (simple

carbohydrates) to fuel muscle contractions and replenish the glycogen that was lost.

Cortisol and insulin: Cortisol is a stress hormone that’s released by the adrenal glands – the

star-shaped glands that sit on top of your kidneys. After intense exercise, cortisol is elevated in

response to the workout. If it remains elevated, it can be counterproductive to recovery since it


©2010 Chad Waterbury LLC

inhibits amino acids and glucose from entering the muscles. Therefore, it’s antagonist, insulin,

must be boosted to offset the negative effects of cortisol. This is accomplished by providing fast-

acting amino acids directly before and after the workouts, along with raisins to boost insulin and

replenish muscle glycogen. And simply taking 250 mg of Vitamin C before and after a workout can

minimize the negative effects of cortisol.

There’s one other meal that’s just as important as your workout nutrition: breakfast. Stacks of

research shows that people who eat breakfast are leaner and healthier. It’s the one meal that should

be easy to get right since we all wake up at home (well, unless it was your birthday last night). Of

course, the other parts of the day are important to your overall success. That’s why I’ll outline a daily

nutrition plan that’s easy to follow. All you need to do is focus on three things:

Protein:1. Protein provides the building blocks (amino acids) to repair damaged muscle tissue.

during digestion than other, simpler food stuffs such as carbohydrates. The protein must

amino acids for growth, recovery, and protein synthesis.

Healthy fats: 2. The right kinds of fat will help your body burn more fat, even though that

Second are monounsaturated fats that keep cholesterol levels in check. The trans-fats found in

processed foods must be avoided at all costs since they’re linked with fat gain and disease.


blood sugar stabilizer. This is important because it minimizes fat-storing hormones, controls

hunger, improves satiety, and keeps the pipes (if you know what I mean) running clean and


Best of all, there’s no need to count calories. (Who wants to do that, anyway?) All you need to be

concerned with is getting the protein right. I’ll outline the protein content of the recommended foods in

this program. From there, everything else falls into place with my other guidelines.


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Now, in order to get your diet on track so you can start burning fat right away I need to make this plan

as easy to follow as possible. Counting calories, for most people, turns out to be a lesson in futility.

You can’t do it for long before you throw your hands in the air and order a large pizza with extra

cheese. A much more effective strategy is to eat foods that are naturally low in calories and high in

nutrients. Let me explain why that’s important.

When most people cut calories their metabolism slows down and goes into “survival mode,” a

physiological state where the body holds on to every spare ounce of fat because it thinks it’s starving.

This metabolic shift was necessary, and lifesaving, hundreds of years ago when your ancestors had

to hunt for food. These days, however, it’s a nuisance that can keep you from losing unwanted fat.

Body fat is nothing more than an energy reserve. As Marty Gallagher likes to say: think of body

fat as money in the bank. When work is slow you don’t start spending more money, you save it. Well,

this is how your body looks at stored fat. When nutritional needs aren’t met the body holds on to your

love handles because it doesn’t know when the next meal will come. That’s why it’s imperative to eat

nutrient-dense foods frequently (5-6 times per day) so the body doesn’t ever think it’s starving.

Second, nutrients are all those wonderful little chemicals that are stuffed into whole, unprocessed

works. You see, most people don’t eat enough fruits, vegetables and lean proteins, so it’s likely

continue eating the same foods, they’re giving their body even fewer of these key nutrients such as

amino acids, omega-3s, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals (chemical compounds that occur

naturally in plants). You’ll never boost your metabolism by giving it fewer nutrients. However, eating

of foods that are loaded with nutrients, but short on calories.

Fruits and Vegetables

Which foods are highest in nutrients but lowest in calories? Fruits and vegetables. If you eat nothing

but fruits and vegetables all day long you’ll cover most of your nutritional needs. Although, you’d fall

short on amino acids since you wouldn’t be getting enough protein, and you’d miss out on all the


©2010 Chad Waterbury LLC

diet, on top of the fruits and vegetables. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

with breakfast, lunch and dinner. Vegetables are nearly impossible to screw up. Eat as much as you

want at your three main meals. Fruits, however, require a little strategy.

Research demonstrates that people who eat more calories earlier in the day are leaner and

healthier. Typically, people will skip breakfast, eat a little lunch, and then gorge at night because

they’re so darn hungry. The reason they’re hungry is because they didn’t give their body enough

nutrients earlier in the day. Breakfast should be your biggest meal of the day, lunch is second biggest,

dinner is smallest. This is the opposite of what most people do and they have the overhanging

waistline to prove it.

What does this have to do with fruit? Well, some fruits are higher in calories than others when you

consider a normal portion size. For example, a half-cup of raisins has 240 calories whereas a half-

cup of blueberries only has 40 calories. So in order to frontload calories each day, and avoid counting

calories, it’s best to know which fruits should be consumed earlier or later in the day. For breakfast

and lunch, consume any of the following fruits:







Fresh pineapple

choose from:





You’ll notice that I left raisins off the lists. The reason is because raisins are my ideal post-workout


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source of carbohydrates. The only time you’ll consume them is after a workout. Yes, they’re relatively

high in calories but they’re loaded with essential nutrients that will help your muscles recover.


between nutritionists, personal trainers, and registered dieticians. The purpose of this plan is not to

cover all the research pertaining to protein intake, but to tell you what works with my clients who are

professional athletes.

180-pound male with 22% body fat. Your goal is to weigh 165 pounds with 9% body fat. A little math

(165 x 0.9) tells us that you’ll have 149 pounds of lean body mass (everything in your body minus

body fat). I have my athletes consume 80-100% of that number in grams of protein per day. So I’m

talking about 119-149 grams of protein each day for a guy who wants to weigh 165 pounds with

numbers – they want to know exactly how much protein to eat each day. However, it’s not necessary

for most people to be this meticulous (remember, this is the formula I use for professional athletes).

It’s likely that you’re not a professional athlete, therefore, a healthy dose of protein for breakfast,

lunch and dinner, along with a few snacks will cover your protein requirements. In other words, you

Here are the best sources of protein to cover your needs:

Grass-fed beef

Free-range poultry

Wild game

Whole eggs (egg whites and egg substitutes are acceptable)

Canadian bacon




©2010 Chad Waterbury LLC

Cheese, yogurt and milk are options for those who aren’t lactose-intolerant. Cottage cheese and

natural cheese (the block you buy in the grocery store) typically give people the fewest problems

suggest you avoid it, or at best, minimize it.

I’ve already hit you with enough numbers, and I told you that you won’t have to count calories, but

a little practice goes a long way with protein. At breakfast, lunch and dinner have a serving of protein

but not so well with eggs. Each whole egg contains about 7 grams of protein, each egg white has

around 4 grams. As a general rule, males should aim for 25-30 grams of protein for breakfast, lunch

and dinner. Females should shoot for 15-20 grams. It never hurts to go a little over, but try not to fall

short. The rest of your protein requirements will be made up with beans, nuts and whole grains.

What about protein powders? I’m not a fan of them, except when people have a really hard time

getting enough protein. The problem with protein powders is they can often cause more problems

than they solve: gas, bloating, indigestion, allergic reactions, etc. The best protein powder I’ve used is

Sun Warrior protein. This is a vegan protein made from brown rice that’s very easy to digest. You can

Whey and casein protein powders are currently popular, but many people eventually have

you use with every container so you don’t develop an intolerance to any one brand.

The one time when I do like protein powders is directly after a workout. During the hour after you

people to consume whole food protein sources after a workout so protein powders solve the problem.

Research demonstrates that one scoop (about 20 grams) of protein powder after a workout is ideal

for most men and women.

Healthy Fats


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to your overall health. Fish oil contains DHA and EPA, two important omega-3 fatty acids. EPA offers

Research has shown that it improves the health of your brain, heart, joints, and eyes, for starters.

And it’s been shown to diminish the effects of depression, arthritis, cancer, and many nervous

system-related diseases.

clients for the last seven years and every one of them has lost fat and felt better after taking them.

That’s reason enough, isn’t it?

age of stress and nutrient-depleted foods, you need to supplement your diet with it.

The popularity of omega-3 supplements has caused many companies to claim their version

is better than all the rest. I don’t doubt that there are many good products out there, but I only

recommend products that I’ve used for years. Each version I recommend goes through a thorough

served my clients well:

be consumed within a month. This is usually not a problem unless you go on vacation.

How much do you need?

Carlson Liquid Fish OilBody weight Serving size Servings per day

140 pounds or less 2 teaspoons twoAround 180 pounds 1 tablespoon two220 pounds or more 1 tablespoon two

trick. The two brands I’ve used most are Carlson’s Elite Omega-3 Gems and Biotest’s Flameout. 9

©2010 Chad Waterbury LLC

linoleic acid (CLA) that might help you lose more fat.

How much do you need?

Carlson Elite Omega-3 GemsBody weight Serving size Servings per day

140 pounds or less 3 capsules twoAround 180 pounds 4 capsules two220 pounds or more 4 capsules two

Biotest FlameoutBody weight Serving size Servings per day

140 pounds or less 3 capsules twoAround 180 pounds 4 capsules two220 pounds or more 4 capsules two

Products by Carlson and Nordic Naturals can be found at health food stores or Whole Foods.

Flameout can be purchased in the store link at www. free_online_store

I want to mention another great source of healthy fat: olive oil. Drizzle it on your salads and you’ll

improve your body and health. Lunch is typically the best time to get the extra calories from olive

oil. Remember, each day we want to frontload calories as much as possible so breakfast should be

excellent book, The 150 Healthiest Foods, “all olive oil is not created equal.” Be sure to use extra

virgin olive oil on your salads.


Fiber is often called “nature’s blood sugar stabilizer” since it slows the amount of glucose (sugar)

that dumps into your blood stream. This is important when eating for fat loss because insulin, the fat

storing hormone, is primarily active when blood glucose is high. When you keep blood glucose in the


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constant. There are no swings from high to low like you get with foods that contain carbohydrates and

(GI) health. You can’t have a healthy body unless your GI tract is healthy, too. Fiber provides

insurance that your digestive tract stays strong.

monitor how you feel. If everything seems to be going well (no pun indented), add another serving

different foods from the list below. By doing so, you’ll eat less, control cravings, and you’ll look and

feel better than ever.

Lentils, red cooked: 15 grams per cup

Black beans, cooked: 15 grams per cup

Kidney beans, cooked: 13 grams per cup

Oats, rolled dry: 12 grams per cup

Quinoa: 10 grams per cup

Raspberries: 8 grams per cup

There’s another food that deserves special mention: Mila. This is a seed (Salvia hispanica L.) that my

How much do you need?

MilaBody weight Serving size Servings per day

140 pounds or less 1 scoop twoAround 180 pounds 1 scoop two220 pounds or more 1 scoop two


©2010 Chad Waterbury LLC

Mila isn’t available in stores. You can get it by clicking here (

I left as many foods off the list as I could have added. But for fat loss, total calories are important. You

don’t need to count calories but you also shouldn’t eat, say, a cup of macadamia nuts just to get 11

they’re also loaded with other nutrients that support metabolic health. But if it’s your only option, use

them. When you’re on the go, I like Fiber Choice® tablets. Chew two before your meal and you’ll get

many things will invariably fall into place.

Starches (Complex Carbohydrates)

oatmeal in the morning. Quinoa, as I mentioned in the last section, is also another excellent source

makes life a lot easier. (Who doesn’t like a breakfast burrito?) Plus, I’m including yams and beans in

this section.

It’s important to eat starches (complex carbs) only at breakfast because they’ll add a healthy

dose of calories to your diet. Since breakfast is supposed to be your biggest meal of the day you can

include a bowl of oatmeal, quinoa, a tortilla or a few slices of rye bread with your eggs and fruit. At

this point it should be clear that it’s really hard to eat too many calories at breakfast. Whatever you eat


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will feed your metabolism and those calories will be long gone by the time you go to bed.

Snack on Branched Chain Amino Acids

What if I were to tell you that there’s a pill that can control your hunger, boost your energy, help you

recover faster, and maybe even increase your metabolism? And what if this special pill was all-natural

and didn’t contain any stimulants whatsoever? You’d be pretty stoked, right?

Well, there is such a pill: branched chain amino acids. Of the twenty or so amino acids, the

three essential forms that stand tall in body transformation are leucine, isoleucine and valine. This

For reasons unbeknownst to me, they fell to the wayside. I guess it’s because they’re just not sexy


Make no mistake about it, BCAAs can work wonders if you take enough of them at the right times.


Skipping meals can wreak havoc on your metabolism by upregulating fat-storing hormones

(cortisol, etc) that break down muscle tissue, not to mention the mind-numbing fatigue that follows.

BCAAs feed your body and brain the nutrients it needs to keep your body out that destructive state.

available. So an apple with a few BCAA tablets can serve as an excellent snack to control hunger and

keeep your neurotransmitters at their peak.

reason many people don’t use them is because you need to take quite a few pills to get an effect.

Biotest makes the best version I’ve found. Each pill contains one-gram of BCAAs, and the cost is

affordable (around $30 for 250 tablets).

How much do you need?

Biotest BCAAsBody weight Serving size Servings per day

140 pounds or less 3 tablets 1-3Around 180 pounds 4 tablets 1-3220 pounds or more 5 tablets 1-3


©2010 Chad Waterbury LLC

The Most Underrated Supplement? Vitamin D3

you’ve ever taken.

around an hour - on a daily basis (without sunscreen) to have normal levels of it. Since people are

getting less sun than ever before, it’s no surprise that low blood levels of Vitamin D are the norm. In

fact, over the last 10 years I’ve never worked with a client who had adequate levels of Vitamin D.

Ok, so you get the gist that you’re probably low in it. But how will it help you? The list of research-

Normalizing your Vitamin D levels will boost your immune system, increase bone density, protect

against a host of diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s, and it’ll improve recovery, increase

performance, decrease insulin production, and promote weight loss. It really is the closest thing you’ll

My suggestion is to supplement your diet with around 4,000 IU of Vitamin D3 every day. It might

take months to get your blood levels back in the proper range, but it’s worth the trouble. Plus, it’s an

inexpensive supplement.

My clients use a liquid form of Vitamin D3 (D3 Serum) from Premier Research Labs. Each drop

(placed under the tongue) contains 2,200 IU of Vitamin D3. Take it twice per day with food. You can

At the very least, have your doctor check your blood levels of Vitamin D during your next check-up.

Yep, it’s that important.

What to Drink

Each day drink one-half ounce of water per pound of body weight whenever possible. So if you weigh

180 pounds you need 90 ounces of water per day. I know it’s not easy to drink a lot of water each day

so I understand why people often fall short, but adequate hydration is important for overall health and

it might boost your metabolism. Your urine should always be clear. If it’s not, you need to drink more


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water. If tea doesn’t suit you, one cup of black coffee is allowed each day.

Workout Nutrition

Your nutrition directly before and after you train is essential to get right in order to keep your

performance up and help you recover more quickly. You’ll use BCAAs and 250 milligrams of vitamin

C 15 minutes before training. I’m also a fan of beta-alanine, an amino acid that allows you to work

harder without nausea. Beta-alanine, like any supplement, isn’t mandatory but it’s worked well for

protein powder, raisins and more BCAA tablets. The following two tables show what you should take

before and after each Body of F.I.R.E workout.

How much do you need?

15 minutes before TrainingBody weight BCAAs Vitamin C Beta-alanine (optional)

140 pounds or less 3 grams (3 Biotest tablets) 250mg 2 gramsAround 180 pounds 4 grams (4 Biotest tablets) 250mg 3 grams220 pounds or more 5 grams (5 Biotest tablets) 250mg 3 grams

Within 30 minutes after TrainingBody weight Protein powder Raisins BCAAs

140 pounds or less 20 grams (1 scoop) 3 gramsAround 180 pounds 20 grams (1 scoop) 4 grams220 pounds or more 20 grams (1 scoop) 5 grams

Putting it All TogetherAt this point I’ve given you a lot to, well, digest and I’m sure a sample diet would be helpful, right?

But before I get to that I must mention that telling you what to eat, and when, often leaves too much

room for error. Furthermore, there are so many variables between each person’s schedule, food

preferences, etc. that it’s virtually impossible for me to hit everything just right for you.


©2010 Chad Waterbury LLC

The good news is the Body of F.I.R.E. diet works for everyone whether you’re male or female or

have 15 or 30 pounds to lose. Why? Because the basic nutritional strategy for fat loss doesn’t change

with gender or weight. The difference, though, is in serving size. A 140-pound person needs less

calories than someone who weighs 220 pounds, but I’ll get to those details in the following section.

The more options you have, the longer you’ll stick to a diet. I’ve found this to be unequivocally

true. You can’t eat eggs every morning, and you don’t need to. My clients often have grilled chicken,

cottage cheese, or canadian bacon as their protein source at breakfast. So instead of telling you

exact foods to eat at each meal, I’ve found that it’s more effective to give you multiple choices. For

for breakfast every morning, it makes more sense to outline a sample breakfast like this:

protein + starch + fruit.

This is the type of diet you’ll be following.

Body of F.I.R.E. Nutrition PlanBreakfast Protein + Starch + Fruit + Fish oil

Mid-morning snack Shown in next section, based on body weightLunch Protein + Vegetable + Fruit

Mid-afternoon snack Shown in next section, based on body weightDinner Protein + Vegetable + Berries + Fish oil

Evening snack (optional) Shown in next section, based on body weight

In addition, on the days you train you’ll consume the pre- and post-workout nutrition that I outlined in

the last section. Since my workout nutrition is low in calories, it won’t take the place of a meal - it’ll be

added to the diet shown above. Your body needs a few extra calories on days you train in order to

help your muscles recover.

The portion sizes are based on body weight. As mentioned, a heavier person requires more

calories than a lighter person so the former has food choices with larger portions. This is the simplest

way to get your diet right without counting calories.

guideline. I’ve chosen three weight ranges: 140, 180 and 220 pounds. Of course, you might not hit

any one of those perfectly.

Let’s say you weigh 160 pounds. For you, the diet for a 140-pound person is best. If you weigh


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205 pounds, choose the diet for a 180-pound person. In other words, choose the diet that’s under

your current body weight, unless you want to add a lot of muscle. If that’s the case, choose the diet

that’s above your current weight.

The following pages outline the diet you should follow. Then, I’ll show you a sample diet to ensure


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NUTRITION LOG (140 POUNDS)Breakfast Protein + Starch + Fruit + Fish oil (2 teaspoons of liquid or 3 capsules)Mid-morning SnackLunch Protein + Vegetable + FruitMid-afternoon SnackDinner Protein + Vegetable + Berries + Fish oil (2 teaspoons of liquid or 3 capsules)Evening (optional) SnackWorkout (anytime)

+ 3 BCAA tablets

Protein (choose one) Starch (choose one) Fruit (choose one)2 whole eggs

1 whole egg plus 2 egg whites3 ounces grilled chicken

3 ounces lean beef1 small yam

3 ounces seafood 1 slice rye bread3 ounces wild game 1 slice Ezekiel bread

Canadian bacon (15 grams protein)

Berries (choose one) Snacks (choose one) Vegetables1 ounce cheese plus 1 scoop Mila As much as you want (any variety)

1 tablespoon nut butter spread on celery stalksHandful mixed nuts

(mixed in water)1 apple plus 3 BCAAs

NUTRITION LOG (What I Ate)Breakfast



Evening (optional)Workout (anytime)


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NUTRITION LOG (180 POUNDS)Breakfast Protein + Starch + Fruit + Fish oil (1 tablespoon of liquid or 4 capsules)Mid-morning SnackLunch Protein + Vegetable + FruitMid-afternoon SnackDinner Protein + Vegetable + Berries + Fish oil (1 tablespoon of liquid or 4 capsules)Evening (optional) SnackWorkout (anytime)

Protein (choose one) Starch (choose one) Fruit (choose one)3 whole eggs apple

2 whole eggs plus 2 egg whites banana4 ounces grilled chicken pear

4 ounces lean beef orange1 medium yam peach

4 ounces seafood 2 slices rye bread4 ounces wild game 2 slices Ezekiel bread

Canadian bacon (20 grams protein)

Berries (choose one) Snacks (choose one) Vegetables2 ounces cheese plus 1 scoop Mila As much as you want (any variety)

1 cup strawberriesspread on celery stalks

Handful mixed nuts1 scoop protein powder plus 1 scoop Mila

(mixed in water)1 apple plus 4 BCAAs

NUTRITION LOG (What I Ate)Breakfast



Evening (optional)Workout (anytime)


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NUTRITION LOG (220 POUNDS)Breakfast Protein + Starch + Fruit + Fish oil (1 tablespoon of liquid or 4 capsules)Mid-morning SnackLunch Protein + Vegetable + FruitMid-afternoon SnackDinner Protein + Vegetable + Berries + Fish oil (1 tablespoon of liquid or 4 capsules)Evening (optional) SnackWorkout (anytime)

BCAA tablets

Protein (choose one) Starch (choose one) Fruit (choose one)3 whole eggs 1 cup oatmeal apple

2 whole eggs plus 2 egg whites banana5 ounces grilled chicken pear

5 ounces lean beef 1 cup beans orange1 large yam peach

5 ounces seafood 2 slices rye bread 1 cup grapes5 ounces wild game 2 slices Ezekiel bread 1 cup pineapple

Canadian bacon (25 grams of protein)

Berries (choose one) Snacks (choose one) Vegetables2 ounces cheese plus 1 scoop Mila As much as you want (any variety)

1 cup blackberries1 cup raspberries 1 cup cottage cheese plus 1 scoop Mila

2 tablespoons nut butter spread on celery stalks

Handful mixed nuts1 scoop protein powder plus 1 scoop Mila

(mixed in water)1 apple plus 5 BCAAs

NUTRITION LOG (What I Ate)Breakfast



Evening (optional)Workout (anytime)

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Sample Diets

As mentioned, I’m not a big fan of sample diets. Up to this point I’ve given you all the nutrition

necessary to give as many examples as possible. That way there’ll be little room for error once you

put this plan in motion. With that in mind, here are three sample diets.

SAMPLE DIET (140 POUNDS)BreakfastMid-morning 1 ounce cheese + 1 scoop Mila mixed in waterLunch

grapesMid-afternoon Handful mixed nutsWorkout (5 p.m.)

+ 3 BCAA tabletsDinnerEvening (optional)

Notes: was hungry in afternoon so I took 3 BCAA tablets with a full glass of water.

SAMPLE DIET (180 POUNDS)Workout (6 a.m.)

+ 4 BCAA tabletsBreakfastMid-morningLunch 4 ounces grilled shrimp + steamed asparagus + 1 bananaMid-afternoonDinnerEvening (optional) 2 ounces cheese + 1 scoop Mila mixed in water

Notes: was hungry in morning and afternoon so I took 4 BCAA tablets with a full glass of water.

SAMPLE DIET (220 POUNDS)Breakfast 3 whole eggs scrambled with 1 cup black beans and wrapped in tortilla + 1 banana + 1

Mid-morning 2 tablespoons nut butter spread on 4 celery stalksLunch 5 ounces of chicken + spinach salad topped with veggies and drizzled with olive oil + 1

orangeWorkout (2 p.m.)

+ 5 BCAA tabletsMid-afternoon 2 ounces cheese + 1 scoop Mila mixed in waterDinnerEvening (optional) 1 cup cottage cheese + 1 scoop Mila mixed in water

©2010 Chad Waterbury LLC

Frequently Asked Questions

This diet seems like a lot of food. Is that good for fat loss?

The amount of calories on this plan is relatively low, especially on an intense exercise program. It

seems like a lot of eating because I designed the plan with 3 meals and 3 snacks per day. However,

your main goal should be to get breakfast, lunch and dinner right. Combine that with a few snacks


How important are the supplements because I’m on a budget?

If you can only choose one supplement, choose Mila. That’s because it contains a healthy dose of:

results on this eating plan.

Sometimes it’s really hard for me to remember to eat between meals, and sometimes I’m not hungry.

Should I still eat?

Yes, the goal is to feed your body frequently in order to boost your metabolism. But I understand that

it’s not always easy to eat. BCAAs become handy because you can pop a few with a glass of water

when you’re on the run. Mila is also easy to use and it does a great job of staving off hunger pangs.

There seems to be a lot of BCAAs on this nutrition plan. Can I take too many?

You can take too much of anything. However, BCAAs are natural amino acids that your body uses

a lot of while exercising, and to recover from exercise. As long as you stick to the guidelines on this

plan you won’t have to worry. Although, it’s always a good idea to consult your physician if you have

any concerns.

Shouldn’t I be concerned with the fat or cholesterol in meat and cheese?

This diet consists of many fresh fruits, vegetables and heart-healthy omega-3s that have been shown

to improve heart health. Cholesterol is necessary for life and most of the research that demonstrated

a link between cholesterol in natural foods and heart disease has been debunked by top nutritionists.


©2010 Chad Waterbury LLC ©2010 Chad Waterbury LLC

I don’t need to lose fat. How can I adjust the diet to gain more muscle?

When the goal is to gain lean, muscle weight the solution is not necessarily with more protein or

fat. You probably need more complex carbohydrates. For dinner, have a starch instead of berries;

for your post-workout feeding, double the recommended serving size of raisins. These two simple

when you do everything else that’s outlined in this plan.

You can purchase Huge in a Hurry by Rodale Publishing on My other book,

, can be purchased through my site at

Recommended Reading for Nutrition Info:

The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth

In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan

The Enzyme Factor by Hiromi Shinya

The Paleo Diet