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Body Language – from Head to Toe

Expressions, idioms, slang, and quotes related to body parts


Per-Olof Hasselgren

E Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Co.

Copyright © 2015 Per-Olof Hasselgren. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system, without the permission, in writing, of the publisher. For more information, send an email to, Attention Subsidiary Rights Department. Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Co USA | Singapore For information about special discounts for bulk purchases, please contact Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Co. Special Sales, at ISBN: 978-1-68181-283-0


I have used several sources when collecting idioms and other expressions for this book. Without those sources this book would not have been possible. In addition to those sources (acknowledged at the end of the book), I have also been supported by several people with more extensive experience in writing and publishing than I have. Those people include Mr. Robert Skole, whose background as a journalist and author has been a great inspiration to me. Dr. Raman Mehrzad, who has authored several books in the fields of teaching and education, has given me plenty of good advice and has been very encouraging.

Table of Contents

Preface ................................................................................................................... 7 Ankle .................................................................................................................... 11 Arm ....................................................................................................................... 13 Back ...................................................................................................................... 25 Belly ...................................................................................................................... 56 Blood .................................................................................................................... 60 Body ..................................................................................................................... 71 Bone ..................................................................................................................... 78 Brain ..................................................................................................................... 86 Breast ................................................................................................................ 100 Butt and Ass ................................................................................................... 105 Cheek ................................................................................................................ 114 Chest ................................................................................................................. 117 Chin.................................................................................................................... 120 Ear ...................................................................................................................... 124 Elbow ................................................................................................................ 133 Eye ..................................................................................................................... 137 Face.................................................................................................................... 156 Finger ................................................................................................................ 171 Foot .................................................................................................................... 177 Gut ...................................................................................................................... 191 Hair .................................................................................................................... 197 Hand .................................................................................................................. 204 Head .................................................................................................................. 228 Heart ................................................................................................................. 256 Heel .................................................................................................................... 268 Hip ...................................................................................................................... 274

Table of Contents

Jaw ..................................................................................................................... 277 Kidney .............................................................................................................. 281 Knee .................................................................................................................. 283 Knuckle ............................................................................................................ 288 Leg...................................................................................................................... 291 Lip ...................................................................................................................... 300 Liver .................................................................................................................. 306 Lung .................................................................................................................. 308 Mouth ............................................................................................................... 310 Muscle .............................................................................................................. 322 Nail ..................................................................................................................... 325 Neck ................................................................................................................... 330 Nerve ................................................................................................................ 337 Nose ................................................................................................................... 340 Shoulder .......................................................................................................... 349 Skin .................................................................................................................... 354 Spine ................................................................................................................. 360 Stomach ........................................................................................................... 362 Throat ............................................................................................................... 366 Thumb .............................................................................................................. 370 Toe ..................................................................................................................... 374 Tongue ............................................................................................................. 378 Tooth ................................................................................................................. 383 Sources ............................................................................................................. 391



“Body language” usually refers to feelings, emotions, and intentions expressed by various forms of nonverbal communication, including positioning the body or parts of the body in different ways, gestures, eye movements, and facial expressions. For example, a smile indicates that one is happy or pleased, a frown that one is worried or angry, etc. An interesting, different meaning of body language was explored in a recent issue of Harvard Medicine. Articles in that issue were centered around the fact that physicians spend a substantial amount of time listening to and interpreting the sounds, shapes, and textures of the human body. For example, blockage of the bowel (bowel obstruction) can give rise to characteristic sounds in the abdomen. Certain heart defects can result in murmurs and other sounds heard in the chest. Individual cells, organelles, and even molecules communicate with each other in both health and disease. In contrast, body language in this book refers to the use of body parts (anatomy) in the spoken or written language. Such words occur in many idioms, slang, and other expressions, and this book is a collection of them. As a surgeon, it feels somewhat risky to venture into linguistic writing, not having that background or expertise. However, as a surgeon I also understand the importance of anatomy and the knowledge of organs and tissues (body parts). This book reflects my longstanding interest in idioms and other expressions referring to body parts.

Per-Olof Hasselgren


Why the book was written This book was written for three main reasons. First, anatomy matters, particularly in surgery. When I have medical students and residents scrubbed in during my cases in the operating room, there are many opportunities to demonstrate and discuss anatomy. I often make the point that “anatomy matters.” I usually also (jokingly) add, “You even need to know your anatomy to be able to speak and understand your language properly.” What I am referring to is the large number idioms, slang, and other expressions that are directly related to human organs and tissues. Indeed, the number of idioms and expressions related to body parts is quite extensive. During the last several years, collecting such expressions has become a hobby of mine. This book is, in part, a result of that hobby. Second, as someone moving to this country from another part of the world with a different language, I have been very interested in the peculiarities of the American language. Idioms, slang, and other expressions are specific for any given language and quite often cannot be directly translated. Such expressions are typically not part of the English that is taught in school, and it takes living for some time in a new country before one starts to appreciate (and understand) those special expressions. During the more than thirty years that I have lived in the U.S., my interest in American expressions has continued to grow. This book contains a collection of idioms, slang, and other expressions that are specifically related to human body parts. Although the interest in body language in part reflects my profession as a surgeon, it also reflects my interest in the American language. Third, the use of body part-related expressions is both interesting and fun. When you start thinking about it, you will soon realize that you use or hear such expressions probably hundreds of time every day. This book alone contains approximately 2,000 idioms, words, and expressions related to body language. One can just open a newspaper, listen to the radio, or watch TV to find and hear numerous examples of body language. The use of body language in this context provides interesting information about the

Body Language – from Head to Toe


origin of many of these expressions. When one starts to be aware of them, written and spoken body language can become quite entertaining. How the book was written When I first became interested in body language, I collected idioms and other expressions more randomly. I typically jotted them down in a notebook. Through the years, I have continued to use this method of looking out for body language in daily conversations, newspaper articles, and when listening to radio or watching TV. More recently, I have tried to be more systematic and expansive. For this purpose, I have used multiple sources, including books and websites. Those sources are listed at the end of this book. Another source of ideas that has provided many words and expressions for this book has been conversations and brainstorming (body language!) with family and friends, quite often around the dinner table. Those conversations have been both fun and fruitful, and quite often almost generated a sense of competition, with each of us trying to beat the other in finding new words and expressions. On certain occasions we have even collected points; one point for an expression containing one body part, two points for an expression containing two body parts (for example, tongue in cheek), three points for three body parts (for example, to have eyes in the back of

one’s head), etc. I am describing this process so that it may become an inspiration for others who read this book and may have or get an interest in body language to do the same—you too can have a lot of fun when meeting friends and family, trying to outdo each other by finding body part-related words and expressions. How the book was organized The chapters have been organized alphabetically. Each chapter starts with an illustration indicating the body part being described. The main section of each chapter contains idioms, slang, and other expressions, followed by a sentence in italics providing an example how the expression can be used. For many of the entries, a year or a

Per-Olof Hasselgren


time period is listed, indicating when the expression started to be used. That information is based on the sources that are listed in the back of the book. At the end of each chapter, quotes have been introduced related to the body part that is described in that specific chapter. Most quotes have been found at Brainy Quote ( I have included approximately five quotes at the end of each body part chapter. I have used quotes from well-known persons and/or those that I found funny or intriguing. I realize that some of the idioms and expressions listed may no longer be in common use. I also realize that the use and meaning of certain expressions may not be fully agreed on by all readers. Also, most readers will probably find expressions that have not been included, although I have tried to be as comprehensive as possible. I have made an effort to avoid offensive words (for example, many describing male or female genitalia, female breasts, etc.) but some readers may find some of the words I have included to still be offensive. I apologize if that is the case. Who may enjoy the book I hope that anybody interested in the English and American language will find interest in this book. Persons with a medical background may also enjoy the book since it “connects” body parts with our language. Anybody who wants a couple of minutes of relaxation every now and then, or who may need some distraction during a vacation or a long flight, may also enjoy flipping through the book and finding some expressions of interest.



ankle: 1. To walk. I ankled over to the other side of the street. [slang, 1890s] 2. To quit one’s job or place of employment. He didn’t get along with his new boss, so he decided to ankle his job. 3. A miserable, bitchy, nagging woman. His wife keeps nagging him to take the trash out every day. She is such an ankle. [slang]

ankle-biter: 1. A very small dog. Did you see Lena’s dog? So small and tiny–just an ankle-biter! 2. A child, typically a spoiled child. Referring to a child’s height and sporadic outbursts of anger or violence. The Johnsons’ child is just a brat; she is such an ankle-biter! [slang, 1980s]

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ankle chokers: Narrow-bottomed, army-issue trousers. John dresses like he is still in the army; those ankle chokers are so ugly! [slang, World War II]

ankle express: By (on) foot. The message was delivered by ankle express. [slang] snake’s ankle: Something excellent. Wow, that was such a great performance—

what a snake’s ankle! [slang] Also, snake’s eyebrows, snake’s hips, or snake’s toenails. sprain one’s ankle: To become pregnant. Look at Christina! I think she must have

sprained her ankle. [slang] Ankle-related quotes

“No man can put a chain about the ankle of his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened about his own neck.” Frederick Douglass

“May those who love us, love us; and those who don’t love us, may God turn their hearts; and if he doesn’t turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles so we’ll know them by their limping.” An Irish Blessing

“Ankles are nearly always neat and good-looking, but knees are nearly always not.” Dwight D. Eisenhower

“People say that if you find water rising up to your ankle, that’s the time to do something about it, not when it’s around your neck.” Chinua Achebe

“I have a microphone on one ankle and an ankle bracelet on the other, so I’m well balanced today.” Martha Stewart



alligator arms: Being unwilling to reach into one’s pocket to get out the wallet and pay. Don’t expect John to pay the check for this meal; he is known for having alligator arms. Alludes to the short limbs of an alligator.

an arm and a leg: A very high price; extremely costly; pricy. That restaurant is very expensive–it costs you an arm and a leg even to have lunch there. Or, Getting a new motor bike will cost you an arm and a leg. This

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idiom is typically used together with verbs like cost, pay, or charge. [1930s] arm or long arm: A police officer. We better be careful; there is a long arm in the

corner of the street watching us. arm candy: An attractive, good-looking person accompanying someone. The

girls were astonished when Lisa showed up with arm candy.

armchair general or armchair quarterback (or strategist): 1. A person who speaks as if he knows it all without actually doing so due to a lack of experience and expertise; a know-it-all, blowhard, braggart, or self-aggrandizer. Does not apply only to football or sports, but can be used in other contexts as well, including politics. I can’t stand listen to John analyze the game. He is such an armchair general. Or, Uncle John always tells us his opinions about the games he watches, and always thinks he knows best when it comes to any mistakes that were made. He is such an armchair quarterback! 2. An insistent and aggressive talker. If you allow yourself to get dragged into a conversation with Herb, you’ll not get anything else done during the rest of the day. He is quite an armchair general and can keep talking for hours.

arm dropper: An artilleryman who gives the signal to fire the gun by dropping his raised arm. John was an arm dropper during the war and ordered the firing of the gun whenever it was needed. [slang, World War II]

armed to the teeth: 1. (Literally) Equipped with an abundance of weapons. The shooter entered the shopping mall armed to the teeth and started shooting randomly at people.

Body Language – from Head to Toe


2. (Figuratively) Well prepared, supplied, or equipped with things (other than weapons). After the many hours of reading and studying and bringing all the notes with him, he was armed to the teeth to face all questions. The expression refers to knights who during the 1300s often wore head-to-foot armor. The idiom gained more widespread use in the mid-1800s. It was initially applied mainly to weapons and other military equipment, but today it is more often used figuratively.

arm in arm or with arms locked: 1. (Literally) One person’s arm linked around another person’s arm. They walked down the street arm in arm. 2. (Figuratively) Associated with, closely allied, or intimate. She is arm in arm with several members of the president’s inner circle. The literal expression is from the late 1300s, the figurative expression from about 1600.

arm it: To inform a passenger about the fare and collect it without using the meter. The cab driver armed it and charged us twenty dollars. Or, He forgot to start the meter when he picked up the passenger so he just had to arm it. From the days when the vertical arm of the taxi meter was turned horizontal to start the meter.

arm lot: Small used-car lot where cars are sold for almost nothing down but with a high interest rate. They bought the car in a small arm lot off the Main Street. The expression alludes to the lot owner’s strong-armed methods to collect payments. [slang]

armpit: 1. (Literally) The hair-covered area under one’s arm, the axilla. Numerous sweat glands are found in this area and sweating can be particularly pronounced in the armpit. 2. (Figuratively) A very undesirable place. This town is the armpit of the world.

Per-Olof Hasselgren


*** Sports have numerous examples of idiomatic and slang expressions. Among sports, baseball in particular is associated with body language-related phrases and expressions. This was discussed in a recent article in the Boston Globe (October 19, 2013) titled “Baseball, shaper of language—Why linguists love America’s favorite pastime” by Britt Peterson. The Dickson Baseball Dictionary by Paul Dickson is entirely devoted to slang and other expressions related to baseball. Here is a sample of baseball-related words and expressions related to the arm, most of them quoted from Dickson’s book. arm: In baseball, a player’s throwing ability. He has a good arm. Arm is also a euphemism for a pitcher or for an outfielder who can throw a long distance with accuracy. arm action: 1. The movement of a pitcher’s arm when throwing a pitch. 2. The orientation of the pitcher’s arm to his body. arm behind the barn: Slang used in the early days for the undiscovered pitching wizard, usually a young farmer, whom scouts always hoped to discover. Alex was always on the watch-out for the Red Sox,

hoping to discover someone with great talent; he was always hoping to find an arm behind the barn.

arm fake: A movement by a player with a ball, faking a throw to one base hoping to fool a runner. arm path: The route of the pitcher’s arm.

Body Language – from Head to Toe


*** armstrong starter: A crank for starting an engine. My mother always talked about

how my grandfather had to use an armstrong starter to get the T-Ford going.

arm pitch: A thrown baseball that does not make a special or desired direction because the pitcher didn’t use his wrist properly. arms: Slang for the pitchers on a team. The Yankees have excellent

arms this season.

arm slot: The route of the pitcher’s arm before the ball is released. arm speed: The speed of a pitcher’s arm when moving to release the ball. arm thrower: A fielder who does not coordinate his throw with his body or leg movement. arm trouble: Literally, a player with an arm injury or soreness. crooked arm: A left-handed pitcher. Let’s see if this crooked arm can do some

good pitching tonight. hook arm: A pitcher’s throwing arm. The new pitcher has an excellent

hook arm.

Per-Olof Hasselgren


armstrong theater: The encircling arms of one’s girl or boyfriend. They look very much in love; just look at his armstrong theater!

arm-waver: An excitable or emphatic person. Lisa is such an arm-waver; she gets all excited and worked up when she hears what happened to John.

as long as your arm: Quite extensive, very long. He is a dangerous person with a criminal record as long as your arm.

at arm’s length: To keep someone or something away from oneself; keep at a distance to avoid familiarity and intimacy. She knew he was a drunkard and dishonest man, so she wanted to keep him at arm’s length. The expression is often used in a negative sense and frequently with the verb keep. First used as “at arm’s end,” with its current form developing by the mid-1600s.

babe in arms: A newly born child, an infant, or in general, a child too young to walk that has to be carried. It’s nice to see her as a grown-up person now doing so well; I still remember when she was a babe in arms. [c. 1900] The word babe, for baby, has been used since the 1300s.

broken arms: Table scraps. When we were having dinner, our dog was always sitting at the table waiting for broken arms.

chance one’s arm: To take a risk in order to get something that one wants. We felt that he chanced his arm when he moved from Boston to start a new position in New York.

Body Language – from Head to Toe


forewarned is forearmed: Knowing ahead of time something that will make one prepared. His secretary told me what the boss wants to talk about at the meeting tomorrow. That was good information, because forewarned is forearmed. Originally a Latin proverb used in military meaning, Praemonitus, praemunitus, it has been used in the English since the early 1500s. Today mainly used in a general sense rather than in its original military application.

get (or have) one’s arms around something: To feel confident that one has a good understanding of something that is complicated. He had studied the question carefully for several months so he felt he finally had his arms around the subject.

give one’s right arm or give one’s eyeteeth: To do anything, to go to any lengths to obtain or achieve something. She would give her right arm for that beautiful dress. Reflects giving up something precious, the right arm being a virtual necessity for the majority of the population who are right-handed, and the eyeteeth being essential for biting and chewing. [first half of the 1900s]

glass arm: 1. A pitcher’s arm that is prone to injury or inflammation, as in Bob was known for having a glass arm. Almost every season he had trouble pitching for longer than two weeks. [slang, baseball] 2. An inferior worker, a weakling. John was very unpopular among his fellow dockworkers. Being a glass arm, he slowed everyone down. [slang, dockworkers]

long arm or arm: A police officer. Be careful; don’t run this red light. I think there is a long arm sitting in that cruiser watching you.

long arm of the law: The power of the authorities, in particular law-enforcement

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authorities. Although he tried to run away from his crime, he soon realized that it’s difficult to escape the long arm of the law. The expression originated as “Kings have long arms (or hands)” and was listed as a proverb in 1539. The current use of the phrase is from the early 1900s.

one-armed (or one-arm) bandit: A slot machine used in casinos and other gambling facilities. There were at least forty one-armed bandits available in the new casino. The phrase refers to the fact that the operating lever looks like an arm and that the machine “robs” the player in most cases. [1930s]

on the arm: A free meal or other item. He had a great meal on the arm yesterday. [slang]

pull teeth through the armpit: To do something in the most difficult way; to do something the hard way. The general had us walk up the hill and through the dense forest, despite the fact it would have been much easier to just march around the hill; he really pulled teeth through the armpit. [slang, military]

put the arm on, or put the bite (or touch) on: 1. To detain or arrest, in particular by force. When the police officer saw that the approaching man was going to hit the bystander, he rushed over and put his arm on him. 2. To hit or beat up. John was severely injured when the robber put the arm on him. Refers to an assault when somebody puts the arm around a victim’s throat. [late 1930s] 3. Ask for or demand money; ask for a loan. He knows his cousin is quite wealthy and he always puts the arm on him. “Put the bite on” was first recorded in 1919 and also reflects a violent act. “Put the touch on” is used as slang for theft or stealing since the mid-1800s.

Body Language – from Head to Toe


ride the arm: A cab driver who collects the fare without having used the meter to arm it; high flag. See above under arm it.

short-arm inspection, short-arm drill, or short arm: An examination of the male genitalia, in particular by an army physician. After being with those light-footed ladies, he noticed discharge from his penis, so he went to the doctor for a short-arm inspection. The expression was used in the armed forces from the early 1900s for a short medical examination to test for gonorrhea by looking for a discharge when squeezing or milking the penis. From the notion that the penis is a limb, an arm, combined with the notion it may be a weapon. [slang, military]

short-arm practice: Sexual intercourse. He went down to the red district and had some short-arm practice. [slang]

shot in the arm: Something that vitalizes, stimulates, and enlivens. Getting the new co-worker onboard was a shot in the arm for the entire team. Alludes to the injection of a stimulant. Also, shot in the ass. [slang, vulgar]

side arms: Cream and sugar in coffee. I would love a cup of coffee with side arms. [slang]

stiff-arm or stiff: To treat in a bad way, unfairly and roughly. To snub or push aside in a rough and brutal way. He stiff-armed the issue as being “much ado about nothing.” Originates in part from a stiff-arm in football, when a player straightens out his arm and pushes it into the face or body of an intended tackler. May also be related to the stiffness of a dead body or the stiffness of the paper of an official document during the early 1800s.

stretch one’s arm no further than one’s sleeve will reach:

Per-Olof Hasselgren


One should not spend more money than one has; one should not take on too much debt. His father advised his son against taking out a second mortgage on the house just to buy a sailing boat. “You should not stretch your arm further than your sleeve will reach,” he said.

strong-arm tactics: Force; the use of force; intimidation. Everybody was happy when the new boss took over. The hope was that no more strong-arm tactics would be used in the firm.

take up arms: Start or get involved in a conflict, revolt; start an armed uprising. Most of the men decided to take up arms to defend themselves from the invaders. The term most commonly used in the sense of going to war and participating in an armed conflict. [1400s]

talk someone’s arm off or talk someone’s ear, head, or pants off: Talk so much that the listener gets very exhausted and bored. Oh

no, here comes John. I get exhausted just thinking about how he always talks my arm off. [first half of the 1900s]

twist someone’s arm: To persuade or talk someone into doing something. If you twist my arm, I may stay for another cup of coffee. Or, She really didn’t want to go with him to Hawaii but he twisted her arm. The expression refers to the physical act of actually twisting someone’s arm (creating pain) to get that person to do something, but nowadays is most commonly used in its figurative meaning. [mid-1900s]

up in arms: Angry, upset, or rebellious. The whole country was up in arms over the new tax law. Refers to arms as weapons, rather than arms as body parts. The expression refers to an armed rebellion, and was used in that context from the late 1500s. Used figuratively from around 1700.

Body Language – from Head to Toe


with one arm (or one hand) tied behind one’s back: Something that can be done very easily, without difficulty or effort, often because it has been done many times before. I have done that so many times before I can do it with one arm tied behind my back. Also, with one’s eyes closed.

with open arms: With great enthusiasm; warmly, generously. They welcomed their new coach with open arms. Or, They welcomed their daughter and her family with open arms. The expression alludes to embracing someone. [mid-1600s]

X-arm: The arm that is preferred by an addict for injection. You could tell from all the marks in the elbow that the left arm is his X-arm. [slang, drugs]

Arm-related quotes

“Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it’s at the end of your arm; as you get older, remember you have another hand: The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others.” Audrey Hepburn

“What a dog I got, his favorite bone is in my arm.” Rodney Dangerfield

“Never reach out your hand unless you’re willing to extend an arm.” Pope Paul VI

“The father of a daughter is nothing but a high-class hostage. A father turns a stony face to his sons, berates them, shakes his antlers, paws the ground, snorts, runs them off into the underbrush, but when his daughter puts her arm over his shoulder and says, ‘Daddy, I need to ask you something,’ he is a pat of butter in a hot frying pan.” Garrison Keillor

“You don’t have to twist my arm to work.” Henry Rollins

Per-Olof Hasselgren

“An angel’s arm can’t snatch me from the grave; legions of angels can’t confine me there.” Edward Young

“Young man, young man, your arm’s too short to box with God.” James Weldon Johnson

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