Bob Niemeyer Questionnaire

Post on 11-Jul-2016

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Statesman Journal mini-questionnaire for the 2016 Primary Election.

Transcript of Bob Niemeyer Questionnaire

Statesman Journal mini-questionnaire for 2016 Primary Election

Thank you for responding to this questionnaire.

Why this matters: The Statesman Journal Editorial Board will use this questionnaire in deciding whether and whom to endorse for the May 17 General Election. Reporters, who operate separately from the Editorial Board, may use these answers in writing stories. Your answers may be published on and/or in the print newspaper.

We also ask that you respond to every question, instead of simply attaching campaign materials, resumes, etc. If you wish, you are welcome to send us lists of supporters, a resume, etc., in addition to this questionnaire.

Please return the finished questionnaire to the Editorial Board as an email or an attached Word document to (Handwritten, pdf, WordPerfect or fax responses don’t work.)

Important: Please return the questionnaire by the end of the day April 14.

Questions? Contact Editorial Page Editor Dick Hughes, 503-399-6727,, or Editorial Assistant Nancy Harrington, 503-399-6864,


Your name as listed on the ballot: Bob Niemeyer

Age: 62

(If your age will change before May 31, please indicate your birthday. We want to ensure we use accurate ages in pre- and post-election editorials and news coverage.)

City/town of residence: Tigard

Political party, if this is a partisan office: Republican

Position you are seeking (name of position, district number, etc.): Governor

Are you currently a full-time resident within the boundaries of the specific area (ward, district, county, etc.) that you seek to represent? Yes

Number of current, consecutive years living within the district you seek to represent: 28 years

Family (name of spouse/partner, number and ages of children if at home or number of grown children): two children

Your education (high school, trade, college, post-baccalaureate; indicate any degrees you earned): BS in Mechanical Engineering from Oregon State University, Professional Engineering License in Oregon.

If employed, current occupation, employer and job duties: Self Employed. My company is New Ventures Engineering, LLC. Been in business for over 25 years.

Previous employers and when: Tektronix, 1978 to 1982. Nicolet Computer Graphics, 1982 to 1988. Electro Scientific Industries, 1988 to1990.

Military service and when: Navy, 1976 to 1978. NROTC scholarships

Volunteer/civic/religious service and when: Mentor for “First Robotic Competition”. Three years at Tigard High School. Boy Scouts 1998 to 2003. Gave science lectures to grade schools, 1994 to 1999.

Please list all public offices to which you’ve been elected, and when: None

Please list any unsuccessful candidacies for public office, and when: First Congressional District run for Congress in 2014.

Other prior political and government experience: None

If you are running for a position that involves a governing board in Oregon – such as city council, county board of commissioners, Legislature or State Land Board – how many meetings of that board have you attended in person during 2015 and 2016? How many have you watched online or on TV, if applicable? none

How the public can reach your campaign (remember that this information will be made public):

Mail address: Bob Niemeyer Campaign, PO Box 230424, Portland Oregon 97281

E-mail address:

Web site URL:


Facebook: Bob Niemeyer

Other social media:

Please limit your response to each of the following questions to about 75 words.

1. To an outsider, how would you describe the region you wish to represent -- geographically, economically, politically and socially? Businesses in the State of Oregon. Get the Natural Resources back in the hands of the counties and the people that live there.

2. What are the positives and negatives of this region (ward, district, county or state) that you wish to represent?

Positives; People that live out in the counties around this State know how to take care of the natural Resources they live in and use to support themselves.

Negatives; The government has no idea of how to take care of the natural resources of this State. The government of Oregon has let the Federal government take control of Oregon with purse strings that have been used to prevent our State from prospering for over 40 years.

3. What specific skills and experiences do you bring to the position, especially ones that would help turn those negatives into positives? As a business owner and an Engineer, I will bring LOGIC and SENSIBILITY to government. I will cut unneeded government and require all budgets be done from scratch each biennium instead of what was spent last time. I will search out and remove all government entities that created outside of the Constitutional process.

4. What separates you from your opponent(s)? Be specific. It is time for the State of Oregon to rewrite the Constitution. We need a modern day version of the Constitution that will provide modern day checks and balances that can be enforced on the government by the people again. I have started writing a new Constitution for the State of Oregon.

5. Please list five specific accomplishments that you have achieved in politics or civic affairs:None.

6. How much will your Primary Election campaign cost? (be specific) Under $10,000.

7. Have you ever been convicted of a crime, been disciplined by a professional licensing board/organization or had an ethics violation filed against you? If so, please give the details.


8. Have you ever filed for bankruptcy, been delinquent on your taxes or other major accounts, or been sued personally or professionally? If so, please give the details.


9. What are the three most important issues you would address if elected, and how? (75 words for each issue)

A. Get business back to work again by protecting business for government overreach and over regulation that serves only to keep an excessive amount of government employees working. The size of government will be reduced and made more efficient. And every government entity that was created outside of the Constitutional process will be shut down and every administrative law will be ended.

B. The schools will be funded differently. Teachers will be made more important than administrators. School boards across the State will be allowed to use teaching materials of all types and will no longer be forced to use one-size-fits-all garbage like Common Core. The best way to do most of the reforms we need for now is to get Charter Schools into Oregon. At the very least, that will allow parents to send their children to schools designed to teach their children the way that works best each and every child.

C. Get back to spending gasoline dollars on our roads. They are dedicated to the roads, yet each and every year, less money is being returned to the counties road repair or maintenance. We need to have three tiers in the budget process. Tier 1. Dedicated dollars like gasoline revenues shall be spent on transportation, with a break-down of 90% to the counties, 5% to large projects like the Columbia River Bridge, and a maximum of 5% to pay down the light rail system. Tier 2. Dedicated Property tax revenues would be used to cover property related issues. Police, fire, and other government responsibilities such as county related records keeping. Tier 3. General fund.

The three different budgets shall not be allowed to cross and shall be submitted separately and signed into law separately.

10. What do you see as other important issues? Stopping corruption by making sure that no laws are passed that give opportunities for anybody to do anything behind closed doors or under the table. Stopping wasteful spending before it happens. Cutting the size of government.

11. What online and/or print publications do you regularly read to keep abreast of issues in the district you seek to represent? On-Line news outlets and some papers like Willamette Week and the Oregonian. Facebook has been a good source for topics to investigate, but also has proven that many of the topics that people talk about are slanted towards opinions of writer. (just like the news media, but not to the point of being propaganda)

12. Any skeletons in your closet or other potentially embarrassing information that you should disclose before it comes up in the campaign? Anything (including health issues) that would affect your ability to serve your full term? Any changes in your life situation that are contemplated or expected before the election or before you would take office?


Thank you. Please return this questionnaire to the Editorial Board as an attached Word document to by April 14, 2016.