BMSS Constitution

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Transcript of BMSS Constitution

  • 8/3/2019 BMSS Constitution



    Bangladesh Medical Students Society (BMSS)

  • 8/3/2019 BMSS Constitution




    We, the medical students of Bangladesh, dreamed of a nation free of sickness. We realize that we

    can do more for people. But there was always a lack of networking among the medical students of

    Bangladesh Through formal organization, we can be networked and benefit not only ourcommunities but also ourselves. It is for this reason that we establish the Bangladesh Medical

    Students Society.

    The Bangladesh Medical Students Society is dedicated to the improvement of health care and health

    care delivery system as well as medical education, so that health care may become more personal

    and holistic in a world of increasing technology and efficiency. We define health as a positive,

    dynamic state of physical, mental and social well-being, and therefore, believe that health care

    should be oriented toward the achievement of health and not solely a treatment of disease.

    As a developing country we believe that access to health care is a right, not a privilege. This implies

    equal access to equally standards of health care regardless of economic status, political beliefs,cultural background, geographic position, race, creed, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation

    and gender identity, physical handicap, mental handicap or institutionalization for criminal, medical

    or psychiatric reasons. Since resources are limited, they should be allocated so that they equitably

    promote the public health; and thus to upgrade the integrity of the medical education for the

    betterment of the country. In all aspects of its function, this society will emphasize integrity,

    equality, ethics and competence for medical students in the world.

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    Chapter One

    Memorandum of the Society

    A. Namei. The official name of the society shall be-

    In Bangla:

    In English:


    ii. The official abbreviation shall be-


    iii. The official logo of the society will be as follows:

    a. The official logo of BMSS is defined as thephysicians symbol encircled by the official

    name of the Society above and motto below with the letters BMSS inside;

    b. Only the official logo of BMSS can be used. Changes in lay-out or any other additions arenot allowed;

    c. The official logo can only be used by the Zones and Officials of BMSS.

    iv. The motto shall be:

    Famulus Clementia

    It is Latin, which means Serving Humanity.

    v. Until changed in accordance with the Act, the Central Office of the Society shall be the City of

    Dhaka, in the Capital of Bangladesh.

    B. Nature

    The Society is an independent welfare organization for medical students.

    C. Principles

    i. The Society pursues its aims without any religious, social, racial, national, sexual and any other


    ii. The Society promotes humanitarian ideals among medical students and so seeks to contribute

    to the creation of responsible future physicians;

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    iii. The Society respects the autonomy of its members.

    D. Objectives of the society

    i. Provide an arena for medical students, to convey their voice to all levels of the government and

    other relevant stakeholders in the medical educational area;

    ii. Give medical students a ground to take initiatives for building a better BANGLADESH;

    iii. Provide a link between medical students from different medical colleges and international

    organizations, for cultural exchange and bridging cooperation between them;

    iv. The Society will be a platform for medical students to discuss, formulate policies and conduct

    workshop on community health, global health, education and science;

    v. The Society will play the role of a medium for professional development of medical students,

    by involving them in international and national training programs.

    E. The Society can establish any sister organization inside and outside the country which will serve

    the humanity.

    F. The Society reserves the following rights for the wellbeing of the Society, if the activities do not

    contradict with the intent of the Society:

    i. The Society can extend the scope of work, where it feels necessary;

    ii. In view of financial benefits, the Society can receive national and international donations,

    grants and gifts in the form of currency and assets, with respect to the countrys current law in

    regard to it;

    iii. To implement the objectives of the Society, the Society may receive contractual financial

    assistance in the form of loan, or may conduct fund raising activities in this view;

    iv. The Society may purchase, construct, take or give rent and sale any asset, when and where the

    Society sees necessary;

    v. The Society can take any legal actions and make legal contracts for development and benefit

    of the Society.

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    Bangladesh Medical Students Society (BMSS) was founded on the 3rd

    July, 2009. Following

    are the founder members of Bangladesh Medical Students Society:

    Salahuddin Mohammed Bangladesh Medical College85, South Bishil, Road#5,

    Mirpur-1, Dhaka-1216,



    Dewan Muinul Islam Bangladesh Medical College3/8 North South Road, Block-A,

    Banasree, East Rampura, Dhaka-1219,



    Shihab Arefin Chowdhury Bangladesh Medical CollegeHouse: G-49; Road: 14; Niketan;

    Gulshan; Dhaka-1212



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    Chapter Two

    Regulations and by-laws

    Section one


    1.1 Society or BMSS means Bangladesh Medical Students Society.1.2 Zone means Different Branches of the Society.1.3 General Body means Central/Regional General Body.1.4 Central Council means as stated in the Constitution.1.5 Central and Regional Executive Body means Central and Regional Executive Committee


    1.6 Sister Organization means an organization which will work in collaboration with BMSSindependently according to its own constitution.

    1.7 Member means a title given to an individual who is listed as a member according to theconstitution.

    1.8 Central Founder Member means an individual who was enlisted as a member on the dayof registration of the Society.

    1.9 Regional Founder Member means an individual who was enlisted as a member on theday of registration of affiliation of the particular Zone to BMSS.

    1.10 A. Chief PatronHead of the State/Head of the Government by His/Her consent will be considered as the

    Chief Patron.

    B. Patron

    An individual or an official post of any Government, semi-government and non-government

    organization will be considered as a Patron by the Society as the Society sees fit.

    1.11 Advisor means the Central committee or the Regional committee advisors who has beenapproved by the Central Executive Committee.

    1.12 EC means Executive Committee of the Society.

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    Section 2


    2.1. Criteria for membership:According to regional/central committee any medical student who is able to implement or accelerate

    the principles and objectives of the society.

    2.2. Membership:

    Membership form of the society should be filled up by the candidate under central/regional

    committee. Anyone can be a member of the Society and the Society will determine the rights and

    criteria for being a member from time to time. Dues will be determined by Resolution of the Central

    Committee and confirmed or amended by Resolution of the Annual Conference. Further, who will be

    the members of the Society will be decided in the EC Meeting.

    2.3. Classes of Members:

    2.3.1. General Member:

    Any undergraduate medical student who will pay membership fees on a regular basis and will

    actively participate in different activities of the Society will be a General Member of the

    Society; more specifically the duration of membership of a General Member will be the

    period of time commencing from the time of admission and ending at the completion of

    internship or one and a half year from the time of graduation.

    2.3.2. Life Member:One, who is in the medical profession, can become a Life Member of the Society by donating

    a particular amount of money by resolution of the Executive Committee, with such rights and

    privileges as the Central Council may determine from time to time. In short, any medical

    professional, upon satisfying the criteria for membership, can be a Life Member of the

    Society and whether an applicant will be made a Life Member of the Society will be decided

    at the EC Meeting.

    2.3.3. Honorary Member:

    Any person, corporation, society, or unincorporated association or like organization may

    become an Honorary Member of the Society by resolution of the Executive Committee, with

    such rights and privileges as the Central Council may determine from time to time. It is to be

    noted that only non-medical professional can be an Honorary Member and no medical

    professional is entitled to be the same.

    2.3.4. Alumni Member:

    Upon acceptance of a written request for membership and payment of the required dues, any

    person who has previously been a member of BMSS may become an alumni member, with

    such rights and privileges as the Central Committee may determine from time to time.

    Alumni dues will be determined by resolution of the Central Committee and confirmed or

    amended by resolution of the Annual Conference.

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    2.3.5. Postgraduate Member:Any postgraduate medical student who will pay membership fees on a regular basis and will

    actively participate in different activities of the Society will be a Postgraduate Member of the


    2.3.6. International Students Membership:

    Non-resident Bangladeshi students who are enrolled in medical college or university are

    entitled to be a member of the Society. However, the final decision will be that of the Society.

    2.4. Members will reserve following rights:2.4.1. Can be present at the General Meeting, take part in discussions and present bills;

    2.4.2. According to Constitution a Member reserves the right to make official inquiry to the

    Executive Committee regarding the activities and financial statements;

    2.4.3. Reserves the right to be elected at any committee;

    2.4.4. The General Members are not entitled to cast vote and power of casting vote is theexclusive right of the EC Members.

    2.5. Dissolution of Membership:

    2.5.1. By a written resignation at will;

    2.5.2. By his death;

    2.5.3. By removal from office by court in cases provided for in law;

    2.5.4. By removal from office by a decision of the General Meeting or Conference;

    2.5.5. Failure to pay Annual dues;

    2.5.6. Involvement in Political or Unsocial activities.

    2.6. Procedure of dissolution

    The Central Council can suspend, censure, or expel any member whose conduct is, or has been, in

    the opinion of the members, improper or likely to endanger the interest or reputation of the Society,

    or who commits a breach of the By-Laws, constitution, or Rules and Regulations of the Society. No

    member shall be so suspended, censured, or expelled unless he has been given twenty-one (21) days

    notice, from the date of mailing of such notice, in writing, of the nature of the complaint against him.

    The said notice shall specify the time and place of the meeting at which the complaint against the

    said member is to be disposed of, at which time the said member shall be given an opportunity to be

    heard by the members.

    2.7. Reinstatement of Members

    The Central Council may reinstate any member suspended, censured, or expelled, upon such terms

    and conditions as they may determine upon resolution passed by a majority of the voting

    representatives present in person or by proxy at the meeting at which the resolution for reinstatement

    is proposed.

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    Section 3

    Organizational Structure

    3.1.The Society will have separate organizational structures

    3.1.1. Zone:

    The branches of the Society will be termed as the Zone. Students of any Medical College,

    which is registered with BMDC (Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council), can form a Zone

    by an authorization from the Society.

    3.1.2. Centre:

    To maintain better relationship among the regional committees, there will be a Centre;

    formed by the Zones. It will be termed as the Society.

    3.2. Administration

    3.2.1. The Zones will be managed by two separate Bodies Zonal General Body:

    Zonal General Body will consist of all General Members and Life Members of a

    particular Zone. It is the highest authority of a Zone. Zonal Executive Committee:

    The Zonal Executive Committee will carry over the activities of the Zone. It will be

    elected by the Zonal General Body for one year period. Board of Advisors:

    Upon evaluation and decision of the Executive Committee, a member upon expirationof membership may become an Advisor. The rights of the Advisors are restricted.

    They will not have the right to cast vote or make any statement or come to any final

    decision regarding any matter, otherwise set by the Executive Committee. The

    Advisors may be present at the EC Meeting and General Meeting and the suggestion

    of any Advisor will be given importance.

    3.2.2. The Society will be managed by Central General Body, Central Council and Central

    Executive Committee Central General Body:Central General Body will be the highest authority of the Society. Founder Members,

    Central Life Members, Central General Members, three Representatives (Central

    Representative, President, General Secretary) from each Zone and all members of

    Central Executive Committee will form the Central General Body. Central Council:

    Central Council will supervise the activities of Central Executive Committee and

    advice as necessary. Central Founder Members, Presidents and General Secretaries

    from each Zone and members of the Central Executive Committee will be considered

    as Councilors. At the time of forming a new Central Executive Committee, the

    previous Executive Committee will inform to the General Body about selection of

    seven or more odd numbered councilors to form the Central Council for a period of

    two years. Central Council reserves the right to reform the number of Central

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    Councilors. Central Councilors will not hold any other Official position in the Society

    but must be invited on all meetings and participate in all discussions. Central Executive Committee:

    The Central Executive Committee will carry over the duties of the Society. The

    Central Executive Committee will be elected by the members of the previous Central

    Executive Committee for a period of two years. Board of Advisors:Upon evaluation and decision of the Executive Committee, a member upon expiration

    of membership may become an Advisor. The rights of the Advisors are restricted.

    They will not have the right to cast vote or make any statement or come to any final

    decision regarding any matter, otherwise set by the Executive Committee. The

    Advisors may be present at the EC Meeting and Annual Conference and the

    suggestion of any Advisor will be given importance.

    3.3. Zonal/Central Executive Committee:

    3.3.1. Formation of Zonal Executive Committee will be as follows:

    President 1

    Vice President 1

    General Secretary 1

    Assistant General Secretary 1

    Organizing Secretary 1

    Treasurer 1

    Press & Publication Secretary 1

    Office Secretary 1

    EC Member 3

    Total 11

    3.3.2. Formation of Central Executive Committee will be as follows:

    President 1

    Vice-President (External Affairs) 1

    Vice President (Internal Affairs) 1

    Secretary General 1

    Joint Secretary General 2

    Organizing Secretary 1Treasurer 1

    Press & Publication Secretary 1

    Joint Press & Publication Secretary 1

    International Exchange Secretary 1

    Joint International Exchange Secretary 1

    Education & Research Secretary 1

    Joint Education & Research Secretary 1

    Office Secretary 1

    Joint Office Secretary 1

    EC Member 11

    Total 27

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    3.3.3. During the formation of a new Zonal Executive Committee, the Subject Committee

    will also nominate one (1) Central Representative. Central Representatives of the Zones will

    be included as EC Member in the Central Executive Committee. Currently 11 Zones are

    active. Number of EC Members will increase with increase in the number of Zones.

    3.4. Tasks of the Zonal/Central Executive Committee:

    3.4.1. President:

    All organizational tasks should undergo by the Secretary General (General Secretary in case

    of Zones) under the direct supervision of the President. He should Co-ordinate the Executive

    Committee and represents the Society to external relations. He will preside over all the

    meetings, assemblies and programs. President of the Central Executive Committee will also

    be the President of the Central General Body and the Central Council by the honor of his

    post. Likewise, President of the Zonal Executive Committee will be the President of the

    Zonal General Body.

    3.4.2. Vice President:

    The Vice President will generally assist the President. The Vice President of Internal Affairs

    will maintain communication between the Zonal Executive Committees. The Vice President

    of External Affairswill maintain communication with other Organizations at National and

    International level and will take over the duties in absence of the President. Vice President in

    case of Zones will take over the duties in absence of the President of the Zone.

    3.4.3. Secretary General/General Secretary:

    The Secretary General (General Secretary in case of Zones) will work out all the

    organizational tasks. He will call for the meetings and assemblies consulting the President

    and will submit annual report at the assembly. The Secretary General of the CentralExecutive Committee will be the Secretary General of the Central General Body and the

    Central Council by honor of his post. Likewise, General Secretary of the Zonal Executive

    Committee will be the General Secretary of the Zonal General Body.

    3.4.4. Joint Secretary General/Assistant General Secretary:

    The Joint Secretary General (Assistant General Secretary in case of Zones) will generally

    assist the Secretary General/General Secretary. Any of the Joint Secretary Generals (Assistant

    General Secretary in case of Zones) will take over the duties in absence of the Secretary

    General/General Secretary.

    3.4.5. Organizing Secretary:

    The Organizing Secretary shall update the Constitution and Bylaws with the changes decided

    upon the Meetings and Assemblies. He will undertake the legal procedures of the

    Organization. Collection of new members and establishing zones should undergo by his

    direct supervision.

    3.4.6. Treasurer:

    The treasurer shall be responsible for the financial administration and bookkeeping of the

    Organization. He shall collect membership fees and raise funds by organizing fund raising

    programs. He must present an adequate report, as decided by the Executive Committee, on

    the financial situation of Organization at every Executive Committee meeting and mustsubmit the Annual Financial Report and propose the budget of the next financial year to the

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    General Meeting/Conference. Treasurer of the Society reserves the right to audit the financial

    report of the Zones.

    3.4.7. Press & Publication Secretary:

    The Press & Publication Secretary shall be responsible for publicizing the organizational

    activities. He will organize different programs and publish posters, leaflets and handbills

    related to the objectives of the Society.

    3.4.8. International Exchange Secretary:

    The International Exchange Secretary shall build up and maintain relationship with different

    International Organizations and Agencies and take initiatives to promote International funds

    for suffering humanity.

    3.4.9. Education & Research Secretary:

    The Education & Research Secretary shall prepare and display the statistical report of the

    organization as well as the education and health sector. He will also participate in research for

    the betterment of Medical Education and correlate with the authority concerned.

    3.4.10. Office Secretary:

    The Office Secretary shall produce and maintain the minutes of the meetings and assemblies.

    He must prepare and send out invitations, provisional agenda and other relevant information

    concerning the Meetings.

    3.4.11. Joint Secretaries:

    The Joint Secretaries will generally assist the respective Secretaries and will take over the

    duties and responsibilities of the respective Secretaries in their absence.

    3.4.12. EC Members:

    The EC Members will assist the President, Secretary General/General Secretary and otherSecretaries in general.

    3.5. General tasks of Central Council, Central Executive Committee and Zonal Executive


    3.5.1. Tasks of Central Council The Central Council will supervise and advise the Central Executive Committee; Give permission to establish new Zones and supervise the legal procedures; Co-opt a new member to replace an Executive Committee member as necessary; Has the power to suspend any Zonal Executive Committee member and any Society

    Official; Has the power to suspend or terminate any Zonal Executive Committee; Permit the annual budget proposed by the Treasurer; Has the power to overrule decisions of the Central/Zonal Executive Committee for

    important reasons as described in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society; Decide the criteria, number and Annual Membership Fees of General Member,

    Alumni Member, Life Member, Honorary Member, Patron and Advisor.

    3.5.2. Tasks of Central Executive Committee Plan a complete roadmap to achieve the aims and objectives of the Society; Collect Funds, Assets and distributing according to demand and the official budget;

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    13 Appoint office staffs for better management of the Society Office; Sign contracts as a part of the Society; Work out the legal procedures as a part of the society; Form Committees and Sub-committees; Establish new Zones as a part of extending the work field of the Society and

    undertake the total procedure; Has the power to siege activities of any Zone or Sub-committee and even terminateas necessary by the permission of the Central Council.

    3.5.3. Tasks of the Zonal Executive Committee

    The Zonal Executive Committee will take over all tasks regarding the particular Zone. It can

    also form Sub-committees and point out their tasks, which should be approved by the Central


    3.6. Election of the Zonal/Central Executive Committee

    3.6.1. Just before the end of current session, the President and General Secretary (Secretary

    General in case of Society) will select five or seven members to form a Subject Committee.Members of the Zonal General Body in case of Zone and members of the Central Council in

    case of Society should be selected as Subject Committee members. President and General

    Secretary (Secretary General) must be present as a member of the Subject Committee.

    3.6.2. In case of Zone, the Subject Committee will select members on the basis of their

    experience and propose a Zonal Executive Committee. The proposed committee will be

    placed in the General Meeting upon the approval of the Executive Committee Meeting. Upon

    considering the decision of the majority, the committee will come out as the new Zonal

    Executive Committee. If not, the Subject Committee will shuffle members or select new

    members and place it again in the General Meeting for two more times. If the General Body

    fails to decide, the last proposed committee must pass.

    3.6.3. In case of the Society, the Subject Committee will nominate members upon their will.Nomination is open for all. Candidates for the post of President, Vice-president(s), Secretary

    General and Treasurer should be a member of the Executive Committee of previous Session.

    The Subject Committee should produce a short list of the candidates for election and submit

    in Conference. Nomination will be cancelled if any two of the Founder Members put a Veto

    upon any candidate. Voting should take place in the Conference by the members of the

    previous Central Executive Committee by a secret ballot. President, Secretary General and

    Organizing Secretary will act as Election Commissioners during the voting procedure; hence,

    are not eligible for casting votes. In case of equality President shall cast a Decision Making


    3.6.4. In case of any emergency during the elections, Founder Members or anyone

    unanimously chosen by the Founder Members shall direct the course of the election. The

    unanimous verdict of the Founder Members will be final.

    3.7. Session of Zonal/Central Executive Committee:

    3.7.1. Zonal Executive Committee will run for a session of one year which ends at


    3.7.2. Central Executive Committee will run for a session of two years which ends at


    3.7.3. Before ending a session the new Zonal Executive Committee must be declared.

    3.7.4. At the end of two years session the new Central Executive Committee must be electedat the Conference.

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    Chapter 4

    Financial management

    4.1. The following are the source of income of the society4.1.1. Annual and other fees of the members;

    4.1.2. Receiving national and international grants and donations as per current law regarding


    4.1.3. Organizing different projects for increasing revenue.

    4.2. According to the rules of the society, expenses for different activities will be taken from the

    societys fund.

    4.3. The amount of fees including the annual fee of the member, will be divided int0 60% and 40%,60% of the amount will be deposited in the central fund and 40% of the amount will be deposited in

    the respective zones fund. The central will arrange fund for the zones from this fund and funds from

    other sources.

    4.4. Funds of the Society /Zones will have to be deposited in a commercial bank. An account shall be

    opened in the name of the Society/Zone. The signatories of the account will be the President, General

    Secretary (Secretary General, in case of the Society) and the Treasurer. For withdrawal of money

    from the account, signatures of any two of the above post holder will be needed.

    4.5. The Treasurer will keep accounts of the revenue and will present its report to the Executive

    Committee from time to time. Other than this, he will make an accounts audit by a centrally

    recognized audit. He will make a financial presentation with the audit report in the Annual

    Conference for its approval.

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    Section 5

    Meetings and Conference

    5.1. The Executive Committee Meeting is defined as a regular monthly meeting which is attended byExecutive Committee members every month. Central Councilors must be invited on all meetings and

    participate in all discussions. To arrange the meeting, notice should be issued at least fifteen (15)

    days earlier.

    5.2. The Councilors meeting is defined as the meeting attended by the Central Councilors, arranged

    one at every 6 month. To arrange the meeting, notice should be issued at least fifteen (15) days


    5.3. There will be an Annual Conference of the society which shall be held during September orOctober of each year or during such other month as the Central Committee may by resolution

    determine from time to time, in the city as determined by the Central Committee. Subject to this

    section, the Central Committee shall determine the time and place of said meeting, and shall cause

    notice in writing of the meeting to be given to each Zone and Central Committee member of the

    society at least sixty (60) days prior to the time set for the meeting and may give such notice to other

    members as the Executive Committee may decide. Either a form of proxy or a reminder of right to

    use a proxy will be attached to the notice of meeting. At the Conference -

    5.3.1. Annual Report will be analyzed;

    5.3.2. Balance sheet and audited reports will be analyzed;

    5.3.3. Working plan of next year will be finalized;

    5.3.4. Budget of next year will be finalized;5.3.5. After completion of session election will be conducted for next session committee


    5.3.6. Any change of the constitution & Bylaws, if necessary.

    5.4. The General Meeting (for Zones only) is defined as the meeting attended by the Zonal General

    Body, arranged at least once in a year. To arrange the meeting, notice should be issued at least thirty

    (30) days earlier. At the General Meeting -

    5.4.1. Annual Report will be analyzed;

    5.4.2. Balance sheet and audited reports will be analyzed;

    5.4.3. Working plan of next year will be finalized;

    5.4.4. Budget of next year will be finalized;

    5.4.5. Handover of the new Executive Committee should take place;

    5.4.6. Any change of the Bylaws (regarding the particular Zone), if necessary.

    5.5. The Emergency Meeting is defined as the meeting, organized by at least two third members of

    the Executive Committee on a specific urgent issue. But to arrange the meeting, notice should be

    issued at least 24 hours earlier.

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    5.6. The President shall act as Chair of the Annual Conference and all other meetings of the Society

    and shall rule on all disputed questions or procedure at any such meeting, provided that any ruling

    may be appealed. In the event of such an appeal, the question shall be decided by majority vote upon

    a show of hands.

    5.7. Every question at a meeting shall be decided by a show of hands unless a secret ballot isdemanded by 2/3 of the voting representatives or members present. Upon a show of hands, and

    unless a ballot is demanded as a foresaid, a declaration by the Chair that a resolution has been carried

    or not carried and an entry to that effect in the minutes of the meeting is sufficient evidence of that

    fact without proof of the number or proportion of the votes accorded in favor of or against such

    resolution. In the event of a secret ballot, it is to be conducted in a manner directed by the Chair.

    5.8. Quorum of the meeting will be formed by the presence of 2/3 members.

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    Chapter 6


    6.1. AmendmentAny General Member proposes a change in the constitution, which he may present in front of the

    Zonal Executive Committee or the Central Executive Committee. If the proposal is approved by the

    Zonal Executive Committee or the Central Executive Committee, the Secretary General will present

    it in front of the Central Council. The Central Council may eliminate, completely accept or accept

    the proposal after altering and adjusting the proposal. After acceptance by the Central Council, for

    completely accepting the proposal, it will be presented at Annual Conference. If majority of the

    present members approves the proposed change in the Constitution, the correction in the Constitution

    will be made. It is to be noted that, the proposed change in the Constitution, will have to be sent to all

    the members of Central Council thirty (30) days prior the Annual Conference. At least two third of

    the members of the Central General Body must be present at the meeting. Any change in the

    Constitution of the Society, will have to be made after approval from the Founder Members and theyreserve the right to eliminate or accept any decision regarding the change in the Constitution.

    6.2. Establishment Day of the Society

    Bangladesh Medical Students Society was founded on 3rd

    July, 2009. Hence, 3rd

    July will be

    observed as the Establishment Day of the Society.

    6.3. Requirements of establishing a new zone

    The Central Council will set the requirements for opening of a new zone. The Central Executive

    Committee should undertake the complete procedure.

    6.4. Dissolution of a Zone

    If any Zone is cancelled or shut down, all assets of the Zone will become the right of the Central

    Executive Committee. But at the time of cancellation, all dues and loans of the Zone will be

    responsibility of all the members of the Zone, the amount will be divided equally from the members.

    6.5. Dissolution of the Society

    6.5.1. The dissolution of the Society may be called upon by a special resolution with the

    Executive Committee and a special meeting must be arranged within 60 days from the date of

    this special resolution.

    6.5.2. All members, sponsors and connected parties of the Society must be notified in writing

    immediately after the resolution. They shall be given at least 30 days notice of the

    dissolution before further action may be taken.

    6.5.3. A special meeting must be held where all members, sponsors and connected parties of

    the Society may attend. A special resolution shall determine the final decision for dissolution.

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    In case of such an emergency, the unanimous verdict of all three Founder Members will be


    6.5.4. Should the final resolution be the dissolution of the Society, the assets and liabilities of

    the Society must be arranged and settled according to the Laws of the Peoples Republic of


    This Constitution has been written by Salahuddin Mohammed, President (09-11); Dewan Muinul

    Islam, Secretary General (09-11) and Shihab Arefin Chowdhury, Joint Secretary General (09-11)

    within 20th

    to 26th

    November, 2009 and has been declared upon the 1st

    Central Committee on 3rd

    December, 2009.

  • 8/3/2019 BMSS Constitution



    We, the several persons whose names and address are subscribed are desirous of being formed into

    Bangladesh Medical Students Society in pursuance of this Constitution:

    Name, Batch &Institution of the


    Designation Signature of the Member

    1. Salahuddin MohammadBatch: BM-19

    Institution: Bangladesh Medical College


    2. Muhtamim Zubin ChowdhuryBatch: BM-20

    Institution: Bangladesh Medical College


    (External Affairs)

    3. C. M. Mosabber RahmanBatch: K-62Institution: Dhaka Medical College

    Vice President

    (Internal Affairs)

    4. Dewan Muinul IslamBatch: BM-18

    Institution: Bangladesh Medical College

    Secretary General

    5. Shihab Arefin ChowdhuryBatch: BM-21

    Institution: Bangladesh Medical College

    Joint Secretary


    6. Kazi Parvez AlamBatch: BM-21Institution: Bangladesh Medical College

    Joint Secretary


    7. Monasyr Saquiff AmanullahBatch: BM-19

    Institution: Bangladesh Medical College



    8. Ahmed Asif FerdousBatch: BM-19

    Institution: Bangladesh Medical College


    9. Tasneem Karim

    Batch: BM-21

    Institution: Bangladesh Medical College

    Press & PublicationSecretary

    10. Syed Sarah AminBatch: BM-21

    Institution: Bangladesh Medical College

    JointPress &



    11. Sadia KhanBatch: BM-21

    Institution: Bangladesh Medical College


    Exchange Secretary

    12. Shamsun Nahar Bailey Joint International

  • 8/3/2019 BMSS Constitution



    Batch: BM-21

    Institution: Bangladesh Medical CollegeExchange Secretary

    13. Nabila IdrisBatch: BM-22

    Institution: Bangladesh Medical College

    Education &

    Research Secretary

    14. Shawgat Ul KarimBatch: BM-22

    Institution: Bangladesh Medical College

    Joint Education &

    Research Secretary

    15. Mehnaz Rubaiyat MunaBatch: BM-21

    Institution: Bangladesh Medical College

    Office Secretary

    16. Tausif-Ar-RahmanBatch: BM-22

    Institution: Bangladesh Medical College

    Joint Office


    Dated: The 3rd

    of December 2009