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Transcript of BLUE LABEL SECTION - Sounds · BLUE LABEL SECTION WATCYN WATCYNS (Bass-Baritone) West Country Lad...


West Country Lad Ed. German ) From "Tom Jones" X-9597 10" 3/- The Pibroch C. V. Stanford From " Songs of a Roving Celt" With Piano Accompaniments by Stanley Chapple

TT must be a pleasant thought for Mr. Watcyn Watcyns, the maker of 1 these two fine records, that but for the bounty of nature in dowering him with a "voice" he might still be toiling daily underground. For it was

as a coal miner that Mr. Watcyns, who is of course a Welshman, started to earn his daily bread. Very quickly however at the local music-makings, which are so numerous in Wales, he attracted attention by the exceptional quality of his voice, though this in itself did not necessarily mean very much. For miners with fine voices are plentiful enough in Wales. Nor were his prospects greatly bettered apparently when on the outbreak of the war he exchanged the pick for the rifle and joined the Welsh Guards. Yet as it happened this proved the turning point of his career. For good singers quickly come to the front in the army and so Mr. Watcyns speedily made a name for himself in this way, with the result that on his discharge means were provided by the generosity of his officers for him to be seriously trained as a vocalist and now he takes rank among the most popular baritones of the day and has won golden tributes from all the leading critics. Instance the following from "R.C." of the Daily Mail after his recital in June last: "His tone has the warm and noble quality that comes as a native gift . This good musician's manly voice is always a real pleasure to hear." Mr. Watcyns excels especially in songs of a robust and breezy character such as the two here listed, other examples being Frederick Keel's "Salt Water Ballads" of which he has made some magnificent records.

PREVIOUS RECORDINGS BY WATCYN WATCYNS-When you're away W. Sanderson Why shouldn't I? Kennedy- qZussell

Piano Accompaniments Linden Lea 7Z. Vaughan Williams A Ballad of Cape St. Vincent Hermann Lbhr

Piano Accompaniments Alanna Hermann Liihr Now sleeps the crimson petal Roger Quiller

Piano Accompaniments Port of many Ships Frederick Keel

No. 1 from "Three Salt Water Ballads" Trade Winds Frederick Keel

No. 2 from "Three Salt Water Ballads" Piano Accompaniments

X-9456 10" 3/-

X-9391 10" 3/-

X-9419 10" 31-

X-9432 10" 3/-

Four Salt Water Ballads (2nd set) Fredk. Keel ) 1-Hell's Pavement. 4-Cape Horn Gospel } K-05131 12" 4/6 2-A Wanderer's Sons 3-A Sailor's Prayer ) Piano Accompaniments



Gipsies Graham Peel) X-9596 10" 31- The Monkey's Carol

. C. V. Stanford ) With Piano Accompaniments by Stanley Chapple

M ISS CONSTANCE WILLIS, so well-known to all opera lovers as one of the leading members of the British National Opera Company, is one of the many fine artists who have started at the "Old Vic." The

possessor of a lovely contralto voice, plus abundant temperament, she had strong operatic leanings from the first and it was in the homely sur- rounding of the Waterloo Road that she made her debut accordingly as a member of the chorus. From South London she went for a time to South Africa with the John Ridding Opera Company, subsequently returning to the "Old Vie" once more, but now as a fully-fledged artist capable of taking leading roles.

Then came an opportunity to join the Carl Rosa Company, which was promptly seized as affording a means of gaining still wider experience "on the road," and from the Carl Rosa Company to the B. N. 0. C. was, in due course, a natural transition. Further than this it is not possible to go for the moment-Miss Willis resumes operations with the B.N.O.C. in Septem- ber-but it may be mentioned that there is considerable likelihood of' this clever English artist appearing also in some of the German Opera Houses in the not distant future.

With the Carl Rosa and British National Opera Companies Miss Willis has sung practically all the leading, contralto parts, doing especially well in Carmen-in itself a sufficient tribute to her dramatic powers. More recently in a totally different genre she made an admirable Doll Tear-sheet in Holst's much-debated Shakespearean opera "At the Boar's Head," finding both the part and the whole work very much to her liking. It may be adde l that Miss Willis was born in London-a fact of which she is properly proud -and that when she can find time for it she is an ardent devotee of golf.

Of the two charming songs which she has just added to our lists that of Stanford is particularly quaint and original and Graham Peel's "Gipsies" hardly less so.


FRANK TITTERTON (Tenor) Turn ye to me Traditional )-

(Old Highland Rowing Tune, X-9595 10° 3/-

Jenny's Mantle . arr. A. Somervell I (Old Welsh Air from "Songs of the Four Nations") With Piano Accompaniments

ONE of the best-equipped and most popular tenors of the day, Mr. Frank Titterton re- quires no introduction to ' V ocalion' clients,

with whom he has long been a firm favourite in virtue of the many fine records which he has made for their exclusive benefit. He is indeed so good an artist that it is a tolerably safe pre- diction that he is destined to go a great deal farther yet. For while he has still plenty of time before him in which to further cultivate his pow- ers, he possesses also marked versatility. Hence he is not only one of the most popular concert- singers of the day, having a large following. especially in the provinces, but he has also done first-c lass work in opera. Thus of one of his performances at Birmingham a few years ago a local critic went so far as to say that "He brought to the music something of the Caruso touch in his voice and in his management of it"

-a tribute which might well content even the most ambitious tenor! Another impersonation in which he achieved a notable success was that of Herod in Rutland Broughton's Nativity Play "Bethlehem," while as illustrative of the fact that he can turn from grave to fay and handle lighter themes with equal facility it may be mentioned that he has a special weakness for comic opera and is indeed actively associated with the Gilbert and Sullivan Operatic School

which has its headquarters in Sloane Street. A man of the most genial personality, Mr. Titterton tells a good story as well as he sings a romantic ballad.


A Hebridean Sea Reiver's Song M. Kennedy-Fraser "Songs of the Hebrides" } X-9462 10" 31-

Kishmul's Galley M. Kennedy-Fraser "Songs of the Hebrides" Harp Accs. Marie Goossens

Song of the Volga Boatmen Traditional X-9183 10" 31- The Dreary Steppe igrechaninov J Orchestral Accompaniments

Then you'll remember me "Bohemian Girl" Balfe R-6101 10" 3/- Yes! let me like a soldier fall "Maritana' Wallace J Orchestral Accompaniments

Flower Song "Carmen" ` 3izet D-02134 12" 4/6 Prize Song "The Mastersingers" Wagner

Orchestral Accompaniments


YORK BOWEN (Pianoforte) Capriccio in B minor, Op. 76, No. 2 Brahms The Way to Polden, Op. 76 York Bowen X 9598 10" 3j-

(An Ambling Tune)

M R. YORK BOWEN is one of those enviably-gifted musicians in the case of whom the only difficulty is to determine in which capacity they are most to be admired. As a pianist he began astonishing the public at the age of eight and has retained their

warm admiration ever since As a composer he ranks among the best of the many brilliant native musicians of the younger generation who have done so much to raise the standard of British musicianship during recent years.

Both as pianist and composer his powers are effectively displayed in the two attractive records particularised above-as apianistin a brilliant rendering of Brahms' ever-welcome B minor Canriccio and in the dual capacity of creator and interpreter in his own delightful

Ambling Tune, ' a typically genial product of his own fluent and versatile pen.

JOHN AMADIO (Flute)The Remembrance, Op. 10 . Terschak "Ungarische Fantasie Buchner

Piano Accompaniments Ivor Newton

TO concert-givers in general Mr. John Amadio the famous Australian flautist is best known probably as the infinitely deft and discreet accomranist of world-renowned coloratura sinkers what time they are engaged in performing their vocal acrobatics at

Albert Hall and like places in such things as Bishop s "Sweet B rd" and the "Mad Scene" from "Lucia." And certainly no one could fulfil his responsible functions on those occasions in a more skilful and artistic manner.

But Mr. Amadio is also a great artist on his own account who is capable of better things than merely chasing a prima donna over the vocal housetops. so to speak. and in the two delightful numbers here recorded he shows how admirably he can dispense with the support of the latter.


THE MODERN CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Conducted by Stanley Chapple

A Song before Sunrise Delius K-0518112" 4/6 On hearing the first Cuckoo in Delius

SpringT O these two exquisite nature studies

of Delius might be applied what was said in earlier days of Wagner' s

delicious forest music in " Siegfried"- that he who looked for four-square tunes which could be retained by the ear and afterwards hummed and whistled would perforce be disappointed. For nature's music is not of that obvious order which can be captured in this easy mannerbut a concord of sweet sounds of aninfinitely more subtle and illusive kind.

So in the case of these two beautiful examplesof impressionist music of Delius the untrained listener may find it diffi- cult at first to see the wood for the trees as the saying, goes, with the poet he may be disposed to say:

'Where is any certa;n tune Or measured music in such notes as these?'

But let him practise patitnce and thisinitial difficulty will speedily disappear, Conductor of the Modern Chamber Or, and in these delicate intricate strains which have been wov enby the skill of a great musical poet he will discover with closer acquaintance rare beauties which will abundantly repay the trouble of understanding the composer's message.

And here of course comes in the inestimable advantage of being able to repeat the same piece as often as may be desired until it is completely grasped. If only the same thing could be as readily managed in the concert room! How much more quickly would the best music find general appre- ciation in that case! But unfortunately concert performances are not quite so readily repeated as 'Vocalion' records. And when the said records pro- vide such perfect transcripts of the original music as in this case-bringing out even the most delicate details of line and colour with unfailing fidelity -the student may well rejoice to be living in an age when such miracles are possible.At

the same time very hearty congratulations are due to Mr. Stanley Chapple, the brilliant young conductor of the Modern Chamber Orchestra, who has secured in this ca-e such wonderfully fine records of orchestral numbers so exceptionally difficult to interpret, and to the members of the recording staff who have so ably co-operated with him to this end.

THE BAND OF H.M. LIFE GUARDS Under the direction of Lieut. H. Eldridge

La Boheme-Selection. Part I. Puccini K-05182 12" 4/6 Do. Part II. I

6 61TS it the 'Bohemian Girl'?" Such was the naive question once asked by an old-fashioned opera-goer when taken to a performance of "La Boheme." But that occurred, as may be imap,ined, a good many

years ago now. Certainly it would be hard to find any opera-goer nowa- da vs, however limited his knowled

,e, who would be capable of perpetrating quite such an amusing "howler."

For who in these days does not know and love Puccini's brilliant setting of Murger's famous romance? Unlike many popular operas "La Boheme" was a success from the very first. Within a few weeks of its original pro- duction (at Turin in 1896) babies were being christened Mimi and Rodolfo all over Italy; before another twelve months had passed it was heard in England: France and Germany received it no less readily with open arms and the universal popularity which was thus so speedily won, the work has never lost since.

Of all Puccini's operas, "La Boheme" is surpassed by none in ease and spontaneity, in the freshness of its invention, in the charm of its melodies and, it may be added, in the masterly quality of its workmanship. No wonder that Puccini himself loved it before all his other creations and reckoned it the most completely successful work which he had ever produced.

Of the present Selection it will suffice to say that it includes some of the happiest pages of the score which as interpreted in their own unrivalled manner by the Band of H.M. Life Guards, under the direction of Lieut. Eldridge, come out in the most effective manner ima$tnable.


Mikado Selection-Part I. Sullivan l K-05035 12" 416 Do. Part IL J Zampa Overture Herold) K-05042 12" 4/6 Morning, Noon and Night Overture Suppe William Tell Overture-Part I. Rossini 1 K-05043 12" 4/6 Do. Part II. j Gondolier; Selection Sullivan K-05045 12" 4!6 Yeomen of the Guard Selection Sullivan Suite for Military Band in F-Pt. I. Hoist6 Do. Pt. IL K-05082 4/6

Les Contes d'Hoffman-Part I. Offenbach 1 Do. Part 11. K-05091 12" 4/6 j

Light Instrumental



Lucky Kentucky Rose-Dixon-Henderson X-9592 10" 31- Alabamy Bound Henderson }

T HESE clever duettists, of whom one is American and the other a Scotsman, are two of the leading exponents of syncopated music in this particular medium; and very brief acquaintance with the two ex-

tremely effective records herewith presented, will suffice to explain and justify the big reputation which they have acquired. For sheer slickness and snappiness, combining the most extraordinary rhythmic energy with the most astonishing unanimity of ensemble and machine-like precision of execution, they must assuredly be accorded a high place. The music which they play, though among the best of its own particular class, may not be of the type to appeal to high-brow hearers, but it certainly could not be played more brilliantly. "Bright, brief and brotherly" might be a compendious description of these eminently light-hearted and entertaining records.


Can you bring back the heart I gave you? Clay-Johnson X-9600 10' 3/-

Hawaiian Love Nest Sherwood-`Uandersloot

D UETTISTS of another kind, in this instance forming part of a

quartet, are represented by Messrs. Ferrera and Franchini who do

wonderful things with sentimental ditties on Hawaiian guitars- instruments which seem to have a capacity for sustaining the tone, making languishing portamenti, and accomplishing other feats entirely unknown to guitars of the everyday type.

Sweetness and soulfulness might be defined as the leading qualities of these artists' performances-qualities which it is hardly necessary to add are eminently in keeping with the type of amorous ditty in which they seem particularly to specialise.

To "duettists" of a more familiar order these records may be recom- mended during the current season as providing just the right musical "atmosphere" in appropriately romantic surroundings.

Dance Music


The Latest Dance Records for August 1011 DOUBLI:-SIDED 3'-

AMONG a fine selection of Dance Records presented this month those provided by Mr. Geoffrey Goodhart and his Orchestra hold their own well as usual alike for the dis- tinctive quality of the numbers chosen and the flush and sparkle of the performan-es

Mention may be made also of " Will you remember me?" and "Swanee Butterfly's as other taking numbers put over in characteristically snappy style by the Ben Selvin combination while "Oh Katharina! is a big Continental success which may be confidently counted on to find no less favour here. All these records, it may be noted further, are remarkable for their brilliance and carrying qualities making them particularly suitable for outdoor re- quirements during the holiday season.

THE AMBASSADORS When I think of you. Fox-trot 'Rose X-9593

BEN SELVIN & HIS ORCHESTRA Will you remember me? Da vis-Santly- Richman


While Hawaiian stars are gleaming. Waltz Hampton BEN SELVIN & HIS ORCHESTRA

Swanee Butterfly. Fox-trot Donaldson-'Rose

MIAMI MARIMBA BAND Seventeen. Waltz Kahn-`I-oso$

AUSTIN WYLIE'S GOLDEN PHEASANT ORCH. Wait 'till the morning after (5gan-Whiting Fox-trot (with Vocal Refrain)

BEN BERNIE & HIS HOTEL ROOSEVELT ORCH. Oh Katharina! Fox-trot Gilbert-F'all

AUSTIN WYLIE'S GOLDEN PHEASANT ORCH. We're back together again. Fox-trot Monaco-Clair

GEOFFREY GOODHART & HIS ORCHESTRA At the Piccadilly Hotel, London

Rose of Japan. Fox-trot W. 0. Kernall Honolu. Fox-trot


At the Piccadilly Hotel, London I can't realise (you love me) Donaldson-de Sylva

Fox-trot Ukulele Lady Fox-trot Kahn-Whiling

Alphabetical List of Titles

Reprint of Titles published in June and July, 1925 Title Artist No. Price

Ain't my babyy grand. Fox-trot The Tuxedo Orch. X-9586 10" 5-

and Please be good to my old girl. Fox-trot

Air de Ralph "La Jolie Fille de Perth R. Henderson, Baritone X-9580 10" 3- (In French) and Don Juan's Serenade

Alabamy Bound. Fox-trot and Ben Selvin and his Orch. X-9577 10" 3- Oh! Mabel. Fox-trot

Allegro Spiritoso (Senallie arr. Salmon) & H. Bliss, 'Cello X-9582 10, 3- Siciliano (Locatelli arr. de Swert)

Barcarolle (Tchaikovsky) and L. Tertis, Viola K-05174 121 4(6 Trio No. VII., Op. 16 A. Sammons, Violin; L. Tertis, 3rd movt. Allegretto (Mozart) Viola; E. Hobday, Piano

Berceuse (Jarnefelt) and The Aeolian Orchestra X-9571 10" 3- Puck's Minuet (Howells)

Capriccio Italien, Op. 45 (Tchaikovsky) Band of H.M. Life Guards K-05175 12" 46 Parts 1. & 11.

Caprice Accidental and A. Cammeyer, Banjo K-05170 12" 46 The Gypsy Queen Assisted by B. Sheaff

Carmen. Selection Band of H.M. Life Guards K-05178 12" 46 Parts I. & 11.

China Girl Fox-trot A. Wylie's Golden Pheasant Orch. X-9588 10" 3 - and No Wonder Fox-trot Ben Selvin & his Orch.

CostanWhza, Costanza "11 Seraglio" In Italian F. Titterton, Tenor K-05172 12' 46 and Where er you walk "Semele"

Darby and Joan and Ethel Hook, Contralto X-9570 10" 3- Ships of my Dreams

Death's Serenade. "The Death Cycle" V. Rosing, Tenor A-0235 12" 56 and Trepak. "The Death Cycle" (In Russian)

Don Juan's Serenade and R. Henderson, Baritone X-9580 10" 3- Air de Ralph. "La Jolie Fille de Perth" (In French)

En Sourdine and Valdenie and his Orch. X-9583 10' 3l- Idylle Passionnelle

Far-off Tide, A and P. St. Clair, Contralto X-9581 10" 3- Shepherd's Cradle Song

Florida Fox-trot and The Tuxedo Orch. X-9587 10" 3 - rhat s my Girl Fox-trot The Ambassadors

From Oberon in Fairyland and M. McEachern, Bass K-05171 12" 49 The Mighty Deep

Golden Sonata, The, Op. 16, No. 31 A. Fachiri & J. d'Aranyi K-05177 12" 46 Parts I. & II. Violins

Gypsy Queen, The and A. Cammeyer. Banjo K-05170 12' 46 Caprice Accidental Assisted by B. Sheaff

Hiawatha's Vision. "Hiawatha" and H. -Stevens,

Bass-Baritone K-05176 12' 46 The Pipes of Pan

Idylle Passionnelle and Valdenie and his Orch. X-9583 10" 3!- En Sourdine

I'll see you in my dreams. Fox-trot G. Goodhart and his Orch X-9574 I Y' 5- and What a Life, Fox-trot J

I look into your Garden and Winifred Dalle. Soprano X-9573 13' 3- The Reason Why

Keep smiling at Trouble. Fox-trot and Bernie & his Roosevelt Orch. X-9578 10" 31- Son-kist Cottage in Cal.fornia. Fox-trot The Ambassadors

Leander. from "Katia" Fox-trot and The London Band X-9567 10' 3 - Totem Tom-Tom. from "Rose-Marie" Fox-irot Lovely Lady. Waltz and Miami Marimba Band X-9576 10" 3-

Me Neenyah. Fox-trot The Ambassadors

Title Artist

Meybe you will. Fox-trot G_Goodhert & his Orch.

Alphabetical List of Titles

Reprint of Titles published in June and July, 1925, cont.

and When the moon shines in coral gables. Fox-trot Me Neenyah. Fox-tot and The Ambassadors

Lovely Lady. Waltz Miami Marimba Band

Mighty Deep, The and M. McEachern. BassFrom Oberon in Fairyland

No No, Nanette. Selection 'arts 1. & 11.

No Wonder Fox-trot and China Girl Fox-trot

Oh! Mabel. Fox-trot and Alabamy Bound. Fox-trot

Othello Suite. Selection Parts I. & II.

The Revue Orchestra

No. Price

X-9585 10" 3-

X-9576 10" 3r-

K-05171 12' 4;6

X-9572 lo,' 3i-

Ben Selvin & his Orch. X-9588 A. Wylie'sGolden Pheasant Orch.

Ben Selvin and his Orch. X-9577

Pipes of Pan, The and Hiawatha s Vision. Hiawatha"

Please be good to my old girl. Fox-trot and Ain't my baby grand. Fox-trot

Pogner's Address. Act I., Scene 3 "Die Meistersinger" In German and

Rege:it Symphony Orch.

H. Stevens, Bass-Baritone

The Tuxedo Orch.

M. Murray-Davey. Bass

Qui sdegno non s'accende (Within these sacred bowers) 11 Flauto Magico." In Italian

Puck's Minuet (Howells) and The Aeolian Orchestra Berceuse (Jarnefelt)

Qui sdegno non s'accende (Within these M. Murray-Davey. Bass sacred bowers) "II Flauto Magico." In Italianand Pogner s Address. Act I., Scene 3 "Die Meistersinger" In German

Reason Why, The and I look into your Garden

Sarabande. From B minor Suite (Bach)and Spanish Dance (Granados-Kreisler)

Shepherd's Cradle Song and A Far-off Tide

Ships of my dreams and Darby and Joan

Siciliano (Locatelli are. de Swert) andAllegro Spiritoso (Senallie arr. Salmon)Spanish Dance (Granados-Kreisler) and

Sarabande. From B minor Suite (Bach)

Winifred Dalle, Soprano

A. Fachiri, Violin

P. St. Clair, Contralto

Ethel Hook, Contralto

H. Bliss. 'Cello

A. Fachiri, Violin

K-05179 12" 41

K-05176 12" 46

X-9586 l0" 31-

A-0234 12' 516

X-9573 10" 3-

K-05173 12" 46

X-9581 10" 3 -

X-9570 10" 3f-

X-9582 10" 3-

K-05173 12" 4+6

Sun-kist Cottage in California. Fox-trot The Ambassadors X-9578 10"

and Keep smiling at Trouble. Fox-trot Bernie & his Roosevelt Orch.

Tell me More. "Tell me More" Fox-trot G. Goodhart & his Orch. X-9584 and Why do I love you? "Tell me more" Fox-trot

That's my Girl Fox-trot The Ambassadors X-9587

and Florida. Fox-trot The Tuxedo Orch.Totem Tom-Tom. "Rose-Marie" Fox-trot The London Band X-9567 10" 3i-

and Leander. from "Katja" Fox-trot

Trepak "The Death Cycle" and V. Rosine. Tenor A-0235 12' 56 Death's Serenade. "1 he Death Cycle" (In Russian)

Trio No. VII., Op. 16(Mozart) A. Sammons, Violin; L. Tertia K-05174 IT 46 3rd movt. Allegretto Viola; E. Hobday, Piano and Barcarolle (Tchaikovsky) L. Tertia, Viola

Alphabetical List of Titles

Reprint of Titles published in June and July, 1925, cont.Title Artist No. Price

What a Life. Fox-trot and G. Goodhart and his Orch. X-9574 10" 3.!- 1'11 see you in my dreams. Fox-trot

When the moon shines in coral gae'es G. Goodhart & his Orch. X-9585 10" 31- Fox-trot and Maybe you will. Fox-trot

Where'er you Walk "Semele" and F. Titterton, Tenor K-05172 12" 4'6 Costanza,Costanza. °ll Seraglio" In Italian

Who takes care of the caretaker's G. Goodhart and his Orch. X-9573 II)" 31- dau3hterP Fox-trot and You re so near and yet so far. Fox-trot

Why do I love youP "Tell me more' Fox-trot G. Goodhart & his Orch. X-9584 10" 31- and Tell me More. "Tell me More" Fox-trot

You're so near and yet so far. Fox-trot G. Goodhart and his Orch. X-9575 10" 31- and Who takes care of the caretaker s daughter? Fox-trot


LEASE send me the undermentioned ' Vocalion Records and charge to my account.

(Kindly strike out the numbers not required)

X-9595 X-9599 X-9592 X-9602

X-9596 K-05181 X-9593 X-9606

X-9597 K-05182 X-9594 X-9607

X-9598 X-9600 X-9601

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