Blue host sign up

Post on 08-May-2015

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Digitalize your portfolio of work. 1st Step to getting started is setting up your hosting account. This deck shows you how, using the special linked discount from

Transcript of Blue host sign up

Follow the link BELOW to the Bluehost homepage & click “Sign Up Now”

If you still need your own domain, enter a desired domain here:

If your domain is unavailable, pick another available one you like:

Next, enter your personal details:

Pick a package (choose 3 years & backup, but not SiteLock nor SE Jumpstart)

Enter payment info, hit “Next”

On the Upgrades page, scroll to the bottom

Click “Complete” to move on…

Click on “Create your password”

Create a Password, Retype it, click “Create”

Use your account name and new password to Login

Within your account – you can configure key settings…

To upload content on your site, you need to configure your FTP

Add FTP to your hosting account by filling out the form:

Finish creating the FTP account and check to make sure it appears below

Next, we’ll need to “Configure FTP Client”

We suggest using CyberDuck (for Mac, FileZila for Windows)

Download CyberDuck and launch the downloaded FTP Configuration File

FTP Configuration file should jump to the Login screen, enter your credentials:

Now you are connected to your site! Drop .html, .css, and image files into relevant folders

Save your .html, .css, and image files into relevant folders