Blood of the Lamb by Steven Donnini

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Transcript of Blood of the Lamb by Steven Donnini

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“Blood of the Lamb.”

(10 Episode Synopsis)

 by Stephen Donnini

The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any apparent similarity to real people is not intended by the author and is either 

a coincidence or the product of the readers wild fertile imagination. The names of real places, corporations, intuitions and public

figures are projected onto invented stuff and not intended denote anything real.

All copyrights reserved Stephen Donnini 2010

Library of Congress USA


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“Blood of the Lamb.”

 "Art Imitates the Living Dead.”

By Stephen Donnini


In the small college town of Denton, Texas, a young student

actor Danny McCoy and his beautiful lover, student actress,

Barbara Biggs, conspire to kill Danny's abusive, mother,

Edna, for a sizable inheritance. Danny and Barbara are

recruited by College Theater, Professor, Director, Ben

Allen to star in a new play. The North Texas State College

Theater group is producing the play, “Art Imitates the

Living Dead,” a new musical. The play tells a story very

close to the actor's real lives. Repeated unsuccessful

attempts to kill Edna drive the young couple to more

extreme and desperate measures. They accidentally dump the

wrong old woman into the North Sea during a Norwegian

cruise ship vacation. Later, Danny tries smothering

his Mother with a pillow after he gives her an overdose of

sleeping pills. But, she has built up a huge tolerance to

drugs and alcohol. the ship's doctor is able to revive

her. The ship's doctor becomes suspicious of the event.


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The couple try everything imaginable, only to discover

that Edna is already dead. She has become one of the

undead, thanks to Capt. Vergon, a dapper Nordic vampire,

they all met while on the cruise ship. Danny and

Barbara scheme to persuade authorities that she is in fact

dead. But, vampires need money too. Danny and Barbara

must find more effective ways to get their grubbing hands

on the inheritance before Edna and Capt. Vergon spend it

all. Capt. Vergon and Edna move into the McCoy’s home with

Danny. They have put their coffins in the basement where

they spend the daytime hours. The housekeeper Carla keeps

complaining the house smells like bat guano.

In the end, Danny and Barbara make peace with Edna and

Vergon and split the inheritance. Danny and Barbara have

their wedding and celebration on the North Texas State

College Theater stage with the cast and audience, akin to

The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Copyright 2006 Stephen Donnini



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slimy blood trail. Vergon shows Edna the ropes.

They enter a bathhouse in the red light district

meeting several young gay men. Vergon chooses one

for instruction purposes. They leave the young man

floating face down in a hot tub. The Captain uses

his considerable power to give Edna the ultimate

make over. She is transformed into the woman of

her dreams.

They go on the mother of all shopping sprees.

First they shop the finest fashion salons Paris has

to offer and Edna acquires a wardrobe worthy of

royalty. Then on to the Richard Reed salon for

hair and make up. That night she emerges from the

Ritz Carlton as a queen of the night. They travel

to a performance of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” in

a Rolls Royce Silver Cloud with black tinted

windows. Edna is admired by men and women alike.

They acquire a back stage invitation after the show

that turns into a wild cast party.


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When day breaks they arrive back to the hotel to

discover that they are under suspicion of using

pirated credit cards and false ID when they checked

in. Vergon assures the hotel security that there

is a mistake. But, in the morning, when the

fashion salons start calling the hotel, it’s time

for a change of scenery. They leave behind the

splendor of Paris and the hot pursuit of the famous

police detective Jul, for a new beginning in

America. Vergon leaves a note on the night stand

for the detective, “You never know when you’re

going to get into a bloody mess.”


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Episode 2.

Lucy in the sky with diamonds.

Ben meets the gorgeous Lucy, a foreign exchange

student and actress from the Ukraine, in a casting

call for his new play. The sparks fly. When Ben

tries to find out about her past, she changes the

subject. Ben discovers Lucy is being stalked by

Haas Boiling her former ex-lover a Russian soldier.

He has followed her through 5 nations and across

the Atlantic to Toronto, Canada. Haas is active as

an arms merchant, offering whatever arms he could

to the highest bidder. Now in Denton, Texas, Haas

is trying to buy rebuilt Bell helicopters and sell

them to Libya. Lucy always watchful, saw him in a

Starbuck’s ordering coffee. In the past, she has

tried to reason with him, but Haas is really

dangerous because he’s stupid. Lucy was living


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with him in Berlin just after the wall came down.

In the middle of the night, a group of Russians

came in the back door of their town house, broke

his nose, beat him and gutted his spaniel “Chips.”

He told Lucy that he had taken $40,000 dollars

worth of cocaine to London. When he made the

contact to get his money, the buyer ripped him off.

Lucy discovers the truth, that Haas is being

followed by the Ukrainian mob, because he cheated

them out of millions of US dollars in Russian fine

art. He had traded them worthless industrial

diamonds for a priceless Russian art collection.

The Russians pickup Ben in the parking lot of the

Lockers Bar, thinking Ben is in on the rip off.

They kidnap him and hold him in an apartment over a

Ukrainian restaurant. Lucy is having none of this

and calls the FBI and Interpole. They arrest Haas,

he cuts a deal with the FBI to entrap the

Ukrainians. The police raid the restaurant and

find Ben eating a leisurely dinner. They’re all


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deported. Ben returns to Susan his ex-girlfriend

and begs her forgiveness. He had been bewitched.

He is bewildered and broken hearted at the loss of

Lucy. But, it just goes to show you, that you

can’t trust a secretive Ukrainian actress or a

Russian arms merchant with bad taste in diamonds.


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Episode 3.

The body snatchers.

Before Danny can claim his inheritance, he must

produce the body of Edna. Barbara suggests they

pay off a funeral home operator and simply recycle

a corpse. They scheme to transport the body south

to Eden’s vacation home in the Texas Hill Country.

There they will discover the body. They plan to

call the local sheriff and file the death

certificate there. The willing undertaker Tony

Amigone has several businesses all are on the dark

side. The corpse laid in rest at the funeral

parlor. Danny and Barbara are drinking heavily.

Barbara is taking pills for her nerves. Danny

takes a few of Barbara’s pills to help knock him

out. Barbara is staggering around drunk and Edna

appears and tries to bite her.


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Barbara is screaming, but nothing wakes Danny.

Barbara fights off Edna and jumps on Danny waking

him up. Barbara is hysterical, screaming about Edna

being there and trying to bite her. Danny doesn’t

believe her and calms her down enough to give her

some Valium and another stiff drink, she passes

out, so does he. The next night, the vampires try

again, but this time Vergon and the corpse

accompany Edna to help her feast on Barbara.

Barbara escapes them, because she is wearing a gold

cross. She tells Danny about Vergon, the corpse

and Edna. Barbara insists the corpse is a Vampire

that had been bitten by Vergon. Danny comforts her

and goes along with what she’s saying, patronizing

her. Barbara said she wants to go to the funeral

parlor before the funeral the next day. They go in

and ask to have a few minutes with the body. Danny

doesn’t know it but Barbara has a wooden stake.

Barbara whips out the stake and proceeds to stab it

into the corpse. Danny screams “No!” and tries to


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stop her, but it is too late. The stake is stabbed

straight through the heart of the corpse. The

corpse, Danny and Barbara look at one another at

the same time. People from the funeral swarm in to

see Barbara holding the stake in her hand. Barbara

starts babbling about Vampires and she is taken off

in an ambulance. Danny tries to explain that he

had nothing to do with it and that he was trying to

stop her when everyone burst in. Barbara is

incoherent, and in shock, talking about Vampires

and the mythical Captain Vergon. The Sheriff lets

Danny go. Danny is very shook up at the prospect

of having his mother around to torture him into



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Episode 4.

Collin the Gentleman Gigolo.

Ben’s father Collin comes to live with him after

being kicked out of an assisted care home and

becomes Ben’s constant companion. Ben’s mother was

the kind of woman that covered his tracks and

explained away Collin’s behavior. But, after her

death he became a womanizer even in the assisted

care home. On Collin’s last night there, the head

nurse hears strange noises coming from Mrs.

Cochren’s room, who is a 75 year old diabetic. The

lights come on to an exposed Collin perched over

her. He was ordered to leave that night and Ben

was called to come get him. He tried to talk to

the administrator to no avail. Diane is drawn to

Collin and they become new best friends. Since

telling her husband, Ted, their marriage was over,

she has felt liberated. She thinks twice when


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Collin gets drunk and throws-up on her favorite

afghan. But, she forgives his undomesticated

behavior and dismisses it as a one time event.

The people at Mad Haters Bar think Collin is the

life of the party. Dressed in wide straw Panama

Hat, flowered shirts, white cotton pants and a

Tampa cigar gives him the look of an upper class

tourist on vacation in St. Thomas. His natural

charm with women and considerable skill at poker,

transform the quite corner bar into the hot place

to be. His wartime escapades thrill the veterans,

especially the old timers from Korea and Vietnam.

When Collin relieves a veteran of his paycheck in a

card game, Barbara and Diane are there to pull him

out of the bar before he gets hurt. Collin makes

it clear that he isn’t ever going back to the old

folks home. Now, Ben’s hope is to fix him up with

a dowager, perhaps from the performing arts

council. Collin has clear ideas about what kind of


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woman he likes, the rich theatrical kind. As

destiny would have it, he meets Kora an opulent

widow active at the theater company. He turns on

the charm with reckless abandon. She is entranced

at his flattering advances.

Can Collin keep her on the hook long enough to cash

in or is it true love?

Episode 5.

The Girls take on Las Vegas.

Barbara talks Edna, Diane and Susan into a trip to

Las Vegas on Halloween. On the plane to Vegas

they’re drinking champagne by the bottle. Diane

does her best show girl impression stripping down

to bra and panties for the first class passengers.


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By the time they land, the crew is happy to get

them off and wished them luck.

Dressed in her Halloween costume as a vampire, Edna

can’t control her enthusiasm for champagne and all

those fat juicy tourists. A handsome blackjack

dealer is more temptation than a newly transformed

vampire can resist.

Susan’s costume is Merlin the Magician. As a

compulsive gambler, she goes straight to the gaming

tables and wins. But, as all gamblers do, she is

overtaken by the odds and looses it all. Including

everything on her credit cards.

Barbara dressed as a Geisha Girl attracts a

Japanese high roller. She talks him into bank

rolling her at the crap table. He is more

interested in getting her in bed than winning

money. At the end of the evening, Edna invites him

for a walk in the cool night air and he never

returns. It’s all too much for Susan, over

stimulation, she explains.


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A pit boss senses the presence of a ghoul and

become annoyed. After 2 days without sleep Barbara,

Diane, Susan and Edna are banded from the Casino

for hustling the tourists, suspicion of cheating

and being general nuisances. The security men tell

them that they’re on the computer system at all the

casinos. If they are seen, they will be escorted

out. They are allowed to leave town with $14,000

in winnings. Susan says, “Never gamble in Las

Vegas on your own money.”


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Episode 6.

Ben’s wedding day.

Ben has reconciled with Susan. He feels it’s time

to settle down again and tie the knot. Susan has a

tender heart and doesn’t want to get hurt. She

wants Ben to prove himself to be loyal. She feels

there must be a test by seduction. Diane and Susan

feel that if Ben can resist the advances of a

beautiful coed then he will have proven himself.

So, they ask a friend to act like she is interested

in having an affair with Ben to see what happens.

After three attempts to seduce Ben, the coed

reports back to Susan. Part of the rationale Ben

used to sway the advances, was the “active herpes

excuse.” In a moment of personal resolve he tells

the coed that he is having a nasty out break of


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genital herpes and he doesn’t want to give it to

her. Susan knows the truth so they agree he has

passed the stress test. They plan the marriage

ceremony at the theater. It will be done on the

stage at the community theater with the family,

friends, cast and crew of attending. Danny can’t

understand the need for all the fuss, because Ben

has been married so many times, but reluctantly he

agrees to be the best man. Edna brings Vergon to

the rehearsal dinner and Collin befriends him like

they’re old drinking buddies. The wedding

rehearsal turns into an Irish celebration when a

band comes out on the stage and the bag pipes play

as Susan walks down the center aisle to the stage.

Danny grabs the microphone and gives the best

improv reasons why the couple shouldn’t be united.

But, in the end what matters is that they celebrate

love. In the morning, the real wedding is

postponed, because everyone has a bad hangover and

things were said that hurt feelings.


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Ben’s opinion is that getting married is like

buying a house, you know it’s going to take a lot

of work and money, and there’s certainly no

guarantee it’s going to be worth anything. Ben

argues, “If you really love someone you can

overlook anything even a bad itch.”


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Episode 7.

 Walking with the Angels.

One afternoon, Danny is coming home when a car runs

a stop sign and hits his car broadside. He is

taken to the hospital unconscious. During his

recovery from head trauma in ICU, he has a

revelation about the meaning of life. He has an

out of body experience and persistent dreams about

walking down a long country road to the gates of

heaven. On the road he meets several people that

tell him things about heaven that don’t exactly fit

the account in the good book.

First, a beautiful woman angel greets him and tells

him, it’s not true that heaven is a place where

everything you could ever want in life becomes your

reality. In fact, it’s not all that different from

the way things are here. She explains, you can do

things you’ve always wanted, like fly. But, you


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are also confronted by people you have hurt in past

lives in various ways. Here you are expected to

resolve the problems of the former life on earth.

In another vision, Danny meets his father sitting

on a bus bench. They talk about what things were

like when Danny was a boy and that he had made many

mistakes as a father. His suicide has made him a

“Spirit Traveler.” He can never enter the gates of

heaven. Instead, he must wander around the

landscape void of feelings and without a

destination until he agrees to return to the world

of the living and confront the challenges he

avoided the first time around. In another vision,

a big nasty angel swoops down and picks Danny off

his feet. Flying along, he tells Danny, that God

created the myth of heaven so that we would listen

and learn about the spiritual life. That way we

would always be thinking that if we did the right

things and cared about our fellow man, we would go

to heaven when we die. They are struck by a bolt


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of lightning and the dark angel nearly drops Danny.

He shakes his hand at God and continues, “If we

knew the truth, we wouldn’t want to go and resent

dying more than we do. People die of heart

failure, cancer, brain tumors, all kinds of

diseases. Would we live forever if we didn’t get

sick or have a accident? Were we really meant to

live a very long time?” Danny awakens from the

coma, looks up at Barbara and says, “Call my



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Episode 8.

Barbara’s affair.

The misguided passion that Barbara feels for Mike

is on again, when they have a chance lunch

encounter at the El Gaito Mexican restaurant. He

takes her to his new condo, seduces her with

Margaritas. However, there is something new about

Mike that she didn’t want to see. A photo of him

and a male model friend Billy. It’s more than a

just a guy thing. She is worried about HIV so she

goes to a clinic for the test. She’s not herself.

Sure that the test is positive she writes letters

to everyone she feels she has wronged and asks for


Edna and Vergon move into the McCoy home in the

city of Denton where there is a better selection

for their nocturnal eating habits. Vergon has


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decided to come out of the closet and act out his

cross dressing fetish. He wants to share Edna’s

fabulous new fall leather collection. Together,

they frequent the Mine Shaft Bar for “take out” as

they call it.

The HIV test is back for Barbara and she gets a

call from Pat Barkley a counselor at the clinic,

it’s positive. She can’t believe she was so stupid

to go to bed with a bi-sexual man and not use a

condom. The HIV counselor is encouraging and

suggest, she go to an HIV group. While in group

she saw her friend that is married to a doctor.

When her friend stands up and shares her story,

Barbara realizes that she doesn’t want everyone to

know she’s got HIV. Her friend’s story is about

how her husband talked her into a wild night of sex

at a swingers club. Barbara’s experience in AA

group taught her that everyone talks about what

they heard at the meetings. And they tell the

story with embellishments. She sneaks out the back


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to know about his coming re-election, now that

everyone is talking about his wire taping scandal

and the mysterious teen he was see with the night

of the Denton Summer Corn Festival.

Vergon is enamored with Jackie the Medium. They

have an encounter backstage in a dressing room.

Danny enters the room catching them in the middle

of things. The Medium has her skirt over her head

and doesn’t see him enter. She is channeling

Marilyn Monroe. Before the session is over, the

room is full of interested bystanders listening to

stories about the Kennedy boys and their sexual

exploits with Hollywood starlets. Marilyn’s last

wish is that Hollywood would crack off from

California during an earthquake and float south to

the Panama Canal like a gigantic aircraft carrier.

The only people that can escape will be flying away

in helicopters like a swarm of large mosquitoes.

Marilyn Monroe channeled, “I like it hot and



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Episode 10.

Buffalo Jill rides again.

Rehearsals begin for the upcoming production of

“Buffalo Jill rides again.”

This play is chosen by the theater board of

directors, because it’s a western tale. They don’t

bother to read it. They take Ben’s account of the

story. It’s the story of a cowgirl Jill Woodmaker

and her exploits in the old western gold rush days.

With her reputation, everyone calls her “Widow

maker.” Jill goes west from Springfield Mo. in the

1800’s to find gold in Arizona. Barbara is cast as

Buffalo Jill. Edna as Mary Beth, a well used

saloon whore. Vergon and Collin are a couple of

odd prospectors that have long ago lost any social

skills. Jill covets a map she found in a second


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hand clothing store in Joplin, Missouri, that shows

a vein of gold on Mingus Mountain north of

Cottonwood, Arizona. They meet in the town of Camp

Verdi where they team up to search for the gold.

Jill wears two pearl handled pistols, which she can

shoot with the best of the cowboys. To fund the

expedition, they decide to challenge the camp of

prospectors to a shooting contest. They place a

silver dollar in a fence post, walk back 20 paces

turn and fire at the coin until they hit it. The

shooter that hits the coin after firing the fewest

shots wins. The Sheriff, played by Ben, is the

best shot in the camp. He challenges Jill. When

she wins, Ben shoots his deputy in the foot for

mocking him.

Vergon is having fun with all the unsuspecting

prospectors in the tavern, doing magic tricks with

cards to entertain them. After rehearsal he

seduces one of the bar girls and has a bloody

dinner in a private room. Collin hooks up with


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Mary Beth and they quickly become drinking buddies.

They meet, everyone is around the campfire, Tina

tells the story of a young couple, off hunting the

great Buffalo in Oklahoma. She has remembered it

during in one of her many trances. She sees

herself in a vision, living in the 1800’s west.

Life is lonely and harsh in a sod home on the Great

Plains. One day a heard of 10,000 buffalo trample

her homestead and kill her husband Rolf, a Buffalo

hunter. Her advice to the gathering of cowboys is,

“Never shoot a gun at a herd of Buffalo, if you

live in a sod house.”