Blogging and Students

Post on 13-Jan-2015

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Does blogging help students? This powerpoint should help answer this question.

Transcript of Blogging and Students

By: Greg Kocher



"If you had a group discussion in a class you're only going to get a couple of people saying something…But when they write on their weblog I can read it. They have a voice and the other students read it and respect it as well.”

“She says blogs are also extremely useful for categorising and managing a large collection of thoughts, whether they are from lecture notes, a student's own ideas, or comments on the ideas of others.”

3Ann Bartlett-Bragg, lecturer at

University of Technology, Sydney

Because blogs are public students have to think before they post for fear of plagiarism.

Blogging allows students to publicly receive comments on points that they make on their blogs.

“What makes blogs useful is their interactive nature.”

4Ann Bartlett-Bragg, lecturer at

University of Technology, Sydney

Pinging: When someone links something to their own blog that another blogger had posted.

I never really have thought about plagiarism when I write on my blogs. This made me think too.

I agree with the comment about how blogging allows people who won’t speak up to get their chance to say something.


This was actually a blogger writing about the article “Writing Technology and Teens”.

The blogger, Tyler Reed, said that according to the article teenagers said they’re motivated to write when they can write about things relevant to their lives, and they’re motivated by writing for an audience.


"In real ways, blogging and other forms of virtual debate actually foster the very types of intellectual exchange, analysis, and argumentative writing that universities value." - Bradley A. Hammer, Duke University writing professor.

On the blog was a movie that showed all of the advantages that blogging has for students.


I found it interesting that students that blog write better than non-bloggers. (I thought that non-bloggers could keep their own journals in a notebook.)

In the blog post Reed says that text messaging and email is hurting students writing skills and blogging is helping other students.

I would not of thought that blogging could help people through college.


Article about the University of California at Berkley using weblogging as a part of their curriculum.

Most people were skeptical because they did not know how to produce a blog or how it works.

"They thought it was a complicated thing and involved complex programming with databases. When they learnt how easily it worked, they began to like the easy push button publishing.“*

* a veteran blogger, who wrote The Weblog Handbook 9

"Weblogs are not a new form of journalism, and shouldn't aspire to be so -- I think we're stronger (and more important and more interesting) as something different, and trying to fit us into a pre-existing mold, to my mind, misses the point.“#

There are many questions of how teachers should teaching how to blogging.

"Blogging doesn't require any methodology, it comes down to the students to blog as a means to develop their skills.“*

# a veteran blogger, who wrote The Weblog Handbook

* Amrita Kriplani 10

Weblogging is not Journalism. That quote really puzzled me because journalists promote their blogs. Especially the sports writers.

The article also states that there should not be any blog deadlines for the students.

In this class we blog about technology, in the article students are allowed to pick their own.

Picking their own topic encourages students to continue to write in their blogs.


Student blogging can help children with writing.

Student blogging should be monitored by the teacher

Student blogging should not have a dead line.

Students should blog about subjects that they like and will be enthused to write more about it.