Block ADFH Drills Qt 3 2010-2011

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Block ADFH Drills Qt 3 2010-2011. Mrs. Demos. Drill 1. Homework: Bring a children’s book for Service Learning. Due 1/31 Objective: The students will be able to review strengths and weaknesses based on the quarterly assessment in order to set reasonable goals for improvement. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Block ADFH Drills Qt 3 2010-2011

Block ADFH Drills Qt 32010-2011Mrs. Demos

Drill 1Homework: Bring a children’s book for Service Learning. Due 1/31Objective: The students will be able to review strengths and weaknesses based on the quarterly assessment in order to set reasonable goals for improvement.Drill: Review your goals (drill 1) from quarter 1 and 2. Have you met those goals? Do you need to continue working on them?Set a new measurable goal with an action for quarter 3.

Drill 2Homework: Bring in a children’s book for service learning. Due 1/31Objective: TSWBAT identify before, during and after reading strategies in order to develop effective Book Kits for distribution to local elementary schools.Drill on next slide.

Drill 2Drill: Read the sentence. Then choose the answer in which the underlined word is used in the same way. Explain why your answer is correct.

Before you choose to do business with a bank, you should make sure it has a sound reputation.In which sentence does the word sound mean the same as in the sentence above?

A. Although the house is old, it has a sound foundation and an excellent roof.B. We should sound out our teacher before we decide on a topic for our report.C. I was startled out of a sound sleep by bright lightning and a crash of

thunder.D. The emergency crews will sound the alarm if the floodwaters rise any higher.Explain why you selected your answer. (Annotate the answer)

Drill 3Homework: Supplies and books for service learning activity. Quiz 10 Text Features Block ADGH 2/4Block F 2/7Objective: TSWBAT identify text features in order to read a variety of texts.Drill: Create a list of all the text features you know and what they tell you about the text.

Exit Ticket1. What idea(s) did you see that you might like to use in your book kit?2. How will you change the strategy to make it into a fun activity for your book kit?

Drill 4Homework: Supplies and books for service learning activity. Quiz 10 Text Features Block ADGH 2/4 Block F 2/7 Combining Compound Sentences HandoutObjective: TSWBAT apply comprehensions skills by selecting, reading, and interpreting a variety of print and electronic informational texts in order to create book kits.Drill: Select a reading strategy that you plan to use for your book kit and explain how you will modify the strategy to be appropriate for a first or second grader. How will this strategy help the student read and understand the book?Put your name on your drill sheet. Make sure they are numbered 1-4. They will be collected today.

Drill 5Homework: Supplies and books for service learning activity.Prefix handout Prefix/Sentence Quiz 2/11Objective: TSWBAT apply comprehensions skills by selecting, reading, and interpreting a variety of print and electronic informational texts in order to create book kits.Drill: Pick a text feature we have discussed in class and explain how that text feature could be used in your book kit. Example: The title of the book could be used to help students predict (guess) what the book is about. Put your name, 2/7, Quiz 10 Text Features Block F on the scantron.

Drill 6Homework: Supplies and books for service learning activity. Complex Sentence Handout Page 1Prefix Quiz 2/11Objective: TSWBAT apply comprehensions skills by selecting, reading, and interpreting a variety of print and electronic informational texts in order to create book kits.Drill: List all the text features found in your service learning book. How will these help a younger student read and understand this book? How will you use text features in your activities?

Drill 7Homework: Supplies for Service Learning Quiz 11 Prefixes and sentence structure Block A 2/10 Blocks DFH 2/11Complex sentences Block F page 2-3Objective: TSWBAT use before, during, and after reading strategies in order to develop interesting and engaging activities for the Service Learning book kits.Drill: Define prefix and list at least five prefixes and what they mean.Answer next slide

Drill 7 AnswerMake sure your definition is correct.Prefix: a word part added to the beginning of a root or base word to create a new meaning.Prefix Definition Words

Re- Again replay, resendHyper- Over hyperactive

Un- Not unclear, unsureTri- Three triangle,

tricyclePre- Before PrefixMis- Wrong misconductSub- Below subway

Drill 8Homework: Supplies for Service Learning/ Quiz 11 Prefixes and sentence structure Block A 2/10 Blocks DH 2/11 F 2/14(Happy Valentine’s Day)Rough Draft Service Learning Due 2/11Sentence Practice HandoutObjective: TSWBAT use before, during, and after reading strategies in order to develop interesting and engaging activities for the Service Learning book kits.Drill: Next Slide

Drill 8Combine the following sentence pairs into complex sentences. Underline the independent clause.

1. I refused to talk about it. I was put in detention.2. Ed hates airplanes. He will take the train.3. The sun is shining. It will snow later today.4. Answers: • I refused to talk about it since I was put in detention.• Because Ed hates airplanes, he will take the train.• The sun is shining however it will snow later today.• Collect Drills 5-8

Drill 9Homework: Supplies for Service LearningObjective: TSWBAT use before, during, and after reading strategies in order to develop interesting and engaging activities for the Service Learning book kits.Drill:

1. Look at the card you were given when you walked in. Some people have prefix cards. Others have root or base word cards.

2. Match your card with another card to make a new word. 3. Write the new word and meaning on your drill sheet.4. Use the new word in a sentence. Write the sentence on

your drill sheet.

Drill 10Homework: Supplies for Service Learning

William Shakespeare Fact Objective: TSWBAT use before, during, and after reading strategies in order to develop interesting and engaging activities for the Service Learning book kits.Drill: Collect all supplies for service learning and prepare to go to the computer lab.

Drill 11Homework: Research and find out one fact about William Shakespeare or the play Romeo and Juliet. Due 2/22-23Objective: TSWBAT use before, during, and after reading strategies in order to develop interesting and engaging activities for the Service Learning book kits.Drill: Take out supplies for service learning.

Drill 12Homework: Suffix Homework Due next classQuiz 12: Suffix and Prefix A 2/25 DHF 2/28Objective: TSWBAT use before, during, and after reading strategies in order to develop interesting and engaging activities for the Service Learning book kits.Drill: Next Slide

Drill 12Drill: Read the sentence. Then choose the answer in which the underlined word is used in the same way. Explain why your answer is correct.

Susan lodged with her grandparents during her first year of college.In which sentence does the word lodged mean the same as in the sentence above?

1. A splinter lodged in Ann’s foot when she stepped on an old board.2. Our family lodged at a fishing camp during our trip to the seacoast.3. Mr. Ames lodged a complaint with the city about the overgrown lot.4. The archer aimed carefully and lodged an arrow in the distant target.Explain why you selected your answer. (Annotate the answer)

Drill 13Homework: Suffix/Prefix handout: Due next classQuiz 12: Suffix and Prefix A 2/25 DFH 2/28Objective: The student will be able to demonstrate the ability to compose written, and visual presentations in order to inform and prepare the final product for presentation.Drill: Read the sentence. Then choose the answer in which the underlined word is used in the same way. Explain why your answer is correct.

Next Slide

Drill 13I tried pulling up the dandelion, but its roots held it fast in the soil.In which sentence does the word fast mean the same as in the sentence above?

A. Terry fell fast asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.B. The front tires of my new car were stuck fast in the mud.C. I arrived early for the concert because my watch was

fast.D. The two children were neighbors and became fast


Drill for F blockToby loves it when we pet him behind his ears.In which sentence does the word pet mean the same as in the sentence above? Explain your answer.

1. I have had my pet, Toby, since he was four weeks old.2. Mrs. Demos never chooses a teacher’s pet.3. I have a pet peeve; it is when people talk when I talk.4. Sometimes I will pet a child on the shoulder to calm

them down.

Drill 14Take out suffix homeworkHomework: PREFIX AND SUFFIX HANDOUTQuiz 12: Suffix and Prefix A 2/25 DFH 2/28Objective: TSWBAT apply R.A.F.T. when reading a prompt in order to establish an authentic purpose, audience, and form for writing. The students will respond to a prompt.Drill: What is R.A.F.T.?

Role, Audience,

Format, Topic

R.A.F.T.S helps your

writing flow

Use the R.A.F.T.S. organizer as you read a prompt or question to make sure you know what the question is and what you are being asked to write. This helps set a purpose for writing and focuses on your audience.

Drill 15Take out your prefix/suffix homework. Homework: Inferences Handout: Due Next ClassObjective: TSWBAT use RAFTS and ACE to respond to a writing prompt about service learning in order to reflect on the project and prepare for writing the Service Learning reflection.Drill: Put your name, Date, block, and Quiz 12 on the scantron