Block 6 Cumulative Test Review - · Hinduism a major religious and cultural tradition of...

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Transcript of Block 6 Cumulative Test Review - · Hinduism a major religious and cultural tradition of...

Block 6 Cumulative Test Review

Part 1: Paleo vs. Neo


A form of gathering food whether you hunt for it or gather crops

Explanation: This is how the Paleolithic people got food before they could farm or domesticate animals

Sedentary vs. nomadic

Definition: Nomadic- when people moved from place to place to gather food and not overuse the environment.

Sedentary- When people were able to farm and stay in one spot.

Explanation: Once people started farming they switched from nomadic to sedentary.

Five signs of civilizationDefinition: Advanced cities, Specialized workers, Complex institutions, Record Keeping, Advanced technology

Explanation: These are the necessary components of a functioning civilization.

Advent of agricultureDefinition: To farm

Explanation: Farming is the reason that people changed from the Paleolithic to Neolithic (Agricultural Revolution)

Cave artDefinition: Simple paintings or drawings from early paleolithic also the paleolithic people’s primary art

Explanation: It shows us what they did in their everyday lives (because there aren’t written writings from the Paleolithic period)

Size of communitiesDefinition: Paleolithic- 20 to 30 people in a community

Neolithic- 100 to 1000+ in a community

Explanation: people lived in larger groups during the Neolithic times.


Definition: The time before written records

Explanation: Because they didn’t have written language we don’t really understand what happened during this time

Part 2: River Valleys

Fertile CrescentDefinition:

The area between the Med. Sea and Persian Gulf

Where Mesopotamia (and Egypt) is located


Has fertile (farmable) land

Includes the Tigris and Euphrates

Hammurabi’s CodeDefinition:

Legal code established in Babylonia; designed to ensure law and order

Punishments based on class


First Law Code

Influenced other civilizations

IrrigationDefinition: a system that controls and navigates the movement of water

Significance: Strategy to bring water from rivers to increase ability to grow crops

Mandate of HeavenDefinition:

a cycle of how an emperor loses power when he is unjust and the people have the right to overpower him and a new emperor would arise

Significance: was a vital way of how an emperor is chosen in classical china

Places of worshipDefinition:

Examples of places of worship are ziggurats, which were located in Mesopotamia

Significance: It is a place to worship gods


Form of government in which the leader is seen as a god and presides over both religious and political matters

Significance: The form of government of a major world power; Egypt with the pharaoh

Part 3: Peoples of the Mediterranean and the Middle East

CovenantDEFINITION: A covenant is an often holy agreement between two individuals that is mutually beneficial.

SIGNIFICANCE: Covenants were significant to the Hebrews, as they served as a moral and spiritual guide.

Satraps vs. SatrapiesDEFINITION: Satraps were the governors that held control over their respective provinces, called Satrapies.

SIGNIFICANCE: Satraps were a method of government unique to the Persians that they used to keep their Empire in line. (imperial bureaucracy)

MosesDEFINITION: A Hebrew man who was inducted into an Egyptian family. After learning of his heritage, he set out to, and successfully, led the Exodus and freed the Hebrews from the Egyptians.

SIGNIFICANCE: He served as a figure in Hebrew culture used to convey the covenant, the commandments, and the Exodus.

MurexDEFINITION: A snail used to make a valuable purple dye by the Phoenicians.

SIGNIFICANCE: This dye was very valuable, making it ideal for trade with other cultures because it had such a unique color.

Royal RoadDEFINITION: The long road the Persians constructed to make trade easier.

SIGNIFICANCE: This road made it able for the Persians to get their goods by trade, because of its length and how serviceable for transportation.

Imperial BureaucracyDEFINITION: A government administrated method of carrying out their policies in all regions of their empire.

SIGNIFICANCE: Han Dynasty used this method to maintain their dynasty.

Ten CommandmentsDEFINITION: Ten rules Moses came down with that was part of the new covenant. These served as a sort of guide to show people how to live.

SIGNIFICANCE: These rules were the word of their deity, and like the covenants, these were important as a moral compass.

NebuchadnezzarDEFINITION: A Babylonian king who held the crown around 6th Century BCE.

SIGNIFICANCE: He was important as one of the most successful and notable Babylonian kings, said to have created the Hanging Garden of Babylon.

Part 4: Classical India & China

Ashoka (Asoka)Ashoka was an indian king. He assumed the throne when Chandragupta Maurya’s son died. His significance was that he spread buddhism through missionaries.

Civil Service ExamDefinition: These were exams implemented for recruitment and admission to the civil service in Qin and Han China. The significance of this was to have an effective merit system.

Caste system Definition- Is a class structure that is determined by birth. Loosely, it means that in some societies, if your parents are poor, you're going to be poor, too.

Significance- It put you in a social class that you could not change out of.It upset people because if you didnt have alot of money their was no changing that.It favored the richer classes.

AryansDefinition: They settled in prehistoric times in the Northern Indian Subcontinent. Aryans were the founder of Hinduism.

Significant: It was significant because they influenced the Indians for generations to come.

BuddhismBuddhism was a religion spread by Buddha and it is about a life without suffering. It’s significance is great since it spread to many parts of Asia.

Hinduism a major religious and cultural tradition of South Asia, developed from Vedic religion. Its significant because it was an important religion and it still continues today.

Legalism vs Confucianismlegalism emphasizes the proscribing of laws in order to ensure public order, whereas Confucianism is more concerned with instilling morality. This was a significant part of chinese religion.

Part 5: Greece

Phalanx● Definition: An ancient Greek group of infantry with long spears, drawn up in

close order with shields overlapping● Significance: Main victorious battle formation in ancient Greece

City-State● Definition: A city that with its surrounding territory forms an independent state● Significance: Greek term for town/city; Greece was formed this way because of


Pericles● Definition: An athenian reformer● Significance: Leader of Athens during the Golden Age

The Iliad and the Odyssey● Definition: 2 different epic poems written by Homer● Significance: Influenced ancient Greek culture

Battle of Thermopylae● Definition: A battle in the Persian war● Significance: Fought in a narrow mountain pass; All 300 Spartan warriors

were killed in a battle against the Persians

Direct Democracy● Definition: A government system where people have the power● Significance: Democracy was invented in ancient Greece where people have the

power for the first time

Delian League● Definition: An alliance of Greek city-states led by Athens● Significance: An alliance formed by the ancient Greek states in case Persia

decides to attack again

Hellenistic Culture● Defintion: The blending of ancient Greece culture● Significance: Alexander the Great was the first person to accomplish this

Part 6: Miscellaneous

Darius the Great● Darius the great was the third king of Persia.● He was famed for great building projects● He started the Persian War against the greeks.● Creates imperial bureaucracy and Royal Road● Brings back the ideas of Cyrus ● Creates the largest empire at the time

Hanging Gardens● One of seven wonders of the ancient world● Created by Nebuchadnezzer● Made to please his lonely wife and remind her of home● Built of mudbricks and many plants● Built on ancient city of Babylon● No evidence that it actually exists.

Peloponnesian League● League created by Sparta● It was a rebellion league to Athens’ Delian league● Sparta didn’t like that Athens had a lot of power (Controlled the entire Greece)● People who agreed with Sparta’s rebellion joined the Peloponnesian League● Ultimately led to the Peloponnesian War and Athens’ demise

Rosetta Stone● Helped decrypt the Egyptian Hieroglyphics● We wouldn’t be able to learn much about the egyptian culture without the

Rosetta Stone● Discovered by a French soldier while they were rebuilding the forts

Purple Dye● The Phoenicians created purple dye● It was traded throughout the other civilizations ● It was a symbol of royalty and was very expensive● The dye was created by the murex sea snail

Abraham ● Was a man who lived in Sumer● Believed in only one god, named Yahweh.● Made a covenant (agreement/deal) with Yahweh● Abraham and his followers obey Yahweh, and Yahweh will protect the jews ● Yahweh told him to go to Canaan (The Promised land)

Socrates ● Greek Philosopher ● Taught and mentored Plato● Got imprisoned for corrupting the youth● Died by poisoning himself● Created the Socratic Method which laid the groundwork for Western systems of


Part 7: Miscellaneous II

Alexander the GreatDefinition:

He was the son of Philip the II of Macedon who was taught by Aristotle and conquered Greece and Persia.


He created the Hellenistic culture and was the first to conquer Persia

Himalayas Definition:

Mountain range in south east Asia


Acted as a natural barrier for the Indus River Valley peoples


Ancient Indian language and writing


It was used to write religious documents and poems

The Torah Definition:

The law of God as revealed to Moses and recorded in the first five books of the Hebrew scriptures


Most important document in the Jewish religion

Eightfold Path and 4 Noble Truths


Holy Guideline for Buddhists


Acts as a guideline for the Buddhist people.


The religion and teachings that the people received from Buddha


Formed the Buddhist religion/culture