Blessed Sacrament - Blog - Fr. Jacek (Jacinto ... ing.pdfBLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC CHURCH (336)...

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Transcript of Blessed Sacrament - Blog - Fr. Jacek (Jacinto ... ing.pdfBLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC CHURCH (336)...

Blessed Sacrament

Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica 408 West Davis Street, Burlington, NC 27215

Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas

Monday-Friday (Lunes a Viernes) 8:30 AM - English

Saturdays (Sábados) English

5:00 PM Español 7:00 PM

Sundays (Domingos) English

8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM Español 1:00 PM

January / Enero 24, 2010 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Parish Staff and Offices Personal Parroquial y Oficinas

Mailing Address - PO Box 619 - Burlington, NC 27216 (336) 226-8796 - Fax: (336) 227-2896

Pastor/Dean of Piedmont Deanery Very Rev. Robert Benko, OFM. Conv., VF 226-8796 ext. 303 Associate Pastor Rev. Paul Gabriel, OFM. Conv. ext. 310 Rev. Jacek Leszczynski, OFM. Conv. (P. Jacinto) 222-7762 Elon Campus Minister Rev. Gerry Waterman, OFM. Conv. 278-7355 Pastoral Assistant, Paula Zanker 226-8796 ext. 302 Business Manager, David Bitonti ext. 306 Parish Secretary, Jeannie Pearl ext. 304 Bulletin Editor, Irma Olmos ext. 305 Parish Bookkeeper, Chris Magrane ext. 309 School Bookkeeper, Phil Soyars ext. 308 Faith Development/ Hispanic Minister, Patricia Matterson (336) 570-0013 School Principal, Salvatore Trento (336) 570-0019 School (336) 570-0019 School Fax (336) 570-9623 School Website


Parish Membership We warmly welcome all new members of our parish family and ask them to register at the parish office as soon as possible.

Baptism Baptisms are held on the fourth Saturday of the month. English at 9:00 AM, Spanish at 10:00 AM. Parent preparation is required prior to Baptism. Please call the parish office.

Reconciliation Saturdays 4:15 - 4:45 PM.

Marriage Arrangements should be made with a priest six months before the proposed wedding.

Ministry to the Sick and Shut-ins Emergency calls should be made at any hour. Please keep us informed so that we might minister to those ill at home, in a hospital or nursing home.

Vocations to Priesthood and Religious Life Fr. Michael Lorentsen, OFM Conv. 315 473-0952 x 307.

Ministries Parish Council John Farrell (919) 563-1998 Christian Hearts & Hands Rosemary Lewis 436-0222 Ministry to Homebound Barbara Cahill 584-5750 Ministry of Consolation Mary Dixon 578-3099 Children’s Liturgy Kiki Folger (11:00 Mass) 449-4112 Lisa DiProfio (9:30 Mass) 270-6073 Knights of Columbus Markus Bailey 263-3831 Music Ministry Lillian Ryskiewich 524-8659 RCIA Chris Magrane 226-8796 Sacristan Sal Festa 584-6130 Praying Needles Peg Constantine 538-1781 Barbara James 584-3244 Labyrinth Kathy Barry 584-5907 Respect Life Sis Steffen 226-5497

Bulletin Deadline: Fridays by 4:00 PM one week prior to publication. E-mail items to:

Offertory for January 17: $13,375

Second Collection This Week Church in Latin America

Second Collection Next Week Victims of Haiti Earthquake

Readings for the Week of January 24 Sunday: Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10; Ps 19;1 Cor 12:

12-30 [12-14, 27]; Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21

Monday: Acts 22:3-16 or 9:1-22; Mk 16:15-18

Tuesday: 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Mk 3:31-35

Wednesday: 2 Sm 7:4-17; Mk 4:1-20

Thursday: 2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29; Mk 4:21-25

Friday: 2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17; Mk 4:26-34

Saturday: 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Mk 4:35-41

Sunday: Jer 1:4-5, 17-19; Ps 71; 1 Cor 12:31 —

13:13 [13:4-13]; Lk 4:21-30

The Sanctuary Lamp before the Blessed

Sacrament burns for two weeks for the

special intentions of Jim and Patty Poteet.

Mission Statement We, the faith community of Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, devote ourselves to deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ and continue his mission to bring all to a knowledge of and a union with the Father through teaching, sharing and living our faith. To this end we will strive: To know and love Christ through his Church, its sacraments, scripture, educational and social life; To recognize, encourage and utilize the unique God-given gifts of all parishioners; To recognize and demonstrate our affection and care for all others through our fellowship and outreach

efforts; To labor in building up our local church with the Bishop of Raleigh and the Conventual Franciscan Friars of

the Immaculate Conception Province. To deepen our bonds with one another and to grow our community through Stewardship efforts.

The flowers before the altar are graciously

offered in memory of Bill Kirkpatrick by Ann

and Maurice Koury.

Stewardship The U.S. bishops’ pastoral on stewardship reinforces today’s reading from 1 Corinthians: “Because its individual members do collectively make up the Body of Christ, that body’s health and well-being are the responsibility of the members — the personal responsibility of each one of us. We all are stewards of the Church.”

Saturday, January 23 5:00 PM † Bill Echevarria

by John and Peg Constantine 7:00 PM Acción de gracias y presentacion de 3 años de

Yeshua Israel Aureoles - de parte de fam. Aureoles Sunday, January 24 8:00 AM † Tony Sposato

by the Coschigano Girls 9:30 AM † Lynn Kolowich

by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Basa 11:00 AM For our parish community 1:00 PM Por la salud de Pedro Ramírez y †Pola Hernández

de parte de Alma Vega y familia Monday, January 25 8:30 AM † Bill Echevarria

by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donio Tuesday, January 26 8:30 AM † Bill Echevarria

by Eileen Rindos Wednesday, January 27 8:30 AM † Anthony Sposato

by Fr. Terry Thursday, January 28 8:30 AM † John Jessup

by Pat Jessup Friday, January 29 8:30 AM † Bill Echevarria

by the Disciples in Mission Group Masses for Next Sunday/Misas para próximo Domingo Saturday, January 30 5:00 PM For our parish community 7:00 PM † Gregorio Garzón

de parte de familia Aureoles Sunday, January 31 8:00 AM † Anthony Sposato

by Fr. Terry 9:30 AM † Tom Worden

by Eileen and Joseph Alfonzo 11:00 AM † Lucy Hando and Basil Hando

by James Hando and the Tayn family 1:00 PM † Ricardo Hernández Fuentes

de parte de Basilisa Filomena y familia

The Book of Ecclesiastes

Chapter 3 Tells Us: “There is an appointed time for every thing and a time for

every affair under the heavens.”

“A time to die”… Agnes McGunnigle

“A time to mourn”… We offer condolences to Paula Hendricks at the loss of her aunt.

“A time to heal”…

We pray for all the people whose names we have written in our

Book of the Sick.


We are in need of ushers to help out at our weekend Masses. If you could commit to even

one Saturday evening or Sunday morning a month, that would help alleviate the schedule for those who already serve so faithfully. We need ushers at all Masses, especially the 5:00 PM Mass. Men, women, and high school students are invited to serve our parish community in this capacity. If you can help us out, please contact Ed O’Reilly at 227-8933.

Our adult traditional choir is still open for anyone who would like to join. We meet on Thursday evenings at

7:00 PM in the St. Clare room (room 1-5) in the Koury Center.

Come and join us to pray the Liturgy of the Hours at 8:00 AM Monday-Friday. Followed by Mass at 8:30 AM.

Rosary Devotions

Tuesday at 7:00 PM, Saturday at 4:30 PM Sunday at 7:30 AM

Course on Scripture This is the second in a series of courses offered by the Catechetical Institute of the Diocese of Raleigh. All adults who are interested in learning more about their Catholic Faith and the Bible are invited to participate. It is especially recommended for those involved in Adult Faith Formation, Parish Elementary and Youth Catechists, and Catholic School Teachers. Instructor: Pat Matterson. The course will be offered in English on Thursday evenings from 6:15-8:15 PM: January 14, 21, & 28, February 4, 11, & 18, in the St. Francis Room of the Koury Center. You will need to purchase a copy of the text: The Bible Blueprint A Catholic’s Guide to Understanding and Embracing God’s Word by Joe Paprocki for a cost of $10. Registration: Participants may register by emailing their contact info--Name, Address, Phone Number to Pat Matterson or by calling (336) 570-0013 or (336) 449-6519.

Sunday, January 24 7:30 AM Rosary

12:30 PM Rosario

5:30 PM Children’s Choir

6:30 PM TYM

Monday, January 25 6:30 PM Centering Prayer

Tuesday, January 26 9:00 AM Quilters

9:30 AM Bible Study

9:30 AM (ESL) Ingles como segundo Idioma

7:00 PM K of C 4th Degree Mtg.

7:00 PM Rosary

7:00 PM Ministerio de Alabanza

7:30 PM Al-Anon

Wednesday January 27 9:30 AM (ESL) Ingles como segundo Idioma

1:00 PM Praying Needles

5:30 PM Organist/Cantor Practice

7:00 PM Rosario

Thursday, January 28 9:30 AM (ESL) Ingles como segundo Idioma

6:00 PM Coro Pan de Vida

7:00 PM Choral Group

7:00 PM Traditional Choir Practice

Friday, January 29 5:00 PM Coro San Juan Apóstol

Saturday, January 30

4:30 PM Rosary

5:00 PM Mass

6:30 PM Rosario

7:00 PM Misa

Most parishioners realize that their Bishop’s Annual

Appeal gifts support the hungry, the homeless, the frail

and the sick. But your help goes beyond that. Every

parishioner at some point has benefited from the BAA.

Every Catholic school and parish faith formation

program, like the one here in our parish, is helped by

your gift through Diocesan training, support and

consultation. Marriage preparation programs, seminarian

and deacon formation as well as a host of other spiritual

and educational activities exist through God’s grace and

your generosity. Please make a generous gift to the

Bishop’s Annual Appeal.

Congratulations to Emily Bailey for

being selected as the winning entry from the Piedmont

Deanery Catholic Schools Program by the Year of Priests

Education/Formation Sub-Committee for the Poetry and

Essay Contest in the Diocese of Raleigh. To congratulate the

winners of this contest, Bishop Burbidge will present each of

the winners with a framed certificate at a pizza party in their

honor in February. Please join us in congratulating Emily on a

job well done!

CRS Fair Trade

JYM Chocolate Fundraiser After Masses February 6 & 7 or place your order with a JYM

participant. Small bars $2 - Large bars $4

Any questions please contact Irene Vick (919) 304-4290 or

Patricia Matterson, 570-0013.



“New Beginnings Lead To All Things New”

Session Two:

“Dealing with the Realities of Change”

The Discipleship Ministry invites us to

gather to explore the reality of a major

change for our community, building a new

church! This program offers our adult

community the opportunity to look at the

ways in which the Incarnation calls us to continuous change

and growth and how we respond. In our first session, we

gathered together to pray and grow in our understanding of

the radical nature of the Incarnation and how it changed the

world forever! We have enjoyed the wonder and beauty of the

Christmas season and now we are now challenged by the

reality of the Incarnation to change and grow.

This session is a facilitated gathering with presentations

by Fr. Paul, Fr. Bob and parishioners that will focus on

the “who, what and how” of this project.

This program is NOT designed to be a “town hall”

meeting about the building project. There will be general

information offered regarding the plans for the new


The presentations will be followed by group work and


If you did not attend the first session, you may still attend

this session.

This session will be around 1.5 hours with a social

following the program. It will be offered twice for your


January 31 @ 3:00pm and February 3 @ 7:00 pm

(in the Koury Center)

Registration forms will be available in the bulletin, the

vestibule of church, and the parish office this coming

week. Contact Ann Imrick at or

229-5228 if you have questions.

Child care will be provided!

Respect Life

The upcoming Parish Respect Life meeting will

be held on Wed., Feb.3, 2010, at 7:30 pm in the

St Francis room of the Koury Center. Join us to

become informed about current prolife topics. For more

information, call Sis at 226-5497.

Rite of Entrance at 5, 7 p.m., & 11 a.m. Masses on February

6/7. Invite sponsor to attend.

Immediate Preparation classes (6 classes ONLY) begin

Wednesday, February 10, at 6:15 p.m. upstairs in the Koury


Required Confirmation Retreat:

March 6, 2010 from 8a.m. – 5 p.m. Koury Center. Plan to

attend 5 p.m. Mass with your Elon Campus Ministry


Prayer Service & Rite of Enrollment April 14, 7 p.m.


Confirmation practice Sunday April 18th, 3 p.m. at

Immaculate Conception Church, Durham, NC

Confirmation for Blessed Sacrament candidates (Piedmont

Deanery): Thursday, April 22nd 7 p.m. at ICC, Durham.

Palms for Ash Wednesday

(February 17)

You are welcome to bring in the palms that

you received last year so that we may use them for ashes this

year. There is a basket in the vestibule of the church to put

palms. Please bring palms by the weekend of February 13/14.


Have A Great Time..Support A Great Cause..

Help Alamance ElderCare & Those They Serve

Alamance ElderCare’s 10th annual SuperBowl fundraising

event is scheduled for Saturday, February 6. This event features

a great day of fun and fellowship along with exciting chances to

win prizes and awards. Best of all, it is a great chance to help

others and to give back to our community! The Alamance

ElderCare SuperBowl will be held at Country Club Lanes West

on South Church Street in Burlington. This fundraising event

helps Alamance ElderCare remain here and provide its services

at no cost to older adults and their family caregivers in our


Please consider getting a team or two (up to 5 people per team)

and joining us in support of Alamance ElderCare. We need 750

good people to help with this good cause!

No bowling skills needed just a desire to make a difference!

Pre-registrations are now being accepted, please call Alamance

ElderCare at 538-8080.

Hospice of Alamance – Caswell is in need of volunteers to sit

with patients in their homes so that their family can get out to

run errands or just have a break. We will be holding Volunteer

Training classes January 30th and February 6th from 9:00am –

3:00pm. You must attend both classes to be certified. The

classes will be held in our office building at 914 Chapel Hill

Road (beside the Hospice Home). Call Dianne Smith to

register, 532-0126.

Come join us for good music

(1960’s back to the Big Band Era), good food, and good

friends. The Knights of Columbus 4th Degree will be

sponsoring a dinner-dance on Saturday, February 6, after the

5:00 PM Mass. We welcome all parishioners and friends.

Tickets are $13 Single, $25 Couple. See any 4th degree Knight

for tickets. We hope to see you there!

Our annual St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance will be on

March 20. Mark your calendar to save the date

and look for tickets on sale soon!

The fundamentals of caring for you, your family

and your child with mental illness

NAMI Basics is the new signature education program for

parents and other caregivers of children and adolescents

living with mental illness. The NAMI Basics course is taught

by trained teachers who are the parents or other caregivers of

individuals who developed the symptoms of mental illness

prior to the age of 13 years. The course consists of six

classes, each lasting for 2 ½ hours. All instruction materials

are FREE to participants.

When? Beginning February 16, 2010 for 6 consecutive

Tuesdays, 6:30-9:00 PM

Where? Peoples Memorial Christian Church, 247 NC 87N

Contact: Judy Watson, 336-447-4456, to register. Prior

registration required.

Principal Notes:

All is progressing rather well at Blessed Sacrament School.

The School Advisory Board is reviewing its mission and purpose. The Home School Association is developing its own

set of formal documents. And our teachers continue to offer your children the best instruction that is out there.

Don’t forget: we are hosting a three-day, week day Open House on Tuesday, January 26th (9:00–11:00 AM),

Wednesday, January 27th (12 Noon – 2 PM) and Thursday, January 28th (10 AM – 12 Noon). Make sure you tell

all of your friends and neighbors to join us for a wonderful visit!

Liturgical Ministries for Next Week / Ministerios Litúrgicos para la Próxima Semana

January 30-31

Lectors Euch. Ministers Servers Hospitality Cantor Music

5:00 PM John Casey

David Blair

Sal Festa

Peg Constantine

Mary Feamster

Chelsie McCravey

John Hill

Daniel Hill

Sis Steffen

Peter Breidenbach

John Constantine

Terry Glass

Janet Imrick

BSS Choir

Jen Huber

7:00 PM Leticia Escobar

Mónica Meza


Daniel Flores

Gloria García

Rosendo Azamar

Irma Olmos

Julissa Ibarra

Ashley Ibarra

Yoselin Malchor

Luisa Camacho

Rafa Parra

Aidee Parra

Esperanza Torres

Melquiades Márquez

Coro Pan de Vida

8:00 AM Debra McCusker

Tommy Robards

Ann Faubel

Chris Lampe-Strain

William Dula

Caitlin Dula

Faith Tarala

Piotr Tarala

Peg Hansen

John McCravey, Jr.

Tim Shaner

Ed Showerman

9:30 AM

Ed Kroliczak

Debi Collins

Children’s Liturgy

S: Tonya Dobson

P: Crystal McCloud

Sal Festa

John O’Day

Linda O’Day

Kevin Haverstrom

Luke Haverstrom

Kyle Grauer

Michael Falk

Ray Lappan

Robert Maccia

John McCravey, Sr.

Donna Ashley Al Thomas

11:00 AM Ray Cheek

George Jungermann

Angela Palsha

Angela Upchurch

Katie Nilges

Nicholas Upchurch

Nathan Upchurch

Mitchell Gornto

Jim Corradini

Judy Jungermann

Jane Matkins

John McCravey, Jr.

Meredith Gornto and Children’s Choir

1:00 PM Juan Valles

Arlette García


Arlette García

Eduardo San Pedro

Zobeida Ascencio

Lidia Carrera

Jessica Canar

Brenda Rebollar

Adrian Gómez

Laurentina Antunez

Alejandro Mata

Soila Mata

Minerva Arrellano

Silvestre Camacho

María Morales

Coro San Juan Apóstol

Traditional Choir