Blasphemers. Perilous Times Part 2.

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Transcript of Blasphemers. Perilous Times Part 2.

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Miracle deliverance

Blasphemers ~IDOLARTORS  Power of the Word Pat Holliday, Ph.D.

PERILOUS TIMES  We are living in perilous

times. Jesus warned us

to be vigilant,


HELLThus says the Lord:"Stand by the roads, and

look and ask for the

ancient paths, where the

good way is; and walk in it,

and find rest for your


But they said, 'We will not

walk in it.'" (Jer. 6:16).

Today, Christians walk in

pathways to altered states of 

consciousness, like trances,

like sleepwalkers.


In Rockefeller Center (New

York City), directly across

the street from St.

Patrick's Cathedral, is this

two ton statue of Atlas; a

companion piece to

Prometheus, and the

largest sculptural work at

Rockefeller Center. Atlas

carries the heavens upon

his shoulders as

punishment for defying

Zeus. Designed and cast in

1936 by Lee Lawrie and

Rockefeller Center (New York City New World Idolatry

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Rene Chambellan, the statue's exaggerated musculature and stylized body are characteristic of the

Art Deco style.

The north-south axis of the armillary sphere on his shoulders points to the North Star as viewed

from New York City. Laid across Atlas's shoulders is a wide, curved beam that displays a frieze of 

the traditional symbols for Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Adjacent to Earth (over Atlas's right forearm) is a small crescent symbolizing the Moon. Affixed toone of the sphere's rings are symbols for twelve constellations through which the Sun passes during

the year.

Know that the Shadow Government elitists are stealing the Christian faith through secret, silent

programs bought by their foundations. They are winning because the sold out leaders of the

Christian Church who have willingly accepted Mammon’s money to build their humanistic, greedy

kingdoms on the earth.

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their

own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3

Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that

are good, 4 Traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having aform of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6 For of this sort are they

which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7

Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth,” (2 Tim. 3:1-7).

Furthermore, Jesus notified His people of danger of the great darkness. Nevertheless, it is also a time

for great light to shine into the darkness. Jesus said , “And this is the condemnation, that light is come

into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For

everyone that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be

reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that

they are wrought in God,” (Jn. 3:19-21). Christian witnessing can be especially powerful because of 

the tremendous darkness that has spread across the world. The Christian Church is surrounded by

the enemy and infiltrated by New Age doctrines camouflaged in Biblical language. To be successful,we must be a vigilant, but Word enlightened church.



The Church of Jesus Christ has been purchased with the precious blood of the Eternal Son of God,

therefore, like Him is eternal. Jesus said, “ Upon this rock” (Petra) “I will build my church.”  The Church

is not built upon Peter, but it is built upon Christ. There is a Divine Person living in a real Christian

Church. Each member of the Church is indwelt by the Spirit of God. The Christian has a unique

relationship with Jesus. Jesus is shown as the Head of His Church and the members are called His Body.

He has given his believers a power of attorney to act against the power of Satan.

The Apostle Paul reports that Jesus rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into thekingdom of his beloved Son. He writes in the beautiful poetic language of Jesus in (Col. 1:13), describing

Christ’s sovereignty. “Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us

into the kingdom of his dear Son: 14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the

forgiveness of sins . . .” (Col. 1:13-14). Look at a passage that celebrates Christ as creator and sustains

the universe, and He is shown supreme over every living creature. He is the head of His body, His

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Church, and the first to conquer death. Although in Christ “all the fullness of God was pleased to

dwell.” Paul asserts, it was ultimately only through his human suffering–through “the blood of His

cross,” (Col. 1:19, 20), “That he was able to reconcile all things to God and make peace.”1 

Paul describes the power of Jesus. “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all

creation: for in Him all things in heaven and on earth were created, things visible and invisible

whether thrones or dominions or rulers or powers,” (Col.1: 15-16). Jesus Christ is Lord and weworship Him in the Spirit of truth according to (Jn. 8:32). Jesus must be at the center of our sermons and

our lives that the world can truly see that the Father sent Him.

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 33 They answered him, We be

Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?

34 Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of 

sin,” (Jn. 8:32-34). KJV

[Who is the image of the invisible God] eikoon tou Theou tou aoratou. The object, here, as it is in

the parallel place in (Eph. 1:20-23), is to give a just view of the exaltation of the Redeemer. It is probable

that, in both cases, the design is to meet some erroneous opinion on this subject that prevailed in those

churches or among those that claimed to be teachers there. See the Introduction to this Epistle, and

compare the notes at (Eph. 1:20-23). For the meaning of the phrase occurring here, "the image of the

invisible God,” (Heb. 1:3, and 2 Cor. 4:4).

The meaning is that He represents to mankind the perfections of God, as an image, figure, or

drawing does the object which it is made to resemble. See the word "image " - eikoon - explained in the

notes at (Heb 10:1). It properly denotes that which is a copy or delineation of a thing; which accurately

and fully represents it, in contra distinction from a rough sketch, or outline; compare (Rom. 8:29; 1 Cor.

11:7; 15:49).

The purpose noted in this passage is that the being and perfections of God are accurately and fully

represented by Christ. In what respects particularly he was thus a representative of God, the apostle

proceeds to state in the following verses, to wit, in his creative power, in his eternal existence, in his heir

ship over the universe, in the fullness that dwelt in him. This cannot refer to him merely as incarnate, for

some of the things affirmed of him pertained to him before his incarnation. The idea is that in all things

Christ fairly represents to us the divine nature and perfections. God is manifest to us through him; (1 Tim.

3:16). We see God in him as we see an object in that which is in all respects an exact copy of it. God is

invisible. No eye has seen him, or can see him; but in what Christ is, and has done in the works of 

creation and redemption, we have a fair and full representation of what God is . . .2 


Jesus has been raised and seated at the right hand of Father God. He is ruling in power and

distributing His power to the ones who believe. (Eph. 1:17-23), “That the God of our Lord Jesus

Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge

of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his

calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, And what is the exceeding

greatness of his power to usward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, Which

he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the

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heavenly places, Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name

that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: And hath put all things

under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, Which is his body, the

fulness of him that filleth all in all.” 

He has been raised by the Father and is sitting in His position of divine power and has put every

power under His feet. He is giving His power to usward who believes. This means that we can walk in hispowerful anointing and accomplish the very same results that He and His disciples did.\ 


Many of these preachers are living sumptuously like kings and queens in multi-million dollar homes

while you sit overwhelmed by debt. I’m telling you, that you are NOT listening to the real gospel. When

traced, many ministers’ are connected to the world illuminates and believe far more in New World Order

religious views than Jesus Christ and the Word of God. Seeking after a Christian star instead of Jesus is

following the spirit of Idolatry.

You must repent for seeking after God the Father as a sugar daddy in the sky instead of the God thatsent His Divine Son Jesus to save you from your sins to give you eternal life. Rededicate your life to

Jesus and ask Him where you can go to receive the true Gospel.


He is the god of imagination of the perverse preachers who preach about money, things and

self. Are you listening to preaching that consists of stories about the minister, his or her family

experiences, or you giving to them so that you can get some money to increase your depleted bank 


The Bible warns, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewingof your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God,”  

(Rom. 12:2).


Why is God silent in the face of widespread heresy?

Why do the wicked ministers seem to prosper while many godly ministers are financially oppressed?

When is God going to step on the scene and set it all right? We must take heart though it may appear that

God's enemies are in control and He is doing nothing that it’s just not true. Prophecies in the Bible are

happening in our time. God’s time will arrive when people will come to the understanding that apart

from Him, they can do nothing. We must take heart to remember these times were foretold in thescriptures. God is in control and everything must be fulfilled. Like children in the wilderness were led by

the hand of God, we shall see the majestic glory of the risen Lord!

God desires a people who will trust Him and His Word. When men cast aside God's laws, they do

what is right in their own eyes. Despite how ungodly the world becomes, His people will see His

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deliverance! People’s will for rebellion will continue until his demonic leaders bring the world to the

brink of utter destruction. We, Christians may have to spend time in God's waiting room, having faith in

Jesus, abiding, and contending with the wiles of Satan till the day of deliverance, but it will surely come.

The Bible tells us so.


The Apostle Paul tells us in (1 Cor.11: 19), why God allows heresy to dwell in the midst of His

Church. Paul says,  "There must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be

 made manifest among you." If you are a true believer, you will be able to discern the real from the


Give God glory for it is a gift to be able to discern good from evil. God’s Word and His anointing

are standards that place our faith on firm foundations. It is by means of iniquity (self will) that the root of 

error takes control.

The Greek word, heresy, according to Liddell and Scott, means taking for oneself, choosing, or

choice. The things chosen, and so plan, purpose a course of action or thought; from this we get aphilosophic principle, a sect, and a heresy.


Webster's International Dictionary defines Heresy:

1.  Adherence to a religious opinion that contrary to an established dogma of a church. Dissent

from a dominant theory or opinion in any field group or school of thought centering on a

particular heresy.

Therefore, heresy is not so much rejecting as selecting. The heretic simply selects the part of the

scriptures he or she wants to stress, and lets the rest go. How prone we are to take to ourselves those parts

of the truth that please us and ignore the other parts. This is heresy! Heresies are a direct result of anintellectual concept becoming crystallized into a religious system of teaching that is not Scriptural. This

is the case with the multifarious sects which divide Christendom today.

The book of Jude supplies us with a simple, straightforward summary of such sects, "These be they

who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit," (Jude 19). Their philosophies are built, not on

the full and glorious work of the Holy Spirit of God that exalts Jesus Christ; making His Person the grand,

central theme of their witness, but on some sideline doctrine, which divides instead of uniting.  

What are the "doctrines of devils?”   What is the result of a “ spirit of error?” Can “a spirit of 

whoredom” rule over a church? The Apostle Paul warned Christians to beware of deceivers but also to

take heed that he would not deceive himself (1 Cor. 3:18). Jesus also cautioned Believers to beware of 

self deception in (Lk. 21:8). From the beginning of the Church throughout its history, Satan has attacked

by using evil deceivers. "Evil men and seducers shall wax worse, deceiving and being deceived,"  (2

Tim. 3:13). 4 

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But why does God permit such things? Confusion and delusion prevail when another gospel is

preached. Division and strife are present where unscriptural ways are taught. Why does God permit

heresy when the issue of man's salvation and spiritual health are at stake?

The answers to these puzzling queries are supplied in the scriptures,  "That they which are approved 

 may be made manifest among you," (1 Cor. 11:19). The Church shines the brightest when its ministers

are full of the Holy Spirit, lifting a Biblical standard against the darkness of the world.1 

The Bible is full of testimonies of true as well as false teachers. Jesus wanted His people to discern

the truth from the false. “And he spake a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? shall they

not both fall into the ditch?” (Lk. 6:39). KJV

The test of God’s prophet was not because of the popularity. The majority did not appreciate

Jeremiah's prophecies though he spoke God's Words. Jeremiah's condemnation of the sins of the people

aroused much hostility, both in his hometown of Anathoth also Jerusalem (Jer. 11:18-23).

He spoke out fearlessly and drew upon himself the anger of the court by predicting the capture and

ultimate destruction of Jerusalem. He was forced into hiding during the reign of the tyrannical Jehoiakim

who showed their contempt not only for him but for the word of the Lord by cutting up and burning the

roll of Jeremiah's prophecies. They chose the things they wanted to hear and became enraged with

Jeremiah, even putting him into a pit. The ear-tickling false prophets of Jeremiah's day have passed away

into obscurity while everyone remembers God's prophet, Jeremiah.

He was vindicated when his prophecies came true! "The way of man is not in himself: it is not in

 man that walketh to direct his steps," (Jer. 10:23). Jeremiah's statement is just as valid today as it was

when he wrote it. Unfortunately people looking for material success in this world do not necessarilyunderstand spiritual success in the spirit world. Jesus must be the dominant part of us, so that we become

known in the world as men and women of God. As we learn obedience and dependence upon the

teaching of the Holy Spirit, we are able to see the works of Satan and detect the true works of God.

Heresies exist but The Holy Spirit exposes them in His word, “ . . . that they which are approved may

be made manifest among you,”  (1 Cor. 11:19). You supposed to discern the difference between God’s

true servants and the false servants.


There are still many great Christian men and women of God, pastors, evangelists and workers who

tend the fields, giving their lives for the Lord’s sheep. Praise God for them!  "The gates of hell shall not 

 prevail against His Church," (Matt. 16: 18). God is getting His Church ready for the greatest events thatwill ever happen in the universe, and Second Coming of the Lord Jesus to establish His Millennium

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Kingdom upon this earth. Nonetheless, the days are evil and many would rob the world of its true God

and Savior, Jesus Christ.

If one could pinpoint the exact time when overt Christian heresy began to emerge in America

publicly on a large scale, one's finger would point to the time in the sixties when on national TV Emory

University students snake-danced across the campus chanting, "God is Dead!" These students were onlyreflecting their professor, Dr. Thomas J. J. Altizer's, of Emory University, vile philosophy contained in

an article in "Christian Century,” July 7, 1965, that began by stating categorically that "God is dead!"9 

Though he tries, man can never kill God! 5 

Rev. Wilson, goes on writing, "Dr. Altizer later wrote a book, The Gospel of Christian Atheism,

where he calls upon all Christians to "will the death of God, and with the passion of faith." He mentions

those who say that contemporary man is unable to believe in God and others who say that our culture is

fleeing from the presence of God. Then there are those who feel God has decided to say nothing in our

time, and more who argue that the real God is above anything that can be worked out in metaphysics or

religion. He rejects these views as inadequate. God is dead, and there is an end of the matter. He

believes Christians must not only accept this fact but must look upon the death of God as a "great

liberation.” Moreover, they must rejoice in the death of God and proclaim this "good news"enthusiastically."


Rev. Wilson concludes, "Altizer can sweep grandly over the entire body of Christian Theology,

discarding God, the law of God, and the Old Testament with equal abandon. Surprisingly, he is just as

free to get rid of embarrassments about Jesus, including the Resurrection of Christ, The Second Coming,

or anything that smacks of the supernatural. Jesus has become flesh, so all attention, honor, and glory

must now be riveted on flesh in whatever state it manifests itself. Immorality, idolatry and drunkenness

are just as valid expressions of Christ as joy, peace and long-suffering, perhaps better, since they qualify

for the new code word "authentic"7

. . . Flesh is the new god.

After Altizer selected one 'word' of the Bible, and falsely interpreting it, he is blithely able to discardall other words of the Bible. See also that this is no freakish doctrine. It is exactly what is to be expected.

It is the predictable result of what must come when we divorce the written Word of God from the living

Word of God which embodies it. Grasping the central truth of the Bible, the Incarnation, he so perverts

that truth as to be brought to reject the God of the Bible, in the name of Christ. What is this but

Antichrist?" 8 


The spirit of the Antichrist has been in and at work in the world since the Resurrection of Christ. Its

main purpose is to work to defame, destroy the purity, power and purpose of Jesus Christ. According to

Jesus Christ Himself, Satan works through his ministers of darkness, the wolves in sheep's clothing!

If Altizer were alone in his strange faith, there would not be a need for alarm but it reaches into the

highest halls of Christendom and encompasses every denomination. An article appeared in The London

Times August 8, 1964, that expresses the dilemma of modern Christianity. "It is not a sign of wickedness

or even of the irreligious for a man to confess that he does not believe in the Virgin Birth or the

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Resurrection? But there must appear something fundamentally false about such a man who will recite the

Nicene Creed at the head of his congregation. The ordinary layman properly feels that if a man does not

believe in the creed he should give up saying it. The modern churchman cannot expect ordinary men to

respond to the patent insincerity of reciting the words regularly and then maintaining that they do not

mean what they say."9

There are many "wolves in sheep's clothing" these days whose chief purpose is to defame the name

of Jesus Christ. They work to lead people to doubt the Bible and depart from the true mission of the

Church. They use philosophy of men, mysticism, liberal cults, atheism and agnosticism to nullify and

discredit the teaching of the Word of God. They work diligently to get rid of Bible Doctrine. These so-

called "Christians,” by questioning the authority of the scriptures and the claims of the Savior are great

signs of the eminent return of Jesus Christ!


The Church of Jesus Christ does not have ministers called "faith healers.” Kather ine Kuhlman said,"

I am not a faith healer; I am a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ." The Church does have true men andwomen who have the true gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Church does have the power of Jesus, His Name

and His Word. Unfortunately, where there is truth you will have those who are wolves in sheep's

clothing. There are many so-called "faith healers" who camouflage themselves as Christians and use

God's hurting people as merchandise to enhance their so-called ministries. The Church must begin to see

the real from the false and cleanse itself.

The merchandisers of God's people are sitting upon financial empires that will topple by the hand of 

God. God's true anointed ministers have nothing to fear because the Lord will back them with great

power to perform his work. The sad part of the Popoff affair is that the cleansing comes from a humanist

group instead of the Body of Christ. The world is looking but in the name of "unity" the church is

accepting any error or personality that chooses to call itself  "Christian.” God help us in these days of darkness.

The seducers are on the move but the Church must bring to remembrance the warning of the Apostle

Paul when he wrote: "There were false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false

 teachers among you, who shall be bring in damnable heresies . . . " (2 Pet. 2:1).


Throughout his various Epistles, the Apostle Paul admonished us to stay awake - to "watch and be


(1 Thess. 5:6-7), "Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. For

they that sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night." 

(Rom. 13:11), "And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for

now is our salvation nearer than when we believed."

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(1 Cor. 15:34), "Awake to righteousness and sin not . . . " 

(Eph. 5:14), "Wherefore He saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead . . . "

(Rom. 12:11), "Not slothful in business . . ."

People who are spiritually asleep generally have certain features about them. Some of them are as

follows: secure, careless, and unconcerned about their souls; negligent of their duties like prayer; Bible

study; fellowship with other believers and witnessing; regardless of their spiritual enemies or the warfare

in which they are engaged; given to a carnal security and sinful indulgences; stupefied and blinded by

besetting sins; living as though there is no tomorrow or an eternity awaiting them when they leave this

world; willingly ignorant of God's Word and His Will for their lives; unteachable and avoid any serious

means of instruction; generally intemperate and excessive; corrupt in their morals; .insensible to spiritual

things; lukewarm in their love for the Lord and His kingdom work; given over to the lusts of their own

flesh such as "chambering," "strife and envying," "surfeiting"; unresolved in their convictions and

unstable and unsteady in their purposes; constantly in a warfare in their souls as to whom they should

serve; God or the world, their own Selves, and Sin.

They have a divided heart between God and this world . . . fear God - yet have hearts that arefilled with the idols of this world . . . Like Ephraim, they have mixed with the people of this world,

learned their works, lost their spiritual identity by becoming conformed to this world and its ways, and

adhered to the counsel of the ungodly rather than the Word of God . . . have "itching ears" which are

constantly looking for teaching and preaching that will gratify the lusts of their own flesh and satiate their

endless curiosity or desire for variety . . . avoid any kind of teaching or preaching that calls for holiness

of living or the crucifixion of their flesh . . . and have turned away their ears from the plain and solid


The Apostle Paul loudly and clearly sound out the alarm to the Body of Christ today –  

(1 Thess. 5:6), - " . . . let us not sleep, as do others . . . " 

(Rom. 13:11), - "And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep:

for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed."


Tell me . . . Do you really believe telling the truth to God’s people by exposing the lies

of many “false Christian teachers and ministers,” is touching God’s Anointed? Or would

you rather those who can spiritually discern be silent and see millions fall into Hell because

they are being led by blind leaders? The Body of Christ is facing the most horrendous, Satanic and

demonic greater confrontation than at any other time in history. It will be a time of intensified spiritual

warfare where demons will manifest themselves and will fight in direct confrontation with God’s people.

The Lord Jesus told us in (Matt. 10:22), "And ye shall be hated of all men for. My name's sake: but

he that endureth to the end shall be saved." And then in (Matt. 6:33), He said, "But seek ye first thekingdom of God and His righteousness . . .”

Yes they went seeking after God but did they find the god of the Garden of Eden, that ole serpent

or did they find the god of self?

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“Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets , Prophesy not unto us right things, speak

unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits: 11 Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path,

cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us. 12 Wherefore thus saith the Holy One of 

Israel, Because ye despise this word, and trust in oppression and perverseness, and stay thereon: 13

Therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall, swelling out in a high wall, whose

breaking cometh suddenly at an instant,” (Isa. 30:10-13). KJV


The Church has the answers through the deliverance ministry and the teaching of Christian

character. However, the Church of Jesus Christ must have spiritual eyes to discern the demons involved in

a person’s life. Ministers must ask the Lord to let them see which spirit is operating. Is it a devil? Is the

human spirit controlling the person’s flesh? Is it an emotional spirit controlling the nervous system? Is it

a mental spirit in control? Is the Spirit of the Holy Spirit in control or is it a religious spirit of the Devil?

Each one of us is accountable to God to make certain Jesus Christ is residing in us, creating his life

through us, and that we have the witness of the Holy Spirit within us. (Rom. 8:16). "Examine yourselves,

to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves," (2 Cor. 13:5). “Every Christian emerges either

trusting in people, or trusting fully in God, that is, either cursed or blessed .”Thus saith the LORD;

Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from

the LORD. For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall

inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited,” (Jer. 17:5-60).


Many famous preachers have changed their teachings that even deny that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Churches undergoing radically restructuring of doctrine, structure, methods and practices and the reality

of Jesus Christ and His Word.

1. False teachers are proud. They are concerned for their own popularity. They are concernedfor their own fame. They are concerned for their own notoriety. They are concerned for their own

 prestige. They’re concerned to see themselves and hear themselves in the public eye. They want large

crowds, as it were, to bow down in great homage to them. They’re characterized by pride and they will do

anything to gain the ground they need to gain for the welfare of their own personal ego, including any

amount of compromise necessary.

2. Secondly, false teachers are characterized by selfishness. They tend to be self-centered.

They are concerned for their own comfort. They are concerned for their own popularity. They are

concerned for their own prosperity. In the end, it’s all about money, fame, and prestige and notoriety

equals an increased bank account. They are in it for the money and the personal material benefits that they

can gain as they endeavor to feed their selfish desires. 

3. Thirdly, They are characterized by deception. They usually can weave a very sophisticated

web of deception in their teaching because they tend to be articulate, if they’re going to be successful, and

they endeavor to engage other people to aid them in their deceitful enterprise which gives it sort of, THE

facade of credibility. 

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 Pat Holliday ArticlesPat has spent several decades in selfless effort to help people not only in the USA

but other nations too.

She has spent her life helping people to find Jesus Christ as Savior, Lord, and


Please help Pat today, in any way you can.

Pat's websites:

Pat's Facebook page Miracle Internet Church 

Pat Holliday school of deliverance - audio archives 

 ARTICLESAll in PDF format 



01-17-2011 Blotting Out the Name of Jesus 01-31-10 Name Of Jesus 


05-10-2011 Inherited Curses Deliverance Pt. 1 

05-08-2011 Deliverance, Demonology and Christianity 

Key Words Blasphemers, Perilous times, Antichrist, deliverance, Star Gates, Synchromysticism, Wizards of the NEW AGE Christ , New Age Light of 

Lucifer, TODD BENTLEY , JESSA-RICK JOYNER, Peter Wagner, blashphemers, angel of light, kundalini, CHUCK PIERCE, SPACY STAR GAZERS ,

PLANET SOUND waves , AGE OF AQUARIUS , HERETICS ~ TRANCE , SPELL ,Portals, Ancient Gods, Transformation , Transitions, Star Walkers,

Jesus, Switched Witch ,New Age Religion

1. Pat Holliday, Inner Healing, 9252 San Jose Blvd., 2804, Jacksonville, Fl. 32257 

8/6/2019 Blasphemers. Perilous Times Part 2. 14/14 Page 14

2. ibid(from Barnes' Notes, Electronic Database Copyright © 1997, 2003 by Biblesoft, Inc.

All rights reserved). 

3. Metcalfe, J.C, There Must Be Heresies, The Overcomer Literature Trust, Dorset England p. 5. 

4. ibid 

5. ibid., p. 19. 

6. ibid 

7. ibid 

8. ibid 

9. The London Times August 8, 1964