Blank out the squares

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Blank out the squares

Blank Out the Squares

A Game by Alex Beston for HTML 5

What the game is, how to play it Improvements New Developments Further Comments Wrap up – what have I learned?

Blank Out the Squares

Aim of the Game

To remove all the colored squares

from the screen

Solving the game

The user picks squares with two or more adjacent squares of the same colour

User selects these 4 grey squares

Solving the game

Grey squares are removed and

yellow drops down

Solving the game

Game continues as the number

of squares diminish

Solving the game

An empty column will cause the squares to the left of the column to shunt to the right

User loses if...

Back to the position...

Black “T” selected.

User loses if...

Can go wrong here!

Red group selected...

User loses if...

Game cannot complete!


Another way to lose?

Choose a yellow instead ...


But it still cant be solved from here!


Solving the game

Back to the start ...

Happy Conclusion...

After a series of correct moves…

Starting a game

The game attempts to generate a solvable configuration – can take several iterations!

Starting a game

… until there is a solvable arrangement

I've given up! Show me how to do it!

[ demo game ]

Program Structure

Squares (html) a canvas element with some buttons

Javascript code:MainGameSolverDiagramClasses

Program Structure Main – sets up the grid / squares object

with random colours

Game – applies game logic to the grid making movements

Solver – contains the DFS recursive routine to make solutions

Diagram – draws grid and captures user inputs

Program Structure

Classes - contains object of squares and the crucial “clone” routine for object duplication

[run through version 1 code]

Solving by recursion

Depth first search

– what does the solver do? Runs until it has at least one success

stage rather than finding all possible. Answers the question if a random set

of squares is “solvable”

DFS Tree

Section 2 - Improvements

Separate “Game” from Generator This isn't a game more an interface for

testing functions and algorithms

A better game....

Instead of a list of moves ...

A better game....

Do a hints button with highlighted areas

A better game....

Sound and Animation!

− Animate tiles removed quickly one by one

− Sound increasing in pitch proportional to number

of squares

− Congrats and applause, sigh when lose

− Music – “popcorn”

A better game....

Now that generator is out, focus on the game and work it for the phone layout

A better game....

Give the user an aim − download a pack of 20 puzzles of increasing


Hi-Score Table – playing competitively − a networked game – further down the line …. gamers

playing synchronized matches .

A better generator

Speed is an issue!− Remove any dead wood – anything can be done more


− Look at the size of objects – what is in memory?

Unnecessary code?

• Discovered – several methods

• scanForSingleton

• resetRowsCols

• Unselectall

• [game.js]

A Better way

• Keep a running total of number of each colour

• colorTotals[] in a puzzle object alongside the squares objects

• Instead of a “selected” cells during adjacent colour discovery, use a stack of squares to develop and see if already there

• [classes.js & game.js]

Inefficient game logic?

• moveBlocksDown(squaresArray);

• checkForblankColumns(squaresArray);

• Look at one of these

• [game.js]

Blank Columns

Blank Columns

Blank Columns

• Find first empty column (fec)

• Copy occupied column names to a string

• Use those to starting at fec

• Whiten remaining columns.

• [ version 4 game.js ]

Size of objects

• Using “sizeof.js” discovered puzzle object is over 1000b!

• Shave off unnecessary properties – • .x & .y, .selected,

• Move functions out of the class

• Immediate improvement – but not that much – from 6 secs to 3 in one case.

• Store colours as 0, 1, etc rather than “white”, “black”

Slow execution?

• Clone is an expensive operation• Use a specialised clone function rather than generic [misc.js]

• For loops slow in JS

• No tail call elimination in JS!• “a new stack frame every time you recurse”

What I have learned ...

• Split off any non-game sections – don’t make user wait!

• JS is excellent for prototyping functions and algorithms & game play

• But bad for anything requiring lots of calculations recursively – object size wasn’t that important

• Time to move on to more appropriate language like python / C

Thank you for listening!