Black panthers #3

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Black panthers #3

Black Panthers by Ben

Table of Contents

Page 3 Panthers Page 4 What Panthers DoPage 5 Panther’s Behaviors Page 6 Black Panther CubsPage 7 What They EatPage 8 Where They LivePage 9 What Is Its Colors Page 10 What’s Its Prey


A black panther is usually a solid color and a combination of other larger cats. In America, wild black panthers may be called black jaguar. They live in Asia and Africa. In Asia, there are some

very rare black tigers (smaller wild cats) like jaguarondi is the female jag which may also be black. Captive black panthers may be black jaguars or more commonly black leopards.

What Panthers Do

The black panther eats other small animals like mice or rodents. Its prey is bigger animals. Black panthers are powerful intelligent. Their coat color is black and their body size is medium. Panthers live in rainforest, marshland, woodlands, swamps, savannahs, and even mountains and deserts.

Panther’s Behavior

Black panthers have unique behaviors or habits which are different from those of other big cats or pet cats. As members of the big cat family black panthers can roar while other small cats such as house cats, bobcats, lynx and cougars, purr but cannot roar.

Black Panther Cubs

A black panther cub is usually born in same litter along with other light –colored leopard cubs. Typically a leopard litter consists of two to three cubs but sometimes up to six. Black panther cubs are born with their eyes closed and are covered with faintly spotted smoky gray fur. They weigh about 450 to 1000 g ( 16 to 35 oz. ). The mother leopard has to stay at the den all the time during the first few days after the birth to rest and nurse the newborn baby panthers.

What They Eat

A black panther eats smaller animals like mice and rodents and sometimes watermelon.

Where They Live

Black panthers live at Africa and Asia they are located at northern part of Africa and Asia but some panthers are in the USA like in Florida.

What Is Its Color

Some panthers are White, Black, Brown, Tan and sometimes Brownish tannish but the panther cubs are black and gray with pocadodts.

What’s Its Prey

A black panther falls prey to bigger animals like the golden eagle and maybe bigger bears sometimes.

Female Panther

A female panther is just like the male panther its just that the female panther has polka dots like a cheetah.


Cub: young black panthersFemale: the female panther with dotsJaguar: a panther with black furLeopard: a panther with spotted furPanther: a type of large cat that has many variations Panthera: another type of animal cat Prey: animals that are eaten by other animals


Africa 8 Asia 8Bears 9,Bobcat 10Cheetah 10Cub 6Female 10Florida 8

Golden eagle 9Jaguar 3Leopard 3Panthers 3, 4, 5, 6, 10,11Panthera 3Polka dots 11 Rainforest 4

About the Author

I am 9 years old and a student at Shades Mountain school in Hoover, Alabama. I am in third grade. My teacher is Mrs.

Marchant. My favorite hobby is playing basketball with my dad.