BIY Photography Created by: Ann Prideaux. What do I need? Camera PC or Mac Computer Photoshop (on...

Post on 29-Dec-2015

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Transcript of BIY Photography Created by: Ann Prideaux. What do I need? Camera PC or Mac Computer Photoshop (on...

BIY Photography

Created by: Ann Prideaux

What do I need?

• Camera• PC or Mac Computer• Photoshop (on computer)• Powerpoint (on computer)• Fresh Ideas• Your eye

What do you want to learn from this class?

What you will get out of it…

• What a good photo holds• Digitally enhancing photos• Digitally changing photos• Photo Journal


• Always where you camera strap• Stay with your buddy• Find interesting points of view• Look for the unexpected• Explore you creativity

A Great Picture Includes…


• Break your photo into thirds to give it more interest

• Experiment how close or far away you should be to your subject to convey the mood you want for the photo

Test It!


• Don’t put to many things into one photo• Pick a specific object that interests you

instead of the many points of interests

Test It!

Find a Subject/Focus

• Choose what you want the main character of the photo to be

• Make it obvious that what you chose is the subject of the photo.

• Choose a different angle to show your subject

Test It!


• Look for interesting color combinations • Don’t choose monotonous colors• Use the environment and manmade objects

around you to make the best photo

Test It!


• Once you have chosen what you want the photo to be of, make that more prominent by focusing on it.

• Experiment on focusing on the background instead of that foreground

Test It!

Filling the Frame

• To add interest into the photo, you should look to fill the photo with your subject

• By doing this you add more emphasis on what your subject is

Test It!

Learn the Camera


Different Types of Lighting

• Indoor Lighting – lighting from the lights that are inside

• Outdoor lighting - the natural light from the sun, etc.

• The Flash – is the light that comes from camera

• Backlighting – lighting that come from the back of the subject, not the best if you want detail on your main subject

Downloading My Photos


• Make sure you have a cord that connects your camera to your computer.

• Connect your computer to your camera.• Save the photos to whatever folder you save your

other photos.• Enjoy looking through your photos!

Making It Interesting!

Things To Think About

• Try Odd Numbers• Look for different angles• Think spontaneously• Create a story• Create emotion