Birds and Mammals

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Birds and Mammals. Determine which characteristic is common to birds or mammals or both . . Mouth usually has teeth. Mammal. Determine which characteristic is common to birds or mammals or both . . Air sacs are attached to the lungs. B irds. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Birds and Mammals

Birds and Mammals

Determine which characteristic is common to birds or mammals or both.

Mouth usually has



Determine which characteristic is common to birds or mammals or both.

Air sacs are attached to

the lungs


Determine which characteristic is common to birds or mammals or both.

Mammary glands to feed

the young


Determine which characteristic is common to birds or mammals or both.

Parental care of the



Determine which characteristic is common to birds or mammals or both.




Determine which characteristic is common to birds or mammals or both.

Body covered with feathers


Determine which characteristic is common to birds or mammals or both.

Keep a steady internal body temperature


Determine which characteristic is common to birds or mammals or both.

Skin is covered with hair


MatchingMatch the organism/description to one of the following words.

Herbivore Carnivore Omnivore

Mammals with large and sharp canine teeth


MatchingMatch the organism/description to one of the following words.

Herbivore Carnivore Omnivore

Animals that eat plants


MatchingMatch the organism/description to one of the following words.

Herbivore Carnivore Omnivore

Hoofed mammals with incisors and molars


MatchingMatch the organism/description to one of the following words.

Herbivore Carnivore Omnivore

Animals that eat insects, frogs, seeds, nuts and berries


MatchingMatch the organism/description to one of the following words.

Herbivore Carnivore Omnivore

Owls, hawks and eagles with hooked beaks and talons


MatchingMatch the organism/description to one of the following words.

Herbivore Carnivore Omnivore

Animals that eat meat


MatchingMatch the organism/description to one of the following words.Pollinator Seed Dispersal Predators Scavengers

Animals that prey upon other animals


MatchingMatch the organism/description to one of the following words.Pollinator Seed Dispersal Predators Scavengers

Berry eating birds such as waxwings and sparrows

Seed Dispersal

MatchingMatch the organism/description to one of the following words.Pollinator Seed Dispersal Predators Scavengers

Ruby-throated hummingbirds


MatchingMatch the organism/description to one of the following words.Pollinator Seed Dispersal Predators Scavengers

Barn owls, Red-tailed hawks, barn swallows


MatchingMatch the organism/description to one of the following words.Pollinator Seed Dispersal Predators Scavengers

Nectar feeders with long tube-shaped bills


MatchingMatch the organism/description to one of the following words.Pollinator Seed Dispersal Predators Scavengers

Eat dead and decaying material – vultures and crows


The gizzard of a bird

A. stores air

B. grinds food

C. connects the esophagus to the stomach

D. helps the bird fly

Which of the following is NOT a correct pairing of a bird and its adaptations?

A. Owl: hooked beak and talons

B. Hummingbird: very high-speed wing flaps and a long slender bill

C. Flamingo: long wading legs with webbed feet

D. Bald Eagle: very long wings and spear-shaped bill

Consider the digestive system of birds. Which choice below shows the correct sequence of organs?

A. stomach → crop → beak → gizzard

B. beak → crop → stomach → gizzard

C. beak → gizzard → crop → stomach

D. beak → stomach → gizzard → crop

Birds can be accurately described by all of the following EXCEPT

A. Young develop inside eggs with leathery shells

B. Have a heart with four chambers

C. Have adaptations for diet and habitat

D. endothermic

Rabbits and hares have these sharp, flat-edged teeth at the front of the mouth for biting and cutting plants.

A. incisors

B. canines

C. premolars

D. molars

What is the function of the placenta?

A. Place for newly born marsupials to continue to develop after birth

B. Breaks down old red blood cells

C. Produce milk for the young mammal

D. Passes materials between mother and the developing embryo

This is the largest order of mammals. They are characterized by gnawing incisors.

A. Hoofed mammals

B. Marine mammals

C. Rodents

D. Insect eating mammals

What is the largest muscle below the rib cage of a mammal that helps it obtain oxygen?

A. diaphragm

B. umbilical cord

C. placenta

Class Mammalia derives its name from

A. The organ that passes materials between mother and the developing embryo

B. The large muscle located at the bottom of mammalian ribs

C. Organs in the mother’s body that produce milk

D. The four-chambered organ made up of atria and ventricles

Which of the following statements is NOT true of the nervous system of mammals?

A. Mammals have a ventral nerve cord

B. The brains of mammals enable them to learn and remember

C. The senses of mammals are highly developed and adapted.

D. Mammals have a dorsal spinal cord

Which statement best defines a marsupial?

A. Mammals such as armadillos, sloths, and anteaters that lack teeth

B. Mammals in which females nurse underdeveloped young inside a pouch

C. Mammals that transfer pollen from one flower to another flower

D. Mammals in which pregnant females possess a placenta

Give at least three characteristics that make the platypus a typical mammal. Additionally, give two characteristics that are unusual for mammals.

Mammal-like Characteristic Unusual Characteristic




has fur

feeds young with milk

4 chambered heart

duck-like bill

venom glands and spurs

lays eggs in a nest