Bird by Bird

Post on 08-Sep-2015

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Bird by Bird

Transcript of Bird by Bird

Bird By bird JournalYung-Hsin

The thing I learned from this page is her attitude towards being a writer and her viewpoint of writing. One of the gifts of being a writer is that it gives you an excuse to do things, to go places and explore. Writing motivates you to look closely at life, as life as it lurches by and tramps around (Anne Lamott's). All the memories experiences are important as inspirations to write also the new discoveries. You feel the life deeply with every detail and observation around you that cultivate your personality and ways to live. It works as a musician as well. A musician performs not only what is written in the score but he reads the notes and then plays it with the emotions he feels from the music or his interpretation from the piece and even his own life experiences. When he composes, all those observations and thoughts are important to be included as ingredient in the compositions. I like Anne Lamott's writing when she is describing her growth from a little child to an adult. Her family, especially her father, has a great impact on her future career as a successful writer. In her writing, she describes every incidents happened to her in detail and with vivid descriptions. I kept reading because I wanted to know what interesting things would go on. She also uses some examples of people to emphasize her writing points; such as she walked like Richard Nixon. This is the thing I would like to apply to my writing because it can help strengthen my viewpoints and let readers to understand me more. Her writing style is direct and humorous. First, I got funny and I started to write. This sentence somehow demonstrates her writing ways. The tone is informal. She uses I, the first person to write. The dictions are not too difficult for me to read but they are picturesque and leave deep impression on me when I am reading.