Post on 15-Feb-2018

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Transcript of BIOTEKNOLOGI Kuliah ·...


Adi RahmatJurusan Pendidikan BiologiFakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan AlamFakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan AlamUniversitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Fermentation (ferment = rearrange)A bi Di ti – Anaerobic Digestion –

A set of anaerobic reactions in which pyruvate A set of anaerobic reactions in which pyruvate generated by glycolysis is modified to ethanol, lactate, or some other organic end product. A l i f ti hi h t l d A complex series of reaction which are catalyzed by a consortium of microorganism and accomplish the conversion of organic compound to the t i l d tsterminal productsThe sum of reactions which converts a wide array of substrate materials having carbon at array of substrate materials having carbon at various oxidation/reduction to one carbon molecules in the most oxidized (CO2) and most reduced statereduced state

The Primary Metabolism Pathwayy y

Fase 1

Fase 2Fase 2

Fase 3Fase 3

Substrat Karbohidrat - Glikolisis •Fase 2

Substrat Lemak – β-Oksidasi•Fase 2


Substrat protein•Fase 2


E ll l H d l i

•Fase 1

Extracellular Hydrolysis

The organic end product of fermentation •Fase 3

The organic end product of fermentation

Gas Methan

Low molecular

Gas MethanEtanol - alkoholAsam laktatLow molecular

weight compounds(intermediate

Asam laktatAsam cukaAs m sit t?( ntermed ate

compounds) Asam sitratAsam amino?


Produk, bahan baku, dan mikroorganisme

Bioreactor – Gas(Methanobacterium Methanosarcinae Methanothrix)(Methanobacterium, Methanosarcinae, Methanothrix)

How it works?