“Bionics & Future” - Universidade da Beira...

Post on 04-Feb-2018

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Transcript of “Bionics & Future” - Universidade da Beira...

“Bionics & Future”

� In the Middle Ages → life expectancy was 40 years of age

� In the 60s → life expectancy in UE was around 60 years of age

� By the end of XX century → life expectancy in EU was already 75,6 years for man and 81,7 years for woman

� Today a child is born → life expectancy of 100 years of age

� In the present XXI century → life expectancy in the mostdeveloped countries (USA, Canada, Japan, EU) should keep increasing, maybe to 120 years, maybe to much more…

� But,… and the ‘quality of life’ of these people who reach those ages?

Biónica & futuro / Bionics & future

Bionics & future

� The eldest person alive todayEmma Morano, Italy, born 28 Nov 1899 → 117 years old

� Before her, the eldest person was:Susannah Mushatt Jones, USA, born 1899, died May 2016 → lived 116 years

� Before her, the eldest person was :Jeralean Talley, Japan, born 1899, died 17 June 2015 → lived 116 years

� Before her, the eldest person was :Misao Okawa, Japan, born 1898, died 01 April 2015 → lived 117 years

o Probably none of us (adult today)will see the arrival of the XXII century

o But a child that is born now should see the arrivalof the XXII century XXII with 84 years of age

Bionics & future

Bionics & future

� The eldest person alive todayEmma Morano, Italy, born 28 Nov 1899 → 117 years old

When Emma Morano dies there will not have any person alive who was born before 1900.

Emma Morano, the last person born before1900.

28 Nov 2016

Bionics & future

� The second eldest person alive todayViolet Brown, Jamaica, born 10 Mar 1900 → 116 years old

� The third eldest person alive todayNabi Tajima, Japan, born 10 Ago 1900 → 116 years old

� 80’s → Microprocessors(it was when we built our computers)

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� 90’s → Connections between the computers (Internet, www)

� XXI century → Intelligenceintelligent computersintelligent machinesintelligent robots

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� Today robots can see better than us, humans But they still have difficulties to understand what they see

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� Today robots can hear better than us, humansBut they still have difficulties to understand what they hear

� Today robots can have more than our 5 senses(They can have senses that we human did not developed)But they still have difficulties to interpret what they feel

� This is a question of processing capacity of the computers

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� As the processing capacity of the computers increases, machines can carry out better and better thehuman functions that they perform.

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� since these machines will have, more and more, embedded computers, implanted chips, etc. (equipped with ‘intelligent’ programs for they to perform these human functions)

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� It is believed that before 2025 the processing capacity of thecomputers will allow to ‘emulate’ our brain

� And this will allow machines to perform human tasksmore and more complex.

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� Possibly, we will have intelligent computers/machinesthat will be able to have a conversation with us humansso well, so that they will pass the ‘Turing Test’.

Machines are becoming human!


Turing Test

Bionics & future

Machines are becoming human!

That is,

Today we find natural things thatwe couldn’t imagine

only 25 years ago

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o automatic sliding doors

o calculating machines

o computers

o mobile phones

o smart phones

o ATM machines

o etc.

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o credit and debit cards

o vending machines

o online shopping

o automatic tool

o industrial robots

o robotics generally

o agriculture and cattle

o sheep/cows feeding

o etc., etc., etc.

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Máquinasdesempenhando tarefas humanas

Bionics & future

Machines are performing human tasks

In the future we’ll find natural things that

we cannot imagine hoje

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o self-driven cars

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o auto-parking cars

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o robots of all kinds interacting/living side by side with us

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o drones for various services

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Bionics & future

Machines performing more and more human tasks

and robots that, for this, sometimes take human appearance/looking/expression

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Prof. Hiroshi Ishiguro

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Bionics & future


And even, in some cases, having the aspect of a human

machines performing more and more human tasks

Machines are becoming human!

That is,

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Bionics & future

On the other hand…

we humans are putting (in our bodies) more and more machines inside us: prostheses and implants

o prostheses and implants of all types

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Bionics & future

o prostheses and implants of all types(bionic parts)

including brain implants

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o brain implants for several brain disturbs

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epilepsy, Parkinson, Alzheimer, OCD, depression andmany others

o brain implants to provide capacity to move objectswith the mind

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Mathew Nagle

‘Robotic suit’ kicks off World Cup in Brazil, 2014



o brain computer interface to increase the capacity of the brain

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Google braindeep learningdeep mind technologies

memory (hipocampo), learning, emany others

o gradually there will be introduced electronic components of some sort in practically all humans

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We humans are becoming machines!

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“Bionic Systems”

That is,

Bionics & future

Machines are becoming human!We humans are becoming machines!


Bionics & future

We humans are becoming machines!

Machines are becoming human!

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Bionic Systems

are little by little becoming common, natural, ordinary,

vulgar, trivial.

Pirate wooden leg Captain Hook

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Paola Antonini, 20 years old

Nataša Kovačević, 21 years old

Bionic Systems artificial members

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Adrianne Haslet-Davis

Camille Rodrigues, 22 years old

Bionic Systems artificial members

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Aimee Mullins, 39 years old

Bionic Systems artificial members

Aimee Mullins,

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Hugh Herr, 51 years old

Bionic Systems artificial members

� The human functions are little by little reproduced by technology

in a even better way and more perfect.

[ although this is done in an alternative form,

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not by the biologic way, but technological ]

Sistemas Biónicos órgãos artificiais

Bionics & future

We humans are becoming machines!

That is,

Bionics & future

for some people, the ‘glasses’ or the ‘contact lens’ are already a kind of implant, even though they are not embedded in them.

humans not only carry machines inside themselves, but also carry machines along with themselves.


For example,

For some, the ‘mobile phone’ (or ‘smart phone’)

is already a kind of implant, even though they are not embedded in them.

They are already part of us. We do not leave home

without it. We do not get away from it.

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Bionics & future

Larry can now see again with the help of a ‘bionic eye’ done at “Duke University Eye Center”

Larry Hester, 66 years old, seller from North Carolina, USA lost his sight and stayed 33 years in almost total darkness due to a degenerative disease called ‘retinitis pigmentosa’.

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Bionics & future

Ray Flynn, 80 years old, British, retired. Surgeonshave implanted a chip in the back of his eye in a procedure that took 4 hours.

Ray received this ‘bionic eye’. He is suffers from ‘artificial retina for dry macular degeneration’, a problem related with the age.

Bionics & future

Ray Flynn

For these 2 persons, the ‘glasses’ became a kind of

implant, even though they are not embedded in them.

Google glass is more or less the same thing.

Google glass

Larry Hester

Bionics & future

Google glass

MapsMeteorologyVideo callsInternetYouTube

�Brain-computer interface(human cerebral wavescaptured by the computer)

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Google glass

Google glass, or any other device of brain-computer interface can also turn themselves in implantsthat are not embedded in us.

� We are in the “Information Age”

� Brain implants in future will become safe, reliable and unnoticed. It will be one of the things that will become natural and current.

� bionic organs, prostheses and implants will also become vulgar, trivial.

� how many parts of our body can be substituted for others artificial replacements until we loose the sense of being human?

� When we are not human anymore and become machines?

(the “IT Revolution”)

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Bionics & future

� When we are not human anymore and become machines?

� We shall substitute ourselves little by little by other ‘beings’ that in some aspects will be like us, but in others not.

� These ‘beings’ will have the capacity of learning much quickerthan us and will live much longer than us today.

� By small changes we will get to a big change andit is not possible to predict what will happen.

It’s unforeseen!

� It is possible tat: The future robots will be us.

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Bionics & future

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� The future robots will be us?

� In future we will be machines?

Shall we?????

However, there are thingsthat we know that will happen

� robots more human

� humans more artificial

� computers/chips/etc. ‘embedded’ in everythingeven within us (the human beings),

� and with them systems that will monitor our health,

� and with them too, virtual communications, so thatthese ‘embedded’ chips can communicate with healthcenters, or even call the ambulance, if necessary.

� nanorobots sailing inside our body, to detect infectionsand diseases even before we feel anything, orto administrate medicine when necessary.

� longevity →→ we will live much more and with quality of life.

Our world will soon have:


Bionics & future

humans becoming machines!

machines becoming human!

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Is this a optimistic vision of the future?!?!

humans becoming machines!

machines becoming human!

humans becoming machines!machines becoming human!

Is this a optimistic vision of the future?!?!

Biónica & futuro / Bionics & future

Certainly yesSince there are sceneries much more catastrophicimaginable for the future of the humanity!

Felippe de Souza


Thank you!