Biomedical Big Data: New Models of Control Over Access ...

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Biomedical Big Data: New Models of Control Over Access,Use and Governance

Effy Vayena & Alessandro Blasimme

Received: 21 March 2017 /Accepted: 24 August 2017 /Published online: 5 October 2017# The Author(s) 2017. This article is an open access publication

Abstract Empirical evidence suggests that while peo-ple hold the capacity to control their data in high regard,they increasingly experience a loss of control over theirdata in the online world. The capacity to exert controlover the generation and flow of personal information is afundamental premise to important values such as auton-omy, privacy, and trust. In healthcare and clinical re-search this capacity is generally achieved indirectly, byagreeing to specific conditions of informational expo-sure. Such conditions can be openly stated in informedconsent documents or be implicit in the norms of con-fidentiality that govern the relationships of patients andhealthcare professionals. However, with medicine be-coming a data-intense enterprise, informed consent andmedical confidentiality, as mechanisms of control, areput under pressure. In this paper we explore emergingmodels of informational control in data-intensehealthcare and clinical research, which can compensatefor the limitations of currently available instruments.More specifically, we discuss three approaches that holdpromise in increasing individual control: the emergenceof data portability rights as means to control data access,newmechanisms of informed consent as tools to controldata use, and finally, new participatory governanceschemes that allow individuals to control their data

through direct involvement in data governance. Weconclude by suggesting that, despite the impression thatbiomedical big data diminish individual control, thesynergistic effect of new data management models canin fact improve it.

Keywords BigData . Control . Ethics . Privacy.

Informed consent . Governance

1. Introduction

Large reams of data are generated, collected, and proc-essed each day for an indefinite variety of purposes. Aportion of these data is the output of scientific experi-ments in all fields of human knowledge, from astrono-my to sociology and from climate science to physics.However, a great deal of data stems from the activities ofsocial infrastructures, like the state’s administration, fi-nancial systems, telecommunications networks, civilaviation, or the Internet. In this respect, a vast part ofthe world’s data comprises information that keeps trackof what individuals do in the course of their daily lifeand activities.

The capacity to exert control over the circulation ofsuch personal and professional information is a funda-mental premise to crucial values such as autonomy,privacy, and trust. For the purposes of the present paper,we will speak of personal information in the domain ofindividual health. To this aim, we define personal healthinformation as all information about the health state ofan identifiable individual (at any time) obtained through

Bioethical Inquiry (2017) 14:501–513DOI 10.1007/s11673-017-9809-6

E. Vayena (*) :A. BlasimmeHealth Ethics and Policy Lab—Department of Health Sciencesand Technology, ETH Zurich, Auf der Mauer, 17, 8001 Zurich,Switzerlande-mail: effy.vayena@hest.ethz.che-mail:

the analysis of health data. Personal health informationcan either be acquired through data collected by directobservation or measurement of individuals’ behaviour,bodily traits, and pathophysiological state; or be inferredthrough the analysis of other types of data. We discusssuch expanded interpretation of health-related data atlength in the next section.

Individual control over personal health informationin healthcare and clinical research is generally achievedindirectly. Instead of having granular control over thecirculation of such information, patients and researchparticipants generally agree to specific conditions ofexposure. Such conditions can be openly stated in in-formed consent documents or be implicit in the norms ofconfidentiality that govern the relationship between pa-tients and healthcare professionals. And yet, as medi-cine—like so many other activities—becomes a data-intense enterprise, informed consent and medical confi-dentiality seem to offer only limited amounts of controlover the production, collection, use, and circulation ofhealth-relevant data. Empirical evidence suggests thatwhile people hold the capacity to control their data inhigh regard, they experience a sense of loss of suchcontrol in the online environment. According to thelatest Eurobarometer survey, only 15 per cent of thosewho provide personal information online feel they havecomplete control over their personal data.1 All otherrespondents think they have either only partial control(50 per cent) or no control at all (31 per cent) over whatis done with their personal data. Moreover, 69 per centof respondents believe that express permission shouldbe asked before collecting and using their personal dataand about the same percentage claims to be concernedabout their personal data being used for purposes theyhad not initially authorized. Along similar lines, accord-ing to a recent survey on Americans’ attitudes towardsprivacy, security, and surveillance, 93 per cent of re-spondents agreed that being in control of who can getinformation about them is important or very important(Madden and Rainie 2015).

These data refer to the entire online environment andnot specifically to the health sector. In fact, at least in theEuropean study, when people were asked about whichtypes of institutions they trust most in handling their

data, health and medical institutions ranked on top.However, as we argue in this paper, within the evolvinghealth data ecosystem, data coming from different con-texts (e.g. from research rather than from clinical care)are not clearly demarcated from each other. This posessignificant challenges to both the control of personaldata uses and subsequently to the trustworthiness ofthe users.

In what follows, we provide an expanded account ofhealth data and define the normative importance of datacontrol along with the challenges it raises (sections 2and 3). We then explore novel models of informationalcontrol in data-intense healthcare and clinical researchwhich aim to enhance individual control of data (section4). More specifically, we discuss the emergence of dataportability rights as means to control data access; newmodels of informed consent and data transactions astools to control data use; and finally, new participatoryschemes providing individuals with the option to controltheir data through direct involvement in data gover-nance. We conclude by suggesting that, despite theimpression that biomedical big data diminish individualcontrol, the synergistic effect of new data managementmodels can in fact improve it.

2. The Evolving Nature of Health Data

Health data conventionally include laboratory test re-sults, diagnostic images, medical records, public healthregistry data, and data produced in the context of bio-medical or clinical research. However, the notion ofhealth data has expanded considerably in the last twodecades (Vayena andGasser 2016). For instance, the everdecreasing cost of genome sequencing has spurred thegeneration—for both clinical and research purposes—ofunprecedented amounts of genomic data (Stephens et al.2015), one of the most discussed novel types of healthdata. Owing to technological progress, individual medi-cal records ever more frequently come grouped in theform of comprehensive electronic health records—a shiftin format that is enabling previously unthinkable uses ofpatients’ data (Jensen, Jensen, and Brunak 2012;Coorevits et al. 2013). Altogether new forms of dataare also making their way into medicine and medicalresearch, including data produced outside the perimeterof clinical care and medical or clinical research.

The term Bbiomedical big data^ designates all health-relevant data that can be made interoperable and thus

1 The Eurobarometer is a wide-ranging series of public opinion sur-veys conducted regularly on behalf of the European Commission in thetwenty-eight member states of the European Union (EuropeanCommission 2015).

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amenable to predictive data mining for health-relatedpurposes. Biomedical big data range from data generat-ed by health services, public health activities, and bio-medical research, to data registering exposure to envi-ronmental factors like sunlight or pollution, or datarevealing lifestyle, socioeconomic conditions, and be-havioural patterns, such as data from wellness and fit-ness applications, social media, and wearable devices(Vayena, Dzenowagis, and Langfeld 2016). Biomedicalbig data contain detailed information about people’scharacteristics at phenotypic, genotypic, behavioural,and environmental levels. Thanks to the use of moderndata mining and deep-learning techniques, this type ofdata can prove extremely valuable to making health-related predictions for both individuals and populations(Freifeld et al. 2014; Executive Office of the President,President’s Council of Advisors on Science andTechnology 2014; Krumholz 2014; Khoury andIoannidis 2014: Bender 2015; Hill 2012).

For this reason, biomedical big data form what hasbeen labelled a Bdata ecosystem^—an analogy thatstresses the interdependence of the actors and processesthat rely on the production and circulation of data as akey resource for their respective activities (Vayena andGasser 2016). The idea of a data ecosystem highlightstwo important features of biomedical big data: first, thefact that they blur conventional distinctions betweendata types produced in different settings, thus turningvirtually any form of data into health-relevant data (Jainet al. 2015; Hawgood et al. 2015); and second, that datagovernance will likely need to draw on a wider array ofrelevant stakeholders that should encompass actors wellbeyond the biomedical community, including, primarily,data subjects.

3. Does Data Control Matter?

Informational control amounts to the power to decide onthe conditions of exposure of health data and personalhealth information.2 For instance, one can be said tohave control over such information when one is able to

decide whether that information can be acquired byanother subject (for example a pharmaceutical compa-ny), shared with other researchers, or used for previous-ly unanticipated purposes.

Controlling big biomedical data that refer to our-selves can be connected to other valued states, to whichcontrol is—one way or another—germane or instrumen-tal. And yet, we are not implying that individual controlis all that matters in the protection and promotion ofpeople’s interests concerning health data and personalhealth information. Beyond individual control, legisla-tive provisions, oversight mechanisms, and proceduresfor the use of health data are crucial to ensure that thoseinterests are respected.

Data control should not be understood as an absolutevalue but rather as a precondition to a host of valuedstates including autonomy, self-determination, privacy,trust, transparency, and accountability. Such values areheld in high regard in any domain of human activity, butthey acquire even greater importance in the context ofhealthcare and health-related research, given the vulner-ability of patients and research participants. It will there-fore be useful to spell out the importance of controlwithin the articulated set of values and interests that itis supposed to serve. For starters, as autonomous indi-viduals, we have an interest in being in charge of deci-sions that affect us personally. Decisions about data thatdescribe who we are and howwe live do indeed concernus directly. Not being able to make those decisions canthus undermine our autonomy. Controlling the flow ofinformation about ourselves is instrumental to our per-sonal development as it enables us to present ourselvesin different ways to different people and in differentsocial contexts (Rachels 1975; Parent 1983). This isespecially relevant in the case of potentially stigmatizingmedical conditions. Control of personal data is alsoimportant for one’s right to privacy. Although not asufficient condition of privacy (Allen 1999; Solove2012), control is certainly crucial to keep personal in-formation in a state of restricted access and to avoid thesense of threat that comes with the mere risk of privacyintrusions (Westin 1967; Parker 1973). Given theharmful consequences of privacy breaches in thecase of personal health information (for example interms of insurance coverage discrimination), the val-ue of privacy in the healthcare sector hardly needs tobe stressed any further.

Data control on the part of data subjects is alsoconducive to transparency, accountability, and trust, as

2 Our definition of control owes to Alan Westin’s influential definitionof privacy as Bthe claim of individuals, groups, or institutions todetermine for themselves when, how, and to what extent informationabout them is communicated to others^ (Westin 1967, 7). However, aswe explain in this section, we do not see control only as a function ofprivacy, nor we endorse Westin’s notion that privacy is mainly aboutinformational control.

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it requires data holders to inform data subjects aboutcurrent uses of their data. Accordingly, they can decidewhether or not to keep their data available. In the healthcontext, such mechanisms are considered the baselinefor building and maintaining trust in healthcare andresearch institutions. This also demands that an organi-zation clearly identifies and discloses who is account-able for data management, for secure storage and accessprocedures, as well as for monitoring the use of suchdata. Those mechanisms, in turn, encourage people tomake their personal data available in the first placeunder a governance framework that they trust, thusmaking data analysis possible for a number of sociallyuseful activities—including the improvement ofhealthcare provision and the advancement of biologicaland medical sciences.

Other than catering to important values and interests,however, playing an active role in the management ofone’s own personal data can be a hallmark of a specialtype of character—one that shows a disposition to pru-dence, modesty, and self-reliance. This might explainwhy we are used to thinking about control mainly as adirect individual responsibility. But if one considers theexponential growth in the amount of data being gener-ated through digital technologies, then framing controlas a personal responsibility alone might result in anexcessive burden for individuals. Faced with the oner-ous responsibility of controlling what happens to themultiplicity of their data, people might eventually preferto eschew activities that entail data collection (Bruntonand Nissenbaum 2016). This would be unfortunate inthe case of those data-driven activities—like health re-search based on biomedical big data—from which pub-lic utility is legitimately expected.

Another risk relates to what we can call Bthe illusionof control^ (Brandimarte et al. 2009)—namely the falsesense of control generated through the individuals’ re-quired agreements to terms of service, which, as evi-dence repeatedly shows, individuals do not read orunderstand (Solove 2012). It should be noted, however,that one possible way of using direct control over one’sdata is to cede control to another party, as is often thecase in the healthcare sector. In this case, the capacity toexert control tends to undermine the very ideals of self-directedness that control is supposed to serve. As aconsequence, understanding control merely as a person-al responsibility can lead towards sub-optimal outcomesin terms of autonomy and self-determination. Despitethis potential contradiction, ever more frequently, claims

to health data control are coming precisely from peoplewho are interested in releasing their personal data in thepublic sphere.

The OpenSNP platform, for example, is designed toallow people to take genomic data obtained throughdirect-to-consumer genetic testing companies and torelease them on an unrestricted website with no privacyguarantee whatsoever (Haeusermann et al. 2017).Therefore, the right to informational self-determination(that is, the right to controlwhat personal information isdisclosed when, to whom, and for what purpose) shouldnot be understood as a means to prevent data collectionand data use. Nor should it be interpreted as a potentialthreat to the benefits that such activities may contributeto in the case of healthcare and health-related research.Improved health services, more effective drugs, betterpublic health interventions, and progress in basic sci-ence are among the expected benefits of data-drivenmedicine. The value of these developments is self-evi-dent. Yet, individual control can be used in ways that donot promote such outcomes. Nevertheless, in the ab-sence of sufficient evidence, it is premature to think thatpeople exercising data control rights will preferablymake highly restrictive uses of those rights and end uphindering progress in healthcare. In fact, extreme casesof data control, such as OpenSNP, show that the oppo-site may be the case. What is more, the availability ofdata control—being a sign of respect for people’s inter-ests—may promote rather than hinder the propensity toshare data for health and health research related pur-poses. Finally, there is an important counter-incentive tousing data control to restrict data availability: since oneof the promises of data-intense medicine is the provisionof personal health information to health data contribu-tors, people who adopt an overly self-protective posturewill exclude themselves from the benefit of receivingclinically relevant information about their health.

Informational control also bears on another typicallyindividual entitlement, namely ownership. It is generallyassumed that one should have control over what is hersor, otherwise stated, that owning entails the privilege ofexerting some exclusive form of direct control overwhat is owned. These intuitions establish a conceptuallink between control and ownership. Moreover, somescholars have famously argued that informational priva-cy boils down to a form of control over informationalresources that people own (Thomson 1975). And yet,establishing who owns biomedical big data is notorious-ly difficult. With health-related data for instance, it is not

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generally the case that clinical or research data are theproperty of data subjects in any meaningful sense.Clinical trials data, for instance, are the property of thesponsoring company; and research data collectedthrough public funding are not treated as the propertyof either the research participants or the researchers.Nonetheless, both participants and researchers havesome rights on data that could be associated with prop-erty. Research participants, for instance, can require thedestruction of their data. And research institutions cansell or even share their data for free—but generally onlyif donors have initially consented to that. With biomed-ical big data, establishing property rights is further ex-acerbated by the convergence of data produced in clin-ical, academic, and commercial settings and data re-trieved from online environments.

Nonetheless, some have argued in favour of full-blown property rights on personal data as a means toreinforce privacy (Westin 1967, 324–325).This type offraming, however, has generated criticism for both per-sonal data in general (Litman 2000) and for personalhealth data in particular (Evans 2011). A classic objec-tion stems from the consideration that in Western legalsystems property rights can be violated under specialcircumstances and thus would not fully protect againstunauthorized access to even privately owned data.Moreover, data property implies the possibility of sell-ing one’s data to another party, but this, in turn, implieslosing control over such data for good. In light of theseconsiderations, it seems that framing control primarilyas a direct responsibility of the data subject, or consid-ering it as an emanation of her proprietary rights on herdata, might create more problems than it actually solves.In this respect, we concur with claims about the illu-sionary nature of full individual data control as a meansto promote data subjects’ interests in the era of big data(Solove 2012). Yet, we set out to show that, at least inthe field of biomedical big data, mechanisms are evolv-ing that could give research participants more control.

3.1 Typical Means of Control Over Health Data

In healthcare and health research, often data subjects areeither healthy or diseased volunteers who enrol in clin-ical studies or, alternatively, individuals who donatesamples and health-relevant data irrespective of theirhealth status. The way in which these data subjects canexert control over their data, however, is mainly indirect.For instance, procedures like informed consent—a

keystone of medical ethics—might disclose informationto data subjects as to how their data and information willbe used, stored, distributed, and protected from unau-thorized access. Informed consent documents explainwhat are the conditions of exposure for health data andpersonal health information in a given study. It thusallows participants to decide whether or not those con-ditions correspond to their expectations and best inter-ests. However, there is quite some variability as to thelevel of detail regarding data exposure in different typesof consent forms. For example, research participantswho volunteer to provide samples and data for theconstitution of a research biobank cannot know in ad-vance who will access their data in the future and forwhich scientific purposes. In those circumstances, datasubjects generally sign broad consent forms, that is,consent forms that do not specify the conditions of dataexposure in any great detail but nonetheless set somelimitations to the use of the donated resources (Gradyet al. 2015). This model has attracted both praise(Hansson et al. 2006; Lunshof et al. 2008; Sheehan2011; Helgesson 2012; Kronenthal, Delaney, andChristman 2012) and criticism (Caulfield, Upshur, andDaar 2003; Hofmann 2009; Karlsen, Solbakk, andHolm 2011; Kaye 2012).

With biomedical big data, informed consent is likelyto be rather unspecific too. Sensitive health-related data,such as genomic data for instance, are generally collect-ed and made available through broad consent mecha-nisms. Moreover, for data collected beyond health ser-vices and research facilities, as is the case with theonline space (e.g. social networking platforms, commer-cial apps, devices, or websites that allow patients toupload their data directly), information about data expo-sure is notoriously vague and hard to access.Furthermore, consent procedures often fall short of ad-equately informing data subjects about the terms of useof their data (Vayena, Mastroianni, and Kahn 2013). Insuch a scenario, people may experience a substantiallack of control over the flow of their data.

Another indirect means of data control for patientsand research participants is the reliance on norms ofprofessional confidentiality. Confidentiality is a profes-sional’s capacity to keep a promise (often an implicitone) regarding the conditions of exposure of personaldata. In the case of medical confidentiality, health infor-mation provided or acquired during medical or researchactivities will not be disclosed to third parties, unlessthis is required in order to fulfil the aims for which that

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information was originally collected. Confidentiality,therefore, assigns health data to a specific regime of(generally very limited) exposure. It is often assumedthat the more medical activities rely on data, the lesslikely it is that confidentiality will be respected (Lunshofet al. 2008; McGuire and Gibbs 2006). The need tocirculate data for research purposes may thus conflictwith data subjects’ expectations. As empirical studiesshow, this is especially the case with respect to datacollected for healthcare purposes (Carman and Britten1995; Sankar et al. 2003). Notably, a large part ofbiomedical big data will be constituted precisely by dataacquired during ordinary health-related activities andconverging in individual electronic health records.

Another indirect way of respecting individual sub-jects’ control over their personal data has typically beenanonymization. In its canonical form, anonymizationrenders a data set non-identifiable by removing personalidentifiers (full anonymization) or by replacing themwith codes or keys that the original data controller canuse to re-identify the data upon necessity (pseudo-anonymization). Therefore, with anonymization, furtheruses of the data do not relate back to the person or heridentity. Anonymization as a means of control, however,suffers from two limitations. The first is conceptual:anonymous use of data does not necessarily enablecontrol over uses for specific purposes. For example, aperson might not wish their data to be contributing to aparticular kind of research due to social, cultural, reli-gious, or other reasons. But individual control over thepurpose of use cannot be exercised if the data have beenanonymized. In this respect, anonymization may in facthinder autonomy. This is particularly important to noticesince anonymization often is portrayed as an effectivemechanism to guarantee both privacy and autonomy—amove that can lead to confusion of two closely relatedbut distinct values with different demands. The secondlimitation is pragmatic: there is mounting evidencepointing to the actual weaknesses of anonymizationtechnologies, (McGuire and Gibbs 2006; Sankararamanet al. 2009; Visscher and Hill 2009; Gymrek et al. 2013)through increasing capabilities in data analytics. Hence,thinking about anonymization as if it were absolutelyreliable creates a false sense of security and ultimately afalse sense of control.

This brief overview shows that available means ofboth direct and indirect data control may be unable tomeet people’s expectations with respect to their biomed-ical big data. Therefore, we now turn to exploring novel

models of control that may help overcome the chal-lenges highlighted so far.

4. Emerging Models of Control over Health Data

The shortcomings of the above-mentioned models ofcontrol are reflected in public concerns, as seen in datacited earlier in this paper. Given the value that peopleseem to attribute to control over personal data, it is notsurprising that data-centred activities are met with dis-quiet. Currently, most of us do not really know how ourpersonal data are being used nor who has access to them(Solove 2006; Brunton and Nissenbaum 2016). Yetpeople continue to make their data available to a multi-tude of operators and service providers—under the pos-sibly misled assumption that actual threats to their pri-vacy and interests are in fact negligible (Haeusermannet al. 2017). Moreover, pushing companies and institu-tions to openly communicate what they do with the datathey have about consumers and citizens can be far fromtrivial (Turilli and Floridi 2009). Furthermore, evenhaving one’s personal data corrected, changed, or delet-ed can be cumbersome once that data are present in adatabase and shared with third parties (Bennett 2012).The disconnect between the value of control on personaldata and its increasing loss in the new constellations ofpowers of the data ecosystem, has given rise to severalattempts aiming at supporting individuals to gain morecontrol over their personal data.

For analytical purposes, we can unpack the notion ofcontrol along three dimensions that debates on dataprotection in biomedical research consistently highlight:control over data access, control over data uses, andfinally, control through governance (Fig. 1). Theselayers are interconnected as control in one dimension(e.g. over data access) may have implications on otherdimensions too (e.g. data use). Moreover, we take eachof the three dimensions to be a promising but not suffi-cient condition for control over biomedical big data. Aswe will see, not all of them bring about exclusivelyindividual forms of control.

The first dimension of data control—that is, controlover data access—refers to one’s ability to filter access tohealth data or personal health information by organizationsor people. Access control is a fundamental dimension ofcontrol because it is immediatelymaterial to the conditionsof exposure of that information. The second dimension ofdata control—over data uses—is also important since,

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other than deciding on who gets access to data, datacontrol also requires the capacity to understand what one’sdata are being used for and to decide whether those usesresonate with or are contrary to one’s interests and expec-tations. Data access and control have been consideredparticularly relevant in the case of genetic data(Rothstein 1997, 455). With biomedical big data,however, exerting those prerogatives might provecumbersome. For this reason, new models of controlover data access and use are needed to promote datasubjects’ interests in this area. The third dimensionof control over data has to do with governancestructures, and has received a lot of attention, espe-cially in the fields of genetic and genomic researchand biobanking. In these areas, the vision has ma-tured that designing governance structures, in whichpatients and participants can have their voices heard,will overcome the shortcomings caused by unspecif-ic consent, thus fostering trust and accountability(O’Doherty et al. 2011).

4.1 Control Over Data Access and Novel Rights

Data protection legislation defines and promotes datasubjects’ rights and interests with respect to personalinformation. In particular, data protection laws can reg-ulate under which conditions access to personal infor-mation is possible and who has the power to limit or togrant access to personal data. In the United States, onlysome sectors possess specific data protection legislation.

Nonetheless, data subjects in the United States areprotected by a bundle of rights (such as the right tonotice and to consent) concerning access to their data(Solove 2012). For instance, in the field of healthcare,the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act(HIPAA), enacted in 1996, sets specific restrictions onspecific actors involved in processing health-relateddata. The European Union, instead, has had a directiveon data protection since 1995.3 This directive hasbeen replaced by the General Data ProtectionRegulation (GDPR) (EU 2016/679) released bythe European Parliament and the Council in 2016(and to be implemented in 2018) which introducesa number of individual entitlements on personaldata (EU 2016/679). Of particular interest for ourpresent discussion is the right to data portability.Article 20(1) of the GDPR affirms that

… [the] data subject shall have the right to receivethe personal data concerning him or her, whichhe or she has provided to a controller, in a struc-tured, commonly used and machine-readable for-mat and have the right to transmit those data toanother controller without hindrance from thecontroller to which the personal data have beenprovided. (emphasis added)

3 A right to privacy has nonetheless been present in the European lawsince the promulgation of the European Convention on Human Rights(art. 8), signed in Rome in 1950.

Fig. 1 Three dimensions of data control

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Interestingly, according to the GDPR, whereas forother data subjects’ rights European or Member States’law can create derogations in the case of scientificresearch (art. 89.2), data subjects retain portability rightseven if their data is being processed for researchpurposes.

This requirement will allow patients to ask for a copyof their electronic health records or to require data froma medical device. Furthermore, data portability willallow patients to ask for the transfer of such data toanother entity. Companies, research institutes, andhealthcare providers will have to enable this right with-out posing technical obstacles. Such requirement willthus foster data interoperability, competition, and dataaccessibility. But most importantly, this right goes be-yond the right to access or to rectify one’s data. Throughdata portability, a data subject might make data collectedby one research institution accessible to another. Or shecould make data from a commercial application or de-vice—such as an activity tracking system—available forhealth-related research. Moreover, at least in the GDPR,the article on data portability is distinct from the right toerasure (also commonly known as Bthe right to beforgotten^). This right gives individuals the option torequest the deletion of their personal data if there is nocompelling reason for their continued processing. TheBright to be forgotten,^ which generated significantdebate in Europe and elsewhere, exempts data that areprocessed for public health purposes or scientific re-search. It therefore does not necessarily apply to healthdata (strictly defined). With a view to our earlier pointabout the expanded sources of health data, however, itwill have substantial implications for health researchpurposes, Nevertheless, it should be pointed out thatthe right to data erasure may present practical limitationsin all those cases in which personal data have beencopied, divided in smaller Bdata-packages,^ and distrib-uted to multiple other parties for a variety of uses. Inthose circumstances, implementing the right to be for-gotten will arguably be hindered by the difficulty oftracing precisely where data have been distributed.This problem is especially acute in the case ofanonymized data. Such limitations, however, shouldnot undermine data subjects’ rights but rather promotemore efficient data management practices.

What data portability and the right to erasure realizeis thus a conceptual shift whereby data subjects acquirea form of control that they previously did not have. Inparticular, thanks to data portability, data subjects

acquire the role of data distribution hubs—a role previ-ously reserved for data controllers. The case of dataportability illustrates that an epochal increase in theamount of personal data does not automatically corre-spond to a decrease in individual control. Legislation, atleast in this case, offered an innovative move in con-structing a novel form of control over access to data. Theimplementation of the GDPR and specifically theoperationalization of the data portability right will revealwhether such a move can actually achieve its multipleaims. Notably, it remains to be seen whether procedureswill be sufficiently streamlined to ensure that data porta-bility rights will indeed be widely enjoyed. Nevertheless,it remains a novel approach that is currently also underconsideration beyond Europe (MacGillivray andShambaugh 2016).

4.2 Control Over Data Uses and Novel Consent Models

With the unparalleled growth of information and com-munication technologies, for the last two decades mosthuman activities have been migrating online (Floridi2015). Activities that used to happen on paper are nowcommonly undertaken with the intermediation of digitaltools. This is also starting to be the case for informedconsent. In December 2016, the U.S. Department ofHealth and Human Services (DHHS) and the Foodand Drug Administration (FDA) released specific—al-beit nonbinding—guidance for the use of electronicinformed consent (FDA and DHHS 2016). Accordingto these guidelines electronic informed consent (eIC)

… may be used to provide information usuallycontained within the written informed consentdocument, evaluate the subject’s comprehensionof the information presented, and document theconsent of the subject or the subject’s [legallyauthorized representative]. Electronic processesto obtain informed consent may use an interactiveinterface, which may facilitate the subject’s abilityto retain and comprehend the information. Fur-thermore, these electronic processes may allowfor rapid notification to the subjects of any amend-ments pertaining to the informed consent that mayaffect their willingness to continue to participate.(FDA and DHHS 2016, 3)

One major advantage of eIC is the exploitation ofelectronic design to enhance information disclosure andtherefore to promote a better understanding of the

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conditions of use of a person’s data. The electronicprocessing of information may help streamline par-ticipants’ choices as to whether current and envis-aged data uses resonate with their expectations. Inturn, this can result in an increased level of controlover the use of one’s data.

Especially relevant to data disseminated in onlineenvironments is the development of electronic consentmanagement mechanisms (ECMMs) (Bonnici andColes-Kemp 2010; Grady et al. 2017). Online, whereinformed consent of the kind used in healthcare andresearch is not required, ECMMs are expected to in-crease trust in operators and to satisfy users’ onlineprivacy preferences (Grady et al. 2017).

Building on such approaches, organizations like SageBionetworks have developed the Participant-CenteredConsent (PCC) toolkit, an ECMM that is suitable toresearch activities and indeed promising in particularfor biomedical big data research (Sage Bionetworks2017). The PCC toolkit is intended for all researchgroups planning to initiate a study involving humanresearch subjects and is especially suited for mobileapp-mediated research studies. Paper-based informedconsent procedures have long been facing harsh criti-cism for being ineffective in conveying understandableand relevant information to enable participants’ volun-tary choices (Manson and O’Neill 2007). The aim ofPCC is precisely to overcome these limits and toBmaximize [participants’] informedness, comprehen-sion and voluntariness^ (Sage Bionetworks 2017, ¶5).The toolkit draws on recent advances in user experiencedesign and consists of a variety of open source visualresources (like icons and animations), templates, andelectronic consent workflows that researchers can usefor enroling participants in their studies. Patient-centreddesigns for eIC shall then be approved by InstitutionalReview Boards (IRBs) before being used—a step thatSage Bionetworks recommends also for human subjectresearch by non-research institutions and companies,which, in some jurisdictions, are not obliged to seekIRB approval. Moreover, PCC is not limited to theonline environment, as it can also be used in the contextof more conventional face-to-face enrolment proce-dures. Enabling greater understanding of the conditionsof use of health data and personal health information,PCC utilizes design to help improve data subjects’ con-trol over their data.

Other innovative forms of consent that aspire toimprove individual control include the dynamic consent

model (Kaye et al. 2015; Budin-Ljøsne et al. 2017).Building on the model of tiered consent (McGuire andBeskow 2010; Mello and Wolf 2010; Bunnik, Janssens,and Schermer 2013) the dynamic consent model aims atembedding evolving data subject’ preferences into anopen communication process between participants andresearchers. The latter, as part of the initial informedconsent process, are supposed to ask participants whichuses of their data they allow, and which, instead, they donot consent to (in the same way as tiered consent does).When data is used and reused for different researchprojects, they are only used according to the indicatedpreferences of participants, who are notified of such use.Participants are able to change their preferences regard-ing data uses throughout the duration of the project.Dynamic consent, in other words, turns consent from astatic to an adaptive process, thus increasing partici-pants’ control over the use of their data.

It is worth noting that innovative consent models topromote more granular control over health data andpersonal health information may have an impact on thequality of science. In particular, widespread opting-outmay bias research datasets and compromise the reliabil-ity and reproducibility of data analyses in specific do-mains of science. This is certainly a serious matter.Some have even argued that contributing to medicalresearch (through direct participation in interventionalclinical trials) is indeed a reciprocity-based moral obli-gation (Harris 2005). The same argument could beextended to the provision of health data and personalhealth information for research purposes. Analysing theethical foundations of such a line of argument is beyondthe scope of the present paper. Yet we concede thatcontrol is not absolute, in the sense that it can be waivedwhen it conflicts with other valuable states or out-comes—public health, national security, and criminalinvestigations being typical cases, in which it can beacceptable to bypass individuals’ entitlements to infor-mational control. However, as a rule, in order totrump an individual entitlement to controlling per-sonal health information, there should be solid evi-dence supporting a causal link between the existenceof control rights and the decreasing quality of re-search datasets.

Also of relevance to the present discussion, there isgrowing interest in exploring the feasibility of financialtransaction models for data acquisition. The businessmodel of some genomic testing companies is based onoffering financial rewards to individuals who provide

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access to their data (Roberts, Pereira, and McGuire2017). Moreover, patients have claimed that a fair datamarket should also reward them (Farr 2016).We are stillin the early days of this discussion, but it is likely thatsuch models might impact data subject’s control of datauses. It remains to be seen how such transaction-basedmodels may work, if at all, as they certainly require amajor break from the current altruism-based framing ofthe common good of research. It is also questionablewhether a quid pro quo approach in this area wouldincrease individual control or rather give more controlof data to corporations that could possibly manipulatedata markets.

As in the case of data portability rights, the modelsabove are also representing a conceptual shift. Thanks toinnovations such as eIC, PCC, and dynamic consent,some of the shortcomings of the classic consent in, forinstance, effective disclosure or respecting changingpreferences of participants can be overcome. Therefore,while consent innovation is not a panacea to respectingchoice and enhancing control, it is certainly an area thatholds considerable promise. As to data transactionmodels, should they be implemented, they would surelyagain illustrate changes in concept that go beyond merechanges in process.

4.3 Augmented Control Through ParticipatoryGovernance Schemes

The growth of research activities based on large collec-tions of human biological material has been spectacularin the last two decades (Hirtzlin et al. 2003). At the sametime, thanks to the ever-declining cost of genome se-quencing, interest in the analysis and clinical use oflarge human DNA collections has grown consistentlyaround the world (Berg, Khoury, and Evans 2011).Those tendencies have turned human biological re-sources and data into extremely precious assets forhealth-related research. In order to increase access tothose resources, a series of regulatory changes has takenplace, especially, in the process of obtaining consentfrom samples and data donors. It has been argued,however, that with the growth of large biobanks andhuman data repositories, innovation should occur also atthe level of the governance mechanisms for such re-search infrastructures (O’Doherty et al. 2011). In thefield of biomedical big data, we reckon, following suchinjunction would not only create more accountabilitybut also increase the degree of control that data subjects

can exert on the data they make available for research.This resonates with narratives mobilized in the field ofcitizen science (Irwin 1995; Silvertown 2009) andparticipant-led medical research (Vayena and Tasioulas2013). Such initiatives enable data donors tomake directuse of the data resources they contribute to create. Asbiomedicine ventures into the world of big data, healthrelevant data will increasingly be produced and contrib-uted directly by patients or healthy individuals. Thisprefigures the possibility that, in biomedical big dataresearch, citizen science models will offer data subjectsadditional means of control over the conditions of ex-posure of their data.

Whether subjects’ control will increase depends alsoand possibly to a greater extent, on the governancemechanisms of biomedical big data research. Indeed,novel approaches are emerging in this field that blendfeatures of citizen science models and participatoryarrangements of data governance. For instance, the datacooperative model pioneered by represents an example ofhow data subjects can acquire control over their datathrough governance mechanisms of a novel type(Hafen, Kossmann, and Brand 2014; Hafen 2015). Theaim of MIDATA is to store health relevant data from avariety of sources and to make them available for re-search projects, enabling at the same time data subjectsto decide about the use of their data. MIDATA has acooperative structure, whereby all data contributors arealso owners of the collection. MIDATA is a not-for-profit organization, but revenue potentially generatedthrough users’ will be re-invested in the maintenanceof the cooperative or to fund research. Most importantly,the cooperative has an oversight mechanism throughwhich the partners get to review all data access requestsand decide collectively whether to grant or deny accessto their data. One of the components of this oversightmechanism is an ethical reference framework (in-cluding adapted informed consent forms and specif-ic principles) that should support the decisional pro-cesses on data access and sharing. MIDATA aims todevelop a network of regional cooperatives, poten-tially anywhere in the world, and to offer opensource software to develop data analytics. In thisway the notion that data subjects should be directlyin control of their data can be swiftly applied todifferent national contexts as well as to internationalresearch projects primed on the analysis of datasetsfrom different countries.

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In this model, control over data exposure is thusenabled by a governance tool—one that is a logicalconsequence of the cooperative principle that MIDATAis based upon. The kind of control is of a collective type,since data subjects decide together on access to thecollection as a whole.

MIDATA has currently been adopted by two scien-tific research projects, one on multiple sclerosis (includ-ing data generated from physicians, patients, and porta-ble devices) and one on the effects of bariatric surgery(drawing on data generated by patients through the useof smart scales, a step counter, and a dedicated app).

Interestingly, the MIDATA model embraces a narra-tive of partnership and meaningful engagement that isalso emerging in other areas such as in the field ofprecision medicine (Blasimme and Vayena 2016,2017). This instance of governance-based control, pro-duces a conceptual shift in the notion of participationitself, in particular, by framing the issue of data gover-nance as one of data democracy. As a consequence,research participants are cast as a community that hasinterests and entitlements in controlling its data.

However, a potential limitation of emerging forms ofdata democracy needs to be highlighted. Active partic-ipation in data democracy platforms requires certainskills and a given level of awareness. As a consequence,it may well be the case that individuals taking moreactive roles in science governance through data democ-racy models belong to socially and culturally homoge-neous strata of the population. Moreover, it is alsopossible that certain disease groups—on the basis oftheir strong motivation—acquire leading roles in theseplatforms, allowing their voice to be heard more prom-inently than that of other legitimate stakeholders. Shouldthat be the case, data democracy initiatives will have toactively seek to redress such imbalances by removingbarriers to participation and by reaching out to includemore diverse players.

5. Conclusion

We have argued that the capacity to exert control over theconditions of exposure of health data and personal healthinformation data is ethically valuable.We began by spell-ing out the importance of control in the context of abroader network of values that control can be instrumen-tal to. This constitutes a prima facie justification forsaying that control, whenever possible, should be on

offer to data subjects. Contradictory as it might sound,ceding control is one of the possible ways of exercising it.

Empirical evidence shows that people are concernedat the prospect of losing control over their data and, as weshowed, they have some good moral reasons for beingconcerned. In the context of biomedical big data research,the issue of control and its associated risks has becomeprominent. As medical research moves towards the useof ever more diverse types of data, accepting loss ofinformational control is not necessarily the only option.

Our examples show that individual control can actu-ally be promoted through innovative models of dataaccess, use, and governance. Moreover, improving con-trol in any of these three areas is likely to have an impacton the others. The synergistic effect of those novelmodels will therefore result in more opportunities tocontrol health data and personal health information, atleast for data subjects who are interested in doing so. Thiswill not only serve some important moral interests ofthose individuals. It will also help building trust arounddata-driven medical paradigms and flagship research ini-tiatives—such as clinical genomics, precision medicine,and digital health—both in the public and in the privatesector. Failure to disclose the collection and destination ofhealth data gathered by general practitioners—as in thecase of in the United Kingdom (Triggle2014)—or the transfer of data from the public healthcaresystem to a private company—as recently happenedbetween the British National Health Service andGoogle’s DeepMind (Powles and Hodson 2017)—ledto public controversies. Arguably, at the heart of suchcontroversies lies not the utility of collecting andanalysing patients’ data but the ways in which thoseinitiatives bypassed individuals’ control over their data.This attitude shows insufficient consideration for theethical value of control and, for this reason, elicitednumerous reactions. Attributing to control the ethicalconsideration it deserves—albeit insufficient to accountfor all the ethical aspects of biomedical big data—isindispensable to respond to data donors’ legitimate ex-pectations, as well as to cultivate a climate of public trustwith respect to data-driven medical research.

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of theCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestrict-ed use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, providedyou give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate ifchanges were made.

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