Biology 120: Module 04: 3 Types of Fractures

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Three types of fractures. Presentation 01, Module 04, Biology 120. Professor Abdullah - Truman College. By Yeo Jeong Kim.

Transcript of Biology 120: Module 04: 3 Types of Fractures

3 Types of FracturesComminuted • Compression • Colles’ fracture

Yeo Jeong KimBiology 120 • Truman College

September 18, 2013

1Wednesday, September 18, 13

Shared Similarities

All three fractures (Comminuted, Compression, & Colles’) are common among the elderly

These fractures are a result of aging bones that are weakened from conditions such as Osteoporosis or Cancer

I picked these 3 out of the 8 because I have experience with them from working as a Physical Therapist in Korea

2Wednesday, September 18, 13

Comminuted FractureSerious case of fractured bones

The affected bone is broken into three or more pieces

Termed as a multi-fragmentary fracture

Is either Open or Closed

3Wednesday, September 18, 13

Causes & SymptomsCauses

Involves crushing or splintering of the bone

Results from tremendous force such as a car accident or severe fall


Unbearable pain at the site of injury

Cannot bear any amount of weight in that area

4Wednesday, September 18, 13


The typical diagnosis of Comminuted Fracture includes:

Physical examination

Medical History of the Patient

Laboratory Testing: X-ray & CT Scans

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The main aim of treatment is to restore normal position and usage by use of:

Pain relieving medication

Reduction: Bones are aligned and kept in an immobilized state with plaster and/or splits

For impacted fractures surgical nails, screws, plates and wires are used

6Wednesday, September 18, 13

Compression Fracture

Compression fracture is the most common type of fracture that affects the spine

This type of fracture causes bones to collapse vertically

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Occurs when forces are too great or the bones in the spine aren’t strong enough

Also a result of diseases or conditions that affect the parathyroid gland

The Parathyroid gland produces PTH which regulates calcium in the body

Can result from Cancers that affect the kidneys, skin, parathyroid gland

Trauma to the Spine

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Mild compression: little or no pain at first

Traumatic Compression: intense pain in the back that spreads into the legs

This can paralyze muscle and impair sensation when bone fragments press into the spinal cord

The spine tilts forward into increased kyphosis

9Wednesday, September 18, 13


Physical examination

Medical History

Laboratory tests:

X-Ray, CT Scan, CT Scan with Myelography, MRI, Bone Scan

Note that this Diagnosis is different from the Comminuted Fracture

10Wednesday, September 18, 13

2 Types of TreatmentNon-surgical Treatment

Most cases are treated without surgery

Patients are prescribed medication to control pain, rest, and Orthosis (Special Back Brace)

Surgical Treatment

Open procedures for cases of severe trauma common to Osteoporosis

Purpose is to reduce pain and strengthen fractured bones

Procedures include Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty11Wednesday, September 18, 13

Colles’ FractureColles’ Fracture is the most common distal radius fracture

It occurs about 1 inch from the tip or end of the bone

The broken end of the radius tilts upwards

12Wednesday, September 18, 13


Typically results from a fall onto an outstretched arm

Osteoporosis can make a minor fall result in a broken wrist

Often times by an elderly patient who fell from a standing position

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Immediate Pain




Wrist hangs in an odd or bent way (deformity)

14Wednesday, September 18, 13


Physical Examination

check to see if wrist is deformed or numb; fingers are not pink

Medical History

Laboratory Testing: X-Ray

15Wednesday, September 18, 13

TreatmentColles’ Fractures have many different treatment options depending on the nature of the fracture, age of patient, activity level, etc.

Non-surgical Treatment

Plaster cast if the broken bone is in a good position

Reduction to realign the broken bone fragments if the bone is out of place

Splint or Cast

16Wednesday, September 18, 13

Surgical treatmentThe purpose of surgery in Colles’ fractures is to correct bone positioning for patients arms that function

Typical Procedure:

An incision is made

Open reduction

Application of metal pins, plates, screws, cast, and external fixator

17Wednesday, September 18, 13