BioEx Systems User Guide · can be useful history if a client resumes an exercise program....

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Transcript of BioEx Systems User Guide · can be useful history if a client resumes an exercise program....

BioEx Systems

User Guide Version 3

September 2010

BioEx Systems User Guide Contents

Version 3 September 2010

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Table of Contents 1 License, Copyrights, and Support ............................................................................1

1.1. License Agreement and Disclaimer..................................................................1

1.2. Copyright .........................................................................................................1

1.3. Technical Support............................................................................................1

2 Clients......................................................................................................................2

2.1. Adding a New Client ........................................................................................2

2.1.1. Client ID ...................................................................................................2

2.1.2. Adding/Updating Client Info......................................................................2

2.2. Searching for a Client ......................................................................................5

2.3. Changing Clients .............................................................................................5

2.4. Deactivating a Client ........................................................................................6

2.5. Deleting a Client ..............................................................................................6

3 Medical History.........................................................................................................7

4 Goals .......................................................................................................................9

4.1. Setting Client Goals .........................................................................................9

5 Nutrition Info...........................................................................................................10

5.1. Customizing Nutritional Balance ....................................................................12

6 Diet History ............................................................................................................13

6.1. Client Nutritional Goals ..................................................................................15

7 Meal Plans .............................................................................................................16

7.1. Adding Meal Plans.........................................................................................16

7.2. Editing the Selected Meal Plan ......................................................................17

7.3. Meal Plan List ................................................................................................17

8 Tests ......................................................................................................................18

8.1. Performing Tests ...........................................................................................19

8.2. Test Results...................................................................................................21

8.2.1. Viewing/Editing Test Results..................................................................21

9 Exercises ...............................................................................................................23

9.1. Creating an Exercise Program .......................................................................23

9.1.1. Setting Pyramids....................................................................................24

9.1.2. Exercise Naming Conventions ...............................................................25

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9.1.3. Varying the Client's Exercise Program ...................................................25

9.2. Entering Exercise Results..............................................................................26

10 Reports..............................................................................................................27

11 Forms and Topics..............................................................................................29

11.1. Forms ............................................................................................................29

11.1.1. Adding a Form .......................................................................................29

11.1.2. Deleting a Form......................................................................................30

11.2. Topics............................................................................................................30

11.2.1. Adding a Topic .......................................................................................30

12 Administrative Tasks..........................................................................................31

12.1. Backup and Restore ......................................................................................31

12.1.1. Backup...................................................................................................31

12.1.2. Restore ..................................................................................................31

12.2. Exporting and Importing Client Data ..............................................................31

12.3. User - To Do List............................................................................................32

12.4. Settings..........................................................................................................33

12.4.1. Default User Settings .............................................................................33

12.4.2. Default Nutrition Settings........................................................................33

12.4.3. User Facility Info ....................................................................................34

12.4.4. User Internet Settings ............................................................................35

12.5. Client History .................................................................................................36

12.6. Goals .............................................................................................................36

12.6.1. Adding Goals .........................................................................................36

12.6.2. Editing Goals..........................................................................................37

12.6.3. Deleting Goals .......................................................................................37

12.7. Tests..............................................................................................................38

12.7.1. Adding Tests ..........................................................................................38

12.7.2. Editing Tests ..........................................................................................39

12.7.3. Copying Tests ........................................................................................40

12.7.4. Deleting a Test.......................................................................................40

12.8. Adding/Editing Test Protocols ........................................................................40

12.9. Exercises .......................................................................................................42

12.9.1. Adding Exercises ...................................................................................42

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12.9.2. Editing Exercises....................................................................................44

12.9.3. Deleting Exercises .................................................................................45

12.10. Exercise Alternatives..................................................................................45

12.10.1. Adding Exercise Alternatives..............................................................45

12.10.2. Editing Exercise Alternatives ..............................................................46

12.11. Forms ........................................................................................................46

12.11.1. Adding a Form....................................................................................47

12.11.2. Editing Forms .....................................................................................47

12.11.3. Deleting a Form..................................................................................47

12.12. Topics ........................................................................................................48

12.12.1. Adding a Topic ...................................................................................48

12.12.2. Editing Topics.....................................................................................48

12.12.3. Deleting a Topic .................................................................................48

12.13. Nutritional Defaults.....................................................................................49

12.14. Meal Plans .................................................................................................50

12.14.1. Adding Meal Plans .............................................................................50

12.14.2. Editing Meal Plans..............................................................................52

12.14.3. Deleting Meal Plans ...........................................................................53

12.15. Recipes......................................................................................................54

12.15.1. Adding Recipes ..................................................................................54

12.15.2. Editing Recipes ..................................................................................56

12.15.3. Deleting Recipes ................................................................................57

12.16. Foods.........................................................................................................57

12.16.1. Adding Foods .....................................................................................57

12.16.2. Editing Foods .....................................................................................59

12.16.3. Deleting Foods ...................................................................................59

12.17. Managing Lists...........................................................................................60

12.17.1. Adding a New List ..............................................................................60

12.17.2. Editing an Existing List .......................................................................61

12.18. User Management/Maintain Staff ...............................................................61

12.18.1. Adding a User License .......................................................................61

12.18.2. Adding New Users..............................................................................61

12.18.3. Editing Users......................................................................................62

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12.18.4. Deleting Users....................................................................................62

12.19. Adding/Editing Custom Groups ..................................................................62

12.20. Adding/Editing Custom Health Questions...................................................63

12.21. Audit Log....................................................................................................64

Appendix A — Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) .......................................................65

13 Frequently Asked Questions - Topics, Forms, and Reports ...............................65

14 Frequently Asked Questions - Administrative.....................................................66

15 Frequently Asked Questions - Client Information ...............................................67

16 Frequently Asked Questions - General ..............................................................68

17 Frequently Asked Questions - Goals, Tests, and Exercises...............................68

18 Frequently Asked Questions - Nutrition..............................................................69

BioEx Systems User Guide Contents

Version 3 September 2010

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BioEx Systems produces user-friendly exercise prescription, nutrition and fitness assessment, and ergonomic software for the health and fitness community. The combination of features and quality content make BioEx Systems software like Fitness Maker and Nutrition Maker the best value in the industry. Visit for more information about additional BioEx Systems products.

Fitness Maker is a fully integrated software program designed specifically for personal trainers. It aids in fitness assessment, testing, goal achievement, and development of fitness and exercise programs. Fitness Maker is flexible - use as few or as many features as you want. Use Fitness Maker when working with your client and provide them with comprehensive customized reports and handouts.

Nutrition Maker is a fully integrated software program designed specifically for dietitians, nutritionists, chiropractors, and personal trainers. It aids in nutrition assessment, goal achievement, and development of nutrition programs. Nutrition Maker is flexible – use as few or as many features as you want. Use Nutrition Maker when working with your client and provide them with comprehensive customized nutrition reports and handouts.

BioEx Systems User Guide License, Copyrights, and Support

Version 3 September 2010

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1 License, Copyrights, and Support

1.1. License Agreement and Disclaimer See

1.2. Copyright Copyright © 1995—2010 BioEx Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The copyright to the program and its output is protected by United States Copyright laws and international treaty provisions. The copyright is owned by BioEx Systems, Inc. BioEx Systems, Inc. reserves all rights, except those specifically granted on a non-exclusive basis to the purchaser, as outlined in the License Agreement. Therefore, any copying, other than as is allowed in the License Agreement, is not permitted.

1.3. Technical Support Technical support is available at

If you have purchased a support plan, you may also call 1-800-750-2756.

BioEx Systems User Guide Clients

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2 Clients

2.1. Adding a New Client 1. Click Add Client from the main screen.

2. Enter the client’s name.

3. Enter the client's ID or click Auto ID to automatically generate a client ID.

4. Enter the client’s date of birth.

5. Select whether the client is female or male.

6. Enter the client’s height and select whether the height is recorded as inches or centimeters.

7. Click OK.

8. Click the Client Info tab to enter the client demographics.

2.1.1. Client ID Fitness Maker is flexible enough to allow you to use your existing client IDs. If your facility does not use client IDs, click Auto ID and Fitness Maker will automatically assign a sequential number. Client IDs can be social security numbers, membership numbers, or whatever numbering scheme works with your facility.

2.1.2. Adding/Updating Client Info Click the Client Info tab.

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In the Info section

1. Update the client’s information as necessary. To update Phone , Email , or Doctor Name & Phone , double-click on the existing information. (Note: All fields marked with * are required.)

2. Select whether the client is active or inactive .

Note: You can enter multiple telephone numbers, email addresses, and doctors.

Entering Client's Phone Numbers

1. Enter the client’s phone number.

2. Enter a description. For example, home, work, mobile, etc.

3. Click OK.

Note: You can store multiple client phone numbers.

Entering Client's Phone Numbers

1. Enter the client’s phone number.

2. Enter a description. For example, home, work, mobile, etc.

3. Click OK.

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Note: You can store multiple client phone numbers.

Entering Client's Doctor Information

1. Enter the Doctor’s telephone number.

2. Enter the Doctor’s name.

3. Enter a description. Most users use this field to note what type (i.e. specialty) of doctor it is.

4. Click OK.

Note: You can store multiple Doctor names and telephone numbers.

In the Pictures section

You can add, remove, or edit a client's profile "before" and "after" photos.

To add a picture

1. In the Face Picture , Before Picture , or After Picture area, click Add to select a picture from your file system.

2. In the Before Picture and After Picture areas, be sure to set a date for when those pictures were taken.

To remove a picture

1. In the Face Picture , Before Picture , or After Picture area, click Remove to select a picture from your file system.

2. Click Yes to confirm the removal.

To change a picture

1. In the Face Picture , Before Picture , or After Picture area, click Add to select a new picture from your file system.

2. Select a new picture to replace the previous one.

In the Notes section

You can enter any types of notes about a client. Click the Add Note button and type your note.

The information is saved/updated when you go to another tab.

In the Custom section

You can create and manage custom groups whose values will be used to filter your reports. For example, you could create two custom categories associated with two different groups of client. You could use those categories later to compare the progress of those groups. You can create as many categories as you want, but you can only assign a client to six categories at a time.

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1. In the Add the Client to Custom Categories area, click the Add/Edit Categories button to display the Client Categories dialog.

2. Click the Add button to display the Enter New Category dialog, and then enter the new category name and click OK.

Note: To edit or delete a custom category, select the category and click the appropriate button.

When you have completed your customer fields operations, click Done .

Use the down arrows to assign the category values you created to specific categories.

The information is saved/updated when you go to another tab.

2.2. Searching for a Client

1. Click Client Search from the main screen.

2. Type the search criteria (Name, ID, Date of Birth, Phone Number, Zip Code) in the appropriate box to narrow your search.

3. Select whether you want to search:

o Active Clients

o All Clients

o Inactive Clients

4. Click Client Search.

2.3. Changing Clients 1. Search for the client.

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2. Select the client by clicking the client’s name.

3. Click Change User .

4. Select the new user.

5. Click OK.

2.4. Deactivating a Client You can deactivate clients if they are no longer active at your facility. Deactivating, as opposed to deleting, saves the client’s information. This can be useful history if a client resumes an exercise program. Deactivated clients do not show up in active client searches.

1. Search for the client.

2. Select the client by clicking the client’s name.

3. Click Deactivate .

4. Click Yes to confirm.

2.5. Deleting a Client Deleting a client removes all information pertaining to the client. If the client is no longer active, but you do not want to lose the client’s data, you can deactivate the client.

1. Search for the client.

2. Select the client by clicking the client’s name.

3. Click Delete .

4. Click Yes to confirm the delete.

BioEx Systems User Guide Medical History

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3 Medical History There are two standard questionnaires you can use to assess your client’s medical history. Both are optional, but capturing your client’s medical history assists you in designing a safer and more effective program for your client.

To capture a client’s medical history:

1. Select Yes or No for each question on the PAR-Q .

Note: A paper copy of the PAR-Q is available on the Forms and Topics tab or by selecting the Print Worksheet button at the bottom of the PAR-Q tab.

2. Click HRQ on the left-hand side of the screen.

3. Select Yes or No for each question on the HRQ.

Note: A paper copy of the HRQ is available on the Forms and Topics tab or by selecting the Print Worksheet button at the bottom of the HRQ tab.

To create a note about a client’s medical history:

1. Click Notes on the left-hand side of the screen.

2. Enter any pertinent information relating to:

o Medications & Diet Supplements

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o Major Ailments

o Surgeries

o Food Allergies

o Other Notes

You also can create your own custom medical history questionnaire. Note : Custom questionnaires are not unique to an individual client. Once you have created one, it comes available for all clients.

To create a custom questionnaire:

1. Click Custom on the left-hand side of the screen.

2. Click Add/Edit Questions to display the Custom Health Risk Questions dialog.

3. Click Add to display the Add Question dialog.

4. If a Yes answer to the questions should cause a Health Risk Alert, click the check box, and click OK.

5. Add as many questions as you like, and then click Done .

You can print historical reports to show a client's progress over time.

To view or print the results of a previous question naire:

6. Click History on the left-hand side of the screen.

7. Click the date for the reports to review.

8. Click either View or Print to complete your operation.

The information is saved/updated when you go to another tab.

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4 Goals

4.1. Setting Client Goals Health programs vary depending on the goal of the client. You can capture your client’s fitness goals so you can design a program specifically for that client. It also sets a milestone so progress can be measured.

To set client’s goals:

1. Search for the client.

2. Click the Goals tab.

3. Select your client’s goals by clicking the box in the Selected column.

4. The Selected Date defaults to the current date. You can edit the date.

5. To view the goal details (associated tests and exercises), click View/Edit Goal . (Note: Only Administrator users can edit goal details.)

The goals are saved when you go to another tab.

To view just the selected goals, select the Show Only Selected Goals box.

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5 Nutrition Info

Use this tab to enter your client's current and target weight for each weigh-in, activity level, and nutritional balance. Once you have chosen an equation for calculating the client's resting metabolic rate (RMR), selected the client's activity level, and set the client's weight at last check in, the system then calculates the recommended number of calories per day the client should consume each day and the client's idea body weight.

Note: The ideal body weight is just a suggestion and may not be appropriate for all clients. For example, a body builder may have a higher than average ideal weight because of having greater lean muscle mass.

You can also view a weight graph by clicking the Weight tab. This graph show weight changes over time and compares those changes with the client's ideal body weight.

First, you will need to specify the Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) equation you would like to use. You can choose from the following:

o Benedict-Harris

o Mifflin (Default)

o Katch-McArdle (requires that a weight and body-fat test be performed from the Test tab.)

o Custom (you set the equation)

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Once you have chosen an equation, you can begin entering the client's activity-level information.

To enter your client's activity level:

Note: Using a custom activity level may be very time consuming.

Select one of the levels from the Client Activity Level Per Week area or click Custom Activity Level to specify your own activity level.

To enter your client's activity-level information:

1. Select the client's current activity level. The Recommended Calories per day is based on the client's current weight, weight goal, and activity level.

o Very light —One day or less a week of aerobic or active exercise. For example, sitting, standing, driving, cooking, sleeping, lying down, or reading.

o Light —Two to three days a week of aerobic or active exercise. For example, light cycling or walking for 30 minutes or less about three times a week.

o Moderate —Three to five days a week of aerobic or active exercise. For example, jogging, cycling, swimming, or aerobics for 30 to 60 minutes about five times a week.

o Heavy—More than five days a week of aerobic or active exercise. For example, construction work, marathon training, or intense workouts for 60 minutes or more about six times a week.

2. Click Enter Weight .

3. Enter the client's current and target weight.

4. Optionally select whether to show the client's ideal weight on reports.

5. Select whether to enter the date the client would like to reach the target weight or to lose a specified amount of weight per week, and then enter the appropriate information.

If your client wishes to lose more pounds a week, recommend additional exercise.

The nutrition recommendations are calculated using your default nutritional setting (User����Settings ) and are based on the target weight and target date. It lists the recommended amounts of calories, fat, carbohydrates, protein, and weight loss per week.

Note: Click Custom Nutritional Balance to customize the carbohydrate, protein, and fat percentage for a client.

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Note: For health reasons, you cannot specify to lose more than two pounds per week.

5.1. Customizing Nutritional Balance

The default fat, carbohydrate, and protein percentages are the settings you selected in the user settings. You can customize this breakdown per client.

To customize the fat, carbohydrate, and protein bal ance:

1. On the Nut. Info tab, click Custom Nutritional Balance .

2. Select the nutritional balance for the client.

o High Carbohydrates —15 % fat, 70% carbohydrates, 15% protein

o Carbohydrates/Protein Mix —25% fat, 55% carbohydrates, 20% protein

o High Protein —30% fat, 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein

o Custom —Enter in the percentage amount of fat, carbohydrates, and protein. Note that the percentages must equal 100%.

3. Click OK.

Note: If you customize the nutritional balance, you are still responsible for having the meal plan meet the appropriate balance.

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6 Diet History

Use this tab to capture what your client is actually eating. From here, you can enter the client's dietary log on a regular basis and then use the historical information to track the client's nutritional progress against specified diet plan.

Note: This tab is available with Nutrition Maker Plus and Nutrition Maker Focus. Please contact BioEx Systems at 1-800-750-2756 to upgrade.

To enter a client's diet history, click Enter Histo ry:

1. In the Plan Name field, optionally enter a name for this plan.

2. In the Search For field select whether to search for Recipes or Foods .

a. In the Food Database field, optionally select the food databases against which to search.

b. In the Food Category field, optionally select the food category against which to search

c. In the Food Name filed, optionally select from the following ways of searching:

o Contains all words

o Begins with

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o Contains phrase

d. Enter the search criteria in the search field.

e. Click the Search button to display a list of results that match the search criteria.

f. Select the appropriate food from the list.

g. Select the meal that you want to add the food or recipe to on the right.

h. Click Select Food .

i. Select a recipe from the alphabetical list.

j. Select the meal that you want to add the food or recipe to on the right.

k. Click Select Recipe .

3. Continue selecting food or recipes for each meal. (Right-click a food or recipe to cut or copy it and paste it into a different meal.)

4. Click Add Day to add additional days to the meal plan. Click the tabs to switch days. (You can also remove or copy a day tab. And you can randomize days to vary the plan.)

Note: You can copy a day and add it to the end of the meal plan; you can randomize days; and you can save the plan as a template for use with other clients’ records.

5. Click Save & Exit when you are done.

Note: Right clicking the menu items provides a way for you to order foods, to view alternative foods, and to copy & paste meals. You can also add a description, view additional nutrition details, and add notes to individual meals or the entire meal. You can view the nutritional plan breakdown for the day, for a selected meal, or for an individual food.

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6.1. Client Nutritional Goals

1. On the Diet History tab, click Client Nutritional Goals .

2. Place a checkmark in the Report Exceptions checkbox for any nutritional item to flag if out of range.

3. Enter the Min Amount.

4. Enter the Max Amount. Enter 0 if there is no maximum amount.

5. (Optional) Click Edit Description to enter a description for the selected nutritional item.

6. Repeat steps 2-5 for all nutritional items you want to flag.

7. Click OK.

The global Nutritional Defaults (Nutrition �Nutritional Defaults ) are the default client nutritional goals.

BioEx Systems User Guide Meal Plans

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7 Meal Plans

7.1. Adding Meal Plans You can add your own meal plans either by creating a new one from scratch or by editing an existing one. This section describes how to create a meal plan from scratch. For information about creating a meal plan from an existing one, see Editing Meal Plans.

1. Select Nutrition �Add/Edit Meal Plan from the main menu.

2. Click Edit .

3. You can change the plan name.

4. In the Search For field select whether to search for Recipes or Foods.

a. In the Food Database field, optionally select the food databases against which to search.

b. In the Food Category field, optionally select the food category against which to search

c. In the Food Name filed, optional select from the following ways of searching:

o Contains all words

o Begins with

o Contains phrase

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d. Enter the search criteria in the search field.

e. Click the Search button to display a list of results that match the search criteria.

f. Select the appropriate food from the list.

g. Select the meal that you want to add the food or recipe to on the right.

h. Click Select Food .

If you chose Recipes

a. Select a recipe from the alphabetical list.

b. Select the meal that you want to add the food or recipe to on the right.

c. Click Select Recipe .

5. Continue selecting food or recipes for each meal. (Right-click a food or recipe to cut or copy it and paste it into a different meal.)

6. Click Add Day to add additional days to the meal plan. Click the tabs to switch days. (You can also remove or copy a day tab. And you can randomize days to vary the plan.)

7. Click Save & Exit when you are done.

Note: Right clicking the menu items provides a way for you to order foods, to view alternative foods, and to copy & paste meals. You can also add a description, view additional nutrition details, and add notes to individual meals or the entire meal. You can view the nutritional plan breakdown for the day, for a selected meal, or for an individual food.

7.2. Editing the Selected Meal Plan 1. On the Meal Plan tab, select the plan you want to edit in the list.

2. Click View/Edit Plan .

7.3. Meal Plan List The program includes meal plans for common calorie levels. You can add new meal plans or edit existing meal plans.

Note: Additional meal plans for a wide variety of dietary needs are available on the BioEx web site at

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8 Tests

Use this tab to track your client’s progress through tests.

To select tests:

1. Search for the client.

2. Click the Tests tab.

3. In the Show Test field, choose the set of tests to make available by selecting from the following options:

o All

o Related to Goals

o Performed on Last Testing Date

Note: The tests that meet the selected criteria are shown in the Available Tests box.

4. Select the tests to use to measure your client’s progress and click Select Test to move the test to the Tests To Be Performed box. The arrows can be used to change the order of the selected tests. To view the test details, click View/Edit Test . (Note: Only Administrators can edit tests.)

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Note: Right-click on tests with bold text to select alternatives tests. This pertains particularly to the Presidential Fitness tests.

5. Depending on the test and your facility, you may or may not have the client immediately perform the test. You can choose from one of the following options:

o Click Print Selected Tests to print a testing worksheet.

o Click Click Here to Perform Selected Tests to immediately test the client and record the results.

o Click Click Here to Perform Physiologic Tests to immediately test the client using the standard physiologic tests for the client's gender and age. Or use the down arrow to choose from a list of protocol-related tests.

To remove tests:

1. Select the test from the Tests To Be Performed box.

2. Click Remove Test.

8.1. Performing Tests

1. Select the test.

2. Click Click Here to Perform Selected Tests .

3. Read the instructions on how to perform the test in the Test Instructions box.

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4. Have the client perform the test. If the test has a calculator you can use it to calculate the result. Otherwise just enter the result in the field.

a. Click the calculator.

b. Enter the requested data.

c. Optionally enter text in the Test Notes field.

d. Click Calculate to see the answer/result or click Calculate and Exit to return to the Test Results screen.

Note: When using the calculator from the Tests screen all data is saved for the Test Worksheet

5. Edit the Test Goal, if necessary.

6. Select whether the goal was to increase or decrease the test results.

7. Repeat steps 3-6 for each test the client performs.

8. Click OK.

9. Record the results in the Test Result column.

Note: Some tests require a calculation to obtain the final results.

Test Goal

The Test Goal is the same as the Test Goal in the previous test. If the test has never been performed, the Test Goal is the normative value for the client’s age and gender. If there are no normative values for the test, the Test Goal field is blank.

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8.2. Test Results

After you enter the test results, you see a summary of the tests performed. The number of months shown in the summary is based on what you entered on the User Settings screen. You can override the setting by changing the number of months at the bottom of the screen.

8.2.1. Viewing/Editing Test Results When you click the Test Results tab, results for test the client has performed are displayed. The first chart you see is Summary of Test Scores Over Time . This bar chart shows all tests with normative values for the client. It shows how the client ranks in their population group. A higher score is better

Note: A test without normative values will not be shown. Below the first chart is a chart for each individual test

The Charts tab displays all the tests, the testing dates and the client scored in comparison to the norms for age and gender if the normative values exist. Client specific annotations for the charts may be created on this tab for each test.

When you annotate a chart, you create a label for a line value or a label for a range of values. For example, you can add a line on a chart above or below which the client's results should not fall. And you can create a range within which a client's results must fall.

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The List tab displays results in list form, either grouped in categories or in a list. If you need to delete a test result you can do it from this tab. The Physiologic Age tab displays a comparison of the client’s physiological age and actual age based on test results over time.

At the bottom of the tabs you can view a report of the raw results of individual tests. And you can set the date range for the test results to display. You may choose specific historical test results to display. Default is the six most recent test results.

To view or edit test results:

1. Click View/Edit Results on the chart or list item to view or edit.

2. Change the Test Result , Test Goal , Units , and Test Achievement if necessary. Note: Some tests use a calculator.

3. Click OK.

4. The Test Results summary immediately shows your changes and the Testing Date changes to the current date. To view raw results for a test :

Check the Print Test Work sheet and push the view button to view the sub measurements for the test. The raw data for each test is displayed. To add an annotation to a chart :

Note: You can annotate a single line value or a range of values on the chart. These annotations will display only on the chart for this client.

5. Click Annotate Chart on the chart to which to add an annotation.

6. Click Add to display the Add Annotation dialog.

7. Select whether to annotate a single line or a range

8. Enter the annotation in the Description field.

9. Enter the value or values - depending on whether you chose Line or Range - at which the annotation will appear on the chart.

10. You also can specify a color for the annotation.

11. Click OK to return to the previous dialog.

12. Click Done to add the annotation and return to the chart.

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9 Exercises

9.1. Creating an Exercise Program From the Exer. Program tab, you can create an exercise program for you clients from approximately 100 exercises. If you would prefer the ability to create richer custom exercise programs, you can purchase either Exercise Expert or Exercise Pro from BioEx Systems. See for more information.. Exercise Expert or Exercise Pro will take the place of the Exer. Programs and Exer. Set tabs, and replaces them with a richer exercise experience. If you choose to use Exercise Expert or Exercise Pro results from it will be reflected in the Exer. Results tab.

1. Click the Exer. Prog. tab.

2. Select the Exercise Search Type:

o Related to Goals

o Previous Program

o Rapid

o All Exercises

3. By default, the exercises related to the client’s goals are shown on the left-hand side of the screen. If no goals have been selected, no

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exercises are listed. Exercises in bold have alternatives . To view the alternative exercise, click + next to the exercise name.

4. A client’s exercise program is broken down by warm up, workout, and cool down. Select the exercise(s) for the client’s warm up by selecting the exercise(s) and clicking Select Exercise . You can also copy a previous workout program.

5. Select the exercise(s) for the client’s workout by selecting the exercise(s) and clicking Select Exercise .

6. Select the exercise(s) for the client’s cool down by selecting the exercise(s) and clicking Select Exercise .

7. Click the Exer. Set. tab and set the sets, repetitions, weight, rest, and hold, etc.

8. Set any pyramids, if applicable. See below.

9. Click Print Workout to print an exercise worksheet for your client to keep track of sets, reps, weight, etc. The exercise program is automatically saved.

Note: You can select whether the exercises are listed by the anatomical or common names.

9.1.1. Setting Pyramids

You can set pyramids for any exercise in the workout section of an exercise program. Pyramids are not available for the warm up and cool down sections.

To set a pyramid:

1. Select the exercise.

2. Click Set Pyramids.

3. Enter the total number of sets in the pyramid.

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4. Enter the maximum number of repetitions.

5. Enter the maximum weight (if applicable).

6. Select whether the number of repetitions will increase, decrease, or stay constant at each level in the pyramid.

7. Enter the percent change in the number of repetitions for each set along the pyramid.

8. Select whether the weight will increase, decrease, or stay constant at each level in the pyramid.

9. Enter the percent change in weight for each set in the pyramid.

10. Click Re-Calculate.

11. Click OK.

9.1.2. Exercise Naming Conventions The majority of the exercises are listed in the program as:

exercise type / body area / motion / number of limbs / position / exercise device

Some exercise names are shortened because the naming convention above would be too long or too confusing due to multiple joints performing multiple movements.

9.1.3. Varying the Client's Exercise Program One of the leading causes of quitting an exercise program is boredom. The program allows you to easily and quickly vary your client’s exercise program.

To quickly vary the client’s exercise program:

1. Create an exercise program for your client.

2. Click Vary Program . All of the exercises that are in bold have alternatives and are changed to a comparable exercise. The exercises that are not in bold remain unchanged.

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9.2. Entering Exercise Results

Entering your client’s exercise results tracks the progress toward selected goals and allows you to create customized reports for your clients.

Note: You can add notes to the results of each exercise or set of exercises.

To enter your client’s exercise results:

1. Select the Exercise Program . Click the + next to the date to expand the program.

2. Select the exercise.

3. Enter the actual weight, number of sets, repetitions, and frequency for the first exercise.

4. Click Save Results .

5. Repeat step 3 and 4 until the results have been entered for each exercise.

6. Click Pyramid Results to enter the results for exercises that have training pyramids.

Note: You can select whether the exercises are listed by the anatomical or common names.

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10 Reports

The Reports tab provides a way for you to view, print and export to PDF client reports. You can set a date range for the reports to produce.

Note: If you want to use email to send a report, it is recommend that you export your reports to PDF first and then attach them to the email.

The Reports tab is divided into the following sub-tabs:

o General & Fitness

o Nutrition

o Group

o Group to Group

The General & Fitness tab provides a way to produce the following types of reports:

o General Reports

o Fitness Reports

o Test Protocol Summary reports

o Booklets (Report Compilations)

The Nutrition tab provides a way to produces the following types of reports:

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o Nutrition Reports

o Nutrition Reports - Diet History

o Nutrition Reports - Meal Plan

The Group tab provides a way to produce reports based on a set of criteria that defines a certain set of your clients. For example, you could produce a report for all clients between the ages of 35 and 52 who belong to the group Class 101. (Class 101 would be a custom category you created in the Client Info tab for a group of clients.)

The Group to Group tab provides a way for you to produce reports that compare results from two different sets of custom categories. For example you could produce a report that compares the results of Class 101 with Class 102. (Class 101 and Class 102 would be custom categories you created in the Client Info tab.)

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11 Forms and Topics

The program comes with several standard forms and education topics that are common to the nutrition and personal training industry. You can view, print, email, and export to PDF each of the forms and topics documents.

11.1. Forms You can customize, edit, and add forms to meet your needs. Use the forms to capture important information about your clients.

Note: Laws and regulations vary from state to state; it is recommended that your facility review all of the standard Forms and Topics to ensure local and state compliance.

11.1.1. Adding a Form 1. Select Admin ����Add/Edit Forms from the main menu.

Note: You can import Word document using File � Import

2. Click Add .

3. Enter a name for the new form.

4. Click OK.

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5. You can now create your new form. The program's form creator is similar to popular word processors.

11.1.2. Deleting a Form 1. Select Admin ����Add/Edit Forms from the main menu.

2. Select the form you want to delete.

3. Click Delete .

4. Click Yes to confirm.

11.2. Topics Education topics are handouts that you can give your clients. You can customize, edit, and add topics to meet your needs.

Laws and regulations vary from state to state; it is recommended that your facility review all of the standard Forms and Topics to ensure local and state compliance.

11.2.1. Adding a Topic 1. Select Admin ����Add/Edit Topics from the main menu.

2. Click Add .

3. Enter a name for the new topic.

4. Click OK.

5. You can now create your new topic. The program's education topic creator is similar to popular word processors.

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12 Administrative Tasks

12.1. Backup and Restore

12.1.1. Backup The program automatically backs up your database every two weeks. You can also manually back it up. You must manually back up the database prior to installing any program upgrades.

To manually back up your database:

1. Select File����Backup from the main menu.

2. To complete the backup, you must exit and restart the program.

Failure to back up your data before installing any program upgrades may result in lost data.

12.1.2. Restore You can restore your program database to the last backup.

To restore your database:

1. Select File����Restore from the main menu.

2. To complete the restore process, you must exit and restart the program.

12.2. Exporting and Importing Client Data You can export client data to Excel format and use it for other purposes. And, you can import client data from a properly formatted Excel file.

To export client data:

1. Select File ���� Export Client Data .

2. Select a location on disk to save the exported file.

To import client data:

1. Select File ���� Import Client Data .

2. Select the .xls file to import.

Note: The file you are importing must have the appropriate columns defined. To achieve the proper column formatting, it is recommend that you export client data first and use that Excel file as a template for any client data you want to import.

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12.3. User - To Do List

You can keep track of short notes or tasks in your To Do List.

To add a To Do item:

1. Select User����To Do List from the main menu.

2. Click Add .

3. Type your note or task.

4. Click OK.

5. Click Add to insert an additional item or click Done to return to the main screen.

To remove a To Do item:

1. Select User����To Do List from the main menu.

2. Select the item to remove.

3. Click Remove .

4. Click Yes to confirm the delete.

5. Select another item to remove or click Done to return to the main screen.

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12.4. Settings

12.4.1. Default User Settings 1. Select User����Settings from the main menu.

2. Change any of the default settings you choose.

12.4.2. Default Nutrition Settings

3. Click the Nutr. Settings tab.

4. In the Nutrition area, set default nutrition percentage recommendations for the following:

o Fat

o Carbohydrates

o Protein

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Note: The three values must add up to 100%.

5. From the Choose Default RMR Equation area, select from the following:

o Benedict-Harris

o Miflin

o Katch-McArdle

6. Select whether or not to show nutritional deficiencies on reports.

7. Select whether or not to show all meal plan units as grams.

8. Select the food database to use from the Choose Default Food Database area.

9. Click OK.

12.4.3. User Facility Info

What you enter here appears on all forms, topic handouts, and reports.

10. Select User����Settings from the main menu.

11. Click the Facility Info tab.

12. Enter the name of your facility.

13. Enter an advertising slogan or tag line.

14. Enter your address, city, state, and zip code.

15. Enter your telephone and fax numbers.

16. Enter the URL of your facility’s Web site.

17. If you have an electronic copy of your facility’s logo, click Browse and select the logo file. Note: logo must be in .bmp format.

18. Click OK.

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12.4.4. User Internet Settings

If your computer has access to email, you can easily email exercise programs, forms, and reports to your clients.

1. Select User����Settings from the main menu.

2. Click the Internet Settings tab.

3. Enter the name of your Email Server .

o If you use Outlook Express

o If you use Netscape

4. If you cannot determine your email server, please contact your System Administrator or your Internet Service Provider.

5. Select the box if your email server requires a password. If it does, enter the User Name and Password for the email server.

6. Enter your email address in the User Email Address box.

7. Select whether you want to send a copy of the exercise programs, forms, and reports to your email address.

8. You can copy a second email address in addition to your own. If you would like to send a second copy, enter that email address in the Always CC email to this Address box.

9. Click OK.

Note: Most third-party email providers such as Google, MSN, Hotmail, , and Yahoo do not support email from third-party programs such as Fitness Maker and Nutrition Maker. All reports can be exported to PDF files and then manually attached to an email of your choice to work around this issue.

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If You Use Outlook Express for Email

1. Select Tools ����Accounts from the main menu.

2. Highlight your email account and select Properties .

3. Select the Servers tab.

4. The Outlook Express Outgoing Mail (SMTP) is the Email Server.

If You Use Netscape for Email

1. Select Edit����Mail����News Account Settings from the main menu.

2. The Netscape Server Name is the Email Server.

12.5. Client History Click Client �History to view a log of client activity by date.

12.6. Goals

12.6.1. Adding Goals 1. Select Fitness �Add/Edit Goals from the main menu.

2. Click Add .

3. Enter the goal name.

4. To associate tests with your goal, select the test from the Complete List of Tests list and click Select Test . Repeat for each test you want to associate with the goal. To view or edit the test details, select the test and click Edit . If the test is not listed, you can add it.

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5. Click OK.

6. Associate exercises to the goal.

Exercises in bold have alternative exercises. To view or edit the alternatives, select the exercise and click View Alternatives .

12.6.2. Editing Goals

Any changes to goals are immediately changed in all users' list of goals.

1. Select Fitness ����Add/Edit Goals from the main menu.

2. Select the goal you want to edit.

3. Click Edit .

4. To add additional tests to the goal, select the test from the Complete List of Tests and click Select Test .

5. To remove existing tests from the goal, select the test from the Tests Related to Goal list and click Remove Test .

6. Click OK.

12.6.3. Deleting Goals

Any goals that are deleted are immediately deleted from all users' list of goals.

1. Select Fitness ����Add/Edit Goals from the main menu.

2. Select the goal you want to delete. You can only delete goals that are not associated with a client.

3. Click Delete .

4. Click Yes to confirm.

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12.7. Tests

12.7.1. Adding Tests 1. Select Fitness ����Add/Edit Tests from the main menu.

2. Click Add .

3. Enter the test name.

4. Enter a description of what is being measured or tested.

5. Select the unit of measurement.

6. If a calculation is necessary to determine the final test result, select a calculator.

7. Enter a test description.

8. Enter instructions on how the test is performed in the Test Instructions box.

9. Enter congratulatory text. The text is printed on client-specific reports when the client meets or exceeds his or her goal.

10. Enter encouragement text. The text is printed on client-specific reports when the client does not meet his or her goal.

11. Select whether the majority of people want to increase or decrease the test results.

12. If population norms exist for your test, click Enter Population Norms .

13. Click Chart Annotation to add any chart annotations. These chart annotations will be shown for all clients that meet the specified criteria.

14. Click Custom Results to add custom results. The custom result text will be shown for all clients that meet the specified criteria.

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15. Click Alternative Tests to add alternative tests. Adding alternative tests lets you specify a group of tests that are equivalent. For example, you might specify a 7-Site Body-Fat test as the alternative to the 3-Site Body-Fat test. Any protocol that uses the 3-Site Body-Fat test can now use the 7-Site Body-Fat test.

16. Click OK.

12.7.2. Editing Tests 1. Select Add/Edit Tests from the main menu.

2. Select the test you want to edit.

3. Click Edit .

4. Edit the necessary fields:

o Test Name: the name of the test

o Description: what is being measured

o Units: the unit of measurement

o Calculator: various calculators for tests that require some sort of calculation to arrive at the final result

o Test Description: a description of the test

o Test Instructions: how the user should perform the test

o Congratulatory Text: text that is printed on client-specific reports when a client meets or exceeds his or her goal.

o Encouragement Text: text that is printed on client-specific reports when a client does not meet his or her goal.

5. Select whether the majority of people want to increase or decrease the test results for this test

6. Click Edit Population Norms to edit the population norms for this test.

7. Click Chart Annotation to add or edit any chart annotations. These annotations will be shown for all clients that meet the specified criteria.

8. Click Custom Results to edit custom results. The custom results text will be shown for all clients that meet the specified criteria.

9. Click Alternative Tests to edit alternative tests. Adding alternative tests lets you specify a group of tests that are equivalent. For example, you might specify a 7-Site Body-Fat test as the alternative to the 3-Site Body-Fat test. Any protocol that uses the 3-Site Body-Fat test can now use the 7-Site Body-Fat test.

10. Click OK.

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12.7.3. Copying Tests Copying an existing test can give you a starting point when adding new tests.

To copy a test:

1. Select Fitness ����Add/Edit Tests from the main menu.

2. Select an existing test that is similar to the new test you want to add.

3. Click Copy .

4. Enter a name for the new test.

5. Click OK.

6. Click Edit to change the test details.

12.7.4. Deleting a Test You can delete an Administrator-added or standard test.

To delete a test:

1. Select Fitness ����Add/Edit Tests from the main menu.

2. Select the test you want to delete

3. Click Delete .

4. Click Yes to confirm.

12.8. Adding/Editing Test Protocols

You can add and edit your own test protocols. When you create your own test protocol, you give it a name and then associate individual tests with it. Once you have created a test protocol, you can use it for any of your clients. Editing a test protocol means to add or remove tests from an exiting protocol.

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You can choose to show the results of the new test protocol in summary reports and you can set custom results that will display in the summary report, where a client's results fall relative to the value you place in the custom results. For example, you could use a set of custom results to grade a client's performance for this protocol.

To add a test protocol:

1. Select Fitness ���� Add/Edit Test Protocols to display the Test Protocols dialog.

2. Click Add to display the Add Test Protocol dialog.

3. Enter a name for the protocol.

4. Begin adding the tests you want for this protocol by selecting the tests from the left-hand column and clicking Select Test to move them into the right-hand column.

5. Once you have added the tests to the new protocol, you can choose whether to create a summary report for this protocol. If you choose to create a summary reports, you can select one of the following types of summaries:

o All Tests

o All Tests with Age Summary

o All Tests with Normative Values

6. If you choose to create a summary report, you can add a description of the protocol, congratulatory test, and encouragement text.

To add custom results:

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1. Click Custom Results to display the Custom Protocol Results dialog.

2. Click Add .

3. Enter a name for the result.

4. Enter a value.

5. Enter a description.

6. Continue adding names and values for each of the custom results you will need.

7. Click OK.

12.9. Exercises

12.9.1. Adding Exercises 1. Select Admin ����Add/Edit Exercises from the main menu.

2. Click Add under Exercises .

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3. Enter the technical name for the exercise.

4. Enter the common name for the exercise.

5. Under Body Area , select the body area(s) affected by the exercise. This helps users quickly locate the exercise. Note that the exercise appears under each body area selected.

6. Select the Exercise Type .

7. Optional: Under Rapid Search Criteria , select the major muscle group(s) affected by the exercise. This adds the exercise to the Rapid Search list. Note that the exercise appears under each major muscle group selected.

8. Enter the default number of sets.

9. Enter the default number of repetitions or minutes and select repetitions or minutes from the drop-down list.

10. Select the default frequency from the drop-down list.

11. Set any of the optional default exercise parameters:

o Use of equipment/props

o Rest

o Hold

o Performance speed

12. Click OK.

13. Add any Exercise Alternatives for your new test, if applicable.

Use of Equipment/Props

If the new exercise uses equipment or props:

1. Select the optional Use check box.

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2. Enter any identifying information for the equipment.

3. Select the equipment or prop from the drop-down list. Note: Additional equipment and props can be added through Maintain Lists .


If the new exercise incorporates rest periods betwe en sets:

1. Select the optional Rest check box.

2. Enter the amount of time.

3. Select whether the time is measured in seconds or minutes.


If the new exercise is to be held for a specific am ount of time:

1. Select the optional Hold check box.

2. Enter the amount of time.

3. Select whether the time is measured in seconds or minutes.

Performance Speed

If the new exercise is to be performed in a specifi c amount of time:

1. Select the Perform check box.

2. Enter the number of repetitions that should be performed in the set amount of time.

3. Enter the amount of time.

4. Select whether the time is measured in seconds or minutes.

12.9.2. Editing Exercises You can edit the standard exercises to further customize the program.

To edit an exercise:

5. Select Fitness ����Add/Edit Exercises from the main menu.

6. Select the exercise you want to edit.

7. Click Edit .

8. Edit the technical name for the exercise.

9. Edit the common name for the exercise.

10. Under Body Area , select the body area(s) affected by the exercise. This helps users quickly locate the exercise. Note that the exercise appears under each body area selected.

11. Edit the Exercise Type.

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12. Under Rapid Search Criteria , select the major muscle group(s) affected by the exercise. This adds the exercise to the Rapid Search list. Note that the exercise appears under each major muscle group selected.

13. Edit the default number of sets.

14. Edit the default number of repetitions or minutes and select repetitions or minutes from the drop-down list.

15. Select the default frequency from the drop-down list.

16. Edit any of the optional default exercise parameters:

o Use of equipment/props

o Rest

o Hold

o Performance speed

17. Click OK.

18. Edit the Exercise Alternatives for the test, if applicable.

12.9.3. Deleting Exercises You can delete exercises that do not fit with your facility.

To delete an exercise:

1. Select Fitness ����Add/Edit Exercises from the main menu.

2. Select the test you want to delete.

3. Click Delete .

4. Click Yes to confirm.

12.10. Exercise Alternatives

12.10.1. Adding Exercise Alternatives To assist users in varying a client’s workout, you can set default exercise alternatives.

1. Select Fitness ����Add/Edit Exercises from the main menu.

2. Select an exercise.

3. Click Add under Exercise Alternatives.

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4. Select the exercise to add as an alternative and click Select Exercise .

5. Repeat step 4 for each exercise alternative you want to add.

6. Click OK.

12.10.2. Editing Exercise Alternatives 1. Select Fitness ����Add/Edit Exercises from the main menu.

2. Select an exercise.

3. Click Edit under Exercise Alternatives.

4. To add alternative exercises, select the exercise and click Select Exercise . To remove an alternative exercise, select the exercise and click Remove Exercise .

5. Click OK.

12.11. Forms

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12.11.1. Adding a Form 1. Select Admin ����Add/Edit Forms from the main menu.

2. Click Add .

3. Enter a name for the new form.

4. Click OK.

5. You can now create your new form. The program's form creator is similar to popular word processors.

12.11.2. Editing Forms You can customize and edit any of the program's standard forms.

1. Select Admin ����Add/Edit Forms from the main menu.

2. Select the form you want to edit.

3. Click Edit .

4. You can now edit the form. The program's form creator is similar to popular word processors.

Laws and regulations vary from state to state; it is recommended that your facility review all of the standard Forms and Topics to ensure local and state compliance.

12.11.3. Deleting a Form 1. Select Admin ����Add/Edit Forms from the main menu.

2. Select the form you want to delete.

3. Click Delete .

4. Click Yes to confirm.

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12.12. Topics

12.12.1. Adding a Topic 1. Select Admin ����Add/Edit Topics from the main menu.

2. Click Add .

3. Enter a name for the new topic.

4. Click OK.

5. You can now create your new topic. The program's education topic creator is similar to popular word processors.

12.12.2. Editing Topics You can customize and edit any of the program's standard education topics.

1. Select Admin ����Add/Edit Topics from the main menu.

2. Select the topic you want to edit.

3. Click Edit .

4. You can now edit the topic. The program's education topic creator is similar to popular word processors.

Laws and regulations vary from state to state; it is recommended that your facility review all of the standard Forms and Topics to ensure local and state compliance.

12.12.3. Deleting a Topic 1. Select Admin ����Add/Edit Topics from the main menu.

2. Select the topic you want to delete.

3. Click Delete .

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4. Click Yes to confirm.

12.13. Nutritional Defaults

The program allows you to set nutritional defaults. You can override the defaults and customize it for each client.

To edit the nutritional defaults:

1. Select Nutrition ����Nutritional Defaults from the main menu.

2. Select the population range from the Population Group drop-down list.

3. For each nutritional item:

o Place a checkmark in the Report Exceptions checkbox if you want the program to report nutritional items that are out of range.

o Enter minimum and maximum amounts. Zero indicates that it will not be monitored.

o (Optional) Click Edit Description to add or edit a description to suggest foods and other activities that might boost intake of the selected nutritional item.

4. Click OK.

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12.14. Meal Plans

12.14.1. Adding Meal Plans You can add your own meal plans either by creating a new one from scratch or by editing an existing one. This section describes how to create a meal plan from scratch. For information about creating a meal plan from an existing one, see Editing Meal Plans.

Note: A meal plan created here will be available for all clients. If you create a meal plan for a client, it is only available for that client unless you use the Copy Plan to Template operation on the Client Meal Plan screen.

1. Select Nutrition ����Add/Edit Meal Plan from the main menu.

2. Click Add .

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3. Enter the plan name.

4. In the Search For field select whether to search for Recipes or Foods .

a. In the Food Database field, optionally select the food databases against which to search.

b. In the Food Category field, optionally select the food category against which to search.

c. In the Food Name filed, optional select from the following ways of searching:

o Contains all words

o Begins with

o Contains phrase

d. Enter the search criteria in the search field.

e. Click the Search button to display a list of results that match the search criteria.

f. Select the appropriate food from the list.

g. Select the meal that you want to add the food or recipe to on the right.

h. Click Select Food .

If you chose Recipes

a. Select a recipe from the alphabetical list.

b. Select the meal that you want to add the food or recipe to on the right.

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c. Click Select Recipe .

5. Continue selecting food or recipes for each meal. (Right-click a food or recipe to cut or copy it and paste it into a different meal.)

6. Click Add Day to add additional days to the meal plan. Click the tabs to switch days. (You can also remove or copy a day tab. And you can randomize days to vary the plan.)

7. Optionally click Copy Day to add a copy of the current day to the end of the meal plan.

8. Optionally click Randomize Days to organize days of the meal plan in a random fashion.

9. Click Save & Exit when you are done.

Note: Right clicking the menu items provides a way for you to order foods, to view alternative foods, and to copy & paste meals. You can also add a description, view additional nutrition details, and add notes to individual meals or the entire meal. You can view the nutritional plan breakdown for the day, for a selected meal, or for an individual food.

12.14.2. Editing Meal Plans You can edit an existing meal plan by adding and removing individual foods and recipes. You can also use an existing plan as a model for a new plan. Open an existing plan, change its name, and then change the foods in the plan. When you save the plan, it creates a new plan listing Meal Plan List window.

1. Select Nutrition ����Add/Edit Meal Plan from the main menu.

2. Select a meal plan to edit.

3. Click Edit .

4. You can change the plan name.

5. In the Search For field select whether to search for Recipes or Foods .

a. In the Food Database field, optionally select the food databases against which to search.

b. In the Food Category field, optionally select the food category against which to search

c. In the Food Name field, optionally select from the following ways of searching:

o Contains all words

o Begins with

o Contains phrase

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d. Enter the search criteria in the search field.

e. Click the Search button to display a list of results that match the search criteria.

f. Select the appropriate food from the list.

g. Select the meal that you want to add the food or recipe to on the right.

h. Click Select Food .

If you chose Recipes

a. Select a recipe from the alphabetical list.

b. Select the meal that you want to add the food or recipe to on the right.

c. Click Select Recipe .

6. Continue selecting food or recipes for each meal. (Right-click a food or recipe to cut or copy it and paste it into a different meal.)

7. You can also remove food a recipe items by right clicking the items and selecting Remove.

8. Click Add Day to add additional days to the meal plan. Click the tabs to switch days. (You can also remove or copy a day tab. And you can randomize days to vary the plan.)

9. Click Copy Day to add a copy of the current day to the end of the meal plan.

10. Click Randomize Days to organize days of the meal plan in a random fashion.

11. Click Save & Exit when you are done.

Note: Right clicking the menu items provides a way for you to order foods, to view alternative foods, and to copy & paste meals. You can also add a description, view additional nutrition details, and add notes to individual meals or the entire meal. You can view the nutritional plan breakdown for the day, for a selected meal, or for an individual food.

12.14.3. Deleting Meal Plans You can delete any meal plans that you do not want to be available in the meal plan list.

To delete a meal plan:

1. Select the meal plan you want to delete.

2. Click Delete .

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12.15. Recipes

Recipes consist of multiple foods. You can:

o Add or edit a recipe.

o Copy an existing recipe to use as a starting point for a new recipe. This can save you a lot of time if you have similar recipes.

o Delete a recipe.

Note: Adding and editing recipes can assist with the nutritional analysis of recipes.

12.15.1. Adding Recipes 1. Click Add to add a new recipe.

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2. Enter the recipe name in the Recipe Name box.

3. Search for the foods that are in the recipe:

a. In the Food Database field, optionally select the food databases against which to search.

b. In the Food Category field, optionally select the food category against which to search.

c. In the Food Name filed, optional select from the following ways of searching:

o Contains all words

o Begins with

o Contains phrase

d. Enter the search criteria in the search field.

e. Click the Search button to display a list of results that match the search criteria.

f. Select the appropriate food from the list.

g. Select the meal that you want to add the food or recipe to on the right.

h. Click Select Food .

4. Click Search .

5. Select the food to add to the recipe and drag it to the Ingredient List .

6. Repeat steps 4-6 for each food in the recipe.

7. Enter the total amount this recipe makes by entering the number and typing the unit of measure in the Recipe Units box.

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8. Enter the number of servings this recipe makes.

9. Enter the instructions for the recipe in the Recipe Instructions box.

10. Enter any notes or tips.

11. Add any additional nutrition information.

12. Click Save & Exit .

12.15.2. Editing Recipes 1. Select the recipe you want to edit.

2. Click Edit .

3. Enter the recipe name in the Recipe box.

4. Search for the foods that are in the recipe:

a. In the Food Database field, optionally select the food databases against which to search.

b. In the Food Category field, optionally select the food category against which to search.

c. In the Food Name filed, optional select from the following ways of searching:

o Contains all words

o Begins with

o Contains phrase

d. Enter the search criteria in the search field.

e. Click the Search button to display a list of results that match the search criteria.

f. Select the appropriate food from the list.

g. Select the meal that you want to add the food or recipe to on the right.

h. Click Select Food .

5. Click Search .

6. Select the food to add to the recipe and drag it to the Ingredient List .

7. Repeat steps 4-6 for each food in the recipe.

8. Enter the total amount this recipe makes by entering the number and typing the unit of measure in the Recipe Units box.

9. Enter the number of servings this recipe creates.

10. Enter the instructions for the recipe in the Recipe Instructions box.

11. Enter any notes or tips.

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12. Add any additional nutrition information.

13. Click Save & Exit .

12.15.3. Deleting Recipes You can delete any recipes that you do not want to be available in the recipe list.

To delete a recipe:

1. Select the recipe you want to delete.

2. Click Delete .

12.16. Foods

12.16.1. Adding Foods 1. Click Add .

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2. Type the name of the food.

3. (Optional) Type a common name.

4. Enter all measurements and the gram equivalents.

5. Enter the nutritional information for the selected grams.

6. Add any additional nutrition information.

7. Click Save & Exit .

Measurement Conversion from Grams

The program uses grams as a standard unit of measure.

To add or edit food units:

1. Enter the amount.

2. Enter the description (cups, pieces, etc.).

3. Enter the gram equivalent for the amount and description.

4. Click OK.

Adding Additional Nutritional Information

1. Select the additional nutrition item you want to add from the drop-down list.

2. Type the value for the unit shown.

3. Click OK.

Note: Grams is the standard unit of measure for all foods. You can convert the food units.

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12.16.2. Editing Foods 1. Select Nutrition ����Add/Edit Foods from the main menu.

2. In the Food Database field, optionally select the food databases against which to search.

3. In the Food Category field, optionally select the food category against which to search

4. In the Food Name field, optional select from the following ways of searching:

o Contains all words

o Begins with

o Contains phrase

5. Enter the search criteria in the search field.

6. Click the Search button to display a list of results that match the search criteria.

7. Click Edit .

8. Edit the name of the food.

9. (Optional) Edit a common name.

10. Enter any measurements and the gram equivalents.

11. Edit the nutritional information for the selected grams.

12. Edit any additional nutrition information.

12.16.3. Deleting Foods You can delete any foods that you do not want to be available in the food list.

To delete a food:

1. Select the food you want to delete.

2. Click Delete .

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12.17. Managing Lists

12.17.1. Adding a New List If you add new tests, you may need to add a new list.

1. Select Admin ����Maintain Lists from the main menu.

2. Click Add List.

3. Enter a name for the list.

4. Click OK.

5. To add items to your list, click Add under List Items .

6. Enter the list item name in the Description field.

7. Optional: Enter the conversion, if necessary. Conversions are usually used to allow the program to calculate data into a common unit. See the following example:

Conversion Example

A height list might have centimeters and inches as list items. Centimeters have a conversion value of 0.3937008 and inches have a conversion value of 1.

1 centimeter = 0.3937008 inches

8. Optional: Select a sub list.

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9. Click OK.

10. Repeat steps 5-9 for each list item.

12.17.2. Editing an Existing List 1. Select Admin ����Maintain Lists from the main menu.

2. Select the List Name .

3. To add additional list items, click Add .

4. To edit existing list items, select the list item and click Edit .

5. To delete existing list items, select the list item and click Delete . Click Yes to confirm.

6. Click Done when you are finished.

12.18. User Management/Maintain Staff

12.18.1. Adding a User License To add additional users, you must purchase additional user licenses. To purchase additional user licenses, please contact your software provider

1. Select Admin ����Maintain Staff from the main menu.

2. Click Add Trainer License .

3. Enter the user license number that you received from your software vendor.

4. Click OK.

5. Click Done .

12.18.2. Adding New Users To add additional users, you must purchase additional user licenses. To purchase additional user licenses, please contact your software provider.

To add additional users:

1. Select Admin ����Maintain Staff from the main menu.

2. Click Add .

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3. Enter the User Id , Password , and the Full Name of the user. The User's name is printed on client handouts.

4. Enter a password reminder; something that will help you remember your password if you forget it.

5. Select whether the user has Administrative or User rights.

6. Click OK.

7. Click Done when you are finished.

12.18.3. Editing Users 1. Select Admin ����Maintain Staff from the main menu.

2. Select the user you want to edit.

3. Click Edit .

4. Make the necessary changes.

5. Click OK.

6. Click Done when you are finished.

12.18.4. Deleting Users 1. Select Admin ����Maintain Staff from the main menu.

2. Select the user you want to delete.

3. Click Delete .

4. Click Yes to confirm the delete.

5. Click Done when you are finished.

Note: User with clients cannot be deleted. Reassign the clients to another user before attempting to delete the user.

12.19. Adding/Editing Custom Groups

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You can create and manage custom groups whose values will appear in your reports. For example, you could create two custom categories associated with two different groups of client. You could use those categories later to compare the progress of those groups. You can create as many categories as you want, but you can only assign a client to six categories at a time.

1. Click the Admin ���� Add/Edit Groups to display the Client Categories dialog.

2. Click the Add button to display the Enter New Category dialog, and then enter the new category name and click OK.

Note: To edit or delete a custom category, select the category and click the appropriate button.

3. When you have completed your customer fields operations, click Done .

4. Use the down arrows to assign the category values you created to specific categories.

12.20. Adding/Editing Custom Health Questions

You also can create your own custom medical history questionnaire.

Note : Custom questionnaires are not unique to an individual client. Once you have created one, it becomes available for all clients.

To create a custom questionnaire:

1. Select Admin ����Add/Edit Custom Health Questions to display the Custom Health Risk Questions dialog.

2. Click Add to display the Add Question dialog.

3. If a Yes answer to the questions should cause a Health Risk Alert, click the check box, and click OK.

Note : To edit or delete a custom question, select the question and click the appropriate button.

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4. Add as many questions as you like, and then click Done .

12.21. Audit Log Click Admin �Audit Log to view a log of program activity by date.

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Appendix A — Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

13 Frequently Asked Questions - Topics, Forms, and Reports

Can I make my own questionnaire? Yes, it is possible to create a custom questionnaire. This may be helpful for when you need answers to questions that are not currently included in the program, for instance in the areas of health, lifestyle, or other areas that may help you to assist or motivate a client. To create a questionnaire, go to Medical History tab and Custom side tab. Click on Add/Edit Questions button. Click on Add button .In the Custom Health Risk Question box, click on Add button. Enter question in the form of a yes or no answer so that if the answer is yes, it poses a health risk or a problem. What is group analysis reporting and how is it usef ul? Group reports are a way to compare clients’ test results as well as create reports on client statistics. For example, one could compare test results of one 3rd grade class to another 3rd grade class, either in the same year or a different year or with another school. Or one could compare the fitness test scores of a team early in the season to scores on those fitness tests done later in the season, maybe after being trained in a certain method. Or one could create a list of all clients over a certain age or gender that improved on a certain test score.

To perform group reports it is first necessary to p lace a client in a certain group or groups? It is possible to have a client in up to six groups. It is recommended to do this when entering client in the program, but this can be done later as well. Group categories also have to be created. To create group categories, go to toolbar and choose Admin:Add/Edit Client Custom Groups. Click Add button and enter a group name. Once categories have been created and clients are associated with groups, got to Reports tab. Choose either Group or Group to Group side tab. Select Gender, age range, and categories, and date ranges, then choose the type of analysis report desired. When ready click on Print or View buttons. Can reports and other forms be sent by email? Yes, it is possible to email meal plans, shopping lists, forms and other information in the program. To do this, export the desired plan or report to a PDF, then attach it to an email. There is an Export to PDF button on each window that allows a report or form to be emailed. What are graph annotations and why are they used? A test result graph will show the client’s result. Typically the graph will also show the client goal and if available, a normative value for the test. It is also possible to place an annotation indicator on the graph. An annotation indicator may be a line or a range for a certain value of a test that has another significant factor that is important to the test results. For instance, on a pull-up test the client goal and/or normative value may be 20 pull-ups but it may be that 35 pull-ups are required to be able to join the elite gymnastics class. Another example might be on a senior balance test there may not be a normative value, but a score of 15 or more may indicate a higher risk or susceptibility of experiencing a fall. To enter an annotation indicator line or ranges on a test graph open the Edit Test box. This is done in one of two ways. Either go to Test tab, highlight a test and click on View/Edit Test button or go to top toolbar and select Fitness:Add/Edit Tests, then select a test, and click on Edit button. In the Edit Test box click on Chart Annotation button, click on Add button and enter the desired parameters for the annotation.

Do I need a color printer to print the reports? No. While the reports look better when printed in color, they can be printed in black and white.

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I no longer work with a client. How do I keep them from showing up on my reports? You can exclude clients from searches and reports by deactivating the client.

Our facility already has our own forms and informat ional handouts. Can I add them to the program? Yes, Administrators can add or import forms and handouts.

How do I print a summary report for my client? On the Tasks tab, click Client Fitness Assessment Reports . This prints a complete package for reports for your client.

Clients usually keep track of their sets, reps, and weight on cards. How do clients keep track of their workout? After assigning sets, reps, and weight on the Exer. Set. tab, click Print Workout . This prints out a customized exercise grid for your client. You can print blank grids by selecting Exercise Workout Grid Blank from the Reports tab.

How do I print a test worksheet? After selecting the tests to be performed on the Tests tab, click Print Selected Tests .

14 Frequently Asked Questions - Administrative Can units be set in Metric? Yes, go to User:Settings. On the Settings tab, at the top left is a box that can be checked if metric is desired. Also, go to Nutr Settings tab and grams can be chosen for the units on meal plans How do I back up my data? Select File����Backup from the main menu. Click here for additional information.

How do I add my logo? Select User����Settings from the main menu and click the Facility tab. Click here for additional information.

How do I change facility-specific information? Select User����Settings from the main menu and click the Facility tab. Click here for additional information.

A client has changed users. How do I transfer the d ata to the new user? Administrators can reassign clients.

Several users share the same computer. How do I pre vent the program from automatically logging in? Select User����Settings from the main menu. Clear the Automatic Log In checkbox.

How do I make the program automatically log in? When logging in, select the automatic log in checkbox.

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What is the difference between an Administrator and User? Users can add or modify their own clients. They may use, but not modify, any of the goals, tests, exercises, forms, and topics and do not have access to the Administrative reports. Administrators have access to all clients and can add or modify goals, tests, exercises, forms, and topics.

How can I find out which user is working with a cli ent? Administrators can run the Clients by Users and Status report.

15 Frequently Asked Questions - Client Information Can I add client pictures? Yes, it is possible to add client pictures. This is helpful for identification and for showing before and after pictures of the client’s physical improvements. To add client photo the photo must be in a .jpeg or .bmp format. Next go to Client Info tab and click on Pictures side tab, then click on Add button. A date may also be entered.

Do I have to enter all of the medical and demograph ic information? No, all of the medical and demographic information is optional.

I only want to use the program to assign goals and tests. Can I do that? Yes. You use only the features you need. Using more features of the program gives you the ability to create more comprehensive and better reports for yourself and your clients.

How do I use the same set of tests for a client tha t we did last time? Click the Tests tab. Under Show Tests , select Performed on Last Testing Date . Click Select All Tests . Click Print Selected Tests to print a testing worksheet or click Click Here to Perform Selected Tests to immediately test the client and record the results.

Why would I want to select an exercise with alterna tives? You can use the automatic Vary Program feature with exercises that have alternatives. This allows you to quickly and easily change your clients exercise program reducing boredom. When creating the exercise program, click the Vary Program button. Similar exercises are substituted for exercises with alternatives.

What is the difference between the different exerci se search methods? There are four available exercise search methods designed to make it quick and easy to find exercises. Click here for more information about the search types.

How do I copy a previous exercise program? Click the Exer. Prog. tab. Select Previous Program for the Exercise Search Type . Select the exercise program you want to copy and click Copy Program . Click here for more information about creating and copying exercise programs.

How do I specify sets, reps, and weight? Set, repetition, and weight information is entered on the Exer. Set. tab.

Do I always have to enter the exercise results? No, you can use only the features you want. It is recommended that you enter the exercise results for better reporting. In addition, the default sets, rep, and weight for exercises is based on

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the results of the client’s previous exercise program. Having that information decreases the amount of time it takes to set up an exercise program.

16 Frequently Asked Questions - General Do you have a Getting Started Guide? Yes, select Help����Getting Started Guide to view the Getting Started Guide. Select Help����Video Tutorial to view a video tutorial. The help includes information nutrition and meal pl ans, but I don't see it in the program. You must upgrade to receive the nutrition component. Contact BioEx Systems at 1-800-750-2756 to upgrade. How is the program licensed? The Maker products are licensed for one user and for installation on one computer. To use the program on more than one computer it is necessary to buy either another copy for another computer or to buy the network edition, in which case the program and data can be accessed from more than one computer. To use the network edition, your computers must be networked. Only the network edition will share data between different computers. When I buy a license for another user, does that me an I can install the program on another computer? No, purchasing the license for another user means that then two people can use the program on one computer. The exception to this is if you own the network version. If that is the case, then two users can use the program on any of the computers on the network. How do I add more users? You must purchase additional user licenses to add more users. Contact BioEx Systems at 1-800-750-2756 to purchase additional user licenses..

17 Frequently Asked Questions - Goals, Tests, and Exercises

Why do some tests not have suggested goals? Tests that do not have normative values will not have test goals. Without a normative value it is difficult to determine a goal appropriate to all clients. It is suggested to perform the test, and then use your professional knowledge to determine an appropriate goal for that client and to go back after testing and enter that goal or to use an appropriate goal that client desires.

When I choose some goals like increasing flexibilit y or strength I see youth tests and senior tests (if one has purchased the Senior Modul e Package). Why does this happen? Some goals apply to various categories of tests, even though they may not apply to the client. This is done so that you don’t miss any suggested tests. Simply choose the tests that you want and do not use tests that do not apply to your client.

Can I make test protocols and why would I want to u se a test protocol? Yes, it is possible to create test protocols. Test protocols can save time. Having a group of tests in one area eliminates the need to select tests one by one. Test protocols can apply to certain types of clients, for instance, specific tests for a certain sport or a general test array that one may use frequently. The program ships with several protocols and it is possible to create new protocols. To create a protocol go to toolbar and choose Fitness:Add/Edit Test Protocols. Click on Add button. Enter a protocol name, and select tests for the protocol. Various types of protocol summary information may be added at the bottom area of this screen.

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What is an alternative test? An alternative test is a test that can be used instead of a primary test. This may be because the primary test is too hard, or the equipment to do the primary test is not available. For example, in the Presidential Fitness pull-up test, if a subject cannot perform a pull-up, once might wish to use the alternative test of a flexed arm hang test. If a test has an alternative, it is in bold type.

Can I add or change goals? Yes, Administrators can add and edit goals.

Can I add or change tests? Yes, Administrators can add and edit tests.

Can I add or change exercises? Yes, Administrators can add and edit exercises.

Can I add or change exercise alternatives? Yes, Administrators can add and edit exercise alternatives.

Why do I want to associate tests and exercises with goals? By associating tests and exercises with a goal, the program recommends appropriate tests and exercises for any client that selects that goal.

18 Frequently Asked Questions - Nutrition What equations are used to determine the Resting Me tabolic Rate and calorie requirements? Nutrition Maker allows the user to choose from three metabolic equations. They are similar in results. The Harris-Benedict tends to overestimate the RMR with overweight or obese subjects. The Katch-McArdle also requires either a body fat percentage or a BMI test to be performed. The equation names are indicated on the Nutrition Info tab. To choose the equation, click on Choose RMR Equation button. It is also possible to use your own custom equation and enter the results. What are the activity levels and why would I want t o use one method over another? Nutrition Maker allows the user to use a variety of means of determining activity level for a client. The activity level is a primary consideration for estimating calorie requirements. Put simply, activity level is converted into estimated calories and that is added to the resting metabolic calorie requirement. Based on the amount of weight loss desired, the final calorie amount is calculated. So the more accurate that activity level determined, the more accurate the calorie requirement becomes. The simplest method of entering activity level is to choose one of the four categories in the Client Activity Level per Week box. It is also potentially the least accurate since it is a generalized level of activity. A more accurate determination can be done by clicking on the Custom Activity Level button. This method requires entering the number of hours each day of a certain activity level of a client for seven days to gain an accurate representation of the client’s weekly activity level. This information is obtained from the client. Either method can yield acceptable results.

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How is weight loss determined? Nutrition Maker allows the user to choose weight loss by either date to achieve or by how much weight to lose per week. These options are located to the right of the weight and target weight box. What is an alternative food? An alternative food is a food that closely matches a food in several nutrient categories. They are not exact, but it provides the user to see samples of other food choices that could be an option for substituting a particular food in a meal plan. To view alternative foods, select any meal plan, click on the Edit Plan button. When the Edit Meal Plan box appears, place cursor over any food in the meal plan and right click and choose Show Alternative Foods. This may take some time as the entire food database must be searched. If an alternative meets the need, select it and click Select Food button and it will be replaced in the meal plan. Alternative foods feature will not work for recipes. Is it possible to copy a meal plan day to another d ay? Yes. To copy a day in a meal plan, select meal plan, click on Edit meal plan, choose a day and click on Copy day button. Is it possible to change the order of days on a meal plan? Yes. To change order of days on a meal plan, click on Edit plan, and choose Randomize Days button. If I make a custom meal plan for a client, can I sa ve it to the main meal plan lists? Yes. To save an edited plan to the main meal plan lists, click on Edit plan, and click on Copy Plan to Template button. What kinds of ways can I search for foods? Foods can be searched in a variety of ways. It is possible to select from specific food databases, food names or food categories. In any of the Edit meal plan or Add Meal plan windows the various options are provided in the Search area at the left of screen. How many foods are in the database? This version has 18,282 foods which includes many restaurants as well as the USDA, Canadian and Australian databases.