Bioetik 00 Module Bioethics 2010

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Transcript of Bioetik 00 Module Bioethics 2010


Course Content:

Bioethics, Medical Ethics and Medical Law

Sub-module 1 : Bio-ethics and Medical Ethics

Course Period: First half of 1st Semester

Course topics:

1. Philosophy of doctor’s profession

2. Philosophy of Bioethics and Medical Ethics

3. Medical Ethics and its challenges in clinical practice

4. Ethics in medical researches

5. Ethics in writing and publishing scientific paper


The module-task should be writtenly done by the student individually prior before the small

group discussion. To work with the module, the student may refer to the references as

mentioned in the last part of this book.


Sub-module 1 : Bio-ethics and Medical Ethics

Course topic 1: Philosophy of doctor’s profession

1. Contributor:

Prof.dr. Djoko Wahono Soeatmadji, SpPD, KE(K)

2. Competency Area

This module is a part of the elaboration of the area competence 4 of the Indonesian

Doctor Competence by Introducing Doctor’s profession and his responsibilities

3. Goals and Competency Components

To highlight the role of the Modern-Day Physician

To encompass the importance of moral and attitude of the doctor, the setting in which

the illness occurs, and the families, social,

culture backgrounds of the patients

To provide participants with the understanding of physician as a scientist as well as


4. Clinical Competency

After completing this module, the participant will be able to:

Describe the competency of Physician of the 21st Century

Understand the importance of Ethical Issues in Clinical Medicine and the

Fundamental of Ethical Guidelines

Understand the importance of Economic Considerations in the Practice of Medicine

Understand the political, social and economical impact on

health care delivery system

5. Lecture Description

The competency of Physician of the 21st Century

Ethical Issues in Clinical Medicine and the Fundamental of Ethical Guidelines

- Respecting Patient Autonomy

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- Informed Consent

- Nondisclosure of information and maintaining confidentiality

- Avoiding deception

- Acting in the best interests of patients (The guideline of beneficence requires

physicians to act for the patient's benefit)

- Justice (Forbids discrimination in health care based on race, religion, or gender

and supports a moral right to health care, with access based on medical need

rather than ability to pay)

- Assessing Capacity to Make Medical Decisions for all patients, including patients

lack the capacity to make health care decisions and arrange for surrogates to

make them, without involving the courts)

- Decisions about life-Sustaining interventions and possibilities of misleading


- Care of Dying Patients

- Financial Incentives and Gifts from Pharmaceutical Companies

- Occupational Risks

- Medical Errors

- Learning Clinical Skills Conflicts of trainees

- Impaired physicians

- Allocating Resources Justly

The importance of Economic Considerations in the Practice of Medicine

- The enormous and continuing growth of health care spending

- The causes, consequences, and possible responses to rising expenditures on

health care

- A variety of strategies to control costs

- Understand a wide range of economic considerations in the practice of medicine

The political, social and economical impact on health care delivery system

6. Overview

Health is a basic human entitlement, to which all should have equal access and

equal right. The Doctor for the 21st Century should be able to promote health, prevent

and treat disease, and rehabilitate the disable in a compassionate, ethical way within

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resources constrain. Medicine is practiced in a social, economic, and political context. It

takes more than excellent medical care to improve the health of the patients. Many of

the determinants of the health of individuals and populations lie outside traditional

clinical activity. Patients is no mere of collection of symptoms, signs, disordered

functions, damaged organs, and disturbed emotions. He is human, fearful, and hopeful,

seeking relief, help and reassurance. No greater opportunity, responsibility, or obligation

can fall to the lot of human being than to become a physician. In the care of the suffering

he needs technical skill, scientific knowledge, and human understanding. However,

advances in genetics biochemistry imaging technology, laboratory technology, and

therapeutic maneuvers and modalities do not make a good physician.

7. Module Task

- What is your opinion about the relationship between doctors/medical profession

organizations and the pharmaceutical companies who oftenly provide financial

support for their activities?

- A mother due to her religion/faith reasons refused immunization/vaccination to

her baby/child ? What is your opinion ? What will you do?

8. References

- World Federation for Medical Education. World Summit on Medical Education:

Recommendation, Edinburg 8 – 12 August 1993

- Goldman L and Ausiello D. Approach to Medicine , The Patient, and the Medical

Profession as Learned and Humane Profession. In:Cecil Medicine, Goldmann L,

Ausiello D et al (Eds.), Saunders, 2008, p.3.

- Emmanuel EJ. Bioethics in the Practice of medicine. Ibid p. 6

- Taylor VM. Cultural Context in Medicine. Ibid p.16

- Schroeder SA. Social Issues in Medicine. Ibid p. 20

- The Editors. The Practice of Medicine In: Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine.

Fauci AS, Kasper DL, Longo DL, Braunwald E et al (Editors), McGraw Hill 17 Edition,

2008, p.

- Lo B. Ethical Issues in Clinical Medicine. ibid e. 19

- Meltzer D. Economic Considerations in the Practice of Medicine. ibid. e7.


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9. Teaching Learning Process

Interactive workshop, including role play and problem solving through case study

Interactive session with physician, patient and health care officer

Course topic 2: Philosophy of Bioethics and Medical Ethics

1. Contributor:

dr. Ngesti Lestari, SH, SpF(K)

2. Competency Area

This module is a part of the elaboration of the area competence 3 of the Indonesian

Doctor Competence, in Bioethics and Medical Ethics

3. Competency Components

Basic understanding of Bioethics and medical ethics

- Aims of Medical Ethics education

- Principles of medical ethics

The comparison between Medical ethics and Medical law

- The value of good-bad, right-wrong in community

4. Clinical Competence

Medical students know and understand about:

- ethic and moral in as early as possible,

- social norms, ethics system, principles of ethics,

- The role of ethics in doctor’s professionalism

- ethics problem

5. Lecture Description

This module is a part of Module on Bioethics and Medical Ethics, which integratedly designed

for medical students of 1st semester through Teaching-Learning Process in the 1st Block, both

in Lecture and PBL. This part of Module will facilitate the students a basic understanding of

Bioethics and Medical Ethics and understanding about Ethics problems.

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6. Overview

At the end of this course, students in Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University should

understand about medical ethics, problems which related with medical ethics and

understand about medical law, and also should understand how to difference the problems

which is related to ethics and which is related to law.

7. Module Task

Define and explains briefly the terminology of :

- Why medical ethics is important

- Why medical law is important

- How to solve the problems in ethics and medical law

8. References

- Kode Etik Kedokteran Indonesia 2001

- Kajian Bioetik 2005, FK Unair Surabaya

- Etika Kedokteran Indonesia, Samil. R.S., Yayasan Bina Pustaka Sarwono

Prawirohardjo, Jakarta 2001

- Jaringan Bioetik dan Humaniora Kesehatan Indonesia, FK Unair Surabaya 2006

- Hukum Kedokteran, Supriadi. Wila. C., CV. Mandar Maju Bandung 2001

- Bioetika dan Hukum Kedokteran, CV. Pustaka Dwipar, Jakarta 2005

9. Teaching Learning Process

This module should be used as Teaching-Learning Process Media prior to Lecture and or

Small Group Discussion.

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Course topic 3: Medical Ethics and its challenges in clinical practice

1. Contributor:

dr. Ngesti Lestari, SH, SpF(K), Prof dr. Djoko Wahono Soeatmadji, SpPD KE(K)

2. Competency Area

This module is a part of the elaboration of the area competence 3 (?) of the Indonesian

Doctor Competence, in ethical aspect when the doctor practice and ethical aspect in

emergency situation

3. Competency Components

Ethical aspects in doctor’s profession in clinical practice

Ethical aspects in emergency cases



Transfussion and organ transplantation

4. Clinical Competence

knows about ethical aspects in doing medical profession relevance to the grows of medical


- knows about rules of using sophisticated medical equipments, and application of modern

medical technology and result of medical research

5. Lecture Description

This module is a part of Module on Bioethics and Medical Ethics, which integratedly

designed for medical students of 1st semester through Teaching-Learning Process in the

1st Block, both in Lecture and PBL. This part of Module will facilitate the students a basic

understanding about ethical aspect in doing the doctor profession and ethical aspect in

emergency cases and also ethical aspect in progressive of medicine knowledge.

6. Overview

At the end of the medical course, students in Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University

should know how to solve the ethical cases when doing their profession as a doctor, know

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how to solve the ethical cases in emergency case and ethical cases in progressive of

medicine knowledge and technology.

7. Module Task

Define and explains briefly the terminology of :

- What kind of ethical cases that happened when doing their profession as a doctor

- How to solve the problems by ethics if a doctor in emergency cases

- How a doctor’s attitude by ethics when find the progressive of medicine knowledge

8. References

- Kode Etik Kedokteran Indonesia 2001

- Kajian Bioetik 2005, FK Unair Surabaya

- Etika Kedokteran Indonesia, Samil. R.S., Yayasan Bina Pustaka Sarwono

Prawirohardjo, Jakarta 2001

- Jaringan Bioetik dan Humaniora Kesehatan Indonesia, FK Unair Surabaya 2001

- Hukum Kedokteran, Supriadi. Wila. C., CV. Mandar Maju Bandung 2001

- Bioetika dan Hukum Kedokteran, CV. Pustaka Dwipar, Jakarta 2005

- Fred Ameln. Drs. SH. Kapita Selekta Hukum Kedokteran.

- Pitono dkk, Etik dan Hukum di Bidang Kesehatan, Edisi Kedua, FK Unair Surabaya


9. Teaching Learning Process

This module should be used as Teaching-Learning Process Media prior to Lecture and or

Small Group Discussion.

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Course topic 4: Ethics in medical researches

1. Contributor:

Dr.dr.Teguh Wahju Sardjono, DTM&H, MSc, SpParK

2. Competency Area

This module is a part of the elaboration of the area competence 4 of the Indonesian

Doctor Competence, especially in “Ethics in Medical Researches”

3. Competency Components

Ethical aspects in medical research

Right, roles, and responsibility of doctors as researchers in medical fields

The rules in medical research

Informed consent and ethical clearance in medical research

4. Clinical Competence

By the end of this lecture students have to know about:

ethical aspects in medical research,

the obligation of subjects (Three Belmont’s principles)

right, roles, and responsibility of doctors as researchers

the importance of ethical clearance in medical research

5. Lecture Description

This module is a part of Module on Bioethics and Medical Ethics, which integratedly

designed for medical students of 1st semester through Teaching-Learning Process in the

1st Block, both in Lecture and PBL. This part of Module will facilitate the students a basic

understanding on the Ethics in Medical Researches.

6. Overview

At the end of the medical course, students in Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University

should do a research. Most of researches done by the medical students, either in

connection with their tasks during their study or after finishing their study, are related to

health and human beings. It is important to inform to the students and all medical health

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practitioners, including medical doctors, nurses, midwifes, psychologist, about the ethical

aspects in medical and health researches or biomedical research using human subject

7. Module Task

a. What researches are included into Biomedical research

b. Why does any biomedical research should have an ethical clearance?

c. Who has authority to give ethical clearance?

d. What factors should be considered in ethical clearance process?

8. References

a. Undang-undang Kesehatan No.23/1992

b. Peraturan Pemerintah N0 39/1995 tentang Litbangkes

c. Operational Guidelines for Ethics Committees that review

biomedical research (WHO-TRD)

d. Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research on Human Subject


e. Kepmenkes No. 1333/2002 tentang Persetujuan Penelitian

Kesehatan Terhadap Manusia

f. Kepmenkes No. 1334/2002 tentang Komisi Nasional Etik

Penelitian Kesehatan

g. Declaration of Helsinki (Renewed in Edinburg)

9. Teaching Learning Process

This module should be used as Teaching-Learning Process Media prior to Lecture and or

Small Group Discussion.

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Course topic 5: Ethics in performing in vitro and in-vivo research, using animal models,

clinical trials until writing and publishing scientific paper

1. Contributor:

Dr.dr.Teguh Wahju Sardjono, DTM&H, MSc, SpParK

2. Competency Area

This module is a part of the elaboration of the area competence 3 of the Indonesian

Doctor Competence, in performing research, both in-vitro and in-vivo, using animal models

and how to write and publish scientific paper

3. Competency Components

in vitro and in vivo research

using animal model in research

Clinical trials

Ethic in writing scientific paper

Ethics in publishing research result


4. Clinical Competence

By the end of this lecture students have to be able to:

explain the difference principles of in vivo and in vitro research

o understanding the rules of using animal model in research

Understand about the integrity of researcher

Understand the rules of writing and publishing scientific reports

Understand what plagiarism is.

5. Lecture Description

This module is a part of Module on Bioethics and Medical Ethics, which integratedly

designed for medical students of 1st semester through Teaching-Learning Process in the

1st Block, both in Lecture and PBL. This part of Module will facilitate the students a basic

understanding on the Ethics on, both of in-vitro and in-vivo Medical Researches, when and

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why they do either, requisites and impacts of the research. Student should understand

about integrity of them self as researchers so that they will be able to avoid plagiarism.

6. Overview

Increasing morbidty and mortality of re-emerging and new emerging diseases need more

Medical Researches to solve the problem. Results of basic medical researches, either in-

vivo, in-vitro research, clinical trials using animal models or patients, should be broadly

disseminated by fully considering ethical aspects.

7. Module Task

8. References

1. Undang-undang Kesehatan No.23/1992

2. Peraturan Pemerintah N0 39/1995 tentang Litbangkes

3. Declaration of Helsinki (Renewed in Edinburg)

4. Agtini MD, Integritas Peneliti, Modul XII Pelatihan Etik Penelitian Kesehatan Badan

Litbangkes, Jakarta 26-29 September 2005

5. Komisi Nasional Etik Penelitian Kesehatan (KNEPK). Pedoman Nasional Etik

Penelitian Kesehatan. Tahun 2003

6. Wiradi G. Etika penulisan karya ilmiah: Beberapa prinsip dasar. Bandung: Yayasan

Akatiga; 1996.

7. Leonardo de Castro. Relationship between advisor/student. Authorship and

publications. Research integrity. Plagiarism. Presented at the International course

on research ethics, Bangkok, July 30 – August 3, 2001

8. Cyber Media. Ilmuwan Indonesia Lakukan Plagiarisme. Kompas Rabu, 18

Desember 2002

9. Bertens K. Bioetika dan Globalisasinya Rabu, 06 April 2005

9. Teaching Learning Process

This module should be used as Teaching-Learning Process Media prior to Lecture and or

Small Group Discussion

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Course Content:

Bioethics, Medical Ethics and Medical Law

Course Period: Second half of 1st Semester

Sub-module 2 : Medical Law and Medical Secrets

Course topics:

1. Health Law, Medical Law, and Rules and ethics in Medical Practice

2. Medical Secrets

3. Rights and obligation

4. Medical record & Informed consent of medical aids

5. Law responsibility and Malpractice


The module-task should be writtenly done by the student individually prior before the small

group discussion. To work with the module, the student may refer to the references as

mentioned in the last part of this book.

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Course topic 1: Health Law, Medical Law, and Rules and ethics in Medical Practice

1. Contributor:

Dr. Ngesti Lestari, SH, SpF (K)

Dr. Wening Prastowo, SpF

Dr. Eriko Prawestiningtyas, SpF

2. Competency Area

This module is a part of the elaboration of the area competence 3 of the Indonesian

Doctor Competence, by introducing health law and medical law

3. Competency Components

The kinds of laws in Indonesia and in the world

- Health law and Medical law

- Rules and ethics in Medical Practice

- Registration and procedures to get formal license to do medical practice

4. Clinical Competence

student knows the meaning of law, the kinds of law, health law and medical law

students know the application and of medical rule and ethics in daily practice

students know and understand the rule and procedure of registration to get formal

license doing medical practice

5. Lecture Description

This module is a part of Module on Bioethics and Medical Ethics, which integratedly

designed for medical students of 1st semester through Teaching-Learning Process in the

1st Block, both in Lecture and PBL. This part of Module will facilitate the students a basic

understanding on health law and medical law.

6. Overview

At the end of the medical course, students in Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University

should know the difference between health law and medical law. In principal, a doctor in

profession still related with ethics and law problems. A doctor in profession has a link with

law arrangement and knows the procedures for registration and license.

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7. Module Task

Define and explain briefly the terminology of :

- Why the law is important for medical students

- What kind of requirement needed for a doctor before doing the profession

- How a fresh graduated doctor finished the administration requirement for registration

and license

8. References

- UU no. 29 tahun 2004 tentang Praktek Kedokteran

- Supriadi, Wila. C., CV Mandar Maju, Bandung 2001

- Bioetik dan Hukum Kedokteran, CV. Pustaka Dwipar, Jakarta 2005

- R. Soeroso, SH, Pengantar Ilmu Hukum

9. Teaching Learning Process

This module should be used as Teaching-Learning Process Media prior to Lecture and or

Small Group Discussion.

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Course topic 2: Medical Secrets

1. Contributor:

Dr. Ngesti Lestari, SH, SpF (K)

Dr. Wening Prastowo, SpF

Dr. Eriko Prawestiningtyas, SpF

2. Competency Area

This module is a part of the elaboration of the area competence 3 of the Indonesian Doctor

Competence, which every medical student should know when doing their job.

3. Competency Components

- Definition and meaning of medical secrets

- obligation of keeping medical secrets

- When the medical secretes can be opened

- Sanction of opening medical secrets

4. Clinical Competence

By the end of this course, the students have to:

Understand the meaning of medical secrets

Understand the person who has an obligation to keep the medical secrets

When the medical secrets can be opened

What kind of sanction for those who open the medical secrets

5. Lecture Description

This module is a part of Module on Bioethics and Medical Ethics, which integratedly

designed for medical students of 1st semester through Teaching-Learning Process in the

1st Block, both in Lecture and PBL. This part of Module will facilitate the students a basic

understanding about the medical secrets and kinds of another secrets in medical.

6. Overview

At the end of the medical course, students in Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University

should know about the secrets in medical, who has an obligation to keep the medical

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secrets, when the medical secrets can be opened and what kind of sanction for those who

open the medical secrets.

7. Module Task

Define and explain briefly the terminology of:

- Explain the core of medical secrets

- Who has an obligation to keep a medical secret.

- When the medical secrets can be opened

- What kind of sanction for those who open the medical secrets.

8. References

o PP no.10 tahun 1966 tentang Wajib Simpan Rahasia Kedokteran

o PP no.32 tahun 1996 tentang Tenaga Kesehatan

o UU no.29 tahun 2004 tentang Praktetk Kedokteran

o Susilo, KUHP dan penjelasannya

o Pitono dkk, Etik dan Hukum di Bidang Kesehatan, FK Unair Surabaya 2005.

o Hanatiah, J. dkk. Etika Kedokteran dan Hukum Kesehatan

9. Teaching Learning Process

This module should be used as Teaching-Learning Process Media prior to Lecture and or

Small Group Discussion.

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Course topic 3: Rights and obligations

1. Contributor :

Dr Ngesti Lestari, SH, SpF(K)

Dr Wening Prastowo, SpF

Dr Eriko Prawestiningtyas, SpF

2. Competency Area

This module is part of the elaboration of the area competence 3 of the Indonesian Doctor

Competence, which every medical student should know when doing their job.

3. Competency Components

- the meaning of right and obligation

- right and obligation of doctor

- right and obligation of patient

- right and obligation of hospital

4. Clinical Competence:

By the end of this course, student have to:

- understand and able to describe the meaning of right and obligation in general

- understand right and obligation of doctor

- understand right and obligation of patient

- understand right and obligation of hospital

5. Lecturer Description

This module is a part of Module on Bioethics and Medical ethics, which integratedly

designed for medical students of 1st semester through Teaching Learning Process in the

1st Block, both in lecture and PBL. This part of module will facilitate the students a basic

understand about right and obligation for doctor, patient and hospital.

6. Overview

At the end of the medical course, students in Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University

should know about the doctor right and obligation, patient right and obligation, hospital

right and obligation.

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7. Module Task

Define and explain Briefly the terminology of:

- right and obligation

- doctor right

- doctor obligation

- patient right

- patient obligation

- Hospital right

- Hospital obligation

8. References

- UU no.29 tahun 2004 tentang Praktek Kedokteran

- PP no.32 tahun 1996 tentang Tenaga Kesehatan

- Pitono dkk, Etik dan Hukum di Bidang Kesehatan, FK Unair Surabaya, 2005

- Hanafiah,J, dkk, Etika Kedokteran dan Hukum Kesehatan

9. Teaching Learning Process

This module should be used as Teaching – Learning Process Media prior to Lecture and or

Small Group Discussion.

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Course topic 4: Informed consent of medical aids and Medical Record

1. Contributor: Prof. Dr. dr. Moch. Istiadjid ES,SpS,SpBS. Mhum.

2. Competency Area

This module is a part of the elaboration of the area competence 1, 2 and 7 of the Indonesian

Doctor Competence, published by Indonesian Medical Council.

3. Competency Components

Definition of Informed Consent and basic reason of medical treatment

Informed consent is a legal condition whereby a person can be said to have given consent

based upon an appreciation and understanding of the facts and implications of an action.

The individual needs to be in possession of relevant facts and also of his or her reasoning

faculties, such as not being mentally retarded or mentally ill and without an impairment of

judgment at the time of consenting. Such impairments might include illness, intoxication,

insufficient sleep, and other health problems.

Some acts cannot legally take place because of a lack of informed consent. In cases where

an individual is considered unable to give informed consent, another person is generally

authorized to give consent on their behalf. Examples of this include the parents or legal

guardians of a child and caregivers for the mentally ill. In cases where an individual is

provided limited facts, serious ethical issues may arise.

The doctrine of informed consent relates to professional negligence and establishes a

breach of the duty of care owed to the patient.

Definition of medical aids

Medical aids are all activities or actions of doctor and hospital in order to determine the

diagnosis of patient’s illness, along with the correlation, and then give therapy to the patients,

especially surgical treatment

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Definition of Medical Records

A medical record, health record, or medical chart is a systematic documentation of a

patient's medical history and care. The term 'Medical record' is used both for the physical

folder for each individual patient and for the body of information which comprises the total

of each patient's health history.

Medical records are intensely personal documents and there are many ethical and legal

issues surrounding them such as the degree of third-party access and appropriate storage

and disposal.

Although medical records are traditionally compiled and stored by health care providers,

personal health records maintained by individual patients have become more popular in

recent years.

4. Clinical Competence

Students know the meaning of informed consent , medical record, and the importance of them

in medical aids and treatments

5. Lecture Description

This module is a part of Module on Bioethics and Medical Ethics, which integratedly designed

for medical students of 1st semester through Teaching-Learning Process in the 1st Block, both

in Lecture and PBL. This part of Module will facilitate the students a basic understanding on

the Informed Consent of medical aids and Medical Record.

6. Overview

At the end of the medical course, students in Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University should

know the implementation of informed consent in medical aids and medical record, how to

make it in the right manner. Basicly, every medical aids and treatment, especially surgical

treatment, must be completed with patient’s consent. Furthermore, diagnostic and treatment

plannings and another findings on observation including laboratory and radiologic results

should be documented on the medical records.

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7. Task

Define and explain briefly:

What is informed consent in the medical aids.

o Define the right procedures to take this consent from patients

o what are the aims and objectives of this procedure.

What is the meaning of medical record?,

when and how is this record made,

What are the use and advantage of this procedure for the patient, doctor and hospital?

1. References

- Chrisdiono M. Achadiat. Dinamika Etika & Hukum Kedokteran, dalam Tantangan

Zaman. 2004. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran, Jakarta, pp. 93-100.

- Downie, RS and Macnaughton,J. Bioethics and Humanities: Attitudes and

Perceptions. 2007. Routledge, Cavendish New York, pp.7-28.

- Guwandi,J. Rahasia Medis. 2005. FKUI, Jakarta, pp. 25-63.

- Jusuf Hanafiah,M & Amri Amir. Etika Kedokteran & Hukum Kesehatan. 1999.

Penerbit Buku Kedokeran EGC, Jakarta, pp. 55-72.

- Restak,R. The Naked Brain. 2006. Three Rivers Press, New York, pp.102-109.

- Williams, J.R. WMA Medical Ethics Manual, alih bahasa Sagiran: Panduan Etika

Medis. 2006. PSKI FK UMY, Yogyakarta, pp. 35-55.

- Pitono Suparto, et al. Etik dan Hukum di Bidang Kesehatan. 2006. Airlsangga Univ.

Press, Surabaya, pp. 162-176.

- Sajid Darmadipura, M. Kajian Bioetik. 2005. FK Unair, Surabaya, pp. 94-114.

- Samsi Jacobalis. Perkembangan Ilmu Kedokteran, Etika Medis, dan Bioetika.

2005, CV Sagung Seto, Jakarta, pp. 77-85.

9. Teaching Learning Process

This module should be used as Teaching-Learning Process Media prior to Lecture and or

Small Group Discussion.

Interactive workshop, including role play and problem solving through case study

Interactive session with physician, patient and health care officer

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Course topic 5 : Law Responsibility and Malpractice

1. Contributor:

Dr. Ngesti Lestari, Sp.F(K), SH

Dr. Wening Prastowo, Sp.F

Dr. Eriko prawestiningtyas, Sp.F

2. Competency Area

This module is a part of the elaboration of the area competence (3?) of the Indonesian

Doctor Competence, especially in Law responsibility and how to avoid and solve the

malpractices cases.

3. Competency Components

Law responsibilities of doctors, nurses and hospital

The meaning of malpractice and misconduct

How to solve malpractice cases

4. Clinical Competence

Student knows the meaning of law responsibilities of doctors, nurses and


Student knows the meaning of malpractice and misconduct

Student know and understand the way to avoid and solve the malpractice


5. Lecture Description

This module is a part of module on Bioethics and Medical ethics, which intregatedly

designed for medical students of 1st semester through Teaching-Learning Process in

the 1st block, both in lecture and PBL.

This part of module will facilitate the students a basic understanding especially about

Law responsibility during doctors, nurses and hospital and how to avoid and solve the

malpractices cases.

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6. Overview

At the end of the medical course, students in Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University

should know about what is the law responsibility during doctors, nurses and hospital,

the devided sanction of malpractice cases and how to avoid and solve the

malpractices cases.

7. Module Task

Define and explain briefly:

What is law responsibility during doctors, nurses and hospital

What kinds of malpractice and the sanctions

How to avoid and solve the malpractices cases if that’s already happen

8. References

Hanafiah,J,dkk. Etika Kedokteran dan Hukum Kesehatan

Pitono, dkk, Etik dan Hukum di Bidang Kesehatan, FK Unair Surabaya, 2005

Sofwan Dahlan, 2000, Hukum Kesehatan, Rambu-rambu Bagi Profesi Dokter,

Undip, 2000

Anny Isfandyarie, 2005, Malpraktek dan Resiko Medik

Anny Isfandyarie, 2006, Tanggung Jawab Hukum dan Sanksi Bagi Dokter,

buku I dan buku II

Susilo, KUHP dan penjelasannya

UU No.29 tahun 2004 tentang Praktek Kedokterann

UU No. 23 tahun 1992 tentang Kesehatan

9. Teaching Learning Process

This module should be used as Teaching Learning Process Media prior to lecture and

or Small Group Discussion

List of Lecturers and coordinator

module/bioethics_PD_fkub/’10 23

No N A M E Department JOB

1 Dr.dr.Teguh Wahju Sardjono, DTM & H, MSc, SpParK

Parasitology Course Coordinator, Lecturer

2 Dr. Ngesti Lestari, Sp.F(K), SH Forensic Medicine

Coordinator MKK, Lecturer

3 Prof.dr. Djoko Wahono Soeatmadji, SpPD, KEMD

Internal Medicine

Coordinator MKK, Lecturer

4 Prof Dr dr M Istiadjid ES, SpS, SpBS Neuro-Surgery


5 Dr. Wening Prastowo, Sp.F Forensic Medicine


6 Dr. Eriko prawestiningtyas, Sp.F Forensic Medicine


7 Indra Dillianingsih Ethics Committee


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