Bio 163 patterns of evolution and genes lmk 2013

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Bio 163 patterns of evolution and genes lmk 2013

Patterns and Processes of Evolution

Macroevolutionary Patterns Large-scale (more than a single species) Occurs over long periods of time

Microevolution Small-scale (within a single species) Forms variations in populations


Speciation – Isolating MechanismSpecies – group of organisms that interbreed to

produce fertile offspring under normal conditions –

share a common gene poolSpeciation – formation of a new species

Requires reproductive isolation – organisms do not interbreed; gene pools become separateBehavioralGeographicTemporal


Patterns of Extinction

Background Extinction – “business as usual” extinction – slow and steady

Mass Extinction – many species become extinct over a short period of timeCauses:AsteroidVolcanic eruptionsMoving continentsChanging sea levels


Rates of Evolution

Gradualism – change in species is slow and steady

Punctuated Equilibrium – long periods of stability followed by short periods of rapid change


Patterns of Macroevolution:

Adaptive RadiationA single species evolves into many speciesOften occurs when a niche opens up


Organisms come to resemble one another but evolved differently

Source of analogous structures!

Examples: Dolphins and sharks Marsupials and


Patterns of Macroevolution:

Convergent Evolution



Organisms with close ecological relationships evolve togetherPollinators and flowers


The Role of Genes in Evolution

In terms of genetics, evolution is the change in the frequency of alleles in a population’s gene pool

Natural selection leads to that change


Genetic DriftRandom change in allele frequency –

changes in the gene pool of a small population due to chance

Types of Genetic Drift: Bottleneck Effect – change in allele

frequency following dramatic reduction in population size


Genetic Drift Founder Effect – small group colonizes a

new habitat


Molecular Evolution

Molecular Clocks – use mutation rates in DNA to estimate time two species have been evolving independently


Molecular Evolution: Hox Genes


Genes which control an organism’s basic body plan Anterior/posterior ends Limbs, wings

small sequence changes during embryological development can cause large changes in adults