Billy’s Bucket

Post on 08-Nov-2021

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Transcript of Billy’s Bucket

Billy’s Bucket

This week we are looking at the story of Billy’s bucket.

Please click on the photographs (or address) to hear the different readings of Billy’s Bucket.

We have also included the book in our PowerPoint Not great quality though so please use the links if possible.

Activity for Day 1

Produce a story map with pictures and words.

The children will be familiar with what it means to draw a story map as they have been doing this over the course of the year. If, however, there is any confusion please see the

example below.

Can you recall the main parts of Billy’s Bucket story?

* Use story maps to help

What as your favourite part/character/ picture and why.

Challenge children to use conjunctions.

NB: Conjunctions are joining words that link different parts of sentences. For more information follow this link:

Activity for Day 2

Activity 2

I liked the end of the story where the huge

whale came flying out of Billy’s bucket. I liked it

because it was funny as I wasn’t expecting that

to happen!

For Example

Going Deeper: Underline any conjunctions that you have used, in green pencil. Add more in if needed.

Can you think of some questions to ask Billy

Imagine Billy is coming to see you to tell you about the adventure he has had with his bucket.

What questions would you ask him?

Once you have written your questions see if you can persuade a grown up to play the part of Billy and answer some of your


Activity for Day 3

1.Why did you choose your bucket?

2.Where do you keep your bucket?

3.Why did you look in your bucket before bed?

4.Why is your bucket SO special?

Some examples of questions might be:

We are sure you can think of far better ones than these!

L.O. To ask suitable questions.

Steps to Success

I ca n s ta r t ev er y s en ten ce w ith a ca pi ta l l et ter .

I ca n u s e ph o nics to s o un d o ut s pel l i n g s .

I ca n f i n i s h ev er y q u es t i o n w ith a q u es t i o n m a r k.

I ca n u s e q u es t i o n w o r d s . Who/What/When/Where/How/Why?


You are going to change the middle of the story

The beginning of the story is the same (you do not have to write this unless you want to). You can change the character to be you

(eg: Mia’s bucket) or keep it as Billy’s bucket.

Day 4: Change the middle of the story:

• What did Billy see when he looked into his bucket? It needs to be something different eg a safari scene.

• Write this part of the story today.

Activity for Day 4

You are going to change the end of the story

You are continuing on from yesterday:Day 5: Change the end of the story:

• What happened when Billy’s parents borrowed his bucket? Instead of finding a whale in the street can you think of a different problem connected to the middle you wrote yesterday. Eg. If he saw safari animals in his bucket maybe he found a giraffe in the street.

• Write this part of the story today.

Activity for Day 5