Biliamin alaka slide_show

Post on 14-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Biliamin alaka slide_show

.The mysterious workings of the adolescent brain

Blackmore uses picture and chats to capture the audience attention.

I give her 4 for dynamism.

I think the speaker could have engage with the audience a lot better by reflecting topic on personal experience more.

The speaker uses both Garr Reynold and Nancy Durate tips to engage and relate to the audience the entire presentation.

The speakers delivery was very natural. She also uses picture to illustrates every day social gesture.

Both speaker spoke on education and how it could affect your adolescent

Both speakersUses various Technology to Better relate Their presentation.

Sir Ken Robinson was very comfortable talking in front of an audience. he was very funny. He uses great sense of humor to

control his audience.

Ted talked aboutLife & personal Experiences throughOut the presentationHe didn’t use any picOr graph.

Sarah Blackmore uses a chat to describe the development in prefrontal cortex between boys and girls.

I would encourage every classmates to research and practice on your delivery for you next public speaking.

Learning every day.

I learned preparing and being passionate about your topic usually result in a great speech.My presenter was very comfortable using

modern technology to enhance her presentation.