Bilete Oral Engleza

Post on 08-Nov-2015

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Transcript of Bilete Oral Engleza



I. Read the following text:

The cheetah is the fastest animal on land. It can run at 100 km an hour. It is now rare and is one of the animals in danger of extinction. The cheetah has a small head and ears, and long, powerful legs. It always hunts and chases its prey on open ground. This is a different way of hunting from the other big cats. They like to stay in and near trees to catch their prey. The cheetah is also different from other cats because it cannot draw in its claws.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What does a cheetah look like?

2. What is your favourite kind of pet? Why?

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BILET NR 2I. Read the following text:

A train which travels at over 500 km an hour? It sounds impossible but it isnt. The high-speed train of tomorrow is already here. Scientists and engineers travel from all over the world to visit Miyazaki in Japan, where they can see the new high-speed train. The system uses electro-magnetic power. The train is called Maglev short for magnetic levitation. The train is beautiful. It is small and white with a red line along it.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What sort of power does the new train use?

2. Which is your favourite season? Why?

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BILET NR 3I. Read the following text:

Santi goes to school in Nicaragua in Central America. School always starts at seven oclock in the morning but Santi has to leave his house at half past six. Why? Because he wants to get a desk near the front! In Santis class there are fifty-two students. Before lessons begin, they usually sing one or two songs. Then they have a Maths lesson. The students havent got many textbooks.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. Why does Santi leave his house so early in the morning?

2. What foreign country would you like to visit? Why?

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BILET NR 4I. Read the following text:

Gorillas are the largest of all the primates. A male gorilla can be 180 cm tall and weigh 200 kg. Gorillas are very strong but they do not often fight. In fact they are peaceful animals. Gorillas live in small family groups of about fifteen. In a group there is one strong, older male, some young males and a few females with their babies. They move slowly round a large area of jungle eating leaves and bushes.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. Where do gorillas live?

2. What's your favourite movie? Why?

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BILET NR 5I. Read the following text:

The two young princes, Edward and Richard, were the sons of King Edward IV. When the king died in 1483, the elder of the two brothers, Edward, aged 13, became King Edward V. But two months later, Richard, who was the princes' uncle and 'protector', sent the boys to the Tower of London. This was in June. No one saw the two princes alive again. In the same month, Richard became King Richard III. In 1674 some workmen in the Tower of London found the skeletons of two children under a staircase.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. When did the princes disappear?

2. How do you spend your weekends?

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BILET NR 6I. Read the following text:

Grenada is an island in the East Caribbean. It is one of a group of islands called the Windward Islands. The capital of Grenada is St. George's. The island is 34 km long and 19 km wide. It is green with many hills and valleys. It is famous for its white, sandy beaches and coral reefs in the south of the island. The climate is tropical. It is warm all the year round but in the rainy season it rains every day. The wettest months are July, August and September.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What is Grenada famous for?

2. How are you going to spend your summer holiday?

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BILET NR 7I. Read the following text:

Many hundreds of years ago the Chinese invented a special form of fighting called 'kung fu'. Kung fu, a form of Chinese boxing, is very different from Western boxing. The western boxer only uses his fists to fight. The Chinese boxer uses arms, elbows, fists, feet, teeth and nails! Chinese boxers fight to win. There are no rules so they can kick, punch, scratch and even bite! Kung fu became popular in the early 1970s mainly because of Bruce Lee.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. Who made kung fu popular?

2. Which do you prefer - the mountains or the seaside? Why?

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BILET NR 8I. Read the following text:

Sixty-eight-year-old Mrs Marjorie Hill lives in a block of flats in Dover. The flats have no central heating so in the winter Mrs Hill sits in front of her small electric fire in the kitchen. She goes to bed with her clothes on because she is too cold to take them off. She has to put old newspapers between her blankets to keep warm. Sometimes she isn't well enough to get up so she stays in bed all day.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. How does Mrs Hill keep warm?

2. Who is your favourite singer? Why?

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BILET NR 9I. Read the following text:

There are many islands in the South Pacific. These are tropical islands. The weather is warm all year round. The trees on the island are coconut palms. They are very useful because they grow well in sandy and salty places near the seashore where other kinds of trees cant grow.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. How is the weather in the South Pacific?

2. Do you have a favourite movie star?

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BILET NR 10I. Read the following text:

A space shuttle is an aeroplane with two rockets and a fuel tank. It can go up into space and come down again. It can carry about seven people, satellites and a space laboratory called Spacelab. On a space shuttle journey the astronauts send out satellites and look at life in space. They work and eat and sleep in the space shuttle.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What is a space shuttle?

2. What do you like to do in your free time?

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BILET NR 11I. Read the following text:

The astronauts float around the space shuttle because in space there isnt any gravity. They need special shoes inside the space shuttle, but they only put on space suits and helmets to go out of the shuttle. It is very difficult to eat and drink. Food is usually made of powder. The astronauts add water to it. Then they drink it.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. Why do the astronauts float around the space shuttle?

2. Where would you like to go this summer holiday?

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BILET NR 12I. Read the following text:

Bilbo is a film star. He gets up at about five oclock and chases the birds in the garden. He has breakfast in the kitchen with the rest of his family at half past eight. In the morning he watches people in the street from the sitting room window. At twelve Bilbo eats lunch and in the afternoon he goes to the film studio by car. He arrives at half past one. He works for two hours and arrives home at a quarter past four.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. Where does Bilbo eat breakfast?

2. What do you prefer: sweets or fruit?

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BILET NR 13I. Read the following text:

Claudia gets back home at five oclock and she usually eats a pizza. In the evening she watches television or listens to music. She goes to bed at about a quarter past ten.

II. Answer these questions:

1. What does Claudia usually do in the evening?

2. Do you like pets?

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BILET NR 14I. Read the following text:

The Earth is a planet. There are nine planets and they all go round the Sun. We call the planets and the Sun the Solar System. But out in space there are other Solar Systems and perhaps there are other planets with air and water.

II. Answer these questions:

1. How many planets are there in our Solar System?

2. What is your favourite month of the year?

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BILET NR 15I. Read the following text:

Australia is one of the seven continents of the world. The weather in Australia is usually hot and dry, and the centre of the country, the outback, is a desert. Ayers rock is a famous rock in the middle of the outback. It changes colour under the sun sometimes it is blue, and sometimes it is red or brown.

II. Answer these questions:

1. What does Ayers rock do under the sun?

2. What do you usually do on Sundays?

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BILET NR 16I. Read the following text:

Hollywood, in California in America, is the film centre of the world. You can visit the film studios there, and see the houses of famous film stars. In Hollywood in the 1900s the first films were exciting adventures and love stories. Were they different from the films today? Yes they were black and white, and there was no sound! These films were very popular and many people went to the cinema.

II. Answer these questions:

1. Where is Hollywood?

2. Do you enjoy going to the movies?

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BILET NR 17I. Read the following text:

In the 1920s film directors started to make talking films and the cinema became more popular. The first new films were very interesting and people liked cowboy films very much. In Hollywood today directors make different kinds of film. The most popular films now are cartoons and science fiction films.

II. Answer these questions:

1. What kinds of films did people like in the 1920s?

2. What do you like to do in your holidays?

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BILET NR 18I. Read the following text:

Did you know? There were people on Earth thousands of years ago. We call these people ancient people. You can learn about these people in a museum. A museum has statues, paintings, vases, knives, jewellery, and other things from a long time ago.

II. Answer these questions:

1. What can you find in museums?

2. Do you have a favourite sport?

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BILET NR 19I. Read the following text:

Whales and dolphins must come to the surface of the sea to breathe. The blue whale can stay under water for fifty minutes. The blue whale is the largest creature on earth, much larger than any of the dinosaurs.

II. Answer these questions:

1. Why must whales and dolphins come to the surface of the sea?

2. What time do you usually go to sleep?

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BILET NR 20I. Read the following text:

In 1752 a sailing ship, the Geldermalsen, left Whampoa in China. It was carrying 150,000 pieces of china to Holland. The ships owners planned to sell the blue and white plates and dishes in Europe. But the Geldermalsen never reached Europe. Somewhere in the South China Sea the ship hit a coral reef and sank. Forty-four people escaped, but the ships cargo was lost.

II. Answer these questions:

1. When did the ship sank?

2. Do you have a pet?

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BILET NR 21I. Read the following text:

Australian farmers have very big farms. They have many sheep on the farms. Australian wool is very famous. There are crocodile farms too but they are frightening.

II. Answer these questions:

1. What animals can you find on Australian farms?

2. What is your favourite sport?

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BILET NR 22I. Read the following text:

Claudia works in a film studio. She gets up at six in the morning and has a sandwich and coffee for breakfast. She goes to work by bus and arrives at eight oclock. In the middle of the day at about half past twelve Claudia eats fish and salad and drinks tea. She finishes lunch at half past one and she works for another three hours.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What does Claudia have for breakfast?

2. What do you like to do in the evening?

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BILET NR 23I. Read the following text:

Brown bears are very beautiful. They are in danger because some people hunted them for their fur and because people now live where the bears lived before.

II. Answer these questions:

1. Why are brown bears in danger?

2. What is your favourite season?

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BILET NR 24I. Read the following text:

The Ancient Egyptians lived about 5,000 years ago, near the River Nile. They needed water from the Nile for their farms. They also caught fish from the river.

II. Answer these questions:

1. Why did the Ancient Egyptians live near the River Nile?

2. Where would you like to spend this summer holiday?

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BILET NR 25I. Read the following text:

Japan is a small country, but it is very rich. Japan is rich because it makes and sells many of our modern machines cars, motorcycles, computers, radios and television sets.

II. Answer these questions:

1. Why is Japan a rich country?

2. Who is your favourite cartoon character?

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I. Read the following text:

The coconuts give food. The islanders can dry the nuts and sell them to make oil. They can also use the trunks of the trees for building and the leaves for making roofs for their houses.

II. Answer these questions:

1. Why do islanders sell the coconuts?

2. What is your favourite kind of music?

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BILET NR 27I. Read the following text:

Red squirrels live in trees and eat nuts and fruit. They are rare now. Grey squirrels from America live where red squirrels lived before.

II. Answer these questions:

1. Where do grey squirrels live?

2. What time do you usually get up?

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BILET NR 28I. Read the following text:

People who live in the rain forests collect plants. They use the plants in many different ways. Sometimes they make medicines from the plants.

II. Answer these questions:

1. Where do the people who collect plants live?

2. What does your father do?

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