Bigbang 20091205 (student preso)

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student presentation general physics 5 dec 2009

Transcript of Bigbang 20091205 (student preso)

The Start of the Universe

Big Bang

Big Bang Vs BIG BANG


Discovered by Edwin Hubble that our Universe is expanding

Before that it is a single point Estimated to be12-14 billion years ago Born in a single violent call “Big Bang” Theory for the origin of our universe The most popular theory among others

What is Big Bang?

NASA Says:The Big Bang Theory is a broadly accepted theory for the origin and evolution of our universe. It postulates that the observable universe started from an instantaneously expanding point, roughly ten to twenty billion years ago.

According to scientists, there’s nothing, not even space before Big Bang

Universe start off as singularity Singularity – our current physic can’t

explain yet No answers on the origin of singularity


Matter (atoms)– stars, planets, steroids and so on…

Radiation (cold dark matter)– include electromagnetic radiation, though not significant part of energy today, in the past it is dominant part of it

Dark Energy – Little known about, Quantum field theory suggest, there’s always energy even if there’s no matter and radiation

Contents of Universe

Detailed component of universe

1. Expansion of universe – once it must be small as it cannot shrink

2. Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB) - discovered in 1965 by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson while working on microwave receiver used to communicate with the Telstar satellite

3. Abundance of different element- hydrogen (~72%), helium (~28%), and other elements should be made, observation shown the same as predicted

4. The only theory that lays down framework for the universe we observe today

4 Main Evidences

Hubble’s Law and The Expansion of Space

v is the recessional velocity of the galaxy or other distant object D is the comoving proper distance to the object and H0 is Hubble's constant, measured to be 70.1 ± 1.3 km/s/Mpc by the WMAP probe

Excessive use of assumptions Universe has too much large structure to be

formed in 10-20 billion years Ages of stars globular clusters are older

than the Universe No change before Big Bang, how could it

start? If there’s Big Bang, the background

temperature of radiation is suppose to be much higher than in the past

Problems with Big Bang Theory

Owned by CERN CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research

(Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire in French)

A giant instrument that physicists use to it study smallest known particles – the fundamental building block of all things

Used to create condition just after Big Bang by sending two beams of either protons ion or lead ion

The Hadron Collider

Two scenarios 1. mass density of universe greater than

critical density which leads the universe will get to big to and collapses / it become denser and hotter. Same result

2. When the mass density of universe of universe is equal to the critical density, the expansion of universe will slow down

End of the world?

