Big Data Survey/Handbook Summary Charts - 8 JULY 2013

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Big data is more of an opportunity than a problem -- 76% consider it an opportunity, 28% already have a big data initiative in place and another 37% plan to. The possibilities of big data are endless. It starts with thinking about how to use different data in a differentiated way.

Transcript of Big Data Survey/Handbook Summary Charts - 8 JULY 2013


Big Data Study:

Summary ChartsJune 2013

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 2


Study Overview

Data & Technology

Big Data

Master Data Management

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 3

Study Overview

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 4

Respondents Primarily Work at Manufacturers or Retailers

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 5

Respondents Are Spread Across Discrete,Process and Retail Industries

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 6

Respondents Work at Companies with an Average of 20K Employees and $4B Revenue

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 7

Respondents Are Primarily Based in theUnited States

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 8

Respondents Primarily Work in Supply Chain or IT Roles

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 9

13% of Respondents Lead the Big Data Initiative;7% Lead the Master Data Management Program

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 10


Study Overview

Data & Technology

Big Data

Master Data Management

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 11

The Ability to Use Data Is Among the TopElements of Supply Chain Pain

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 12

Data Usage Is Bigger “Pain” for Those withBig Data Initiative and Those in IT Role

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 13

Over One-Third Consider Big Data to beAmong the Top 3 Supply Chain Trends

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 14

Big Data Is Seen as Bigger Trend by Manufacturers & Those with

Big Data Initiative

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 15

Supply Chain Visibility & Product Traceability Are Most Important Types of Data

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 16

Supply Chain Visibility & Product Traceability Are the Best Used Types of Data

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 17

Supply Chain Visibility and Product Traceability Are Most Important and Best Used Data

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 18

Those with Big Data Initiative Are Better Able to Use Supply Chain Visibility Data, but Less

Able to Use Sentiment Data from Social Media

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 19

15% Already Have a Database That Equals a Petabyte

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 20

18% Have a ERP Live Instance That Is 6+ Terabytes;16% Have 11+ Unique IT Systems

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 21


Study Overview

Data & Technology

Big Data

Master Data Management

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 22

Most Respondents Are at Least Somewhat Familiar with “Big Data”

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 23

Three-Quarters See Big Data as anOPPORTUNITY

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 24

Why Big Data Is an “Opportunity” (Open-Ended)

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 25

Why Big Data Is a “Problem” (Open-Ended)

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 26

Over One-Quarter Have a Big Data Initiative and Over One-Third Plan to Have One

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 27

Those with a Master Data Management Program Are Nearly Three Times as Likely to Have

a Big Data Initiative as Those Without

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 28

IT Tends to Lead the Big Data Initiative,Especially the CIO

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 29

Top Techniques for Managing Big DataInclude Better Tools and Managed Services

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 30

Top IT Systems to Benefit from Big DataStrategies Include Demand Planning, Order

Management, Price Management

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 31

Those with Big Data Initiative Are More Likely to See Benefits to Demand Planning, Order Management, Production

Planning & Product Lifecycle Management

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 32

Final Thoughts About Big Data(Open-Ended)

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 33


Study Overview

Data & Technology

Big Data

Master Data Management

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 34

Nearly Two-Thirds Are at Least SomewhatFamiliar with “Master Data Management”

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 35

One-third Already Have a MDM Program, with Nearly as Many Planning to Have One

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 36

Those with a Big Data InitiativeAre More Than Twice as Likely to Have

a MDM Program as Those Without

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 37

Half of Those with a MDM Program Report ThatIT Is in Charge

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 38

Performance is Relatively Low for Using Different Types of Master Data

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 39

Use of Master Data Types Is Rated Higher forThose with MDM Program

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 40

Use of Supplier Master Data Is Rated Higher forThose in IT vs. Other Roles

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 41

Over Half Believe That Big Data MakesMaster Data Management EASIER

Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2013, p. 42

Those with a Big Data Initiative or MDM ProgramAre Substantially More Likely to Think Big Data

Helps with Master Data Management