Big Business The American Dream or the American Nightmare.

Post on 20-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Big Business The American Dream or the American Nightmare.

Big Business The American Dream or the American Nightmare

Captains of Industry or Robber Barons

John D. Rockefeller Oil

Andrew Carnegie


Cornelius Vanderbilt Railroads

Gustavus Swift Meat packing

J.P. Morgan

Money Man


Give examples of differences between the big and small business.

Why do you think those differences exist?

Do you and your family shop at big business or small business? Why?

Why do you think big business is able to sell their product at a lesser cost?

Which size of business do you think the government supports more? Why?

Business Practices

Social Darwinism

Monopolies, Trusts, and Conglomerations

Waste not, want not


Gospel of Wealth

Government Reaction


Munn v. Illinois – States regulate private property if it effected public interest

Wabash Case - over turned Munn v. Illinois. States can’t regulate interstate commerce.

Interstate Commerce Commission - Interstate commerce regulated by the Federal Government

Sherman Anti- Trust Act – prohibited monopolies or trusts. Easy to get around

Working Conditions