Bienvenidos - Welcome Program Outline · Bienvenidos a MOSES 2020 Join the Regenerative Agriculture...

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Transcript of Bienvenidos - Welcome Program Outline · Bienvenidos a MOSES 2020 Join the Regenerative Agriculture...

A Regenerative Agriculture Changemakers Celebration

Bienvenidos - Welcome Program Outline

5:45 to 6:20- Slide loop on Regenerative Agriculture Alliance partners runs on the background- Introduce Marimba and Drummers

- 10 Minutes of alternating Marimba and Drummer music

6:25– Shout out to all ancestries/ethnicities present in the room- 10 Minutes of alternating Marimba and Drummer music

6:40– Introduce regenerative poultry’s sacred object and invitethe community expression.

Community expression: When you receive the sacred object, shout out one important thing you are thankful, hold the object for a second, give it your positive energy and pass it along to the next person.

6:50– Introduce the Q’anjob’al Maya Regeneration project

6:55– Everyone is invited to the awards celebration

Closing Marimba song

La Alianza de Agricultura Regenerativa, les da una cordial bienvenida a esta

celebracion de la agricultura regenerative, un concepto indigena que

representa la idea de vivir en armonia con la naturaleza y trabajar con ella

ahora y en el futuro.

Esta celebración, es simple, centrada en reconocer nuestra colectividad y

naturaleza indígena que nos hace parte integral de la creación y del planeta.

Este evento celebra el concepto de que todos somos indígenas de la tierra, y

que le debemos respeto y reverencia a este diseño magnifico de vida que nos

provee de alimentos, fibra y salud espiritual, corporal y mental. También

nos reunimos con un entendimiento claro de que muy frecuentemente

nuestro diario ir y venir no refleja una comunión con estos orígenes.

Frecuentemente tratamos la creación como si fuéramos dueños de ella, vemos formas de controlarla y manejarla para

nuestra ganancia personal y corporativa aun cuando el costo para las

generaciones actuales y futuras es inmensurable. A esta forma de pensar le llamamos una mentalidad colonizadora, una forma de actuar y de tratarnos entre

nos, la creación y las generaciones actuales y futuras como si en todo esto

solamente las ganancias inmediatas contaran. La intención de este evento es

proveer un espacio de reflexión y autoevaluación acompañado de música

de Marimba y Tambores en manos de representantes autóctonos de nuestros

respectivos territorios.

The Regenerative Agriculture Alliance and partners welcome you to this celebration of regenerative agriculture, an indigenous concept exemplified by living in harmony with nature and working with it now and into the future.

Today’s event/celebration is very simple, centered on celebrating our collective indigenous nature as part of creation and our belonging to the earth. This event is a meditation on the concept that we are all indigenous to the earth and that we owe respect and reverence to this magnificent design that gives us food, fiber, shelter, and nurtures our body, mind and spirit. We also come together with a clear understanding that far too often our daily behavior is not reflective of a communion with these indigenous origins.

Too often we treat creation as if we owned it, seek to control and manage it for our own personal and corporate profits at great expense to current and future generations. We call this a colonizing mentality, a way of acting and treating each other, creation and future generations as if only today and immediate profits matter. This event intends to provide a space for reflection and self-examination, accompanied with native Guatemalan marimba music and drums played by Native representatives of our respective territories.

You are Invited to A Regenerative Agriculture Changemakers Celebration

Welcome to MOSES 2020Bienvenidos a MOSES 2020

Join the Regenerative Agriculture Alliance as we celebrate the indigenous origins of regenerative thinking and living,

and the Native communities that have stewarded, preserved and protected our ancient ways of working

with, protecting and honoring mother earth.

The Q’anjob’al Maya Regeneration ProjectBuilding A Home Away from Home

The Regenerative Agriculture Alliance, in partnership with RegeNErate Nebraska, is leading a project to build a Maya Community land trust and community farm in the Omaha

region in Nebraska.

The Project Mission:To establish a regenerative agriculture land trust and

community farm.

Vision:A community-based regenerative farming operation that can; anchor the community’s ancient relationship with the land,

create employment, build collective wealth, ensure access to healthy food, restore traditions and culture, and support

wholistic physical, mental and spiritual health.

Key Short-term Objectives:To establish a profitable regenerative poultry, agroforestry,

and value added farm operation.

To integrate into a regional economic development strategy centered on building a regenerative poultry producer pool.

The Maya Q’anjob’al are Natives who along millions were displaced by the state of Guatemala during the civil war

which ended in 1996. Nebraska has become a home and the time has come to grow some roots.

Contribute to the Maya Regeneration Project land campaign, make your donations at:

For information about the project contact:

Room Next to the Gathering HallFrom 5:00 to 6:45

Then join all of us for the Changemakers Award ceremony at the Gathering Hall