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Transcript of Bibliography - Springer978-3-642-18754-4/1.pdf · Bibliography 1. M. Abramowitz and LA. ... small...


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AT~ , 106AT2 ,105AMA,136AMMoC, 152AT! , 92,136AT2,99AT3,100AT, 91SDF,136ECLIPSE, 166FrontS im, 166

adapt ive- dom ain decomposition, 133- irr egular sampling, 6- mu ltilevel approximat ion, 132- thinning, 90ant icipated err or , 91- for image compression, 104- for terr ain modelling , 92, 98approximation order- of polyharmonic splines, 51, 52

Beppo Levi space, 50Buckley-Leveret t equat ion, 160Burgers equa t ion, 156

characterist ic curve, 145coarse ning of a node, 151complete ly monotone function, 37condit ionally positive definite- fun ction, 36, 37covering radius, 70

Darcy's law, 160da ta- analysis, 6, 128- synt hesis, 6, 128

Delaunay- criterion, 11- triangulation , 11, 14

err or bound- pointwise, 47- uniform, 47Eul er formula, 8evolut ion- cont inuous, 147- discret e, 147exchange algorit hm, 79exchangeable point pair , 78

fill dist ance, 47five-spot problem , 161flow simul ation , 152front tracking, 166

gener alized Fourier transform, 38- of radi al basis funct ions, 39greedy thinning, 73

heap , 20heapsort , 23hierarchical surface visualisation, 136

image compression, 103impl ementation- of a priority queue, 24- of ada ptive thinning, 96- of exchange, 82- of greedy thinning, 76incompressibility relation, 160int erior cone condit ion, 46inverse multiquad rics, 33irr egular sampling, 6

k-center problem , 71

182 Index

least squares approximat ion , 61, 107linear spline, 9local- covering rad ius , 74- fill distance, 46locally optimal- point set , 78- triangulation, 16

method of characte rist ics, 150mobil ity, 160multilevel- algorithm, 128, 129, 132- method, 5multiquadrics, 33multiresolution method, 3multiscale flow simulation, 152

native fun ction space, 40nod e- coarsening, 151- refinement , 151non- adaptive thinning, 70numerical st ability, 47- of polyharmonic splines, 56

octtree, 29oil reservoir modelling , 160optimal- breakpoint , 75- point sampling, 59- recovery, 40, 50- triangulation, 11, 16

passive advect ion, 144polyharmonic splines, 33, 49positive definit e function , 33power funct ion, 44PS NR ,107

quad tree, 26- generalized , 30quality ind ex, 71

radi al basis function, 31- with compact suppor t, 34- with global support , 33refinement of a node, 151removable point , 74, 91

satura t ion, 160scattered data- coding, 108- filterin g, 78- modelling, 1Schlumberger , 166semi-Lagrangian ad vect ion, 148separat ion distan ce, 48SPIRT, 113split table cell, 133streamline, 145

terrain modelling, 100, 136thin pla te spline, 50thinning algorit hm, 69- ada ptive, 90- greedy, 73- non- adaptive, 70tracer advectio n, 153triang ulation, 8- dat a-dependent , 15- Delaunay, 11, 14- locally optimal , 16- optimal , 16two-phase flow, 160

un certainty relation, 48upstream point , 146

Voronoi- diagr am , 13- neighbour, 13- point, 13, 152- t ile, 13, 152

waterfloodin g, 160

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