Bg 14-q-&-a

Post on 02-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Bg 14-q-&-a


Never I get any good result in spite of my repeated attempts In my work thus developed dejection and lack of enthusiasm in life. Courage is diminishing in life, fear-complex to do any work. What is the remedy ?.


Yield not, O partha, to feebleness, it does not befit you. Cast off this petty

faint-heartedness. Wake up, O vanquisher of foes.

Dejection and Dipression is negative force. Activate the force hidden in yourself

which you are not aware. Be courageous, cowardness is degradable, not manly.

Do your duty with full vigar and promptness, you reach your goal

He who is soft and weak cannot achieve anything great. The strong & virile one

is heroic and accomplisher of everything in life.

Sri. Ramakrishna



I am in a fix of uncertainty .Resistance is foreseen to all my work. I am in a dilemma of whether to run away from responsibility or to execute it with courage !. it is a life & death situation What is the solution ?.


Death you attain Heaven, victorious you will enjoy the earth. So rouse up,

O son of kunti, resolved to fight.



Running away from problam is coverdaly act and not a solution to problam.

Therefore, do your duty and face the result to put an end to problam.



I want to make a new venture, but I am in fear of doubt about its success or failure, whether it brings happiness or disaster, whether it gives profit or incurs loss. Therefore, I am extremely cautious and even think of going in wrong root to achieve result. What is the solution ? and how should I act ?.


Treating alike victory and defeat, pain and pleasure, gain and loss, engage yourself in the battle, thus you will incur no sin. 

A man attached in mind for results of victory and defeat, pain and pleasure, gain and loss, thinks that he doing his

Karma. But, a Karmayogi dose the same detached in mind for resulrts.

To the strong in body and mind problems are but few. Sri.Ramakrishna



Every time, keeping a strategy in mind , I decide to start a work. But, soon with little thinking I will try to change the strategy. Friends and others feel this method will not give good result and hence, I am in anxiety about this change attitude. How many times we can make changes like this ? and is it Good?.

04- 41

To the firm-in-mind there is in this but one decision . many branches, endless are the decisions of the Infirm-in-mind.

Firmness in mind makes one to learn concentration which brings perfection and strength like the divergent sunlight under lens converges to a point with power to ignite. Thus the unknown becomes known with concentration and attention. In-firm in mind makes you to loose self confidence and the result is disastorous. 

Amidst all eventualities in life, the mind of the knowing man is always fixed on the ideal like a needle of a compass which always points to north irrespective of the ships travel direction.

Sir. Ramakrishna



Success in work makes me proud and arrogant, failure at work brings me very much pain and dejection in life and curse every one. is this

How to set right this behavior?.

05- 47

Seek to perform your duty ; but lay not clime to its fruit.

Be you not the producer of the fruit of karma ; nither shell you lean towards inaction.


Do your duty and leave the decision of result to God. Good accrues from the detachment and never from attachment.

‘Karma’ in tiselfis not evil, but becomes when mixed with desire. ‘Karma’ therefore, has to be performed unmindful of the fruits thereof. The results shell be God’s will.


To float a boat on water, no water should be allowed to get into it. So, man may live in world, but worldly desire should not processes him. Sri.Ramakrishna



I am practiced to do a in anticipation of its usefulness. Of late, no success in any work and hence fear of failure and dejection in putting

Effort have crept into my work habits and has made me almost worthless. What is the remedy ?.

06- 48

Perform action, O dhananjaya, being fixed in yoga,

Renouncing attachments, and even minded in success and failure ; equilibrium is verily “yoga”

All activities made by you is doings and order of lord.You place yourself in position of a willing servant, everReady to execute orders and this attitude eliminates attachment. Remaining unperturbed by either dejection in failure or elated in success condition of mind, gains clarity and firmness. This even-mindedness is equilibrium and the one who keeps the mind in this poised state is “yogi”.

As a maid servant can with ease relinquish her assumed Ownership of the master’s property, be prepared for Separation from earthly possession.

Sri. Ramakrishna. NEXT


Some of my actions brings good out come and some are not. This has created doubt in me, whether my actions are sacred or sinful.

Thus , I have no desire to act. What should I practice ?.

07- 50

Equanimity make mind free from vice and virtue alike.

Work done to perfection is verily yoga.

Making mind free from worry of results of work, practicing equanimity for likes and dislikes, attachment and aversion, do your duty leaving the

results of work to the will of God is yoga and you are “yogi”.

A cobbler absorbed in his work in a busy place is a better “yogi” than a

prist performing pooja (worship) with a wondering mind.

Sri. Ramakrishna



My own feelings have become problems to me. I am unable to tolerate even a small amount of pain or failure in life and curse the Whole world for it. Similarly a small joy or success makes me to boast beyond limit. I am so scared of loosing my hard earned belongings to others. What should I do ?.


He, whose mind is perturbed by adversity, who does not crave for happiness, free from, fondness, fear and anger is the “muni” of wisdom.

He who is unattached and neither delighted nor dejected for good and evil is poised in wisdom.

Person attached to good and evil is bound to have joy and sorrow and oscillate helplessly between weal and woe. The one who is “jnani”, (scholar-knows everything) remains supremely above these turmoil. He who treats

alike good and bad, superior and inferior will be free from this adversity of mind.

Spiritual stature never grow in a man given to envy,anger and timidity. The “brahma-jnani”(knowledge of infinity) sees divinity alone in everything. Makes no distinction between the good and the bad, superior and Inferior. Sri. Ramakrishna



Momentarily, I will be good on some one’s advice and praise. But, soon I become committed and attached to material and sensual pleasures for good and bad alike.

How to control ?.


Like tortoise which can draw its limbs into shell, you can withdraw the senses from sense-objects, thus your wisdom is set firm.


Slavery to good and material and sensual pleasures is natural for a common man. Practice “pratyaa haara”, a process of bolting oneself within and sets mind undisturbed to become a man of perfection.


The senses are treacherous like poisonous snakes and undependable in the case of ordinary man. But, they are ever tame and subservient to the knower of “atman”(the soul).



I have tried very hard to achieve self restraint of senses by studying many traditional rules and many work of knowledge. But still senses over power mind. How to win over senses ?.


The exited senses, O son of kunti, impetuously carry away the mind of even a wise man striving for perfection.

Senses are treacherous and impetuous. An aspirant of Spiritual discipline actually carries maximum warfare with his wayward senses and succumbs to many defeats . conquest of the senses and sense-control Is the means for attainment of excellence here and hereafter All rules framing, devotion, chanting, fasting and other such actions are to learn sense-control.

People intent on spiritual growth should guard themselves against senses tainted with lust and greed.

Sri. Ramakrishna.



I am deeply concerned about a person and of a few objects. Of late, I cannot tolerate other’s interference and appreciations of that person and of those objects. I feel anger and jealous and fear of loosing them. Why this happens ?.


Brooding on objects of senses, man develops attachments to them. From attachment comes desire, from desire anger sprouts forth.From anger proceeds delusion, delusion causes confused memory, the ruin of reason due to which, one Perishes.

The answer to question is straight. Attachments to senses and objects develops desire which may or may not be fulfilled. This causes a chain action in you from attachment to desire to anger to delusion to confusion to heartedness and finally to ruin, the end. Therefore, only after properly understanding the merit and worth of a person or object, one should develop acquaintance with them to avoid problem. 

Always beware of your thoughts and don’t allow them to wonder on unholy concerns. Everything will be all right with you.

Sri. Ramakrishna. NEXT


I want to poses all good objects that I see. If resistance occurs I get passion to destroy it. Thus I am getting many problems with out my knowledge and have no peace of mind. What to do ?.


12- 64,65

The disciplined yogi, moving among objects with controlled senses and free from attraction and aversion gains tranquility, all sorrow is destroyed. Thus tranquil mind is soon anchored in equilibrium.

The root of problem is desire and hate. The world is mixture of good and evil. More evil is seen with common people. Evil seen externally is the projection of our mind. They have no external reality. As and when mind gets purified less evil is seen. On attaining a perfect purity of mind all evil and sorrow will vanish and perfect peace and tranquility is gained. 

You can get good curds, after curdling, only when kept in one place undisturbed. Change of place and disturbance will have adverse effect. Likewise, mind fixed on lord only become calm and devine.

Sir. Ramakrishna

13- 16


I have the habit of doing work on impulse without thinking Consequences . thus, I get success some time and failure many times. This attitude disturbs me. How to set it right ?.

13- 66

There is no wisdom in fickle-minded; nor is there meditation in him. To such a mind there is no peace and without peace of mind how one can enjoy happiness ?. 

Self-culture or right understanding has to be developed to make mind profound. This is possible with practice of “Yoga”. The disturbed mind cannot get peace of mind. He who is indifferent to this soul-elevating science paves way for self-annihilation. 

Clay can be moulded into any fine form, where as baked clay is of no use for this purpose. Similarly mind burnt with profane desires is incapable of taking divine


Sri. Ramakrishna.



I am weak-minded, has no capacity to distinguish between good and evil, has no control over senses and hence unable to make any decision for any action. How to overcome it ?.

14- 67,68

A ship without a rudder is at the mercy of a strong wind. Nothing can be predicted as to where it will be shoved. Similarly our senses when not controlled makes mind directionless and has no destination; thus the misdirected mind does not contact Atman(soul). The wick that contact flame gets lit; similarly the mind that communes with Atman gets illumind.

Senses blessed by God should not be restricted and avoided to contact sense objects, but the factor to be known is the good and bad attitude to which senses are allowed to contact sense objects. Perceiving them with greediness is sin while viewing them as objects of adoration is vertue. Gluttony and slavery to the tongue is sin; eating to keep body fit for use of a noble purpose is virtue. Beholding the body of a person with lustful eye is sin; viewing it as the temple of God is virtue. Practice, that the divinity alone is contacted through all five senses.

Sir. Ramakrishna perfected his sense of sight so well that all womenfolk were to him veritable embodiments of the Divine Mother.