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Accomplishments for CY 2018



Table of Contents


I. Introduction 1

II. Fire Prevention Activitiesa. Conduct of Fire Safety Inspection 3b. Comparative Accomplishment on Fire

Prevention Service 4c. Fire Code Fees Collection 5

III. Fire Suppression Activitiesa. Fire Incidents and Type of Occupancy

Affected by Fire Outbreaks 5b. Number of Fire-Related Casualties 6

IV. Fire Investigation and Intelligence Activitiesa. Classification of Fire Incidents 8b. Causes/Origin of Fire Incident 8

V. Emergency Medical and Rescue Services 10

VI. Fire/Disaster Operations and Response 11

VII. Logistical Updatesa. Firefighting Capability 12

VIII. Administrative Updatesa. Personnel Strength 17b. Training and Education 20

IX. Compliance with Presidential Directives /Pronouncements 21

X. Implementation of BFP’s ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS) 21

XI. BFP Quality Policy 22

XII. Pictures 24


The past year of 2018 was a fruitful and productive year for the Bureau of Fire

Protection (BFP) to fulfill its mandated function for ensuring public safety from destructive


Due to its unwavering efforts and the dedicated support of its leadership, BFP was

awarded with the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS) Certification. This

is a milestone that the Bureau has accomplished through hard work and determination

encountering difficulties and challenges but was able to overcome it. This

accomplishment served as an inspiration for all of its personnel to work harder,

persevere more, and cooperate with one another to achieve greater things for the


BFP also entered into several Memorandums of Agreement (MOAs) with both

public and private organizations further intensifying BFP role together with different

sectors of the society with regard to the promotion of fire safety. The partnership and

cooperation with Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) will definitely lead to a

fruitful outcome to ensure safety of all PEZA-registered companies across the country.

The role of BFP has been magnified to a much greater level. The signing of the BFP-

PEZA Memorandum of Agreement paved the way for the BFP to enforce the Fire Code

to economic zones. It is significant to the fire service because it outlined the areas of

cooperation, duties and functions, roles and obligations of both the PEZA and the BFP

towards a common goal – that of public safety.

Another recent development which has a significant impact to our role in the

community is the enactment of the Republic Act Number 11032 otherwise known as the

Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018. This has

underscored that BFP personnel should not only be present during fire rescues and

responses but also form part in government transactions such as business processing

and issuances of permits.

BFP submitted its proposed priority bills to the House of Representatives and the

Senate – bills which will greatly affect the future of the bureau especially with our on-

going journey towards modernization. We continue to innovate in order to keep abreast

with the changing times. Our organization is currently upgrading its capabilities in order

to be more responsive to threats of public safety. The proposed capability upgrading


programs include procurement of firetrucks to meet the standard fire truck to population

ratio, acquisition of high standard firefighting equipment to ensure that our organization

will cope with the demands of the modern time, continuous mandatory and specialized

trainings which will improve and strengthen our workforce’s capability, recruitment and

promotion of personnel, and building and renovating fire stations to every municipality


As of December 2018, there are 405 fire stations for construction in which 245 fire

stations have been completed. Also, there are 36 fire stations which are either on-going,

delayed or suspended; 98 fire stations were programmed on Philippine International

Trading Center (PITC) for 2017; 26 fire stations and 5 provincial offices were

programmed on PITC for 2018.

With personnel capability, BFP absorbed a total of 1,967 new Fire Officer 1 on

regular quota and there are 42 recruits thru attrition, 5 non-uniformed personnel and 18

personnel were absorbed thru Lateral Entry. A total of 386 Officers have been promoted

nationwide. For the national headquarters, there are a total of 181 Non-Officer Ranks.

A total of 2,445 BFP personnel have undergone mandatory trainings; 1,892

personnel are currently undergoing mandatory trainings. Thus, more BFP personnel

have been equipped with the necessary trainings and are capable of handling various

positions and designations.

Also in line with our modernization is the amendment of the Implementing Rules

and Regulations (IRR) of RA 9514. Our agency continues to upgrade and improve our

Fire Code and its IRR to ensure that we deliver our maximum value to the people. We

aim to improve efficiency, transparency, and public involvement as we perform our

mandates. BFP need to be more responsive to the demands of time that’s why we need

to make amendments on our guide book.

During the holiday season and New Year’s celebration, ZERO firecracker-related

fire incidents had been recorded. This is a great accomplishment for the bureau. We

have stepped up our information dissemination campaigns and I am glad to say that we

have successfully achieved it. Our OPLAN PAALALA was a resounding success.


BFP have complied with the directives of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (PRRD)

on his advocacy for a cleaner and transparent government service. It intensified its

advocacy against corrupt practices in the agency. Apart from cleaning the ranks through

the conduct of personnel involved in any irregularities pertaining to fire safety

inspections, issuance of FSIC, selling or endorsing of fire extinguishers and the like, we

are also conducting anti-corruption drives. In collaboration with the Office of the Deputy

Ombudsman for the Military and Other Law Enforcement Offices (MOLEO) BFP

conducted the Integrity, Transparency and Accountability in the Public Service (ITAPS)

and the Seminar-Workshop on Efficient and Effective Public Service (SWEEP). This

benefited personnel in the BFP Regional Offices. BFP Officers and personnel in the

frontline service, attended the said activity as a reminder and answer of the President’s

call for a more responsible public service.

Through its Directorate for Intelligence and Investigation (DII), the BFP has

initiated the creation of OPLAN FIRE DEFENSE and IMPLAN FLAMING SWORD which

will further hinder illegal activities of BFP personnel especially on their corrupt ventures

and other unethical practices.

The setbacks of the past served as lessons, the Bureau looks forward to the

future ahead where it took a step and look at the past experiences that serve as

inspiration of its personnel to become smarter and stronger.


a. Conduct of Fire Safety Inspection

The BFP's fire prevention efforts from January to December of 2018 registered a

total of 1,990,085 buildings/establishments inspected representing a significant increase

of 14.73% or 252,901 from 1,737,184 establishments inspected during the same period

of the previous year.

The BFP continues to support the whole government sector as shown with the

major increase of 66.38% or 44,121 building inspected from January to December of

2018 compared with the same period last year as shown in Table 1. Furthermore, the

number of business permit processed recorded an increase of 14.54% or a total of

1,770,420 for this year compared with the 1,545,597 of last year.


Table 1. Number of Establishments Inspected


Buildings Business Government Buildings Total

1st Inspection 1st Inspection 1st InspectionNCR 14,078 273,865 613 288,556

1 11,135 111,538 3,384 126,0572 7,451 66,685 3,501 77,6373 16,120 181,793 5,011 202,924

4A 40,637 285,640 2,523 328,8004B 3,960 64,089 2,699 70,7485 3,437 66,594 4,471 74,5026 8,083 134,767 2,496 145,3467 22,752 129,980 3,384 156,1168 1,769 75,029 3,526 80,3249 8,040 40,961 725 49,72610 11,875 95,473 4,249 111,59711 13,035 83,126 1,747 97,90812 5,127 52,744 1,201 59,072

ARMM 203 7,904 1,412 9,519CAR 3,569 51,940 1,049 56,558

CARAGA 4,263 48,292 2,130 11,215TOTAL 175,544 1,770,420 44,121 1,990,085

Nov. 2017 223,144 1,545,597 26,518 1,795,259Variance -21.33 14.54 66.38 10.85

Out of the total number of establishments inspected, 1,778,349 establishments

were found to be compliant and successively issued with Fire Safety Inspection

Certificate (FSIC). Additionally, 607 number of establishments are issued with notice to

correct violations and subject for re-inspection of the same period under review.

b. Comparative Statistics on Fire Prevention Activities

Regarding the number of building plans reviewed, there was an essential increase

of 14.56% for that of last year, wherein a total of 154,376 building plans were reviewed

and were issued with Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance (FSEC) from January to

December 2018 and 134,788 of 2017.


This growth can be attributed to the BFP's intensive drive of ensuring fire safety to

buildings/ establishments this 2018 and to the current administration’s "Build, Build,

Build" program.

Table 2. Comparative Statistics on Fire Prevention Activities

Indicator CY 2017 CY 2018 Increase/ Decrease

Variance %

Number of 1st Inspection (including Newly Constructed, Business Establishments, Government Buildings)

1,737,184 1,990,085 252,901 14.56

Number of re-inspection (including Newly Constructed, Business Establishments, Government Buildings)

58,075 106,147 48,072 82.78

Total Number of Inspection (1st Inspection & re-inspection)

1,795,259 2,096,232 300,973 16.76

Total Number Issued FSIC 1,667,827 1,778,349 120,522 7.23

Total Number Issued FSEC 134,788 154,376 19,588 14.53

Total Number Issued NTC 62,138 55,806 -6,332 -10.19

Total Number Issued NTCV 390 607 217 55.64

Total Number Issued Abatement 121 7 -114 -94.21

Total Number Issued Closure Order 25 48 23 92.00

Total Amount of Fire Code Fees Collected (In Pesos)

1,615,362,661.92 1,868,500,095.27 253,137,433.34 15.67

c. Fire Code Fees Collection

The New Fire Code of the Philippines was enacted in CY 2008. It’s implementing

Rules and Regulations (IRR) was published in CY 2010. Since then, the enforcement of

the Fire Safety provisions of the New Fire Code of 2008 against destructive fires were

strictly implemented by concerned authorities due to criminal and administrative liabilities

that may be imposed upon them for violations of the said law.

Said law provided for Fire Code Revenue sharing wherein 20% of the total Fire

Code Revenue Collections in a given city or municipality will revert back to its coffers


while 80% share will be deposited in the Bureau of Treasury. Likewise, the total amount

of Fire Code Fees collected astoundingly escalates to Php 1,868,500,095.27 December

of the current year representing an astonishing increase of 15.67% or

PhP1,615,362,661.92 collected during the previous year on the same period.


Based on the Standard Operating Procedure Nr: IID 2008-01 (Operational

Standards on Comprehensive Fire and Arson Investigation and Filing of Criminal

Complaint Procedures), the Bureau of Fire Protection have filed a total of 43 Fire and

Arson Cases nationwide for CY2018:

Table 2. Number of Arson Cases Filed in Court

Region Number of Cases

NCR 8Region 1 2Region 2 0Region 3 10Region 4A 2Region 4B 1Region 5 7Region 6 0Region 7 1Region 8 0Region 9 3Region 10 8Region 11 0Region 12 1CARAGA 0CAR 0ARMM 0


This office is tasked to collect and record the Consolidated Fire Incidents Report

as to the following: a. Causes of Fire Incidents, b. Type of Occupancy Involved in Fire

Incidents and c. Classification of Fire Incidents and Number of Casualties from all

regions. It also serves as the last depository of all Spot Investigation Report, Progress

Investigation Report and Final Investigation Report submitted by all BFP Regional

Offices on fire incidents that transpired within their respective area of responsibility


Based on the Consolidated Fire Incidents Report for January to December 2018,

i.e. on Causes of Fire Incidents, Type of Occupancy Involved in Fire Incidents and

Classification of Fire Incidents and Number of Casualties from all regions, the Fire Arson

and Investigation Division were able to record 16,675 fire outbreaks nationwide. Out of

this number, 28.44% or 4,742 fire incidents transpired within the National Capital Region (NCR). The total number of fire incidents that transpired in the country from

January to December, 2018 is higher by 17.45% compared to the same period last year

with 14,197 recorded fire incidents.

Based on the nature of fire incidents, 12,534 (75.17%) were determined as

accidental fire, 214 (1.28%) were determined as intentional fire, 100 (0.60%) were of

undetermined nature and the remaining 3,827 (22.95%) were still in the phase of

thorough investigation, as shown in Table 3:

Table 3. Number of Fire Incidents by NatureAs of November, 2018

Region Intentional Fire

Accidental Fire


Fire Cases Under


NCR 18 4,268 6 450 4,742Region 1 3 568 4 251 826Region 2 4 182 1 52 239Region 3 15 1,255 0 237 1,507Region 4A 9 1,367 6 363 1,745Region 4B 12 19 2 160 193Region 5 20 329 2 110 461Region 6 19 898 0 705 1,622Region 7 24 775 0 206 1,005Region 8 1 72 0 200 273Region 9 10 279 0 111 400Region 10 13 758 6 212 989Region 11 40 1,061 41 35 1,177Region 12 17 43 1 401 462CARAGA 3 414 7 134 558CAR 4 211 14 156 385ARMM 2 35 10 44 91

TOTAL 214 12,534 100 3,827 16,6752017 202 10,576 69 3,350 14,197

Variance 5.94% 17.25% 44.93% 18.42% 17.50%


Most of these fire incidents are structural type of fire incidents (topped by

residential type of Occupancy) followed by non-structural such as grass, rubbish, forest

and electrical post fires, and the motor vehicle which topped among those vehicular fire

incidents and placed third on the overall ranking, as detailed out in Table 4:

Table 4. Number of Fire Incidents by Occupancy

Involved Structure Number of Fire Incidents Percentage

1. Grass, Rubbish, Forest and Electrical Post Fire 6,673 40.02

2. Residential 6,307 37.82

3. Motor Vehicle 991 5.94

4. Mercantile 621 3.72

5. Miscellaneous 429 2.57

6. Industrial 401 2.40

7. Storage 398 2.39

8. Business 299 1.79

9. Educational 256 1.54

10. Mixed Type Occupancy 120 0.72

11. Assembly 116 0.70

12. Healthcare 35 0.21

13. Ship / Water Vessel 21 0.13

14. Detention And Correctional 5 0.03

15. Locomotive 1 0.02

16. Aircraft 0 0.00

TOTAL 16,681 100.00%

The total estimated property damage brought about by these fire incidents from

January to December, 2018 amounted to Php 4,578,585,640.09 with a decreased of

41.76% compared to the fire loss for the same period last year that amounted to

Php 7,861,505,751.04. As per record of 16,675 fire incidents, there were 15,875 various

structures that were affected. These fire incidents rendered 75 firefighters reportedly

injured and no fatality reported. In terms of civilian casualties, there has been a decrease

of 14.47% in fatalities with 260 reportedly dead and a decrease of 2.16% in injuries with

817 reportedly injured, as shown in Table 5:


Table 5. Number of Fire Incidents by Number of Casualties

RegionTotal Number of Casualties



Firefighter Civilian Firefighter CivilianNCR 0 62 62 15 301 316Region 1 0 12 12 6 11 17Region 2 0 4 4 1 13 14Region 3 0 29 29 3 81 84Region 4A 0 34 34 3 79 82Region 4B 0 5 5 0 2 2Region 5 0 3 3 0 13 13Region 6 0 20 20 5 58 63Region 7 0 21 21 3 42 45Region 8 0 4 4 5 12 17Region 9 0 10 10 3 22 25Region 10 0 21 21 12 41 53Region 11 0 6 6 13 61 74Region 12 0 12 12 0 36 36CARAGA 0 2 2 0 4 4CAR 0 4 4 5 27 32ARMM 0 11 11 1 14 15

TOTAL 0 260 260 75 817 8922017 1 304 305 54 835 889

Variance -100.00% -14.47% -14.75% 38.89% -2.16% 0.34%

In terms of fire causes, the Top 5 most common causes for 1st Quarter of CY 2018

as per record of Bureau of Fire Protection were due to Electrical Connections with

5,258 cases. Followed by, due to Lighted Cigarette Butt with 1,077 cases, fire incidents

caused by Open Flame Due to Torch or Sulo with 930 cases, Open Flame Due to Unattended Cooking/Stove with 878 and fire incidents caused by Open Flame Due to Unattended Lighted Candle or Gasera with 513 cases respectively. The common

causes of fire incidents were tabulated as follows:


Table 6. Number of Fire Incidents by Cause

Causes of Fire Incidents Number Percentage (%)

1. Electrical Connections 5,319 31.902. Lighted Cigarette Butt 1,128 6.763. Open Flame Due to Torch or Sulo 858 5.154. Open Flame Due to Unattended Cooking / Stove 877 5.265. Open Flame Due to Unattended Lighted Candle or

Gasera 521 3.12

6. Lighted Matchstick or Lighter 439 2.637. Electrical Appliances 432 2.598. Spontaneous Combustion 370 2.229. Incendiary Device / Mechanism or Ignited Flammable

Liquids 138 0.83

10. Electrical Machineries 110 0.6611. LPG Explosion Due to Direct Flame Contact or Static

Electricity 104 0.62

12. Chemicals 93 0.5613. Open Flame Due to Direct Flame Contact or Static

Electricity 69 0.41

14. Pyrotechnics 22 0.1315. Lightning 14 0.0816. Bomb Explosion 2 0.0117. Others 2,358 14.1418. Under Investigation 3,821 22.91

TOTAL 16,681 100.00%


For CY 2018 the Health and Emergency Management Division (HEMD) was able

to accomplish the following tasks / activities in accordance with its mandate.

As shown in Table 7, a total of 8,798 emergency calls were responded by EMS for

CY 2018, wherein Vehicular Accident was the highest with 3,889 responses while

Medical Cases came second with 3,265 followed by Fire related responses with 1,379.

EMS catered a total of 9,536 patients out of 8,798 EMS responses.

The teams are also actively involved in different types of activities such as but not

limited to Medical Standby, Blood Letting program, First Aid Training and Medical

Missions. A total of 6,098,490 people benefited the said activities.

Table 7. Summary Statistics on Emergency Medical


Service (EMS) Responses

Activity/Indicator NumberFire related 1,379Medical Cases 3,265Trauma 207Vehicular Accidents 3,889Calamities Medical 4

Trauma 53Others 1 - HAZMAT

TOTAL 8,798Patients from Responses 9,536Special Activities (SA) 18,912Beneficiaries of SA 6,098,490

To strengthen EMS personnel capabilities, medical and technical knowhow, the

Health Service conducted/facilitated/spearheaded six (6) batches of EMT trainings and

produced 301 Emergency Medical Technicians compliant to E.O. 56 “Institutionalizing

the Emergency 911 Hotline as the Nationwide Emergency Answering Point”

Table 8. Status of EMS Emergency Vehicle Nationwide


of Vehicles

Status OwnershipOperationa


Operational BER BFP LGUNHQ 2 2 - - - -NCR 24 12 12 - - -

1 15 15 2 - 11 42 8 8 1 - 5 33 7 6 1 - 6 1

4A 12 11 1 - 6 64B 1 1 - - 0 15 8 6 2 - 7 16 12 10 2 - 11 17 4 3 1 - 2 28 14 13 1 - 13 19 9 6 3 - 9 0

10 2 1 1 - 1 111 2 2 - - 2 012 13 12 1 - 12 1

CARAGA 6 4 - - 1 5CAR 25 24 1 - 5 20

ARMM 4 4 - - 3 1TOTAL 154 140 28 - 117 51

On the Status of EMS Nationwide Capabilities, there are a total of 154

ambulances. However, 18.18% (28 units) of EMS emergency vehicle are non-

operational. Efforts to the increase in number of working ambulances by requesting for


its repair and efforts of the Office to provide partnership thru donations from Local

Government Units, Philippine industries and Foreign Countries such as Japan and

Korea, and hopefully thru BFP procurement.

Table 9. Statistics on Office of Health Service / Medical and Nursing Unit

Category 01 January 2018 to 31 December, 2018

Consultation 44,012BP Monitoring 118,960

About 44,012 BFP personnel, dependents and civilian consulted the clinic while

118,960 have their Blood Pressure monitored.

Table 10. Statistics on the Conduct of Health Assessment in BFP-NHQ

Total Number of Personnel GO NO GO


493 384 72 37

The BFP-NHQ was scheduled to conduct PFT during the last quarter of CY 2018.

A total of 493 BFP NHQ personnel had undergone health assessment and results

showed that only 384 personnel to were given medical clearance to proceed with PFT,

while 72 personnel were not allowed to participant in PFT due to medical conditions.

Based on the gathered medical results, the top 5 leading medical conditions in BFP NHQ

are Hypertension with 158 cases, Diabetes Mellitus with 81 cases, Dyslipidemia with 77

cases, Obesity with 73 cases and Anemia with 50 cases.

Table 11. Statistics on the Conduct of Health Assessment in BFP-NHQ by Diagnosis

Likewise, this Office is also responsible for the screening potential Fire Officer 1

applicants during the recruitment to include qualified Officers and Non Officer Rank and

Non-Uniformed Personnel (NUP) for promotion and mandatory trainings.


Diagnosis No. of CasesHypertension 158Diabetes Mellitus 81Dyslipidemia 77Obesity 73Anemia 50

Total 493

Psychological Service

As part of developing a system of medical management and wellness programs

for BFP Officers and Personnel Nationwide which is also pursuant to BFP Memorandum

Circular Number 2016-012 re Policy on BFP Health and Fitness Program, the Office of

the Health Service (HS) put an era on the limelight as the new Chief Health Service

initiated the implementation of Nationwide Medical Profiling of Personnel, whereby all

BFP Regional Offices are required to conduct medical assessment using the vital signs,

height and weight measurements to determine health conditions of Officers and

Personnel within their AOR.

The proactive implementation of the program were likewise felt at the BFP

National Headquarters where a total of 520 BFP Officers and Personnel were strictly

monitored and medically checked to ensure wellness on health conditions, added to the

data collected during the height and weight assessment is the advance understanding of

how diet affects the health and well-being  discussed by the resident Nutritionist of the

Medical and Nursing Unit, coaching on how the body's functions are affected by nutrient

supply, how diet affects metabolism as well as the process of nourishment and the

association between diet, disease and health, providing health advice and promoting

healthy eating, advising about special diets, and working as part of a multidisciplinary

team/supporting the work of other health care professionals.

To ensure that all BFP Officers and Personnel at the National Headquarters have

a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of

disease or infirmity, SUPT RODERICK RAMIREZ activated the Psychology Clinic by

organizing and including it in the new organizational structure as one of the allied

medical unit of the Health Service creating for the purpose of ensuring a complete

physical, mental and social well-being of BFP Officers and Personnel. In order to have a

systematize and standardize guidelines on psychological counseling procedure, a

method to conduct and avail the services were developed from the conduct and

administration of an Office structured tests, interview information and other assessment

tools to measure and assess behavior and/or psychological map (anger management or

interpersonal skills, or certain personality traits).

Table 12. Psychological Service Accomplishment Report

Regions Number of Stress Debriefers for Itogon, Benguet Who Undergone Orientation Date/Schedule


NCR 2October 6,

20183 2


Number of Stress Debriefers for Naga Cebu Who Undergone Orientation

NCR 2 November 20, 20183 2


Number Of Responders to Itogon Benguet Who Participated Stress Debriefing and

Psychological First Aid CAR 73 October 8-10

1 24 October 10-112 24 October 22-153 16 October 11-12

NCR 30 October 15-16TOTAL 169

Number Of Responders to Naga Cebu Who Participated Stress Debriefing and

Psychological First Aid

7 225November 26

to December 1, 2018

Number of BFP NHQ Officers and Personnel For Psychological Profiling

NHQ 520NCR 4

3 64TOTAL 588

Number oF BFP NHQ Officers And Personnel For Psychological Intervention/Coaching

NHQ 421NCR 4

3 64TOTAL 489

Number of Civilians for Psychological Intervention/Coaching



As a continuing process of ensuring a healthy well being and after assessment of

psychological makeup a professional intervention/coaching were delivered and rendered

to those who were needing the service observing the approved or ISO registered

procedure of counseling and psychotherapy.


To record a total of 520 BFP Officers and Personnel have availed the services of

the psychological clinic commencing on 16 April 2018 , from the 520 psychological

assessment 148 of which had a 1 on 1 interview and psychoeducation, and 28 of BFP

Officers and Personnel had manifested depressive symptoms, anxiety and distress due

to work. Likewise generated from the results were data related to aggressive behavior

which 56 of them were having a slightly elevated physical aggression and verbal

aggression, appropriate interventions or anger management and coaching were

assisted, while work burnout resulted to 28% statistics of Officers and Personnel having

high level of emotional burnout due to work loads, and work stress while having a high

level of appreciation and recognition to accomplished the assigned tasks.

As part of the developing a core team of PFA/CIS Debriefers, the Psychological

Service had an orientation/training to 6 Psychology Graduates / Professionals /

Psychometrician / Psychologist prior to their deployment to conduct Debriefing/PFA to

Regional Responders.

In response to the crisis in Itogon, Benguet on 15 September 2018 due to

Typhoon Ompong (known internationally as Mangkhut) which hit the northern part of the

Philippines, bringing with it flash floods, storm surges and landslides; and the crisis in

Naga City, Cebu on September 20, 2018, at a hillside in quarrying operations by Apo

Land and Quarry Corporations(ALQC) a landslide caused by heavy rainfall which both

incidents were recorded to have death toll, and posed an extremely difficult situation and

abnormal conditions to our Officers and Personnel in the field as members of the

Special Rescue and Recovery (SRR) Cluster, and Management of the dead, our BFP

Officers and Personnel assigned in the said regions as well as the BFP Contingents from

other regions were required to undergone Critical Incident Stress Debriefing and

Psychological First Aid facilitated by the Office of the Health Service to served as an

effective screening or follow-up mechanism for the early identification of individuals who

will be required to a more intense or focused mental health intervention after a traumatic,

critical incident.

Additionally, to ensure that effective coping will be practiced by the responders a

Psycho-Educational approach in a group structured and therapeutic way was

emphasized thru learning more about a problem or issue and/or developing new life

skills for the purpose of prevention, growth, or remediation.


This approach is more structured, issue-specific since it has a common direction

on resiliency on stress, self-awareness and self-improvement. Furthermore the

Psychological Service likewise extended its services to 38 walk-in clients/civilians

referred by BFP Officers and Personnel either with psychological evaluation and/or

intervention / coaching.

Table 13. Accomplishments on Dental Services Rendered

Category Number of Beneficiaries

Uniformed Personnel (UP) Treated 2,059

Non-Uniformed Personnel (NUPs)Treated 257

Dependents Treated 1,753

Civilians Treated 2,523

Consultation / Training / Promotion 29,999

A total of 6,592 patients for the CY 2018 received dental treatment wherein

38.27% of them were civilians, 31.23% were BFP uniformed personnel, 26.60% were

dependents and 3.90% were non-uniformed personnel. Further, 29,999 BFP

personnel/patients came for consultation / training / promotion.

Table 14. Accomplishments on Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Rendered

Category Number of Beneficiaries

Uniformed Personnel (UP) Treated 1,703

Non-Uniformed Personnel (NUPs)Treated 137

Dependents Treated 282

Civilians Treated 273

Retirees treated 0

The Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Unit has catered 2,395 total number of

patients, wherein 71.11% of which were BFP uniformed personnel, 11.77% were

dependents, 11.40% were civilian and 5.72% were non-uniformed personnel. No retired

BFP personnel came for consultation/treatment.



For CY 2018, several significant accomplishments of the Directorate for

Operations include the successful conduct of the 4 th National Fire Olympics during

the observance of Fire Prevention Month 2018 and the provision of assistance

through deployment of BFP assets and personnel during the 51st Asian Development Bank Annual Meeting.

Below are the photos taken during the 4 th National Fire Olympics held at Quirino

Grandstand, Manila last March 19-20, 2018.

Action photos of the BFP Task Force ADB Manila 2018 during the Send-off

Ceremony and deployment of personnel at different staging areas.

Contingency Planning were effectively conducted to intensify public safety

especially during special events and occasions followed by the activation of proper

OPLANs like PAGHALASA and SEMANA SANTA: "Lakbay Alalay 2018", among



Further, several meetings regarding the "BIG ONE" have been conducted in

the early months of 2018. This office has already submitted requirements for fund

allocation for the restoration and rehabilitation of the BFP in Marawi City.

Send-off Ceremony for BFP personnel deployed during the ADB Manila

2018 meeting held at the BFP-NHQ ground.

This Directorate is in constant coordination with the NDRRMC, OCD, PNP and

other relative agencies for effective fire and disaster operations and response. These are

being carried out through attendance of the Director for Operation in the following

meetings, activities and conferences inside and outside the BFP, to wit:

Ø MOA Signing between the BFP and AMA Foundation, Inc.

Ø Crafting of Guidelines for the Implementation of MOA between the BFP

and PEZA

Ø COA Entrance Conference on Audit of BFP Modernization Program

Ø Small Group Meeting on the Quadrant Maps at NAMRIA

Ø Meeting with AMAFI regarding drafting of IRR of Proposed Donation

Ø Three-day Writing Workshop of the DILG-NCR for the updating of

Contingency Plans for Earthquake of NCR-LGUs

Ø Management of the Dead and Missing Persons Exit Conference in

Marawi and Cagayan De Oro City

Ø Presentation of output re: Table of Organization and Equipment


Ø Meeting with Gary C. Alejano, Party-List MAGDALO

Ø Technical Working Group Meetings re: 120 th Anniversary of the

Proclamation of the Philippine Independence

Ø Turn-over Ceremony and Grant Contract Signing of the donated

emergency vehicles from the government of Japan

Ø ISO 9001:2015 Awareness Seminar

Ø 6th ICAD-Justice Cluster Meeting

Ø 3rd NSC Meeting for the 20th GAWAD KALASAG Desk Evaluation

Ø ADB Manila 2018 Meetings

Ø 5th Convening of the Sub-Committee on Security, Peace and Order


Ø Command Conference and Conduct of Strategic Planning at Malvar,


Ø Presentation of Sub Committee BMCRRP Programs, Projects and


Ø First National Conference on Industrial Collaboration Program

Ø Joint Consultative Meeting between Republic of Korea and Republic of the

Philippines. Manila — Taipei Shake — Share: A Workshop on Disaster


Ø Courtesy Call of Taiwanese Experts at BFP-NHQ

Ø Joint Ceremonial Signing of the Implementing Rules and Regulations RA No.

10530 (Emblem Law)

Ø Drafting of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the EO No. 56

Ø 64th Anniversary of the Self-Defense Forces of Japan


• Chief, SOD attended the monthly meeting of the National Law

Enforcement Coordinating Committee, Sub-Committee on International

Law Enforcement Cooperation (NALECC-SCILEC) at ES Gallery,

Mabini Hall, Malacañang, Manila; January 17 2018;

• Chief SOD, and six (6) personnel of Special Operations Division

attended the Technical Presentation of Fire Service Solutions including

SCBA’s, Thermal Imaging Camera’s and Heads Up Display Systems at

Rm. 502 5th Floor Directorate for Logistics BFP-NHQ; January 24,




• Chief SRS and OIC, HazMat Section participated the Training Course

on Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Preparedness and Response

(N&REPR) at Philippine Nuclear Research Institute, Commonwealth

Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City; February 12-16, 2018;

• Chief SRS and Two SOD personnel attended the “ Training on Fire

Arson Investigation Procedures (Application of Fire Science in Forensic

Fire Investigation)” at Pranjetto Hills and Conference Center Mayagay,

Sampaloc, Tanay Rizal; February 19-23, 2018;

• Chief SOD attended the Symposium, “ Introduction to Nuclear Law for

Government Stakeholders” at Carlos P Romulo Library, Department of

Foreign Affairs Building, @330 Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City; February

26, 2018;


• Chief SOD, Chief SRS and OIC HAZMAT participated for the Multi-

Agency CBRN Incident First Response Demonstration in consonance

with the 5th Anniversary of the EU CBRN Mitigation Centres of

excellence Initiative (CoE) Southeast Asia Regional Secretariat held at

Malacañang, Manila; March 09, 2018;

• Chief SOD, Chief SRS and OIC HAZMAT escorted the Japan donated

emergency vehicles from BFP NHQ to BFP Region XI; March 18-23,


• Two SOD personnel participated the Workshop on the Formulation of

Guidelines on the Submission of Reports from the Regional Offices at

Sulo Riviera Hotel, Matalino Road, Diliman Quezon City; March 21-22,



• Chief, SOD and 1 SOD personnel attended the Region 5 Fire

Prevention Month Culminating Activity at Legazpi City; April 5-7, 2018;

• Chief, SOD participated the 7th Inter-Government Agency Employees

Sports Festival (IGAFES) at Memorial Sports Complex, Manila; April 9-

13, 2018;

• Chief, SRS and 2 SOD personnel attended the Multi Casualty Incident

(MCI) Table Top Exercise at Philippine Red Cross Tower EDSA Corner

Boni Avenue, Mandaluyong City; April 10, 2018;

• Chief, SRS attended the Final Coordination Meeting for the “51st Asian


Develop Bank Manila 2018 Coordination Meeting”, at Ortigas

Mandaluyong City; April 18, 2018;

• Chief SRS and 1 SOD personnel attended the Coordinating Conference

and Pre-Departure Briefing of “Philippine Air Force Search and Rescue

Challenge 2018”, at Villamor Air Base, Pasay City; April 19, 2018;

• Chief, SOD serve as instructor during the Officers Orientation Program

(OOP) for the newly absorbed PNPA at BFP Training Service Building

Barangay Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City; April 24, 2018;

• Chief, SOD, Chief SRS and 2 SOD personnel participated as

contingents of the “Asian Development Bank 2018 Meeting” in Metro

Manila; April 30 – May 7, 2018.


• Chief, SRS serve as Judge/Rater during the Philippine Air Force

Search and Rescue Challenge 2018 at Air Force City Mabalacat

Pampanga; Basa Air Base, Floridablanca, Pampanga.


• Chief, SOD attended the Recognition Rites of BRTC PNPA at

Philippine National Police Academy, Camp General Mariano N

Castaňeda, Silang Cavite; June 07, 2018;

• OIC, HAZMAT Section attended the Orientation on the PDRRMS, UN &

ASEAN Systems and Guidelines cum Table Top Exercise for the

participants of the International Search and Rescue Advisory Group

(INSARAG) Asia-Pacific Regional Earthquake Exercise (A-P ERE) at

NDRRMC Building, Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City;

June 7-8, 2018;

• OIC, HAZMAT Section attended the Table Top Exercise/Final

Rehearsal for the Participants in the International Search and Rescue

Advisory Group (INSARAG) Asia-Pacific Regional Earthquake Exercise

(A-P ERE) at NDRRMC Building, Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo,

Quezon City; June 14, 2018;

• Chief, SOD and 4 SOD personnel participated the Observance of

Philippine Arbor Day (Tree Planting Activity) at Sitio Balagbag, Brgy.

San Isidro, San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan; June 23, 2018;

• OIC, HAZMAT Section attended the International Search and Rescue

Advisory Group (INSARAG) Asia-Pacific Regional Earthquake

Response Exercise (A-P ERE) at Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga;


June 26-29, 2018;

• Chief, SOD attended the 3rd PCTC-INTERPOL NCB Manila Inter

Agency Secretariat Coordinating Meeting at OSETC Conference Room,

Level 4, PCTC/ACTC Building, Camp Crame, Quezon City; June 27,



• Chief, SOD attended the Risk & Opportunity Seminar at 7th Floor BFP

NHQ Agham Road, Brgy. Bagong Pag-asa Quezon City; July 03, 2018;

• Chief SOD, attended the culminating for the Basic Rescue Technique

Course of BFP-ARMM Special Rescue Unit at PPSC Regional Training

Center, ARMM, Camp BGEN Salipada K Pendatun, Parang,

Maguindanao; July 05, 2018;

• Chief SRS, and 2 SOD personnel serve as jury during the conduct of

the 3rd UNTV Rescue Summit at Quezon Memorial Circle, Quezon

City; July 11, 2018;

• Chef, SOD attended the Anti-Terrorism National Crisis Management

Contingency Planning Workshop, at Social Hall, 4th Floor, Mabini Hall,

Malacaňang Manila; July 9-11, 2018.


• Chief, SRS and 1 SOD personnel attended and participated the

Community First Responder Training at Ciudad Christia Resort 9

Waves, San Mateo, Rizal; August 20-26, 2018;

• Chief, SOD attend the Peace and Order Councils (POC) Midyear

Performance Assessment cum Joint NPOC and 3rd Quarter RPOC

Cluster’s Meeting at Diamon Hotel, Roxas Boulevard cor. Dr. J Quintos

St. Malate Manila; August 28, 2018.


• Chief, SOD participated in the WMD/HazMat Incident

Command/Technician Course at Training Services Bldg, BFP-NHQ,

Agham Road Brgy Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City; September 3-7,


• 1 SOD personnel participated in the workshop on Standard Operating

Procedures Development for Operations at Madriaga Hall, BFP NHQ,

Agham Road Brgy. Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City; Sept. 10-12, 2018;

• OIC, HazMat Section attend the Final Site Survey (FSS) in line with the

preparation for the Joint Inter-Agency Exercise “PALAKAT” 2018 at


Port Management Office NCR South, PNR Building, Muelle de San

Francisco Street, South Harbor, Port Area; September 24, 2018;

• OIC, HazMat Section attend the Final Planning Conference (FPC) in

relation to Joint Inter-Agency Exercise “PALAKAT” 2018 at Lakambini

Hall, Armed Forces of the Philippines Commissioned Officers Club

(AFPCOC), Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City; September

25-26, 2018;

• Chief, SRS attended the Response Cluster Meeting in connection with

TY OMPONG Operations at NDRRMC Building, Camp General Emilio

Aguinaldo, Quezon City; September 28, 2018.


• Chief, SOD attend the Finalization of Management of the Dead and

Missing (MDM) Training Packageat Jesse Robredo Hall, 8/F, DILG

NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA corner Quezon Avenue, Quezon City;

October 16, 2018;

• Chief, SOD attended the National Disaster Response Plan (NDRP) for

consequence Management Related to Chemical, Biological,

Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Incidents Workshop; October 17-19,


• 1 SOD personnel attended the Community First Responder Training for

Reservist/ Volunteers Training of Trainers at Ciudad Christia, San

Mateo, Rizal; October 11-20, 2018;

• Chief SOD and Chief, SRS attended the 1st National Technical

Working Group (TWG) Worshop to update the National Disaster Risk

Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRMP) 2011-2028 at 8th Floor

Mt. Everest B BSA Twin Towers, Julia Vargas cor. Bank Drive, Ortigas

Center, Mandaluyong City; October 17-19, 2018;

• Chief, SRS and OIC, HazMat attended the 36-Hour Earthquake USAR

Simulation Exercise (SIMEX) at 3rd Floor NDRRMC Operation Center

Conference Room, Camp General Aguinaldo Quezon City; October 26,


• Chief, SRS attended the Response Cluster Lead Agencies and other

concern Agencies at 3rd Floor NDRRMC Operation Center Conference

Room, Camp General Aguinaldo Quezon City; October 29, 2018;

• Chief, SRS attended the Response Cluster Meeting ICOW “TY

ROSITA” at 3rd Floor NDRRMC Operation Center Conference Room,


Camp General Aguinaldo Quezon City; October 30, 2018;


• Chief, SRS attended the Cluster Workshop to Update the National

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRMP) at Oracle

Hotel, 317 Katipunan Avenue, Loyola Heights, Quezon City; November

13-14, 2018;

• Chief, SOD attended the Workshop and Table Top Exercise (TTX) for

Developing the Biosafety Framework for the Philippines at Crimson

Hotel, Alabang Muntinlupa City; November 14-15, 2015;

• One SOD personnel attended the Follow-up Training Course (FTC) on

Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Preparedness and Response

(N&REPR) at PNRI Auditorium Commonwealth Avenue, Diliman,

Quezon City; November 12-16, 2018;

• Chief, SRS attended the Iwas Paputok Campaign Barangay Forum at

City State Tower Hotel, Ermita Manila; November 19, 2018;

• Chief, SOD and Chief SRS and OIC, HazMat Section attended the

Table Top Exercise for the Harmonized National Contingency Plan for

Magnitude 7.2 Earthquake at Makati Palace Hotel, Makati City;

November 19-23, 2018;

• Chief, SRS, OIC HazMat Section and four SOD personnel attended the

Hazardous Materials (HazMat) Training at Aberdeen Court Great

Eastern Hotel, 1403 R-7, Diliman Quezon City; November 26-30, 2018;

• OIC, HazMat Section attended the International Search and Rescue

Advisory Group (INSARAG) 36-Hour Earthquake Response Simulation

Exercise (SIMEX) at Training Site, PA DRU (525th ECBn,51E, PA)

Western Bicutan, Taguig City; December 05-08, 2018;


• OIC, HazMat Section attended the International Search and Rescue

Advisory Group (INSARAG) 36-Hour Earthquake Response Simulation

Exercise (SIMEX) at Training Site, PA DRU (525th ECBn,51E, PA)

Western Bicutan, Taguig City; December 05-08, 2018;

• Chief, SOD attended the “Workshop for the Development of Preventing

and Countering Violent Extremism Protocol Document” at Robredo

Hall, 9th Floor, DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA corn. Quezon

Avenue, West Triangle, Quezon City


On Special Operations, the Office of the Special Operations Division is currently

coordinating, attending meetings and other preparations for the participation of the BFP

to the 3rd UNTV Rescue Summit.

In connection with the above mentioned reference, hereunder are the events that

transpired during the visit of the Director for Operations at BFP Cordillera Administrative

Region (CAR) to wit.

On September 20, 2018, the Director for Operations and his team departed the

BFP National Headquarters and arrived the next day in Prime Hotel, Baguio City wherein

they are lodged. The Director for Operations and his staff proceeded at Baguio City Fire

Station (BCFS) and attended the briefing wherein they met with the BFP Search, Rescue

and Retrieval team. After the briefing, the Team from the National Headquarters together

with the CAR Regional Director and her staff conducted site monitoring at Balacbac and

Loacan Airport to oversee the operations of the BFP.

Upon arrival at Balacbac, the response team in the area notified the Director for

Operations that there are only two (2) victims on the area and one (1) has been found

already while they are on the midst of finding other one (1) missing victim of the

landslide. Later that day, the team arrived at Loacan Airport where two (2) individuals

were reported missing.

During their visit, the SRR operation was a success for the cadavers of the victims

were already accounted for. Subsequently, they returned to the BFP Regional Office at

around noon of that day as the BFP RHQ IC conducted Situational Briefing.

The NHQ Team was supposedly going to visit the other landslide sites especially

at Barangay Ucab, Itogon, Benguet but due to heavy rain, all SRR Operations halted as

well as site visit/monitoring as it was a hazard prone area. Regular meals/snacks/water

and other logistical needs are distributed for the responders as well as health monitoring,

sanitation and accounting of manpower and tools/equipment was conducted while the

heavy rain stopped the operation. Heavy rains continued to pour and the team cannot

proceed to their monitoring anytime soon and due to limited time schedule, the Director

for Operations and his team have to return to the National Headquarters in Quezon City.

Meanwhile, on 20 September 20, 2018, the Naga City Fire Station received a


distress call about the landslide incident that happened at Sitio Sindulan, Brgy. Tina-an,

Naga City. The responding unit headed by SINSP CARMEL LITO DIONELA promptly

reported to the operation-in-charge Counselor Carmelito Cruz and hastily assessed the

severity and complexity of the situation and decided to call for an additional rescue force

from the OPFM Cebu and Regional Office.

The Regional Director, SSUPT SAMUEL C TADEO instantaneously instructed all

adjacent stations to proceed to Naga City and to use all available assets and capabilities.

The Cebu City Fire Station immediately responded and dispatched SRU E-23 to aide in

the situation. Upon arrival, SRU team conducted pre-emptive assessment of the scene

so as to gain safe tactical limitations in the operation. Upon assessment, they promptly

found and retrieved one unidentified dead body and turned it over to the proper


Under the command of SSUPT SAMUEL C TADEO, SINSP DIONELA, together

with the SRU went swiftly to the site as they were informed that the head of the family

Mr. Siton anxiously asked for assistance as his family was trapped alive inside the

house. Naga City FS personnel gave initial assistance to the victims inside the rubbles.

Upon assessment, they found the dead body of Althea Siton stuck in there. They

took the dead body of the child first and they patiently laid out the plan for extrication of

the victims but were deeply challenged because no one could fit in the only possible

ingress of the victims’ whereabouts. It is also very unsafe to perform force entry because

the slab, that uncannily established an A frame, might collapse. Thus, in order for the

team to have a clear look, they decided to video and conduct on-scene assessment of

the victims inside the collapsed structure.

Mr. Felipe Villarta, a resident of Sitio Sindulan and the one who helped Mr. Siton

to locate the victims, decided to penetrate the small opening. Everyone was reluctant

because he might be trapped inside, but he insisted and as the situation calls for

desperate interventions the team decided to support Villarta as time as not on their side.

Upon entry the SRU secured the collapsed structure by shoring. As soon as everything

was in place, Villarta entered the operational site. He positively found two conscious and

coherent victims, though weak they can still comprehend to the instructions handed to



The first attempt to rescue Jonnalyn Siton began. She was hesitant to move

because she was afraid that one dangerous move could possibly kill her mother. Jocelyn

Siton. The SRU thoroughly assessed the structure guided by their CSSR training; they

cleared the doubts of Jonnalyn. They encouraged her that there was still a support to the

slab even if she gets out. Correspondingly, the SRU called the EMS personnel to give

oxygen therapy to the victims because lack of oxygen may hinder their decision making.

As the operations continued, the SRU team never failed to convince Jonnalyn to

help them so they could pull her out. Eventually she gave the team the go signal and

they immediately respond. The SRU together with Villarta successfully recovered the

victim and turned it over to the proper authorities.

The dilemma aroused since the mother, Jocelyn Siton, was still inside the based

on assessment her foot was pinned/trapped in there. She was anxious and afraid that

she might lose her leg if they will pull her out. The distress continued and the more time

she stayed inside, increased the medical complications she might face. The team gave

her food and water, and continued the oxygen therapy.

The SRU team planned and decided to instruct Villarta to chip a portion of the

object that pinned her leg. He chipped the object bits by bits. They operated according to

the plan and eventually the pinned leg of Jocelyn was partially slacked. The team

cautiously pulled her out and successfully recovered the victim alive. She was then

turned over to EMS for further medical treatment. On the other hand, upon Jocelyn’s

rescue, the SRU team spotted the head of another member of the Siton. Unfortunately,

it was confirmed dead and the location of the body is unsafe for the rescuers to engage.

The search for life continued, SSUPT SAMUEL TADEO, who was appointed by

the mayor and other government units to act as the ground commander, ordered all BFP

R7 personnel who underwent Special Rescue Unit Foundation Course to report

immediately to the incident site. He initiated to have a round the clock operation since

the chances of survival are high. Indeed, due to his quick response coupled with sound

judgment, a total of 18 persons were rescued by all the responders on the site.

The established Incident Command Post temporarily suspended the search and

rescue operations of the LGU responders, and only the Province, City of Naga

Responders and the Uniformed Personnel are on site to continue the operation. During


the night, the SRU team with the help of the backhoe successfully retrieved the body of

Mr. Siton’s daughter.

On September 21, 2018, all government agencies converged for a more

systematic and collaborative response with the assistance of private groups and

volunteer organizations. The ICP decided to strategically divide ground zero into different

sectors as to the number of rescuers. The BFP R7 Responders was tasked to operate in

Sector A. In the late afternoon, SSUPT TADEO together with the IMT attended the

President’s briefing at Naga City hall. President Rodrigo Roa Duterte highly commended

all the quick response of all the government units and support groups. He reminded to

take preemptive measures at all times and promised the city government to give financial

assistance to the affected families.

On September 23, 2018, the SRU Region 8 checked in to ICP at Sitio Sindulan to

augment as additional manpower of the BFP Responders on the ongoing search and

rescue operations. The teamwork of SRU R8 and BFP R7 responders increased the

number of cadavers’ found. In the afternoon of the next day, the BFP Command Post

received a fire call from one of the volunteer groups at Sector A. The BFP personnel on

site immediately sized up and responded to it. The post fire was declared extinguished in

a timely manner. On the same day, SRU R6 checked in to ICP and straightway

proceeded to ground zero to look for possible cadaver at sector A.

On September 25, 2018, SSUPT TADEO alongside with head of different

agencies, the City Mayor of Naga, Atty. Kristine Vanessa T. Chiong, and USEC Ricardo

B. Jalad visited command post to check on responder’s/personnel situation. They

convened to address all issues and concerns on the Naga landslide incident.

Table 15. Responses Made by BFP Special Rescue Units (SRU)

Activity/Indicator Number of Responses

Fire Incident 98

Technical Search and Rescue (TSAR) 246

Fire Ground 15


RTA 160





Swift Water 1


Confined 1

Retrieval 17

Animal Rescue 0

Disaster Response 22


Over the years, the bureau never ceases to realize its vision of a modern fire

protection agency. Empowering the cities and municipalities can be achieved by putting

up fire stations.

As of November 2018, all the 145 cities in the country have activated fire stations

– with fire station and with fire truck. As for the 1,489 municipalities, there are 1,139

municipalities with activated fire stations, and the remaining 262 municipalities are

without activated fire stations.

Out of those 262 municipalities without activated fire stations, 40 are with fire

station buildings only, 2 are with firetrucks only, while 262 are without fire station

buildings and without firetrucks.

Table 16. Comparative Statistics on the BFP’s Existing FirefightingCapability Nationwide

2017 2018 VarianceI. Cities (145)      With Fire Station 145 145   a.      With Firetruck 145 145  b.      Without Firetruck 0 0  Without Fire Station      a.      With Firetruck 0 0  b.      Without Firetruck 0 0  II. Municipalities (1,489)      A.     With Fire Station 1,113 1,168 4.94a.      With Firetruck 1,113 1,139 2.33


b.      Without Firetruck 0 40B.      Without Fire

Station 376 264 -29.78

a.      With Firetruck 26 2 -92.30b.      Without Firetruck 350 319 -8.85

The table below shows the recapitulation of construction of typical fire stations per

region with funds from CY 2015-2018. As of November of 2018, out of 405 fire stations

for construction 244 fire stations were completed, 37 were on-going/ suspended/

terminated, 99 are on-process by PITC and 26 are with Deed of Donation (DOD).

Table 17. Accomplishments on the Construction of Typical Fire Stations


CY 2015 CY 2016 CY 2017 CY 2018


Suspended/ Terminated

TOTAL CompletedOn-going/

Suspended/ Terminated


Deed of Donation


Agham Fire Sub-

Station/ OPFM

Region 1 11 0 11 8 3 11 12 3  

Region 2 11 0 11 11 0 11 2 1  

Region 3 13 0 13 5 3 8 8 3 1

Region 4A 18 0 18 1 0 1 5 1  

Region 4B 16 1 17 2 2 4 4 2  

Region 5 10 1 11 15 2 17 5 1  

Region 6 11 0 11 3 4 7 11 5 1

Region 7 11 0 11 4 0 4 7 0  

Region 8 19 0 19 3 1 4 9 3  

Region 9 8 1 9 8 1 9 7 3  

Region 10 9 0 9 6 1 7 7 0  

Region 11 9 3 12 0 0 0 9 0 1

Region 12 3 0 3 3 0 3 5 0 1

ARMM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  

NCR 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1

CAR 7 4 11 5 4 9 3 2  

CARAGA 12 4 16 2 2 4 3 2  

Total 168 14 182 76 23 100 99 26 5

With the growing number of personnel in the Bureau, the Personnel Protective

Equipment demand is also growing, thus the continuous increase of purchase for PPEs.

Table 18. Comparative Statistics on the Number of Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs)

Type of PPEs CY 2017 CY 2019 Variance (%)

Fire Boots 11,493 15,311 33.22Fire Gloves 12,374 16,545 33.70Fire Trousers 6,791 7,682 13.12


Fire Coats 7,164 7,984 11.44Fire Helmets 12,751 16,546 29.76

As of December 2018, there are 2,345 fire trucks owned by the Bureau of Fire

Protection. Around 2,060 of which are serviceable, 189 are unserviceable and 96 are

under repair. Of the 456 LGU-owned vehicles, 397 are serviceable, 47 are unserviceable

and 11 are under repair.

Table 19. Status of Fire Trucks

Status CY 2017 CY 2018 Variance (%)

I. BFP-Owned 1,285 2,345 82.49a. Serviceable 1,958 2,060 5.20b. Unserviceable 163 189 15.95

c. Under Repair 124 96 -22.58 d. Beyond Economic Repair (BER) 98 -II. LGU-Owned 349 456 30.65

a. Serviceable 392 397 1.27b. Unserviceable 41 47 14.63

c. Under Repair 10 7 -30 d. Beyond Economic Repair (BER) 3 -


a. Personnel Administration

The Bureau has a total 23,864 personnel as of June 2018, of which 1,076 or

4.50% are Uniformed Officers, 22,374 or 93.80% are Uniformed Non Officers and 414 or

1.70% are Non-Uniformed personnel as shown in Figure 2

The total authorized positions by DBM as of May 19, 2018 is 28,724, a 26.38%

higher than the 22,727 positions allotted in the same period of 2017.

With regard to filled positions, for the Uniformed Personnel there is an increase of

26.38% or 1,164 positions from last year’s, additional of 13.03% or 124 positions for

Officers, 8.05% or 1,666 positions for non-officer ranks; but a decrease of 2.82% or 12

for the non-uniformed personnel. With the CY 2018 Projected Population of 106,600,142,


the actual number of Firemen to population ratio of 1 : 4,546 is still far from the ideal ratio

of 1 : 2,000.

Table 7a. Personnel Complement 2017 2018 Variance (%)


I. Filled Position 25,561 a. Uniformed Personnel 25,151 i Officer 1,167 ii Non Officer 23,984 b. Non-Uniformed Personnel 410II. Unfilled Positions 3,146III. Actual Fire Fighter to Population Ratio  

Ideal Firemen to Population Ratio is 1:2,000

Table 7b shows the actual personnel strength as of this Semester compared with

the total DBM authorized positions for the same period. There are still 3,114 unfilled

positions for the Officers in the Uniformed Personnel, with 122 available positions for

Inspector rank followed by 36 positions for Senior Inspector. As for the Non-Officer rank,

696 positions are still unfilled with Senior Fire Officer 1 (SFO1), Fire Officer 3 (FO3) and

Fire Officer 2 (FO2) with the highest numbers of available positions with 822 and 338

available positions for each rank, respectively. On the other hand, the actual strength of

Fire Officer 1 (FO1) exceeded that of authorized total number by 1,526.


Table 7b. Actual Personnel Strength as of November 2018




November 2018

DIRECTOR 1 1 0CSUPT 8 13 5SSUPT 26 39 13SUPT 141 156 15CINSP 192 194 2SINSP 350 386 36INSP 441 563 122TOTAL OFFICERS 1,159 1,352 193SF04 481 723 242SF03 828 951 123SF02 1,611 1,837 226SF01 2.587 3,283 696F03 2,803 3,625 822F02 3,392 3,730 338F01 12,311 10,785 -1,526TOTAL NOR 24,013 26,934 2,921TOTAL UP 25,172 28,286 3,114NUP 406 438 32TOTAL 25,578 28,724 3,146

b. Training and Career Development

The constant up-skilling and vertical development for existing uniformed and non-

uniformed personnel is being adhered for the advancement of the Bureau in general.

The organization believed that continual training is needed to realize the bureau’s vision

for modernization, not only in its equipment but also in its manpower.


The Bureau worked on the lessening of training duration of the Fire Basic Recruit

Course (FBRC) and Fire Officers Candidate Course (FOCC) from six months to four (4)

months and 45 days (360 hours) Fire Officer Orientation Course at NFTI.

A total of seven hundred and eight (708) BFP personnel are currently enrolled in

various mandatory training courses in the NFTI while there are still six hundred and fifty

(650) personnel expected to be enrolled in mandatory trainings within 4 th quarter of this

calendar year. Table of the following are indicated below:


PSOSEC 9 - -

FBRC 1528 950 -

FAIIC 308 250 -

FPSC 251 50 -

FOCC - 108 -

FOBC 46 - -

FOAC 43 - -

TOTAL 2185 1358 -

A total of thirty seven (37%) decrease in the backlog in mandatory training of BFP

Uniformed personnel was marked from five thousand nine hundred fifty-five (5,955) total

backlog from December of 2017.

A significant decrease in number of backlog was also notable in Regions 4-B, 5,

and 8 from calendar year (CY) 2017-2018 that resulted from the implementation of off

campus Fire Basic Recruit Course in Region 5, Kawa-kawa training grounds, Ligao City,

Albay. Various satellite trainings were also conducted in Region 1 and 7. Off Campus

FBRC are still to open in Regions 6 and 12.

From January 1, 2018 to November 20, 2018, the section was instrumental to the

issuance of Travel Orders to four hundred thirty-six (436) BFP Officers and Personnel to

various training related activities and facilitated the issuance of Authority to Travel

Abroad to forty-two (42) BFP Officers and Personnel to training related activities outside

the country.


Aside from the abovementioned accomplishments, the SDSS, under the

Career Development Division has developed tools and forms to be used in monitoring

the conduct of various specialized courses BFP-wide. A system is also currently being

developed to account all Trainings or Learning and Development Interventions

underwent by all BFP Personnel.

To date, there were only two hundred eight (208) personnel who undergone

mandatory training courses of which 102 are from Fire Protection Supervisory Course

(FPSC) and 106 are from Fire Arson Investigation and Inspection Course (FAIIC); all of

which are supervised by the National Fire Training Institute (NFTI). Those 208 enrolled

personnel graduated on June 2018.


As the lead Office in-Charge of the formulation/development and updating of

safety standards of all fire protection equipage, Fire Science and Technology Division

(FSTD) was able to accomplish the following tasks:

a. For the formulation of various standards, Officers and personnel of this Division

as members of the several Technical Working Group infused applicable

provisions of the Fire Code in multi-sectoral committee meetings including

representation at the Bureau of Philippine Standards - Department of Trade

and Industry (BPS DTI), to wit;

• BPSITC02 (Fire Protection and Fire Fighting Equipment) which involves

the standardization of all protection and firefighting equipment and

apparatus including extinguishing media as well as the personal equipment

of the fire fighter, and related work on terminology, classification and


• BPSITC06 (Gas Cylinders) which involves in the Standardization of gas

cylinders, their fittings and Characteristics relating to their manufacture and

use; and


• BPSITC77 (Electrical Installation and Protection against Electrical Shock)

which aims to be responsive to the growing demands for relevant and

timely standards.

b. Representation to the Department of Energy (DoE) includes, to wit;

• Participation in the Technical Working Group for the review/update of the

PNS/DOE FS 2:2006-LPG Refilling Plant-General Requirements; and

• Participated in the Inspection and Monitoring Activity conducted by the

Inter-Agency Health, Safety, Security and Environment- Inspection and

Monitoring Team (PIA- HSSE- IMT) at the National Power Corporation

(NPC) - llijan Gas Receiving Facility and the Tabangao to llijan Natural

Gas Pipeline.

c. Attended the LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) Workshop for DNGREC

(Downstream Natural Gas Review and Evaluation Committee) which aims to

provide understanding in the technical and commercial Operation of the

Natural gas and/or LNG Value Chain and the Seminar entitled "3M End to

End Firestop and other Fire Protection Solution" ;

d. Participated on a forum entitled "The Flashpoint: PSME Public Forum" with

the theme "Fire Protection Compliance for Public Safety" as a part of

activities for the Fire Prevention Month aligning with the Bureau of Fire

Protection's theme: Ligtas na Pilipinas ang Ating Hangad: Pag-iingat sa

Sunog ay sa Sarili lpatupad", which aims to discuss on fire protection

regulations, compliance, design and solutions;

e. Provides technical support services during pre-procurement and pre-bid

conferences as well as during post-qualification stage for the supply and

delivery of Personnel Protection Equipment, Fire Service Equipage, Fire

Rescue Equipage, Firetruck at the Department of Budget and Management,

Procurement Service (DBM-PS);


f. Ongoing research and data gathering of relevant materials (e.g. Technical

Papers, Statistical Reports, Journal, Comments and Recommendations)

needed for the drafting of Manual on Care and Maintenance of said


g. Participation in the future Regular Activities in anticipation of a timely

implementation and monitoring of various activities of the BFP.


The ISO certification of departments, bureaus, offices and other agencies of the

National Government has been made mandatory by including it as a requirement in the

grant of Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) as stated in the AO 25 Memorandum Circular

No. 2017 -1 dated December 21, 2017. It specifically cited that for the establishment of

a Quality Management System (QMS) to materialize at least one (1) core process must

be certified by any International certifying body approved by the AO 25 IATF.

Since then, the BFP made series of ISO seminars/trainings to achieve the goal of

being a QMS-established and maintained, and soonest be an ISO-certified bureau for at

least one (1) of its core processes that is the Issuance of Fire Safety Evaluation

Clearance (FSEC) and the Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) holding Muntinlupa

City Central Fire Station (MCFS) as the pilot station with the Fire Safety Enforcement

Division (FSED), Directorate for Fire Safety and Enforcement (DFSE), BFP-NHQ for the

implementation of Management/ Support Process.

In connection with the above-mentioned endeavor, the Bureau hired the technical

professionals with relevant skills, expertise and experience in the fire protection industry

and implementation of Quality Management System (QMS) in public safety organizations

and private enterprises/ practitioners in the area. They have been working with the BFP

from the very beginning serving as instrument in the crafting and finalization of BFP

Quality Management System (QMS) Manual which was uploaded in the BFP website

and QMS implementation stage and subsequently subjected to series of Management


Furthermore, the BFP-NHQ and the MCFS officers and personnel were directed

to attend ISO awareness seminars and 5S of Good Housekeeping. In addition to this,


Internal Quality Audit (IQA) Seminar was conducted with the participation of selected

Officers/personnel of the BFP-NHQ particularly the Office of the established BFP-NHQ

QMS Office.

In the 3rd Quarter of 2018, a third party audit (external audit) involving the Offices

of the BFP-NHQ and MCFS was conducted by the DQS. The Audit was divided into two

(2) stages namely (1) Documentation Review and (2) Implementation Review.

The BFP has successfully surpassed the hardships and as a result it received its

ISO Certificates in such core process applied. The Awarding Ceremony was conducted

in 17th of December of 2018.

The Bureau of Fire Protection – Directorate for Fire Safety and Enforcement

(DFSE) establishes, implements and maintains this ISO 9001:2015 QMS to consistently

provide services that meet customer and applicable legal requirements and to

continuously improve customer’s satisfaction and the performance of QMS. The Bureau

strives to understand the dynamic external and internal context and the changing need

and expectation of relevant interesting parties, to identify and address the risks and

opportunities, by utilizing process approach, PDCA and risk-based thinking, data

analysis and quality management principles. Moreover, the Bureau continues to

establish policies, guidelines and SOP’s for the enforcement of the Fire Code while

extensively campaigns fire safety.


The photographs above show the BFP-NHQ QMS Overall Core Team headed by SSUPT RENATO BADONG MARCIAL, together with FIRE DIRECTOR LEONARD R BAÑAGO (DSC) during conduct the Pre-Certification Audit dated November 2018.

On August 28, 2018 with the BFP Top Management, a Management Review was conducted and participated by the BFP-NHQ ISO QMS Core Team, as well as the Key Officers and personnel of Muntinlupa City Fire Station (MCFS).


The awarding of ISO Certificates for BFP-NHQ and Muntinlupa City Fire Station for its Core Process with the DQS certifying body representative Ms. Norie Mendoza. Accepting the certificates are CSUPT LEONARD R BAÑAGO and SUPT BERNARD T ROSETE.


As we develop plans and programs aimed at improving efficiency, we uphold to

develop quality systems and procedures for effective fire safety inspection and fire safety

education, maintain harmonious relationship with building officials, private building

administrators and engineering associations to forge better working relationship.

The management establishes, implements and maintains the quality policy and

objectives below:


Top Management and Staff to provide:

Information on the accomplishment of Fire Safety Inspection, that is reliable and

updated every month.


Continuous education and enhancement of skills by providing Fire Inspection

Training and Education of 500 Fire Safety Inspectors and Plan Evaluators nationwide

yearly with an increase of 5% every year.

At least 70% satisfaction survey rating from stakeholders in the processing of


At least 90% inspection of buildings/business establishments, government

buildings, PEZA-registered establishments and energy facilities against

buildings/establishments listed under the Business Permit and Licensing Office (BPLO)

and/or existing list of businesses of stations nationwide within the prescribed period and

an increase of two (2) percent every year.

Fast and reliable service by accomplishing at least 95% of the issued Inspection

Order (IO) within the prescribed period from the receipt of IO.

At least 90% issuance of FSEC for compliant and/or approved building plans that

would serve as basis for application for Building Permit against the total number of FSEC

applications within the prescribed period and an increase of at least 2% every year.

At least 90% issuance of FSIC for compliant application for Business and

Occupancy Permit within the prescribed period and an increase of 2% every year.

Innovation, through modernization of IT infrastructure and deployment of 5 system

applications in three (3) regions including the National Headquarters.

Increase of Fire Code Fees collection by at least 10% yearly.

Top Management to provide support by ensuring sufficient resources to fully comply the

implementation of QMS.

“BFP QUALITY POLICY”BFP is to provide a high quality, professional and efficient service to ensure the

satisfaction of all of the requirements of our client. This achievement will result in


securing efficiency, firm of all the requirements of clients and enhancement of long-term

sustainability and pursuit of organizational excellence within the organization.

The Management Team will show leadership and commitment, and bear the

responsibility for establishing, implementing, integrating and maintaining the Quality

Management System.

We undertake to ensure sufficient resources are made available within the

Organization to achieve this. We undertake to ensure through communication,

engagement, practical example and training that Quality is the aim of all members of the


Through direction and support, each employee will have a proper understanding

of the importance of the Quality System function, their responsibility to contribute to its

effectiveness, and its direct relevance to the success of the Organization.

Equally, every employee is responsible for, and will be trained to perform the

duties required by his or her specific role.

The Organization has a Policy of promoting continual improvement and setting of

Quality Objectives in line with the framework laid down within ISO 9001:2015 Standard.

These objectives will address the risks and opportunities within the Organization as

determined by Top Management.

DFSE hereby certifies that this Quality System Manual and the Standard

Operating Procedures Manual accurately describes the Quality System in use within the

Organization to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.

The Quality System will be monitored, measured, evaluated and enhanced

regularly under Top Management’s ultimate responsibility, with regular reporting and

communication of the status and effectiveness at all levels.