Beyond the Bridge - Marine · PDF filedeliberations — Beyond the Bridge: ... issues...

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Beyond the BridgePilots in the Larger WorldJuly 5–9, 2011, Halifax, Nova Scotia


3RD CMPA COnGREss JUly 5–9, 2011 HAlIfAx, nOvA sCOtIA

TAble of ConTenTs 3

Hotel Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Congress Committees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Words of Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Exhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Exhibitor floor Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17..speakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23social Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.Accompanying Persons’ Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38..General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39Map of Downtown Halifax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40list of Participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

3RD CMPA COnGREss JUly 5–9, 2011 HAlIfAx, nOvA sCOtIA

HalifaxMarriotfloor Plan

2nd floor

ground floor

Fife & Drum Pub

Fife & Drum Deck

Main LobbyInformation








44 NorthUpperDiningArea

Deck (seasonal)



63 WestLounge



« BusinessCentre

44 NorthRestaurant

« Reception



CoatCheck Washrooms

Ballroom Foyer

Skylit Staircase





Exit to Boardwalk



Downtown Link to Casino

Nova Scotia Ballroom


4 HoTel MAP

3RD CMPA COnGREss JUly 5–9, 2011 HAlIfAx, nOvA sCOtIA

Congress CoMMITTees 5

CMPA 2011 national steering Committee

• Capt. simon Pelletier President, Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association and 3rd CMPA Congress Chair

• Capt. Andrew rae vice-president, Atlantic Region, Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association

• Capt. bernard boissonneault vice-president, laurentian Region, Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association

• Capt. Mike burgess vice-president, Great lakes Region, Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association

• Capt. fred Denning vice-president, Pacific Region, Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association

• Mr. Tristan K.-laflamme Executive Director, Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association

CMPA 2011 local organizing Committee

• Capt. Andrew rae vice-president, Atlantic Region, Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association and Host Committee Chair

• Mrs. Cheryl bidgood senior Associate, true north Public Affairs


We wish to thank all those who have contributed to the organization of the 3rd CMPA Congress and, in particular, Mr . James Roche, Managing Partner, true north Public Affairs, Messrs . Glenn Richardson, owner and operator, and David Alexander, President, of Alexander Richardson Inc . and Mr . Michael Ball, President, Initiate Marketing Inc .

3RD CMPA COnGREss JUly 5–9, 2011 HAlIfAx, nOvA sCOtIA

6. WorDs of WelCoMe

Dear friends and colleagues,

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the third Congress of the Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association . the Congress is being held in one of Canada’s most important and historic maritime cities; a very appropriate location for marine stakeholders to exchange views, ideas and experiences .

We are delighted to have so many respected panelists to share their perspectives on topics important to marine transportation and we hope that you will make the most of this opportunity to participate in the discussions and to establish or renew connections with others in the marine community .

On behalf of everyone involved, we wish you an enjoyable time at the conference .

Andrew rae, Vice-president, Atlantic Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association Chair, Host Committee

simon Pelletier, President Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association Chair, 3rd CMPA Congress

3RD CMPA COnGREss JUly 5–9, 2011 HAlIfAx, nOvA sCOtIA

WorDs of WelCoMe 7..

On behalf of the Government of Canada, I extend my warmest greetings to the organizers and delegates of the third Congress of the Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association . the Atlantic region has been a vital gateway to north America for over 400 years . throughout our history, it has played a major role in connecting Canadians to other cultures and to our trading partners . It seems only fitting that this congress should be held here in Halifax — one of the oldest and most beautiful port cities on our east coast .

the Government of Canada’s vision is to have a transportation system in this

country that is recognized around the world as safe and secure, efficient and environmentally responsible . We are working on many fronts to achieve this . As one example, we have just passed the Regulations Amending the Great lakes Pilotage Regulations . this new regime will put an end to pilotage exemptions for Canadian-flagged ships on the Great lakes . the work of many stakeholders, including delegates to this congress, helped resolve this long-standing issue, and I thank all those involved for their contribution .

I know that Canada’s marine pilots share our government’s vision of creating and maintaining a transportation system that is second to none . I am confident that your discussions here will serve to advance that vision . the theme of your deliberations — Beyond the Bridge: Pilots in the larger World — also serves to remind us all that marine pilots contribute to their communities in many ways . the Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association has done much over the years to further public safety, protect the environment and contribute to the overall success of our marine sector, and I am certain your work at this congress will uphold that tradition .


The Honourable Denis lebel Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities

3RD CMPA COnGREss JUly 5–9, 2011 HAlIfAx, nOvA sCOtIA

8.. WorDs of WelCoMe

On behalf of the Province of nova scotia, I am pleased to welcome you to the third Congress of the Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association, held this year in Halifax .

nova scotia is truly a province shaped by the sea . With some of the world’s largest natural harbours, we see a variety of vessels come through our waters, from container ships and cruise liners to historic schooners and naval vessels .

Ports throughout the province are significant contributors to job creation and nova scotia’s

economy . they also play an important role in providing access to goods and services to other areas of Canada and the United states through the Atlantic Gateway .

I want to thank the Association for choosing nova scotia to host this year’s conference, Beyond the Bridge — Pilots in the larger World . I’m certain you will not be disappointed .

Best wishes for a productive conference and please come visit us again soon!


Darrell Dexter, Q.C., M.l.A. Premier

3RD CMPA COnGREss JUly 5–9, 2011 HAlIfAx, nOvA sCOtIA

WorDs of WelCoMe 9

On behalf of Halifax Regional Council, it gives me great pleasure to extend warm greetings and a special welcome to all attending the Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association Congress taking place at the Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel, July 5th – 9th .

the 3rd CMPA Congress “Beyond the Bridge – Pilots in the Larger World” will provide marine transportation stakeholders from across the country and around the world with a forum to raise awareness and address issues specific to the maritime sector . Delegates will be presented the opportunity to collaborate, share knowledge, ideas,

and expertise with participants in areas from shifting global trade patterns to opportunities afforded by new technology .

I am pleased that you have chosen Halifax Regional Municipality as the site of your Congress and invite you to enjoy all our area has to offer, our region’s culture is noted for its unique blend of history and tradition, co-existing, comfortably with the contemporary . Enjoy!

Respectfully, I remain,

Peter Kelly Mayor

3RD CMPA COnGREss JUly 5–9, 2011 HAlIfAx, nOvA sCOtIA

10 sPonsors

Thank you to our sponsors

The Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association thanks the following organizations for their generous support of the 3rd CMPA Congress:




3RD CMPA COnGREss JUly 5–9, 2011 HAlIfAx, nOvA sCOtIA

sPonsors 11



3RD CMPA COnGREss JUly 5–9, 2011 HAlIfAx, nOvA sCOtIA

12 eXHIbITors

the world’s largest environmental and multi-disciplinary engineering companies and provides clients a one-stop solution to their environmental needs . AMEC’s Weather forecasting operations are headquartered in st . John’s, newfoundland . Marine services are based out of Dartmouth, nova scotia, and st . John’s .

Kongsberg Maritime simulation

KOnGsBERG is an international, knowledge-based corporation with more than 5,6.00 employees in some 25 countries . KOnGsBERG supplies high-technology systems and solutions to customers engaged in the oil and gas industry, the merchant marine and defence and aerospace industries .

Kongsberg Maritime simulation, a member of the KOnGsBERG Group, is a leading supplier of advanced maritime simulators to both commercial and defence training markets, worldwide . the company provides proven solutions for a full range of operations, including: bridge; engine room; liquid cargo handling; thermal power plant; GMDss; vessel traffic; crane; and web-enabled simulation .

The conference includes a three day trade show in the nova scotia foyer. exhibits are open for dele-gates during the following times:

Wednesday, July 6th 10:00 – 16.:30thursday, July 7th 10:00 – 17..:00friday, July 8th 10:00 – 14:00

Amec environment and Infrastructure

AMEC Environment & Infrastructure is a proud partner in the smartBay and smartAtlantic initiative and is one of north America’s leading full service earth and environmental engineering firms with approximately 4,6.00 employees in over 100 offices throughout north America .

AMEC provides a broad spectrum of physical environmental services including weather forecasting, meteorological and oceanographic consulting, ice management, information management, instrumentation, environmental assessment, environmental effects monitoring, marine geotechnical services, regulatory services, aquaculture, water quality and bird/mammal monitoring . this broad base of services places AMEC as one of

3RD CMPA COnGREss JUly 5–9, 2011 HAlIfAx, nOvA sCOtIA

eXHIbITors 13

aluminum ice capable boat; and the laurentian Ice Class, a 22m steel icebreaking boat .

lvE offers turnkey design and management services for new vessels, including concept design definition, detail design, EOI and RfP preparation, proposal review and builder selection, contract negotiation, construction supervision, commissioning, and warranty management . lvE also provides ongoing fleet support to help ensure our boats operate safely and reliably well beyond the warranty period .

Marine Institute

the fisheries and Marine institute (MI) of Memorial University of newfoundland is an education/ training and applied research facility located in st . John’s . the Institute is home to the Centre for Applied Ocean technology (Ctec) and the Centre for Marine simulation (CMs) .

Ctec undertakes applied research and development in four key areas - ocean observation, ocean mapping, ocean instrumentation and underwater intervention . smartBay, an applied ocean observation initiative situated in Placentia Bay on newfoundland’s

Kongsberg’s simulators are widely used by marine pilots around the world and our stand personnel extend a warm invitation to customers and colleagues to visit us in the exhibits area where we feature a part-task ship bridge simulator and host a series of pilotage-oriented demonstrations .

lengkeek Vessel engineering

lengkeek vessel Engineering Inc . is a nova scotia based naval architecture firm that has been providing services to the commercial and naval marine industry since 198..1 . the company employs naval architects, marine engineers and marine draftspersons and designs to first principles of engineering, classification society rules, and flag state regulations . Its quality management system is IsO 9001:2008.. certified for naval Architecture, Marine Engineering and Marine surveying services .

lvE’s design portfolio includes four styles of modern pilot boats: the Halifax Class, a light displacement and low fuel consumption 17..m aluminum boat; the Avalon Class, a heavier displacement yet high speed 19m aluminum ice capable boat; the laurentian Class, a heavier displacement yet high speed 20m

3RD CMPA COnGREss JUly 5–9, 2011 HAlIfAx, nOvA sCOtIA

14 eXHIbITors

groups, has enabled CMs to assist industry in using simulations to study port design, ship interactions, design evaluations, and human performance .

Marine simulation and resource Centre

Established by the Corporation of lower st . lawrence Pilots (ClslP), the Maritime simulation and Resource Centre (MsRC) welcomes all members of the maritime community, whether for training and professional development or to assist with the development of marine infrastructure initiatives .

Based in Quebec City, the Centre’s expertise in navigational safety and pilotage is truly unique and, while its core mission is focused on the training of ClslP pilots and apprentices, the Centre also offers a stimulating work environment and customized training courses both to pilots from other districts and to professional navigators who wish to learn new techniques or upgrade their skills .

south coast is a flagship project of Ctec . smartBay infrastructure includes three oceanographic buoys strategically placed within Placentia Bay providing meteorological and oceanographic information in support of safety and operational efficiency . the information is used routinely to support and manage marine operations in the bay . the buoy data are also used to create four-times-daily custom regional forecasts and accompanying hour-by-hour site-specific forecasts generated for the mouth of the bay, as well as for the Pilot Boarding station at Red Island . the near-real time data feeds and custom forecasts are available via the smartBay web portal (www .smartBay .ca) .

CMs contains the largest and most comprehensive suite of marine simulation capacity in Canada . With 14 simulators ranging from small desk top to full immersive motion capable systems the facility meets the training and operational needs of both the shipping and offshore sectors . the Centre has gathered considerable expertise in the areas of ice navigation and harsh environment operations through large scale industrial projects looking at risk assessments and procedural development . As the Centre has its own naval Architects and GIs personnel it allows for in-house ship modeling, geographic database design, and client-specific exercise development . this capacity, enhanced with partnerships with tank test facilities and ocean engineering

3RD CMPA COnGREss JUly 5–9, 2011 HAlIfAx, nOvA sCOtIA

eXHIbITors 15

raven Aerostar

Establlished iin 1956., Raven was established as a manufacturer of high-altitude research balloons for nAsA and the American space program . from that single product line, the company evolved into a successful publicly traded corporation and became a leader in providing high-performance marine navigation aid products including pilot portable units, a Bluetooth pilot interface, and traffic management systems .

sperry Marine

sperry Marine manufactures and supplies many types of marine equipment such as marine radars, gyrocompasses, integrated bridge systems and ECDIs . A member of the northtrop Grumman family of companies since 2000, sperry Marine is the heir of a long tradition of excellence, its legacy brands – sperry, Decca and C . Plath – being three of the best-known names in the marine electronics industry .

navicom Dynamics

Established in 2003, navicom Dynamics is the leading supplier of portable positioning systems (PPUs) to marine pilots around the world and is also the worldwide sales leader for such systems .

With customers on every continent, including port authorities, terminal operators, pilot groups, and the military, our leading products - HarbourPilot, ChannelPilot, AIsPilot and shuttlePilot – are noted for their reliability and longevity and make a significant contribution to marine safety every day around the world .

nAVsIM Technology

navsim technology Inc . is an innovative software and hardware R&D firm, primarily focused on electronic navigation solutions for both on-board and shore-based applications . Established in 2002 as a spin-off from the national Research Council’s Institute for Marine Dynamics, the company’s headquarters are located in st . John’s, newfoundland .

3RD CMPA COnGREss JUly 5–9, 2011 HAlIfAx, nOvA sCOtIA

16. eXHIbITor floor PlAn

Ballroom Foyer CMPA Registration « Entrance

CMPA General Session Room(Nova Scotia Ballroom)


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Booth #1 & #2: Kongsberg Maritime simulation

Booth #3: Maritime similation resource Centre

Booth #4: navicom Dynamics

Booth #5: Marine Institue

Booth #6.: lengkeek Vessel engineering Inc.

Booth #7..: nAV sIM

Booth #8..: AMeC earth environmental

Booth #9: Aerostar International / raven

Booth #10: sperry Marine Canada

3RD CMPA COnGREss JUly 5–9, 2011 HAlIfAx, nOvA sCOtIA

ProgrAM 17..

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

12:00 – 18..:00 Registration Open Halifax Ballroom Foyer

18..:00 – 21:00 Welcome Reception Maritime Museum Meet in Hotel Lobby

Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

7..:00 – 9:00 Breakfast Halifax Ballroom A/B

7..:30 – 17..:00 Registration Open Halifax Ballroom Foyer

9:00 – 10:15 opening Ceremony N.S. Ballroom C/D

Chair: Capt . simon Pelletier, President, Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association

• Mr . Efthimios Mitropoulos, secretary General, International Maritime Organization

• Capt . Andrew Rae, vice-president, Atlantic region, Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association and Host Committee Chair

• Councillor Reg Rankin, Halifax Regional Municipality

• the Honourable Percy Paris, Minister of Economic and Rural Development and tourism, Government of nova scotia

• Capt . Mike Watson, President, International Maritime Pilots’ Association

• the Honourable steven fletcher, PC, MP, Minister of state (transport), Government of Canada

• Her Honour the Honourable Mayann E . francis, O .n .s ., DHuml, lieutenant Governor of nova scotia

• Welcoming Performance – Highlanders

• Declaration of the Opening of the 3rd CMPA Congress

10:30 – 16.:00 Companions tour – Grand Pre Meet in Hotel Lobby

10:00 – 15:30 Exhibit Area Open N.S. Ballroom Foyer

10:15 – 10:45 Coffee Break N.S. Ballroom Foyer

3RD CMPA COnGREss JUly 5–9, 2011 HAlIfAx, nOvA sCOtIA

18.. ProgrAM

10:45 – 12:00 session I: N.S. Ballroom C/D

Prospects for the World economy and What It Means for global Trade

this session will look at emerging global economic trends and how international trade and shipping could be affected .

Chair: Mr . Rick Dykstra, M .P

• Mr . Peter Harder, senior Policy Advisor, fraser Milner Casgrain and President, Canada-China Business Council; former Deputy Minister, foreign Affairs and International trade and former Deputy Minister, Industry

• Mr . Don Drummond, Adjunct Professor, Queen’s University; former Chief Economist to tD Bank

12:00 – 13:45 lunch Halifax Ballroom, A/B

13:45 – 15:00 session II: N.S. Ballroom, C/D

The role of regulation in an open economy

this session will examine current trends regarding the manner and extent to which regulation is used and, in particular, how well the public interest is served in light of often-competing safety and commercial considerations .

Chair: Mr . Douglas smith, Chair, Great lakes Pilotage Authority

• Mr . Paul Jenkins, Distinguished fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation; former senior Deputy-Governor of the Bank of Canada

• Dr . Michael tretheway, President IntervIstAs Consulting, Chief Economist IntervIstAs Consulting Group and Adjunct Professor, sauder school of Business, University of British Columbia

15:00 – 15:30 Coffee Break N.S. Ballroom Foyer

3RD CMPA COnGREss JUly 5–9, 2011 HAlIfAx, nOvA sCOtIA

ProgrAM 19

15:30 – 16.:30 session III: N.S. Ballroom, C/D

The role of the International Maritime organization

this session will examine the founding principles, history and current activities of the International Maritime Organization, and its relationship with pilotage .

Chair: Mr . George Malec, vice-President, Business Development and Operations, Halifax Port Authority

• Mr . Efthimios Mitropoulos, secretary General, International Maritime Organization

• Capt . Mike Watson, President, International Maritime Pilots’ Association

17..:00 Buses depart for Dinner Meet in Hotel Lobby

17..:30 – 19:15 Reception & Dinner Restaurant Five Fishermen

19:30 – 22:30 nova scotia tattoo Halifax Metro Centre

Thursday, July 7th, 2011

7..:00 – 9:00 Breakfast Halifax Ballroom, A/B

7..:30 – 17..:00 Registration Open Halifax Ballroom Foyer

9:00 – 10:15 session IV: N.S. Ballroom, C/D

shaping Public Policy

this session will examine changing factors influencing the development of public policy and how decision-makers are engaged effectively .

Chair: Mr . Gerard McDonald, Assistant Deputy Minister, safety and security, transport Canada

• Mr . Alex Himelfarb, Director of the Glendon school of Public and International Affairs, york University and former Clerk of the Privy Council, Government of Canada

• Mr . lawrence Martin, Public Affairs Columnist, the Globe & Mail

10:30 – 14:00 Companions tour – Historic Halifax Meet in Hotel Lobby

3RD CMPA COnGREss JUly 5–9, 2011 HAlIfAx, nOvA sCOtIA

20 ProgrAM

10:00 – 17..:00 Exhibit Area Open N.S. Ballroom Foyer

10:15 – 10:45 Coffee Break N.S. Ballroom Foyer

10:45 – 12:00 session V: N.S. Ballroom, C/D

Professional liability and Pilotage

this session will review recent developments concerning professional liability in the marine sector and their impact on pilots .

Chair: Mr . tom Calkin, Chair, Atlantic Pilotage Authority

• Mr . Paul Kirchner, Executive Director and General Counsel, American Pilots’ Association

• Mr . Jean Grégoire, langlois, Kronstrom, Desjardins

12:00 – 14:00 luncheon Halifax Ballroom, A/B

speaker: Rear Admiral David Gardam, Commander of Maritime forces Atlantic – “Canada’s Counter Piracy efforts”

14:00 – 15:15 session VI: N.S. Ballroom, C/D

responding to Marine navigational Challenges

this session will look at very different challenges faced in marine navigation and discuss how the industry is meeting them .

Chair: Mr . James Quinn, President and Chief Executive Officer, saint John Port Authority

• lnG terminals: Mr . fraser forsythe, Health, safety, security & Environmental Manager, Canaport lnG

• simulation and Marine Infrastructure: Capt . Garland Hardy, President, lantec Marine Inc .

• Underkeel Clearance Management systems: Capt . Jonathon Pearce, OMC International

15:15 – 15:45 Coffee Break N.S. Ballroom Foyer

3RD CMPA COnGREss JUly 5–9, 2011 HAlIfAx, nOvA sCOtIA

ProgrAM 21

15:45 – 17..:00 session VII: N.S. Ballroom, C/D

recent Developments in e-navigation

this session will examine recent developments regarding the implementation of the International Maritime Organization’s e-navigation strategy and how they affect pilotage .

Chair: Capt . Andrew Rae, vice-president, Atlantic region, Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association; Host Committee Chair

• Dr . lee Alexander, Research Associate Professor, Ocean Engineering, University of new Hampshire

• Capt . simon Pelletier, vice-president, International Maritime Pilots’ Association

• Capt . Kevin vail, Chair, CMPA technical Committee

18..:30 – 19:30 Gala Reception Halifax Ballroom Foyer

19:30 – 24:00 Gala Dinner & Dance Halifax BallroomPresentation of CMPA Award for Outstanding Contributions to Marine safety to Justice yves Bernier

friday, July 8th, 2011

07..:00 – 09:00 Breakfast Halifax Ballroom, A/B

07..:30 – 14:00 Registration Open Halifax Ballroom Foyer

09:00 – 10:15 session VIII: N.S. Ballroom, C/D

statutory framework for Pilotage in Canada

this session will examine the statutory framework applicable to the governance, administration and delivery of pilotage in Canada and how it affects Pilotage Authorities and pilots .

Chair: Mr . David K . Gardiner, Chair, Pacific Pilotage Authority

• Ms . Maryantonett flumian, President, Institute on Governance• Mr . Richard Wagner, senior Partner, lawyer, norton Rose

10:00 – 14:00 Exhibit Area Open N.S. Ballroom Foyer

10:15 – 10:45 Coffee Break N.S. Ballroom Foyer

3RD CMPA COnGREss JUly 5–9, 2011 HAlIfAx, nOvA sCOtIA

22 ProgrAM

10:45 – 12:00 session IX: N.S. Ballroom, C/D

Pilotage Around the World

this session will provide an overview of recent developments affecting pilotage worldwide and a discussion about their implications for marine safety, security and efficiency .

Chair: Capt . simon Pelletier, President, Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association

• Capt . Mike Watson, President, International Maritime Pilots’ Association

• Capt . frédéric Moncany, President, fédération française des syndicats de pilotes maritimes

• Capt . Ricardo falcão, President, Brazilian Maritime Pilots’ Association, COnAPRA

• Capt . Hans-Hermann lückert, President, German Pilots’ Association

12:00 – 14:00 luncheon Halifax Ballroom, A/B

speaker: Mr . steve forbes, Director, UNCLOS Project, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canadian Hydrographic Service – “Canada’s extended Continental shelf in the Atlantic and the Arctic and the United nations Convention on the law of the sea”

17..:45 Depart for lobster Ceilidh Meet in Hotel Lobby

18..:00 – 19:30 Reception on Halifax Harbour Harbour Queen

19:30 – 22:30 lobster Ceilidh Murphy’s on the Water

saturday, July 9th, 2011

07..:00 – 09:00 Breakfast N.S. Ballroom D

09:00 – 10:00 CMPA executive Meeting (closed session)

Halifax Ballroom, C

10:00 – 10:30 Coffee Break N.S. Ballroom Foyer

10:30 – 12:00 CMPA executive Meeting (public) Halifax Ballroom, C

12:00 – 14:00 lunch N.S. Ballroom, D

3RD CMPA COnGREss JUly 5–9, 2011 HAlIfAx, nOvA sCOtIA

sPeAKers 23

Don Drummond

Don Drummond received his undergraduate degree from the University of victoria . He subsequently received his M .A . in Economics from Queen’s University .

Mr . Drummond joined the federal Department of finance upon completing his studies at Queen’s . During almost 23 years at finance, Mr . Drummond held a series of progressively more senior positions in the areas of economic analysis and forecasting, fiscal policy and tax policy . His last three positions were, respectively, Assistant Deputy Minister of fiscal Policy & Economic Analysis, Assistant Deputy Minister of tax Policy & legislation, and Associate Deputy Minister . In this latter position, Mr . Drummond was responsible for economic analysis, fiscal policy, tax policy, social policy and federal-provincial relations . Of particular note, Mr . Drummond annually coordinated the planning of the federal budget .

Mr . Drummond joined the tD Bank in 2000 as senior vice President and Chief Economist, leading tD Economics’ work in analyzing and forecasting economic performance in Canada and abroad . tD Economics also analyzes the key policies which influence economic performance, including monetary and fiscal policies .

following his retirement as tD’s Chief Economist in 2010, Mr . Drummond

lee Alexander

lee Alexander is a Research Associate Professor at the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center at the University of new Hampshire, and an Adjunct Professor at the University of new Brunswick .

Previously a Research scientist with the U .s . Coast Guard, Dr . Alexander was also a visiting scientist with the Canadian Hydrographic service . His area of expertise is applied Research, Development, test and Evaluation (RDt&E) on electronic charting, international standards development, and the use of electronic charts for safety-of-navigation and marine environmental protection . He serves on several international committees/working groups dealing with electronic charting, including the International Hydrographic Organization, the International Electrotechnical Commission, and the International Association of lighthouse Authorities . He Chairs the Harmonization Group on Marine Information Overlays .

Dr . Alexander has published over 100 papers and reports on electronic chart-related technologies, and is a co-author of a textbook on Electronic Charting . lee received his M .s . from the University of new Hampshire, and Ph .D . from yale University in natural Resource Management . He is also a Captain (now retired) in the U .s . navy Reserve .

3RD CMPA COnGREss JUly 5–9, 2011 HAlIfAx, nOvA sCOtIA

24 sPeAKers

Maryantonnett flumian

Maryantonett flumian is the President of the Institute on Governance (IOG) . founded in 1990, IOG is an independent, not-for-profit public interest institution with its head office in Ottawa and an office in toronto .Its mission is to promote better governance through exploring, dev-eloping and promoting the principles, standards and practices which underlie good governance in the public sphere, both in Canada and abroad .

Madame flumian is responsible for the development of the Institute’s vision and strategic direction, project and partnership development, and the fostering of programs to promote public discussion of governance issues . she is a seasoned senior executive at the Deputy Minister level in the Canadian federal Public service with more than 20 years of large-scale operational experience in the economic, social and federal/provincial domains .

Madame flumian is internationally recognized for her work as a trans-formational leader across many complex areas of public policy and administration such as labour markets, firearms, fisheries, and environmental issues . she sits on the advisory board of the Harvard Policy Group, John f . Kennedy school of Government, and the advisory group of nGenera’s Government 2 .0: Wikinomics, Government and Democracy research program . she holds a Master’s Degree in History from the University of toronto .

was appointed the Matthews fellow and Distinguished visiting scholar in the school of Policy studies at Queen’s University .

Mr . Drummond travels widely across Canada and abroad, speaking to tD clients and various groups about the Canadian economy and its prospects and he is frequently quoted by the media on economic and policy issues .

ricardo falcão

Ricardo falcão trained at the Brazilian Merchant Marine Academy from 1994 to 1998.. . In 1999, he joined the Amazon River Pilots as an Apprentice Pilot and received his first class license in 2000 . He has also completed Port Revel’s shiphandling, Advanced Azipod and Emergency courses .

since becoming a pilot, Captain falcão has played a leadership role in Brazilian pilotage matters . from 2002 to 2009, he served on the technical committee of the Amazon River Pilots Association, and from 2006. to 2010, on the technical committee of the Brazilian Pilots´ Association . He has been a member of the Brazilian delegation to the IMO sub-Committee on standards of training and Watchkeeping .

Captain falcão was elected vice President of the Amazon River Pilots Association in 2010 and is currently the President of the Brazilian Pilots’ Association . He is a member of the nautical Institute .

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fraser forsythe

fraser forsythe received his degree in electrical engineering from the University of new Brunswick before beginning his career in telecommunications with Bell Canada and nBtel as a field engineer . He later served as manager of H .D . MacMackin Electrical Contractors, Premier telecommunications and Auracom Internet services .

In 1997.., Mr . forsythe joined fundy Communications where he held a number of positions, including product manager and director of field operations . After working briefly for C1 Communications in Mississauga, he returned to new Brunswick as manager of commercial accounts in fredericton for nB Power .

Mr . forsythe is currently the Health, safety, security and Environmental Manager for Canaport lnG .

David gardam

David Gardam enrolled in the Canadian militia in 197..5 as a Private in the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders and subsequently transferred to the naval Reserves in 197..7.. and the Regular force in 198..1 . His extensive sea time has been primarily concentrated in the Atlantic fleet, where he earned his watchkeeping certificate in HMCs HUROn and subsequently served as Weapons Directing Officer, Diving

steve forbes

steve forbes graduated for Mount Allison University with a Bachelor of science in Physics and Math and a Certificate in Engineering . He joined the Canadian Hydrographic service (CHs) in 197..2 as a field hydrographer . After serving as a Marine Geomatics supervisor, supporting the hardware and software applications for digital hydrographic data acquisition, analysis and digital cartographic production, he was appointed Manager, nautical Publications in 2001 .

In this capacity, Mr . forbes was responsible for the production of CHs publications in the Atlantic region, which includes the Atlantic coast from Cape Chidley, labrador, to the maritime boundary with the United states . CHs has offices in the Atlantic region at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography in Dartmouth and in st . John’s .

In 2007.., Mr . forbes was appointed Director of Hydrography (Atlantic) and in 2011 he was appointed Director, law of the sea Project, Canadian Hydrographic service at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth .

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Jean grégoire

Jean Grégoire received a Bachelor of law degree from the University of Ottawa in 198..0 and was further qualified in maritime law at McGill University in 198..6. . His law practice encompasses both litigation and commercial matters in the marine and energy sectors .

Mr . Grégoire’s maritime law practice has been enriched by years of service as a crew member onboard commercial vessels and a Department of transport Certificate of Competency as Watchkeeping Mate (Deck Officer) .

In the course of his law practice, Mr . Grégoire has acted for several shipowners and underwriters in marine liability cases before the federal Court and the federal Court of Appeal . In addition to advising several Canadian companies on matters related to contracts of carriage, he has undertaken litigation in the energy sector pertaining to latent and manufacturing defects in complex machinery .

Among his many activities, Mr . Grégoire has served as Chairman of the Musée maritime Bernier and as a founding member of the Port of Quebec’s steering Committee on Maritime Industry . He is a member of the Board of Directors of the st . lawrence Economic Development Council, a member of the Association of Maritime Arbitrators of Canada and a member of the Canadian Maritime law Association .

Officer and navigating Officer . He was then Executive Officer of HMCs MIRAMICHI, Combat Officer of HMCs GAtInEAU, Combat Officer sea training Atlantic, and Executive Officer HMCs HAlIfAx .

Rear-Admiral Gardam’s command experience also includes HMCs CHARlOttEtOWn, Commander sea training Atlantic, HMCs AtHABAsKAn and Commandant of the Canadian forces Maritime Warfare centre .

Rear-Admiral Gardam’s appointments ashore include the senior staff Officer submarine Manning and training, Detachment Commander of naval training Detachment in Halifax, Director Maritime Policy Operations and Readiness for the Chief of the Maritime staff, Director General Plans for the strategic Joint staff working for the Chief of the Defence staff, and Deputy Director General International security Policy .

Rear-Admiral Gardam holds a Bachelors Degree from the University of Winnipeg and is a graduate of the Command and staff College Course and the national security studies Program in toronto . He was appointed Commander Joint task force Atlantic and Commander Maritime forces Atlantic in 2010

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Mr . Harder is a member of the Power financial Corporation, IGM financial Corporation, ARIsE technologies, telesat Canada, Energizer Resources, northland Power and Pinetree Capital limited Boards of Directors . He is also a member of the Boards of Governors of the University of Ottawa, the United Church foundation, the Commonwealth Games foundation of Canada, and chairs the boards of the national Police services Advisory Council (RCMP) and Genome Canada . since 2008.., he has served as an independent advisor to the Auditor General of Canada .

Mr . Harder was appointed a trudeau foundation Mentor for 2009-2010 . He also serves as the Chair of the national Arts Centre’s Governance, nominating, and Ethics Committee . In 2008.., he was elected the President of the Canada China Business Council (CCBC) .

garland Hardy

Garland Hardy is the president of lAntEC Marine Inc ., a Dartmouth, nova scotia based company specializing in the development and delivery of advanced simulation training to naval and commercial customers utilising Kongsberg ship’s bridge simulators . Mr . Hardy has an extensive experience in curriculum design and training systems development for the instruction and certification of ship’s officers and bridge teams .

Peter Harder

Peter Harder is senior Policy Advisor to fraser Milner Casgrain (fMC) llP . He possesses a wealth of expertise in public policy as a result of his involvement at the centre of government decision-making for over thirty years .

Prior to joining fMC, Mr . Harder was a long-serving Deputy Minister in the Government of Canada . first appointed Deputy Minister in 1991, he headed a number of federal departments including treasury Board, solicitor General, Citizenship and Immigration, Industry, and foreign Affairs and International trade . At foreign Affairs, Mr . Harder assumed the responsibilities of the Personal Representative of the Prime Minister to three G8.. summits (sea Island, Gleneagles and st . Petersburg) .

In 2000, the Governor General presented Mr . Harder with the Prime Minister’s Outstanding Achievement Award for public service leadership . In 2002, he was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Medal for public service . And in 2007.., the President of Colombia named Mr . Harder grand master of the Order of san Carlos for his contribution to international relations .

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Dr . Himelfarb was a Professor of sociology at the University of new Brunswick from 197..2 to 198..1 . During this period, he undertook an Executive Interchange with the Department of Justice as Head of the Unified family Court Project from 197..9 to 198..1 .

In 198..1, he joined the Public service of Canada . He held a number positions of increasing responsibility within the Department of the solicitor General of Canada, including Director General, Planning and systems, and Executive Director of the national Parole Board . He later served as Assistant secretary to the Cabinet, social Policy Development and as Associate secretary of the treasury Board . While serving as Associate secretary of the treasury Board, he also headed the federal task force on Canada’s social Union . In 1999, Dr . Himelfarb became Deputy Minister of Canadian Heritage .

from 2002 to 2006., he served as Clerk of the Privy Council and secretary to the Cabinet . He was then named as Ambassador of Canada to the Italian Republic with concurrent accreditation to the Republic of Albania and the Republic of san Marino, and as High Commissioner for Canada to the Republic of Malta .

Dr . Himelfarb is a graduate of the University of toronto where he obtained a Ph .D . in sociology . He also serves on a number of Boards including the trudeau foundation, the World Wildlife fund, and Canada 2020 .

lAntEC has also conducted numerous port development and manoeuvring studies, often partnering with pilotage and port groups, including the lower st . lawrence Pilots Corporation, the British Columbia Coast Pilots, the Panama Canal Pilots, the Port of Halifax, the Port of Montreal, the Port of vancouver, Malaysian Marine Department, and Centro Jovellanos, Gijon, spain .

Mr . Hardy has a Bachelor’s degree in business administration from College Militaire Royal de st-Jean, and holds a Canadian navy Maritime Advanced navigating Officer qualification and a Master foreign Going Certificate .

Alex Himelfarb

In 2009, Alex Himelfarb was appointed as Director of the Glendon school of Public and International Affairs at york University . He guides the expansion of the school’s research capacity and its professional development programming, while strengthening the relationship between the school and the public sector . Dr . Himelfarb also leads the Centre for Global Challenges which, stressing the interplay of domestic and global issues brings together decision-makers, researchers, practitioners, and students to explore challenges confronting Canada in a changing world .

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been a practicing maritime lawyer for over 30 years, first with a law firm in Washington, DC and then, in 1992 to his current position with the APA .

In addition to his work representing the APA and Us pilots before Congress, state legislatures, regulatory bodies and the courts, he is a frequent speaker, writer and instructor on the legal aspects of pilotage, pilot training, pilot group operations, and other marine safety issues .

since 1996., he has been a member of the Us delegation to meetings of the International Maritime Organization’s Maritime safety Committee and its standards of training and Watchkeeping and safety of navigation subcommittees .

Hans-Hermann lückert

Hans-Hermann lückert went to sea as an apprentice in 197..3, receiving his AB-sailor designation in 197..5, a mate-degree from the Bremen navigation school in 198..1, and a master certificate without limit in 198..5 . Beginning in 198..7.., Captain lückert served as master on several ships, including a 190 meter ferry between Germany and sweden from 198..9 to 1992 .

In 1992, Captain lückert became a sea pilot in Kiel-Canal and Western-Baltic, and since 2001, has been a deep-sea-pilot for the entire Baltic . In 2005, he became the Chairman of the 18..0-

Paul Jenkins

Paul Jenkins served as senior Deputy Governor of the Bank of Canada from 2003 to 2010 . He was the Bank’s Chief Operating Officer and a member of its Board of Directors . Mr . Jenkins’ duties included overseeing strategic planning, the conduct of monetary policy as a member of the Bank’s Governing Council, and participating in fulfilling the Bank’s responsibilities for promoting financial stability .

Mr . Jenkins current activities include: member of the Board of Governors of the University of Western Ontario; senior Distinguished fellow in the faculty of Public Affairs, Carleton University; senior fellow, C . D . Howe Institute; and Distinguished fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation .

Mr . Jenkins graduated from the University of Western Ontario in 197..1 with an honours bachelor in economics . He began his career with the Bank of Canada in 197..2, in the bank’s research department, shortly after receiving a Master’s degree in economics from the london school of Economics . In 198..2–8..3, he continued his studies in economics at Princeton University .

Paul Kirchner

Paul Kirchner is the Executive Director and General Counsel of the American Pilots’ Association (APA) . He has

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efthimios e. Mitropoulos

In 1959, Efthimios Mitropoulos graduated with honours from the Aspropyrgos Merchant Marine Academy . Between 1959 and 196.2, he served as apprentice, second and chief deck officer on merchant ships on voyages around the world, and, in 196.2, he entered the Hellenic Coast Guard Academy . After graduation in 196.4, he began his career as a Coast Guard Officer, retiring with the rank of Rear Admiral in 197..9 .

In 196.5, he studied shipping economics in Italy and in 197..0 he studied marine technology in the United Kingdom . Between 196.6. and 197..7.., he participated, initially as a member and later as Head of the Greek Delegation, in the work of various sub-Committees and the Maritime safety Committee of IMO . He also participated at the 197..2 Collision Regulations and 197..4 safety of life at sea Conferences . He attended the third United nations Conference on the law of the sea (197..5-197..7..) as a member of the Greek delegation .

Between 196.7.. and 197..2, he laid the foundations of Greece’s Joint Maritime and Aeronautical search and Rescue Centre .

Mr . Mitropoulos joined IMO in 197..9 as Implementation Officer in the Maritime safety Division and in 198..5 was appointed Head of the navigation section . In 198..9 he was promoted to

member Kiel-Canal and Western-Baltic Pilot-Association . since 2009, Captain lückert has served as president of the German Maritime Pilot Association, which has around 900 members, 7..7..5 of which are sea pilots and 125 of which are harbour pilots .

lawrence Martin

lawrence Martin is an Ottawa-based public affairs columnist for the Globe and Mail . He began as a sports reporter in 197..4, later serving as correspondent in Moscow, opening the paper’s bureau there in 198..5 and as bureau chief in Washington and Montreal .

Mr . Martin was also a national affairs columnist for the southam newspapers chain until 2001 . He writes an occasional column for the Montreal daily la Presse and appears frequently on Canadian television and radio as a political commentator .

A best-selling author, Mr . Martin has written 10 books, including a two-volume study of Prime Minister Jean Chrétien and two books on Canada-U .s . relations . the Politics of Control, a book about the first 4 years of PM stephen Harper’s governance was released in October 2010 .

He received a Bachelor of Arts in political science from McMaster University in 196.9, and a Master of Public Administration from Harvard University in 198..3 .

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serves as a pilot on the seine River, working for the Port of Rouen . for the past eight years, he has led the Rouen Pilots’ Organisation .

In April 2009, Captain Moncany was appointed Chairman of the french Maritime Pilots Association . In his capacity as Chairman, he plays an active role in relation with the Government of france and is particularly involved in matters related to the maritime administration . Captain Moncany has strongly emphasized the importance for french pilots of relations with both European and international institutions . In this regard, he has developed close relations with members of the European Parliament, been closely involved with the European Maritime Pilots Association and the International Marine Pilots Association (IMPA), and served had a member of the french delegation at the International Maritime Organisation . In 2010, Captain Moncany was elected to a four-year term as vice-president of IMPA .

He is member of the supreme Council of the french Merchant Marine, he is a Chevalier de l’Ordre du Mérite Maritime and a lt . Commander in the french navy Reserve Corps .

senior Deputy Director for navigation and Related Matters and in 1992 was appointed Director of the Maritime safety Division and secretary of the Maritime safety Committee .

Between 198..9 and 1998.., he led IMO’s efforts to establish a global search and Rescue (sAR) Plan . In 2000, he was appointed Assistant secretary-General .

Mr . Mitropoulos was elected secretary-General for the period 2004 to 2008.. . In 2006., the IMO Council decided to renew his mandate for another 4 years, concluding 31 December 2011 .

In 2004, he was appointed Chancellor of the World Maritime University (Malmo, sweden) and Chairman of the Governing Board of the International Maritime law Institute (Malta) .

frédéric Moncany de saint Aignan

frédéric Moncany began his career at sea in 197..6., working for the Compagnie Générale Maritime . Most of his trips at sea were to European ports of call and crossing the north Atlantic, with dozens of calls to Halifax at Bedford Basin on board ACl ships .

Captain Moncany graduated as a first Class Master Mariner from le Havre Merchant navy school in 198..7.. and began his pilot’s career in 1990 . He

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simon Pelletier

simon Pelletier is an experienced mariner, having sailed on many different types of vessels, on every ocean, and made ports of call on all continents . He started his career in 198..2 and rapidly achieved the rank of master before qualifying for his license as a marine pilot on the st . lawrence River in 1996. .

A champion of both his profession and marine safety, Captain Pelletier has played a leadership role in the Corporation of lower st . lawrence Pilots, which he served as President from 2004 to 2007.., and in the Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association (CMPA), of which he became President in 2009 .

Captain Pelletier also has a keen interest in international affairs affecting marine pilots . Elected as vice-president of the International Maritime Pilots Association (IMPA) in 2008.., his work at the international level has focused on pilot personal safety and e-navigation . Captain Pelletier has also participated in a number of meetings of the International Maritime Organization when its deliberations touched on matters of concern to pilots .

Jonathon Pearce

Jonathon Pearce is the Business Development Manager and senior Pilotage Advisor for OMC International . Prior to joining OMC, Captain Pearce was a Marine Risk Assessor and undertook a formal safety Assessment for Milford Haven, and other risk projects including falmouth, Plymouth and Poole; he also co-managed the risk assessment for a lnG terminal in shannon .

Before serving as a risk assessor, he spent 12 years as a senior harbour pilot with Port taranaki, new Zealand, and was project manager for the installation of new Zealand’s first Dynamic Underkeel Clearance system (DUKC®) .

Captain Pearce also served on the Pilotage standards and training advisory panel to Maritime new Zealand and is a recognised expert witness for pilotage and port operations .

since joining OMC International, he has been involved in installation of DUKC® systems worldwide . He also oversees the training of pilots, harbourmasters and vts staff in the use of DUKC® systems and, in this role, still undertakes harbour transits with pilots .

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with offices in Washington, the Hague, london (UK), Ottawa, Winnipeg, and san Juan, Puerto Rico . He has been with IntervIstAs since founding it with his colleagues in 1997.. .

Dr . tretheway earned a PhD in economics from the University of Wisconsin, and from 198..3-1996. served as Associate Professor of transportation and logistics in the Business school at the University of British Columbia (UBC), where he continues to hold an appointment as an Adjunct Professor .

At UBC, his speciality was transportation economics and management and business logistics . Dr . tretheway has written extensively in the area of transport and logistics, including five books and 40 scholarly papers on airline, airport, marine and railway economics, globalisation, deregulation and privatisation . He served on the board of editors of the logistics and transportation Review and has taught business logistics and international business logistics in Canada, france and China, and has conducted a course on business logistics in singapore . Dr . tretheway is an expert in foreign trade zone governance and marketing .

Dr . tretheway’s expertise has resulted in many engagements as an expert witness in court, tribunal and regulatory proceedings .

Andrew rae

Andrew Rae is a Master Mariner and a class ‘A’ pilot working in the Atlantic Pilotage Authority’s Port of Halifax district, where he has served for over twenty four years .

Prior to becoming a marine pilot, Captain Rae served at sea for over fifteen years . Eight of those years were spent as Master on various classes of vessels engaged in the domestic, foreign, and high-Arctic trades .

Captain Rae’s work as a partner with industry to improve safety and efficiency in marine transportation has been a hallmark of his career . Captain Rae’s commitment to the maritime community extends beyond pilotage and the shipping industry . for years he has been a driving force behind the Halifax’s Mission to seafarers – notably serving as its Chair from 2006. to 2010 – raising money and engaging the entire community in efforts to provide help and comfort to mariners .

He is a graduate of nautical science from the Marine Institute in st . John’s, newfoundland and is the CMPA’s vice President for the Atlantic region .

Michael Tretheway

Michael tretheway is President of IntervIstAs Consulting Inc ., and Global Chief Economist of the IntervIstAs Consulting Group, headquartered in vancouver,

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richard Wagner

Richard Wagner focuses on Canadian federal administrative and regulatory law affecting business, with particular emphasis on customs, international trade, competition/antitrust and government procurement . His customs and international trade law experience includes advising and representing clients in matters regarding the import and export of goods and services, trade remedies and recourse under trade treaties . His competition law experience includes mergers and acquisitions, reviewable practices such as refusal to deal and abuse of dominant position, as well as conspiracy and restraint of trade issues .

Mr . Wagner federal government procurement law experience includes advising clients on structuring contracts, contract tender procedures and advising and representing clients in negotiations with government departments and agencies, as well as in regard to bid challenges .

Mr . Wagner regularly advises and represents norton Rose’s Canadian and foreign clients regarding customs, trade, competition and procurement issues before government departments, agencies and tribunals such as the Canadian International trade tribunal, and the courts .

Mr . Wagner received a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) from McGill University in 197..8.. and a Bachelor of law from Queen’s University in 198..1 . He was called to the Ontario Bar in 198..3 .

Kevin Vail

A pilot on the west coast of Canada since 2001, Kevin vail has also served as a director of British Columbia Coast Pilots ltd . (BCCP) and as a member of its technical committee . While serving as director, he was responsible for the testing and implementation of the BCCP portable piloting unit solution . He remains a member of the BCCP technical Committee and now chairs the CMPA national technical Committee .

Captain vail began his marine career on a fishing vessel on Great slave lake in the northwest territories when he was 15 years old . In 198..2, he completed a diploma in Biological sciences at the northern Alberta Institute of technology, before pursuing a career as a mariner . In 198..8.. he received his Master Mariner Certificate while working on deep sea tankers . He has worked in the offshore industry, in the towing industry and on Coast Guard buoy tenders .

Committed to piloting and with a special interest in its technical aspects, Captain vail believes that the benefits for pilotage from technological changes are only optimized when there is meaningful pilot input throughout the development and implementation phases .

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Michael Watson

Michael Watson attended the United states’ Merchant Marine Academy, graduating with a degree in marine transportation and commissioned as Ensign in the U .s . naval Reserve . His professional license is now Master of steam and Motor vessels .

Captain Watson holds a federal pilot license by the U .s . Coast Guard and is also licensed by the state of Maryland as a first Class Pilot for the waters of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries .

After working for the Military sealift Command, supplying troops in south vietnam, he joined farrell lines Inc ., of new york, transporting commercial cargoes to Africa, Australia, new Zealand and Mexico . He rose to the position of Chief Officer at farrell lines before becoming a licensed pilot .

Captain Watson pursued a parallel career as a leader of pilots, first with the Association of Maryland Pilots, of which he ultimately became the President . In 2000, Captain Watson was elected President of the American Pilots’ Association, a position he continues to hold . In 2002, he was elected as vice President of IMPA and, in 2006., he was elected President for a four-year term . He was re-elected as President for another term in 2010 .

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36. soCIAl ProgrAM HIgHlIgHTs

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011Welcome reception

17..:45 Meet in Hotel lobby18..:00 – 21:00 Maritime Museum of the Atlantic

Join us for our Welcome Reception, within walking distance from the hotel, in the heart of Halifax’s historic waterfront . there is no better place to immerse yourself in nova scotia’s rich maritime heritage than the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic! the Museum will allow you to discover the stories, events and people that have come to define

nova scotia and its relationship with the sea – from small craft boatbuilding to convoys from both World Wars, from ships in the days of sail to vessels of the age of steam, from the titanic to the Halifax explosion . Come and discover the history, local foods, scenery and entertainment at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic!

Wednesday, July 6th, 2011 royal nova scotia International Tattoo

17..:00 Meet in Hotel lobby17..:15 – 19:15 Reception & Dinner, five fishermen & GIO Restaurants19:30 – 22:30 nova scotia tattoo, Halifax Metro Centre

this evening is not to be missed . featuring over 2,000 world-class military and civilian performers from Canada and abroad, the tattoo lives up to its reputation as one of the world’s premier cultural and entertainment events . first staged in 197..9, the tattoo offers a fast-paced, two-and-a-half hour family show featuring a wide range of musical and artistic

abilities, including pipes and drums, brass and reed bands, historic re-enactments, dancers, acrobats, choirs, military displays, comedy and more!

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Thursday, July 7th, 2011 gala (Formal dress required)

18..:30 – 19:30 Reception, Halifax Ballroom foyer19:30 – 24:00 Dinner & Dance, Halifax Ballroom

savour some of the East Coast’s best local flavours before dancing the night away in the Halifax Ballroom, overlooking the scenic harbour front .

friday, July 8th, 2011Traditional lobster Ceilidh

17..:30 Meet in Hotel lobby18..:00 – 19:30 Reception, Harbour Cruise, Harbour Queen 19:30 – 22:30 lobster Ceilidh, Murphy’s on the Water

Admire the old core of downtown Halifax the way it’s best seen: by water . We will meet in the hotel lobby and walk to the Harbour Queen to discover the harbourfront and enjoy a cocktail reception . After the tour, the Queen will dock at Cable Wharf where a traditional lobster Ceilidh will be served at Murphy’s on the Water . smell the salt air and taste our famous Atlantic

lobster – a feast not to be missed as there will, of course, be much foot-stomping musical entertainment throughout the night!

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38.. ACCoMPAnyIng Persons’ ProgrAM

Wednesday, July 6th, 2011grand Pre national Historic site and the Annapolis Valley

10:15 Meet in Hotel lobby10:30 – 16.:00 tour

Grand Pre national Historic site – travel through the heart of nova scotia’s farm land, past rolling hills and the pleasant pastoral settings of the Annapolis valley, and visit the land of the Acadians . In Windsor, you will see the world’s highest tides before continuing on to Grand Pre national Historic Park, where you will learn of ‘Evangeline,’ longfellow’s tragic heroine and the plight of the

Acadians, the farm folk who were among the first settlers of nova scotia . After a delicious lunch at a local establishment in nearby Wolfville, we will visit the Grand Pre Winery for a winery tour and a chance to sample some of Atlantic Canada’s finest wines .

Thursday, July 7th, 2011 Historic Halifax City Tour

8..:45 Meet in Hotel lobby9:00 – 14:00 tour

Join us to discover the historic side of Halifax! Accompanied by a kilted guide, see the elegant Georgian and victorian architecture that helps the city retain its historic charm . visit the lovely Grand Parade square, site of military drills in days gone by, and see the oldest Anglican Church in Canada . Enjoy the history of Province House and City Hall, overlooked by the picture-perfect town Clock,

perched on Citadel Hill . take a stroll through the beautiful Public Gardens, which encompasses 17.. acres of victorian paths, lush flowerbeds and sparkling fountains . Planted in 18..6.6., these gardens are the oldest victorian gardens in north America . On your way back to the hotel, stop at the Cruise Pavilion and seaport farmers’ Market at Pier 21 . Everywhere you look, this bustling seaport is overflowing with history and atmosphere! lunch is included in this tour .

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Breakfasts are offered each day from 07..:00 to 09:00 and are served in the Halifax ballroom A&B, located on the second floor, except on saturday July 9th when it will be served in the nova scotia Ballroom D (see hotel map on p. 4) . Breakfasts are open to all Delegates and Accompanying Persons .


lunches are offered each day at 12:00 and are served in the Halifax ballroom A&B, located on the second floor, except on saturday July 9th when it will be served in the nova scotia Ballroom D (see hotel map on p. 4) . lunches are to all Delegates .

Dress Code

the dress code for all sessions and events is Business Casual . the exception is the Gala Reception and Dinner . the Dress Code for this event is formal – suits & ties for men, dresses for women .

name badges

Attendees are invited wear their name badges at all time to gain access to meetings, exhibits, and social events .

registration Desk

The Conference registration Desk is located on the second level of the Marriott Harbourfront in the nova scotia foyer and is open at the following times:

tuesday, July 5th 12:00 – 19:00Wednesday, July 6th 07..:30 – 17..:00thursday, July 7th 07..:30 – 17..:00friday, July 8th 07..:30 – 14:00

If you have any questions about the conference or the city, please do not hesitate to come and ask us . We will be delighted to help!

speaker Check-in

If you are a speaker, please arrive 30 minutes before the start of your session . If you have a PowerPoint presentation that needs to be re-formatted or checked, please see the technician at the back of the room or ask at the Registration Desk well in advance of the session .

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40 MAP of DoWnToWn HAlIfAX

Major Attractions Accommodations1















































Hali fax


Dow n t ow nHalifaxWa l k i n g M a p




Alexander Keith’s BreweryArt Gallery of Nova ScotiaBishop’s LandingCasino Nova ScotiaCathedral Church of all SaintsCity HallCornwallis Street Baptist ChurchCunard CentreDiscovery CentreFerry TerminalGovernment HouseHalifax Explosion CarillonHistoric PropertiesLittle Dutch ChurchMaritime Museum of the Atlantic

Museum of Natural HistoryNeptune TheatreNS Centre for Craft and DesignNS Sport Hall of FameOld Town ClockOur Lady of Sorrows ChurchPier 21 National Historic SiteProvince HouseSt. David’s ChurchSt. Mary’s BasilicaSt. Matthew’s ChurchSt. Paul’s Anglican ChurchSaint George’s Round ChurchVIA Rail Train StationWaterfront Visitor Info Center

Best Western Chocolate LakeCambridge Suites Hotel HalifaxCitadel Halifax HotelCourtyard by Marriott,Halifax DowntownDalhousie University ResidencesDelta HalifaxDelta BarringtonFour Points by Sheraton HalifaxFuture Inns HalifaxHalifax Marriott HarbourfrontLink System

Halliburton, TheHoliday Inn Express Halifax/BedfordHoliday Inn Select Halifax CentreLord Nelson Hotel & SuitesMount Saint Vincent UniversityPrince George HotelQuality Inns & Suites HalifaxRadisson Suite Hotel HalifaxResidence Inn by MarriottSaint Mary’s University ResidencesWestin Nova Scotian HotelWaterfront Boardwalk

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Pauline O’Brien Guest Abbotsford, victoria

terry O’Brien OMC International Pty Ltd. Abbotsford, victoria

Jonathon Pearce OMC International Pty Ltd. Abbotsford, victoria

brazilRicardo falcão Brazilian Maritime Pilots’ Association Rio De Janeiro, RJ

Otavio fragoso Brazilian Maritime Pilots’ Association Rio De Janeiro, RJ

thais Pereira-falcão Guest Rio De Janeiro, RJ

lia silveira Guest Rio De Janeiro, RJ

CanadaPaul Adams Newfoundland Transshipment Ltd. st . John’s, nl

Ed Anthony Atlantic Pilotage Authority Halifax, ns

Ruth Anthony Guest Halifax, ns

sandra Attersley Metcalf & Company Halifax, ns

Alisa Aymar Atlantic Pilotage Authority Halifax, ns

Glenn Aymar Guest Halifax, ns

Pierre Barbeau Corp. des Pilotes du Fleuve et de la Voie Maritime du Saint-Laurent

saint-lambert, QC

Judy Barnes Guest Halifax, ns

Julie Bédard Transports Canada Ottawa, On

lucie Bélanger Guest trois-Rivières, QC

lee Berrow The British Columbia Coast Pilots Ltd. north vancouver, BC

Peter Bidgood Guest Halifax, ns

Cheryl Bidgood True North Public Affairs Halifax, ns

Bert Bjorndal The British Columbia Coast Pilots Ltd. vancouver, BC

Julie Bjorndal Guest vancouver, BC

Josée Bluteau Guest Montréal, QC

Bernard Boissonneault Association des pilotes maritimes du Canada

Québec, QC

Mark Boucher Canadian Merchant Service Guild Ottawa, On

Brian Bradley Atlantic Pilotage Authority Halifax, ns

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Daniel Breton Pêches et Océans Canada Ottawa, On

Michael Broad Shipping Federation of Canada Montréal, QC

Joy Brown Guest vancouver, BC

stephen Brown Chamber Shipping of British Columbia vancouver, BC

Andrée Bujold Guest Québec, QC

Rémi Bujold True North Public Affairs Québec, QC

Mike Burgess Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association niagara falls, On

suzanne Burgess Guest niagara falls, On

Clayton Burry Kongsberg Maritime Simulation Ltd. st . John’s, nl

tom Calkin Atlantic Pilotage Authority Halifax, ns

Réal Caouette Corporation des pilotes du Saint-Laurent Central

Québec, QC

Deborah Carrière Guest victoria, BC

Gilles Carrière The British Columbia Coast Pilots Ltd. victoria, BC

Bruce Carter Canadian Merchant Service Guild st . John’s, nl

Joan Crysler Guest vancouver, BC

neil Crysler The British Columbia Coast Pilots Ltd. vancouver, BC

shaun Dauphinee Atlantic Pilotage Authority Dartmouth, ns

Daniel Dagenais Administration Portuaire de Montréal Montréal, QC

Danielle Demers Guest saint-lambert, QC

fred Denning Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association nanaimo, BC

nora Denning Guest nanaimo, BC

Beverly Denton Guest Dartmouth, ns

William Denton Atlantic Pilotage Authority Dartmouth, ns

lise Desalliers Guest Québec, QC

Antoine Desgagnés Corporation des pilotes du Bas Saint-Laurent

Québec, QC

Pascal Desrochers Corporation des pilotes du Saint-Laurent Central

Montréal, QC

laura Devries Guest vancouver, BC

Paul Devries The British Columbia Coast Pilots Ltd. vancouver, BC

Roma Dingwell Guest Halifax, ns

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Don Drummond Toronto-Dominion Bank Ottawa, On

Donald Duffy Atlantic Pilotage Authority Public landing, nB

Kathy Dykstra Guest st . Catharines, On

Rick Dykstra Government of Canada st . Catharines, On

Maryantonnet flumian Institute on Governance Ottawa, On

steve forbes Canadian Hydrographic Service Halifax, ns

Pam forsyth Guest saint John, nB

fraser forsythe Canaport LNG saint John, nB

Michel fortin Corporation des pilotes du Saint-Laurent Central

trois-Rivières, QC

David fox Atlantic Pilotage Authority Halifax, ns

Deidre french Halifax Port Authority Halifax, ns

Cathy frowd Guest victoria, BC

Allan fry Mission to Seafarers Halifax, ns

Marc Gagnon Fednav International Ltd. Montréal, QC

Angela Gaillard Guest saint lambert, QC

Philippe Gaillard Corp. des Pilotes du Fleuve et de la Voie Maritime du Saint-Laurent

saint lambert, QC

David Gardam Maritime Forces Atlantic Halifax, ns

David Gardiner Pacific Pilotage Authority vancouver, BC

linda Gardiner Guest vancouver, BC

Martine Gauthier Guest trois-Rivières, QC

nancy Gordon Atlantic Pilotage Authority Halifax, ns

sarah Graham Algoma Tankers st . Catharines, On

stephen Green AMEC Earth & Environmental st . Jonh’s, nl

Jean Grégoire Langlois, Kronström, Desjardins Québec, QC

David Grieve Fednav International Ltd. Montréal, QC

John Griffin Atlantic Pilotage Authority Halifax, ns

Paula Grypma Guest sidney, BC

Chris Hall Atlantic Towing Dartmouth, ns

Peter Harder Fraser Milner Casgrain Ottawa, On

Garland Hardy Lantec Marine Inc. Halifax, ns

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Bruce Harrigan Saint John Marine Pilots Morrisdale, nB

George Hilchie Atlantic Pilotage Authority Petite Riviere, ns

Alex Himelfarb York University toronto, On

Geoff Homer The British Columbia Coast Pilots Ltd. sidney, BC

Jacob Hoyles Atlantic Pilotage Authority Clarenville, nl

nancy Hoyles Guest Clarenville, nl

Julianne Hull Guest Wiarton, On

Robert Hull Corporation of Professional Great Lakes Pilots

Wiarton, On

Rebecca Jacobs Guest fonthill, On

Paul Jenkins Carleton University Ottawa, On

Martin Karlsen Atlantic Pilotage Authority Halifax, ns

Janice Kean Guest Conception Bay south, nl

Paul Kean Atlantic Pilotage Authority Conception Bay south, nl

Christine Kilpatrick Guest Port Dover, On

Michael Kilpatrick Corp. of Professional Great Lakes Pilots Port Dover, On

Gilbert lacasse Corporation des pilotes du Saint-Laurent Central

trois-Rivières, QC

sylvain lachance Transport Canada Ottawa, On

tristan laflamme Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association Ottawa, On

Réjean lanteigne Administration de pilotage des Laurentides

Montréal, QC

Kellie larsen Guest Richmond, BC

yoss leclerc Port of Metro Vancouver vancouver, BC

Robert lemire Great Lakes Pilotage Authority Cornwall, On

Marvis lengkeek Lengkeek Vessel Engineering Inc. Dartmouth, ns

Robert lewis-Manning Canadian Shipowners Association Ottawa, On

James locke NavSim Technology Inc. st . John’s, nl

Elaine lockhart Atlantic Pilotage Authority Halifax, ns

Robert lynch The British Columbia Coast Pilots Ltd. victoria, BC

Peter MacArthur Atlantic Pilotage Authority Halifax, ns

Gerard MacDonald Transport Canada Ottawa, On

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Rory MacDonald Lengkeek Vessel Engineering Inc. Dartmouth, ns

scott MacDonald Cape Breton Marine Pilots Creignish, ns

neil MacDougall Canadian Merchant Service Guild vancouver, BC

Alex MacIntyre Canadian Merchant Service Guild Head st . Margarets Bay, ns

faye MacIntyre Guest Head st . Margarets Bay, ns

Ian MacKay Transportation Safety Board Gatineau, QC

Ann MacKelvie Guest sydney, ns

Jim MacKelvie Atlantic Pilotage Authority sydney, ns

George Malec Halifax Port Authority Halifax, ns

David Marjoribanks Fraser River Pilots Richmond, BC

lawrence Martin The Globe & Mail toronto, On

Marzia Martina Guest Ottawa, On

John McCann Saint John Port Authority saint John, nB

Anthony McGuinness Atlantic Pilotage Authority Halifax, ns

simon Mercier Corporation des pilotes du Bas Saint-Laurent

Québec, QC

Colin Millar Atlantic Pilotage Authority Dartmouth, ns

Brian Moulton Lake Ontario and Harbours Pilots Corporation

Prescott, On

Marsha Moulton Guest Prescott, On

Pierre Murray Transportation Safety Board Dartmouth, ns

Deva Murthy Marine Institute st . John’s, nl

naim nazha Transports Canada Ottawa, On

Gerry nera Canadian Transportation Agency Gatineau, QC

Jenny Obermeyer Guest vancouver, BC

Kevin Obermeyer Pacific Pilotage Authority vancouver, BC

Gary O’Donnell Atlantic Pilotage Authority Cole Harbour, ns

Daniel Ouimet Corporation des pilotes du Bas Saint-Laurent

Québec, QC

nicholas Palmer Canadian Hydrographic Service Dartmouth, ns

Gary Paulson Prince Rupert Port Authority Prince Rupert, BC

yan Pellerin Corporation des pilotes du Saint-Laurent Central

trois-Rivières, QC

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simon Pelletier Association des pilotes maritimes du Canada

Québec, QC

Marie Porlier Guest Québec, QC

Denys Pouliot Administration de pilotage des Laurentides Montréal, QC

Michel Pouliot Guest Québec, QC

Micheline Pouliot Guest Québec, QC

Rachael Quinn Guest Grand Bay-Westfield, nB

Patrick Quinn Atlantic Pilotage Authority Grand Bay-Westfield, nB

James Quinn Saint John Port Authority saint John, nB

Paul Racicot Maritime Simulation & Resource Centre Québec, QC

Karen Rae Guest Halifax, ns

Andrew Rae Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association Halifax, ns

tara Rae Guest Halifax, ns

John Rae Guest Halifax, ns

Allan Ranger The British Columbia Coast Pilots Ltd. nanaimo, BC

Debbie Ranger Guest nanaimo, BC

natacha Riendeau Canadian Coast Guard Dartmouth, ns

Ken Robinson The British Columbia Coast Pilots Ltd. north vancouver, BC

Carl Robitaille Corporation des pilotes du Bas Saint-Laurent

Québec, QC

James Roche True North Public Affairs Ottawa, On

tom Roesslein Corporation of Professional Great Lakes Pilots

fonthill, On

Bill Rooney Atlantic Pilotage Authority Halifax, ns

Joel Ruiz Kongsberg Maritime Simulation Ltd. st . John’s, nl

Éric sauvé Corporation des pilotes du Saint-Laurent Central

trois-Rivières, QC

lance schilka The British Columbia Coast Pilots Ltd. north vancouver, BC

Heather skanes Guest st . John’s, nl

Douglas smith Great Lakes Pilotage Authority Cornwall, On

laura smith Guest Cornwall, On

Gary sodock Canadian Coast Guard Dartmouth, ns

Andrew st . Germain International District 1 Pilots - Great Lakes Cornwall, On

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linda st . Germain Guest Cornwall, On

Elizabeth stewart Atlantic Pilotage Authority Halifax, ns

Alan stockdale Atlantic Pilotage Authority Halifax, ns

Anna stockdale Guest Halifax, ns

Peter stoffer Government of Canada Windsor Junction, ns

Jim stoneman Atlantic Pilotage Authority Halifax, ns

Mary stoneman Atlantic Pilotage Authority Halifax, ns

Ian swan Atlantic Pilotage Authority lake of the Woods, ns

susan swan Guest lake of the Woods, ns

Dan thibault Kongsberg Maritime Simulation Ltd. st . John’s, nl

Joy thomson Canadian Merchant Service Guild Ottawa, On

nadine tremblay Guest Québec, QC

Michael tretheway InterVISTAS Consulting Group vancouver, BC

Daniel trottier Great Lakes Pilotage Authority Cornwall, On

Kevin vail The British Columbia Coast Pilots Ltd. Mission, BC

Évelyne vallée Guest trois-Rivières, QC

Pierre vallée Corporation des pilotes du Saint-Laurent Central

trois-Rivières, QC

Michael voigt Canadian Coast Guard Dartmouth, ns

Richard Wagner Ogilvy Renault Ottawa, On

vicki Walsh Lengkeek Vessel Engineering Inc. Dartmouth, ns

francefrédéric Moncany Fédération française des syndicats de

pilotes maritimesParis

germanyHans-Hermann lückhert

German Pilots’ Association

Gudrun lückhert Guest

new ZealandPaul stanley Navicom Dynamics Auckland

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United Kingdom

nick Cutmore International Maritime Pilots’ Association london

Efthimios Mitropoulos International Maritime Organization london

United stateslee Alexander University of New Hampshire Durham, nH

Brad Anthenat Aerostar International/Raven sioux falls, sD

Marilynn Anthenat Guest sioux falls, sD

Patrick Beebe Pilots’ Association for Bay & River Delaware

lewes, DE

tammy Beebe Guest lewes, DE

Christopher Holt Portsmouth Pilots’ Inc. Portsmouth, nH

Christy Holt Guest Portsmouth, nH

Joan Kirchner Guest Washington, DC

Paul Kirchner American Pilots’ Association Washington, DC

Henry Mahlmann N.J. Sandy Hook Pilots staten Island, ny

sue Mahlmann Guest staten Island, ny

Kristin McCabe Guest East Boston, MA

Martin McCabe Boston Harbor Pilots East Boston, MA

Andrew McGovern N.J. Sandy Hook Pilots staten Island, ny

susan McGovern Guest staten Island, ny

Eric nielsen American Pilots’ Association Baltimore, Ml

Jacquie nielsen Guest Baltimore, Ml

Chuck Parker Aerostar International/Raven sioux falls, sD

nadine Parker Guest sioux falls, sD

Gale Quick Guest Jarrettsville, MD

George Quick Masters, Mates & Pilots USA Jarrettsville, MD

Andrea Roche Guest Philadelphia, PA

Jim Roche Pilot’s Association for Bay & River Deleware

Philadelphia, PA

Geraldine Watson Guest Washington, DC

Michael Watson International Maritime Pilots’ Association Washington, DC

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