Beyond buzz: Building value through thought leadership

Post on 11-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Beyond buzz: Building value through thought leadership


“Building value with thought leadership”

By: Stacy ArmijoVice President, Pierpont Communications

Who should consider PR?

• Influence within your industry• Stakeholders don’t know or understand you• Shape or respond to regulations• Online reputation is a priority• Employee recruitment or retention• Vulnerable to crisis• Seek “third party credibility”• Generally, more awareness and reach

Who should not implement PR?

• Nothing newsworthy to say• No committed to the rhetoric they espouse• Seeking a “quick hit” or short-term sales boost• Unwilling or unable to invest the time• Uncomfortable giving up control

How to generate PR opportunities

• Celebrate anniversaries and company milestones

• Apply for industry awards and promote wins• Identify core issues and proactive pitch

reporters• Solicited contributed article opportunities• Publicize charitable activities• Celebrate relevant holidays

Generating PR opportunities (cont.)

• Monitor news & “friend” key reporters• Collect and pitch editorial calendars• Solicit speaking engagements• Engage clients in media relations• Leverage breaking news for media interviews• Request media briefings during trade shows• Issue news releases

During a media opportunity

• Explicitly state your objective (to yourself)• Research the reporter and news outlet• Plan you key points strategically• Anticipate questions and practice answers• Be friendly and conversational, but professional• Bridge back to key messages• Solicit feedback from the reporter• Follow through with anything promised

Things to Avoid

• Issuing “news” for no reason• Lying or exaggerating• Flying blind into an interview• Making your salesperson your spokesperson• Using meaningless buzz words• Giving up after two months








“Building value with thought leadership”

Stacy ArmijoVice President and General Manager, Austin

Pierpont Communications

Public Relations • Public Affairs • Marketing

Austin • Houston • Dallas • San Antonio