Better presenting

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Better presenting for education a sample of our message

Transcript of Better presenting

Ditch the template - Present with purpose!

The STAGED technique©

Bad Presentations can be the death of you…

In business In training

Our use of fantastic tools is being stifled

Failing to engage, motivate & persuade

Wasting opportunities & failing in business

We need to use our Presentation tools in a way that considers our audience

Engage Entertain Inform Persuade

Audience engagement is the key!

Why do we insist on screens of black and white text?

Monotone Boring Dull Lacking in interest

Why do we insist on turning our backs on the people we are supposed to be engaging?

You are the presentation

Slides are supporting visuals

You can listen

You can read

But not at the same time because text is verbalised

Text imbalance causes cognitive overload…

40% Cerebral Cortex is involved in visual processing

70% of allsensory receptors are in the eyes

Vision is king…

Effectiveness Impact

Do you want to increase your…

You need to set the stage for effective delivery

Discover the STAGED© technique for a pitch perfect Presentation…

Stop wasting your time with

slides that bore!

Take the first step towards better presenting, make the decision to ditch the template!

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