Bethlehem Star -

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Transcript of Bethlehem Star -

Summer Church

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday:

8:00am - 1:00pm

Closed Friday.

Noah’s Ark

Summer Program

Rolling River Rampage

Continuing through July 27th

Ministry Team Meeting

July 22nd

following worship

WELCA Back-to-

School Drive

July 22nd

& 29th

Come to the Islands

July 15th

: Island Worship

Followed by Potluck & Bingo


Water Drive:

Sunday, July 1st

New Member Meeting:

Sunday, July 8th

Holy Yoga:

Tuesdays, 6:00-7:00pm

- Room 9/10

Men’s Bible Study

Thursdays, 8:08am

- Social Hall.

Mexican Train Dominoes:


Wednesday of the month.

July 11th

, 1:00pm - NCO.



Thursday of the month:

July 19th

, 10:00 to 11:00 am.

Stitch ‘n Knit:


Wednesday of the month:

July 25th

, 1:00pm - NCO.

Bethlehem Star July, 2018

Bethlehem Star: July, 2018 p. 2

It was wonderful to witness the historic election of

Reverend Deborah Hutterer as the first female to

serve as bishop in the Grand Canyon Synod. With her

election there will now be 25% females in the ELCA

council of bishops. This marks the beginning of the

times changing - a new creation.

2 Corinthians 5: 17

So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation.

Sunday, July 1st

Deaconess Intern Elyse Wheeler will become a new

creation as she completes her year -long internship

here at Bethlehem.

Sunday, July 8th

Those interested in becoming new creations as new

members of Bethlehem will join me for a meal and

conversation following worship until 2:00pm.

Sunday, July 15th

Those interested in joining Bethlehem and

becoming a new creation by calling Bethlehem their

church home will do so during worship. The

worship will have an Island theme, followed by

Bingo and a potluck.

I look forward to becoming a new creation through

the time of rest, relaxation and renewal during the

first part of my sabbatical. It will begin Monday,

September 10th and end Monday, October 22nd.

Pastor John Schaumberg will lead worship and be

available for pastoral care during most of that time.

I plan to go to North Carolina for a week. Most of

my time will be spent in Galveston, Texas.

The time of Bethlehem’s new creation will begin on

Reformation Sunday, October 28th. This year

Bethlehem will be reforming by burning the

mortgage on the church building and land. This

celebration will follow worship and will include a

catered meal followed by our own fiery furnace.

Mark your calendar for this once in a lifetime

opportunity! And wear red!

How are you becoming new? You are in Christ so a

new creation is in there. Celebrate it and share it

with the world. Be that new creation at Bethlehem –

which is a home to share God’s love and grace.

Blessing Box Following is an announcement that has gone out to the community near church. If you know someone who could be blessed with our “Blessing Box” assistance, please feel free to share the information.

We have some exciting news to share with you in hopes that we can serve those in need in the community that surrounds us. We have built a free-standing Blessing Box. This is designed to provide items of need for those who need Blessings! We will try to keep it stocked with

Water Peanut butter Baby bottles Diapers for babies and adults Baby wipes Box Dinners Protein Bars Gatorade or Powerade Instant Oatmeal Ramen in a Cup Potted Meat or Vienna Sausage Dried Beans Fruit Cups or canned fruit Any kind of Toiletries

If you find yourself in need of a blessing, please feel free to stop by our campus and help yourself to what you need. If you would like to bless others, you may also stop by our campus and leave your blessing in our box.

God has blessed us all, we want to share with our community.

Blessings from Bethlehem Lutheran Mission Team


Bethlehem Star: July, 2018 p. 3

Summer Church Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 1:00pm. Closed Friday. Please have announcements and prayer requests to

the church office by 10:00am Thursday. .

Days Off: In the summer the church office is closed on Friday. That means Pastor Chon and Laurel do not work. In case of emergency do not hesitate to contact Pastor Chon. If it is not an emergency please honor their time off to reenergize for the next weeks ministry.

Pastor Chon’s July Office Hours (Not Work Hours) Monday - Wednesday: 9:00am-1:00pm Thursday: Work from home / sermon prep Friday: Off Other office hours are available by appointment – Just ask. We are trying to be mindful of energy costs during the hottest times of the day.

Face Book:

If you have not yet done so, be sure to go to the Bethlehem Lutheran Church Face Book page and like us. Not on Face Book? Consider joining, and then like Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Tell your friends, neighbors, family - spread the word to like Bethlehem Lutheran Church on Face Book and the Good News of the gospel!

Coming soon: A new look for the E-Blast and

Newsletter. When you receive your E-Blast - and Newsletter - it will come from a new address: All other emails will continue to come from You can use either E-Mail address to correspond with Laurel at the church office.

Newsletter Deadline: Articles must be received in the church office by Monday, July 23rd to be included in the August Newsletter. If at any time you have an article for the newsletter, there’s no need to wait until the deadline - write it up while it’s fresh in your mind and send it in. It will be included in the following month’s newsletter. Receive the newsletter via email and save postage and paper costs. Plus, it arrives in living color with occasional bonus items.

Newsletter Receive the newsletter via email and :

save postage and paper costs.

Sent from the church office every E-Blast:Thursday via email. It allows you to get up to date information on what is happening at Bethlehem - delivered straight to your computer, phone, pad, or whatever wireless device you use. If you are not receiving it and want to, please contact the church office and let Laurel know. or

Blue Stone Ministry:

A Gift of Stephen Ministry. The Blue Stones in our baptismal font are sponsored by Stephen Ministry. When you pass by the baptismal font, you are invited to take one of the Blue Stones and carry it with you at all times. If you meet someone, friend or stranger, who is having a difficult struggle in their lives, this Blue Stone can help. Hand that person your Blue Stone and explain the following: “Please take this blue stone and carry it with you. Let this be a reminder that God loves you, and you will always have God’s love no matter how difficult your life may become. Let this also remind you that you have someone here on earth who cares about you and will keep you in their prayers.” After you have given away your new stone, please replace it with another from our baptismal font.

Bethlehem Star: July, 2018 p. 4

On-going events:

Holy Yoga: A Christ-centered yoga class on Tuesdays from 6:00-7:00 pm in Room 9/10. No experience needed. Can be done from chairs or the floor. Bring: yoga mat, comfortable clothes, water, & $5 suggested donation. Questions? Call Renaya VanDusen at 480-717-3477.

Men’s Bible Study

Thursdays at 8:08am in the Social Hall.

Mexican Train Dominoes 2nd Wednesday of the month July 11th at 1:00pm in the NCO.

WELCA Every woman who worships at Bethlehem is a member of WELCA, and we welcome your presence at our monthly meetings on the 3rd Thursday of the month. During the summer months, our time together consists of fellowship and Bible study only. Our meetings are from 10:00-11:00am unless there is urgent business. This summer the ladies of WELCA have decided to continue to have hospitality as we do in the other months of the year. Mark your calendar for Thursday, July 19th, at 10:00am. We hope to see you there!

If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to Audrey Anderson or Ellie Thompson, co-chairs of WELCA.

Stitch ‘n Knit: 4th Wednesday of the month July 25th at 1:00pm in the NCO. Bring your project of choice and join us for a couple of hours of camaraderie and quiet. Don’t have a project? Just join us anyway. Questions? Just ask the church office.

Prayer Shawl Ministry: Anyone who is making Prayer Shawls (or wants to learn how to make them) is encouraged to come to Church on the 4th Wednesday of every month from 1:00-3:00pm. This is when the Stitch & Knit Group meets and we enjoy getting together for fellowship with them.

If you have any questions, please call the church office at 480-832-0462.

Taking a Break Until Fall:

Chancel Choir

Heart Fire

Men of Song


Kidz Church

Vimeo: If you want to hear the sermon again or share it, recorded sermons and special events at Bethlehem are available to be watched and downloaded at Check out Preschool activities, Heart Fire activities, the latest wedding or baptism, and Pastor Chon’s sermon. The site supports HD quality videos and is not restricted by length or storage capacities (other than a maximum of 5 gig per week). If you record a video of a church-related function and would like it posted on our site, please contact the church office at 480-832-0462.

Our Weather Station which is mounted on the

pergola in the Community Garden reports the weather, real time, on line. On your computer go to In the search window located at the top right of the screen, type in our weather station ID. KAZMESA121. You can view weather conditions real time and see graphs that report the history. Enjoy. The direct link on your computer is:

Bethlehem’s Web Site :

Share it with your friends, neighbors, and families. Our website was recently updated so our content displays to best advantage on today’s newer technology of smart phones and tablets.

PowerPoint Pictures: Taken a really good picture lately? Want to share it on the PowerPoint overhead on Sunday? Email it to Laurel in the church office. Most of the pictures we use were taken by members, and we always enjoy receiving new ones. Thank you for sharing!

Bethlehem Star: July, 2018 p. 5

The Nurse's Corner: Each month I highlight a health topic in the news-letter. Feel free to suggest health concerns that you would like to see added in future months.

Blessings, Carol Savoie R.N.


Cellulitis (sel-u-LIE-tis) is a common, potentially serious bacterial skin infection. The affected skin appears swollen and red and is typically painful and warm to the touch. Cellulitis usually affects the skin on the lower legs, but it can occur in the face, arms and other areas. It occurs when a crack or break in your skin allows bacteria to enter. Left untreated, the infection can spread to your lymph nodes and bloodstream and rapidly become life-threatening. It isn't usually spread from person to person.

Symptoms Possible signs and symptoms of cellulitis, which usually occur on one side of the body, include: Red area of skin that tends to expand Swelling Tenderness Pain Warmth Fever Red spots Blisters Skin dimpling

When to see a doctor It's important to identify and treat cellulitis early because the condition can spread rapidly throughout your body. Seek emergency care if: You have a red, swollen, tender rash or a rash

that's changing rapidly You have a fever See your doctor, preferably that day, if: You have a rash that's red, swollen, tender and

warm - and it's expanding - but without fever

Causes Cellulitis occurs when bacteria, most commonly streptococcus and staphylococcus, enter through a crack or break in your skin. The incidence of a more serious staphylococcus infection called methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is increasing.

Although cellulitis can occur anywhere on your body, the most common location is the lower leg. Bacteria are most likely to enter disrupted areas of skin, such as where you've had recent surgery, cuts, puncture wounds, an ulcer, athlete's foot or dermatitis. Animal or insect bites can cause cellulitis. Bacteria can also enter through areas of dry, flaky skin or swollen skin.

Risk factors Several factors put you at increased risk of cellulitis: Injury. Any cut, fracture, burn, or scrape gives

bacteria an entry point. Weakened immune system. Conditions that

weaken your immune system - such as diabetes, leukemia and HIV/AIDS - leave you more susceptible to infections. Certain medications also can weaken your immune system.

Skin conditions. Conditions such as eczema, athlete's foot and shingles can cause breaks in the skin, which give bacteria an entry point.

Chronic swelling of your arms or legs (lymphedema). This condition sometimes follows surgery.

History of cellulitis. Having had cellulitis before makes you prone to develop it again.

Obesity. Being overweight or obese increases your risk of developing cellulitis.

Complications Recurrent episodes of cellulitis may damage the lymphatic drainage system and cause chronic swelling of the affected limb. Rarely, the infection can spread to the deep layer of tissue called the fascial lining. Necrotizing fasciitis is an example of a deep-layer infection. It's an extreme emergency.

Prevention If your cellulitis recurs, your doctor may recommend preventive antibiotics. To help prevent cellulitis and other infections, take these precautions when you have a skin wound: Wash your wound daily with soap and water. Do

this gently as part of your normal bathing. Apply a protective cream or ointment. For most

surface wounds, an over-the-counter ointment (Vaseline, Polysporin, others) provides adequate protection.

Cover your wound with a bandage. Change bandages at least daily.

Watch for signs of infection. Redness, pain and drainage all signal possible infection and the need for medical evaluation

Information obtained from:

Bethlehem Star: July, 2018 p. 6

Worship Service Team Meeting Sunday, July 22nd at 10:30am

Everyone who wishes to take part in the volunteer opportunities on Sundays, plan to come to this short meeting as we sign up for the opportunities during August, September, and October. If you have any question about the job descriptions, come to the meeting or ask the church office

Library: The church library has been reorganized! There will be an open house right after church on July 8th! If you love to read, you will not disappointed!

WELCA School Donations It's that time of year again and school is right around the corner. The ladies of WELCA would like to collect school supplies for Lutheran Social Services once again this year. All school supplies are welcome and appreciated – backpacks, notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers, etc. to name only a few. We also ask that socks and underwear be on the list as well. A box labeled school supplies will be in the narthex on Sunday, July 22nd and Sunday, July 29th. We so appreciate any help the congregation is willing to give.

If you have any questions, please call or talk to Audrey Anderson or Ellie Thompson, co-chairs of WELCA.

God's Work Our Hands: Sunday, September 9th

Blessing Bags Beginning July 29th we will collect food items to assemble on Sunday, September 9th.

Fruit Snacks PB Sandwich Crackers Granola Bars (chewy as some people don't have good teeth) Vienna Sausages Juice Box or Pouch Quart size zip-lock bags (please note: generic brands frequently rip before we can seal them) Napkins and forks will be supplied.

Bethlehem Star: July, 2018 p. 7


A to Brian Myers of PM Pest Special Thank You

Control. He volunteers his time and services to Bethlehem and Noah’s Ark for free. PM Pest Control can handle all of your pest and weed control needs. Call 602-920-7032. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Thank you They Sparkletime Window Washing!

are donating the cleaning of Bethlehem’s windows for free. Your windows can sparkle, too. Call 480-225-5141 and tell Nathan and Bradley that you attend Bethlehem Lutheran Church. They will donate 10% of your window cleaning cost to Bethlehem. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Thank you, ! Pamela Your Computer Lady

volunteers for Bethlehem to do social media work. Call Your Computer Lady for email marketing or social media needs. 480-929-0335 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Noah’s Ark is a part of Fry’s Community

.Rewards The next time you shop at Fry’s, stop

by the front desk for details.

: Amazon SmileDo you shop online at Bethlehem is

part of the program. Amazon will Amazon Smile

donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Bethlehem Lutheran Church whenever you shop on AmazonSmile. When you log on to Amazon, you must do so through for Bethlehem to receive the benefits.

Business and Service Cards Bulletin Board

Members and Friends of Bethlehem are invited to post your Business Cards on the Bulletin Board in

the Social Hall.

Bethlehem Star: July, 2018 p. 8

News from Noah's Ark Four weeks down and 4 to go until the “Rolling River Rampage” comes to an end. So far summer camp has been a joy. We've enjoyed a singing cowboy and his trained horse, a fun and informational train ride, water activities with the “Fantastic Fire Department”, and created our own plush animals during Noah's Animal Workshop. Our campers have created works of art using solar paper, blown up soap, explored what erosion is, and what the ebb and flow of water is all about. Most everything has been done while learning great Christ-centered songs. See what I mean - pure joy! July will be just as inspiring. The only difference, we'll be getting closer to the end of camp and saying good-bye to some of our young friends. Tough time for everybody. We pray that everyone is having a great summer. Our prayers are for health, safety, and grace. Blessings Ms. Jill

Rolling River Rampage

Experience the Ride of a Lifetime with God Noah’s Ark Summer Camp

June 4th to July 27th

There are many “in-house” field trips planned. The kids will experience jewelry making, a planetarium, a singing cowboy, the herpetologist society, rocks and gems, and more. For more information, contact Mrs. Estelle at 480.325.0687.

Summer Water Drive

It’s that time of year again: Temperatures are rising, so it’s time for our annual Summer Water Drive. You can bring cases of water, or donate money and the cash will be used to purchase water. Please be as generous as you can at it's hot out there! Either way, you are helping provide the much needed hydration for the homeless in our area. We’ve designated Sunday, June 24th and Sunday, July 1st, so see Carol Savoie on those Sundays to donate!

What should be put into those blue,

black, & green barrels? Green Barrels:

Clean plant matter that can be turned into mulch.

Blue Barrels :

Clean, dry recyclables. Do not bag.

Black Barrels:

Everything else. Must be bagged.

Why all the fuss about such a trivial matter as what goes into which barrel & how it should or should not be bagged? 1. It only takes a minute to do it right, but an hour

or more to clean out unbagged garbage from the

recycle or green barrel.

2. That is unfair to those who have to fix your mess.

3. The City of Mesa is very strict about what is

placed into the recycling barrels and randomly

sends inspectors to check that the rules are being

followed. Hefty fines can be levied when garbage

is found in these barrels.

4. And, most importantly: It’s the right thing to do.

Bethlehem Star: July, 2018 p. 9

Media at Bethlehem: We’re always on the lookout for new ideas about how Bethlehem can use social media. Tell us yours. We want to share God's promises with all creation.

Fair Trade Coffee for Mission: The coffee we use for Hospitality on Sunday, which is also on sale in the social hall, is bought through Lutheran World Relief. This is an Equal Exchange program which takes out the "middle man" so the small farmers get the fair trade value of their coffee. A small amount of our purchases go to support Lutheran World Relief. If there is a coffee type that you would like please let the church office know.

Memorial Tiles: Bethlehem Lutheran participants have the availability of purchasing memorial plaque tiles to go on our master plaque. An individual name tile costs $15. For two names, one on each tile, the cost is $25. If you are interested or need more information, please call the church office at 480-832-0462.

The , located in front World Hunger Basketof the altar, is a continuing mission activity. You are invited to donate before, during, or after worship. ½ of the funds are sent to the ELCA World Hunger program, and the other ½ remain at Bethlehem to purchase food for the food bank at First Lutheran when their shelves are empty. The second page of the monthly calendar reports how much we sent to World Hunger the previous month, and how much of the funds on-hand were used to purchase food for the food bank. The cash raised at the annual Souper Bowl event is handled in the same manner.

From Our Stewardship Team:

DISCIPLES OF JESUS, what will happen in your life this summer? Some of God’s servants have big plans, others not so much. However, all will make decisions daily. So, where and how do you get your focus and set your plans in motion and form your habits?

Much will take place from now until fall. Are you really ready for whatever may happen? Any given day can change your life, your family, our world and even change ones eternity.

Only God’s Word and the power of the Holy Spirit will prepare anyone for this journey and bring joy and peace to ones heart and soul. Daily reading of the scriptures and obeying God’s messages lay out the straight path to living ones faith, living out ones purpose, recognizing how best to deal with problems and embracing and finding joy in life as God ordained.

Bethlehem’s library has a wealth of books to help in reading and understanding the Bible. Please give yourself a treat and search it for what you might find helpful for you. A big “thank you” to Deaconess Elyse Wheeler, for the great work in organizing the books for congregational use. The library is located in the nursery room. While it is so hot outside, get lost in God’s Word and secure your relationship with our best friend and Savior, Jesus Christ. All praise and glory to the Almighty Holy One, who leads us home as we follow His will and way.

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.

I Peter 4:10 Prayers, the Stewardship Team Audrey Anderson, Bill Gappa, Nancy Johnson, Danny Pugh, Elise Wheeler, and Joe Wheeler.

Bethlehem Star: July, 2018 p. 10

A New Paragraph In The History Of The Church

A new paragraph was written in history by the voting members of the Grand Canyon Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). From the perspective of the long history of the church, the paragraph is a brief one. For this part of the church, however, the paragraph is highly significant.

From June 14th - 16th, 107 pastors, 2 deacons, and 196 lay members of the synod’s 89 congregations met at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Oro Valley, Ariz.

The assembly began with the Service of Holy Communion. Bishop Lowell G. Almen was the presiding minister and ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton was the preaching minister.

During the course of the assembly, Presiding Bishop Eaton explored the assembly’s theme, “We Are Church Together.” She guided the election process for synod bishop and responded to questions asked by voting members on the work that we share throughout the ELCA and beyond.

Voting members: 1. Elected the Rev. Deborah K. Hutterer to a six-

year term as synodical bishop. On September 1st she will become the sixth bishop of the ELCA’s Grand Canyon Synod.

2. Reelected the Rev. David W. Brandfass (Christ, Sedona, Ariz.) synod secretary.

3. Nominated the Rev. Jason Adams (Reformation, Las Vegas) and the Rev. Karn Carroll (Our Saviour’s, Phoenix) for possible election by the 2019 Churchwide Assembly to a position on the ELCA Church Council.

4. Elected to positions on the Synod Council the Rev. Jeff Kallevig (Our Saviour’s, Tucson); the Rev. Tina Mills (Our Savior’s, Mesa and Gold Canyon); Mr. Erik Rehms (Faith, Phoenix); Ms. Nancy Davis (Shepherd of the Hills, Flagstaff); and Ms. Lisa Parrish (Crossroads, San Tan Valley, Ariz.).

5. Elected to serve as voting members of the 2019 ELCA Churchwide Assembly the Rev. Chon Pugh; the Rev. David Brandfass; Ms. Veronica Alvarez; Ms. Renee Waterstradt; Deacon Janice Zimbelman; Mr. Roger Bailey; Mr. Mike Johnson; and Ms. Erin LaHaye.

6. Elected to the synod’s Committee on Discipline

Ms. Elyse Wheeler; the Rev. Sarah Stadler; and the Rev. Carl Zimmerman.

7. Gave thanksgiving for the faithful departed and remembered especially the pastors of this synod who joined the church triumphant, praying: “Eternal God, we remember with thanksgiving all of those who have lived as sisters and brothers in Christ and have served you as faithful witnesses to the Gospel and agents of compassion for those in need. Especially this day we give thanks for the pastors of this synod whom you have received this past year into your arms of mercy: John W. Albrecht, Paul W. Baer, William E. Biedermann, Daniel J. Jordahl, Richard A. Larson, Howard W. Mars, John D. Pfeiffer, Donald P. Schneider, and Mary Todd-Pendergast. Keep us united with all the faithful in heaven and on earth and bring us all at last to the eternal banquet in your presence. Amen.”

8. Approved a resolution (a) urging “voting members of this assembly … to work for passage of common sense laws pertaining to firearms in this country that protect our communities, children, and all citizens from the carnage of gun violence”; (b) calling “upon our congregations to study and discuss existing ELCA statements on violence and appeals for stricter measures on gun control”; (c) encouraging “members to exercise their ministry of advocacy with our elected officials for passage of a Universal Background Check on the sale of all firearms and reinstatement of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban (expired in 2004)”; and (d) reaffirming “that this church does not reject gun ownership or the recreational activities associated with guns.”

9. Approved a resolution calling upon synod congregations in the state of Arizona “to provide current information about the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission needs and explain and promote the Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization … as a part of their missional outreach.”

10. Referred to the Synod Council a resolution on strategic planning as information supplementing action by the council already under way.

(continued on p. 11)

Bethlehem Star: July, 2018 p. 11

(continued from p. 10)

11. Received a report of a resolution submitted

during the course of the assembly urging that the U.S. government cease separating infants and children from their immigrant parents. Formal action will be taken by the Synod Council’s Executive Committee on the resolution (a) that “calls upon the [U.S.] President and the [U.S.] Department of Justice to exercise their power to cease [such separations]”, and (b) that urges “members to exercise their ministry of advocacy with our elected officials for passage of laws to prevent such separations and to speed the reunification of families.” Addressing the issue, Presiding Bishop Eaton noted that she had signed, along with two dozen other religious leaders, a letter, which read: “As religious leaders representing diverse faith perspectives, united in our concern for the well-being of vulnerable migrants who cross our borders fleeing from danger and threats to their lives, we are deeply disappointed and pained [by the Administration’s decision to separate families]. We affirm the family as a foundational societal structure to support human community and understand the household as an estate blessed by God. The security of the family provides critical mental, physical and emotional support to the development and wellbeing of children. Our congregations and agencies serve many migrant families that have recently arrived in the United States. Leaving their communities is often the only option they have to provide safety for their children and protect them from harm. Tearing children away from parents who have made a dangerous journey to provide a safe and sufficient life for them is unnecessarily cruel and detrimental to the well-being of parents and children. As we continue to serve and love our neighbor, we pray for the children and families that will suffer due to this policy and urge the Administration to stop their policy of separating families.”

12. Approved the fiscal 2019-2020 mission-spending plan of $2,167,542. The plan maintains the synod’s commitment of 50 percent of each dollar of congregational mission support being devoted

to ELCA churchwide ministries throughout this country and the world.

13. Contributed in the offering $3,256 for the Grand Canyon Synod’s Fund for Leaders scholarships for the education of future pastors and deacons.

14. Heard the report of Bishop Almen, who reminded assembly participants that they are members not only of their own congregation but also of the whole Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Grand Canyon Synod. He highlighted the key principle of interdependence in the life of the ELCA, reflected in ELCA constitutional provision 8.11., which reads: “This church shall seek to function as people of God through congregations, synods, and the churchwide organization, all of which shall be interdependent. Each part, while fully the church, recognizes that it is not the whole church and therefore lives in a partnership relationship with the others.”


Bethlehem Star: June, 2018

Garden Seeds: Life began in a garden… (Genesis)

“1,244 lbs” - WOW !!! …and it’s only JUNE… The Garden has set a personal production record in that we have produced over 200 lbs more by

the end of June, than it has EVER produced in a single year.

As we go to print, our Spring crop has been pulled; in place – we have planted our hot crop – “the

Armenian cucumbers” and “yard long beans”. The Fall Pumpkins are also in… replacing the

watermelons which have run their course…

How is a healthy person like the United States? They both have good constitutions…. Eat healthy

What do you get if you cross the first signer of the Declaration of Independence with a rooster?

John Han cock-a-doodle-doo.

We have a new box in the garden; designed to eventually block visually the A/C units. Right now planted with yard long beans but looking for a more permanent occupant.

Bethlehem Star: June, 2018




Early detection is critical! You want to catch squash bugs before they grow into adults or they are very difficult

to kill.

· Pick egg masses off the plants in the morning and later in the day. One reader fills a vase with water and liquid

detergent and flicks the squash bugs into the water. Once the bugs are dead, it’s fine to dump the water anywhere.

You can also simply scrape the eggs off the leaves with a butter knife and let them fall onto the ground, where

beetles will eat them. Eggs hatch in about ten days, so be sure to check for them on at least a weekly basis.

· Place a board or shingle in the garden at night. During the night, both adults and nymphs will congregate

underneath the board. Squash between two hard surfaces in the morning and dispose.

· Insecticides (such as carbaryl/Sevin) are most effective if applied when eggs are hatching. See your local garden

center or cooperative extension service for controls that are locally approved.

· Keep checking your plants, at least daily. If there are no more than a few vines infected, keep collecting and

destroying the bugs and crushing the egg clusters that you find on the undersides of leaves.


· Prevention is key: In the fall, be sure to burn or compost old squash vines to rid your garden of any possible

shelters for breeding and over-wintering.

· Avoid deep, cool mulches like straw or hay that provide an environment that these bugs seem to love.

· Practice crop rotation.

· Consider keeping vines covered until blossoming begins. Remove the cover for pollination needs. There is only

one generation of squash bugs per year, and you can avoid them by covering your plants for the first month of

spring. You can also delay planting your squash until the early months of summer.

· Companion planting can be useful in repelling squash bugs. Try planting nasturtium and tansy around your

plants that are commonly affected by squash bugs.

· Select varieties of squash that are resistant to the squash bug if you have a big problem. ‘Butternut’, ‘Royal

Acorn’, and ‘Sweet Cheese’ varieties are all more resistant to squash bugs.