Best Practices of Software Development

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Best Practices of Software Development

Best Practices of Best Practices of Software DevelopmentSoftware Development

Folio3 – OverviewFolio3 – Overview @folio_3

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Best Practices of Best Practices of Software DevelopmentSoftware Development @folio_3

Agenda Naming/Coding Standard

Good Programming Practices

Good Database Practices

Naming/Coding Standard Commonly used standards are Pascal & Camal casing.

Pascal Casing - First character of all words are Upper Case and

other characters are lower case.

Example: BackColor

Camel Casing - First character of all words, except the first word

are Upper Case and other characters are lower case.

Example: backColor

For complete reference, use language specific coding standard

document available on folio3 portal.

Good Programming Practices Avoid writing very long methods

A method should do only 'one job‘

Do not hardcode numbers. Use constants instead.

Convert strings to lowercase or upper case before comparing.

Use String.Empty instead of “”

Good Programming Practices Use member variables in class to store persistent data. Avoid

using member variable for passing data between methods.

The event handler should not contain the code to perform the

required action. Rather call another method from the event


Do not have more than one class in a single file.

Avoid having very large files.

If you have a method returning a collection, return an empty

collection instead of null.

Good Programming Practices If you are opening database connections, sockets, file stream etc,

always close them in the finally block.

Do not write comments if the code is easily understandable

without comment.

If you have to use some complex or weird logic for any reason,

document it very well with sufficient comments.

If you initialize a numeric variable to a special number other than

0 or -1, document the reason for choosing that value.

Good Programming Practices Never do a 'catch exception and do nothing‘.

In case of exceptions, give a friendly message to the user, but log the actual

error with all possible details about the error, including the time it occurred,

method and class name etc.

Always catch only the specific exception, not generic exception.

When you re throw an exception, use the throw statement without specifying

the original exception.

Do not write try-catch in all your methods. Use it only if there is a possibility

that a specific exception may occur and it cannot be prevented by any other


Do not write very large try-catch blocks.

Good Database Practices Do not use SELECT * in your queries. Always write the required

column names after the SELECT statement.

Try to avoid wildcard characters at the beginning of a word while

searching using the LIKE keyword.

Also avoid searching using not equals operators (<> and NOT).

Good Database Practices Use 'Derived tables‘ (also known as inline View) wherever

possible, as they perform better.

Use the more readable ANSI-Standard Join clauses instead of the

old style joins.

With ANSI joins, the WHERE clause is used only for filtering data.

Where as with older style joins, the WHERE clause handles both

the join condition and filtering data.

Good Database Practices If you are using Microsoft SQL Server, never prefix your stored

procedures with 'sp_‘.

Try to avoid generating unique ID while inserting rows in the db.

If it’s unavoidable, then use techniques to avoid pitfall.


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