Best Practices for Push Notifications

Post on 21-Mar-2017

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Transcript of Best Practices for Push Notifications


Best Practices for Push Notifications An Amazon Appstore Slideshare


Best Practices for Push Notifications

According to Localytics,push notificationsare said to boost app engagement by



A well-planned push notification strategy should be part of any marketing strategy.

Push strategies that do well tend to follow the same basic rules of any other marketing tactic: they offer an incentive to be opened, respect the user and arrive at the right time to kindly



Types of Push Notifications


New features and Content

Social actions

Take action


Create the Perfect Push: It’s Time to Get Personal

“Hi Peter!”

Mobile marketing platform Leanplum recently analyzed 1.5 billion push notifications. They found that when messages contained a personalized element, open rates increased by up to 800 percent.

The best notifications are tailored to each end user, factoring in even the smallest details such as the receiver’s first name.


Choose Optimal Time and Frequency

Hey Peter! Your weekly

update is ready.Check it out now!

Optimal Frequency Matters

A recent study by Tapjoy found that notifications sent early in the week had higher open rates, with Mondays seeing the highest open rates.

Like “Goldilocks and the Three Bears,” app users didn’t like “too much or too little,” engaging most with messages that were sent weekly.


Sign-Up Reminders Never Hurt

“Hi Peter! It looks like you forgot to create

your account.

There’s no time like the present ;)”

Remind users who have not yet signed up is a great opportunity for a personalized push.


Fresh Content Now Available

Do you have a media app with a regular cadence of new content? Send a notification to those users who have watched previous episodes of the same show.


It Doesn’t Have to End at the “Push”

So your users are now clicking through to re-engage with your app.

But is it clear how they can complete the task when they get there?


Always Measure Success

When deciding on success metrics for your push notifications, work backward from the desired call to action. 8




Determine If There’s a Return on Your Efforts

How often does each segment engage with your app? For how long?

Do they have differences in spending patterns?

Bottom line: keep tabs on whether the effort in designing and executing a push notification strategy is worth it.


How to Get Started

Developing a push strategy for every individual platform can quickly become time consuming. Luckily there are cross-platform tools available, such as Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), that allow you to send push notifications across all devices.


Want more? Download our “Best Practices for Push Notifications” eBook.