Best Practices for Client Intake – Responses Table of Contents · Best Practices for Client...

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Best Practices for Client Intake – Responses

Table of Contents

1. Nashville Bar Association (page 1-2) 2. Hawaii State Bar Association (page 2-3) 3. Palm Beach County Bar Association (page 3-6) 4. Jacksonville Bar Association (page 6) 5. Milwaukee Bar Association (page 7) 6. San Diego County Bar Association (page7) 7. Monroe County Bar Association (page 7-8) 8. Chicago Bar Association (page 8-9) 9. Santa Barbara County Bar Association (page 9-10) 10. The Bar Association of San Francisco (page 10-11) 11. Fairfax Bar Association (page 11-12) 12. State Bar of Wisconsin (page 12) 13. Philadelphia Bar Association (page 13-14) 14. Bar Association of Erie County (page 14-15) 15. The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis (page 16-25) 16. Kentucky Lawyer Referral Service (page 25) 17. Massachusetts Bar Association (page 25–26) 18. Hennepin County Bar Association (page 26-27) 19. Legal Aid Society of Orange County (page 17-28)

Nashville Bar Association 1. Attached 2. We do not have any formal scripts but have some basic plaintiff case questions we ask the caller before referring. 3. None 4. I’m not sure what you are asking 5. We do not have this feature 6. There has been such little turnover in our LRIS since 1998 that it has not been an issue. The one vacating the position works closely with the replacement for several days/weeks until they are comfortable. 7. There is no automatic evaluation of the intake personnel except for the survey that is offered on line. 8. We do not have any scripts 9. No 10. The LRIS has its own website that provides basic information on several areas of law, referrals can be requested via an online form (we use Form Stack), payment can also be made

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online via Authorize.Net. Response is immediate during business hours and first thing in the morning for those requested after hours. 11. Verbal for call-ins, email reply, paper for walk-ins. The potential client is given the attorney’s name, telephone number and in some cases their email address. 12. Other than our Plan of Operations (attached) we do not have a manual for the attorney. 13. Ideally, we are able to follow up quarterly (about 60% of referrals) and we do so by online survey which was taken from this paper sample (attached) 14. Our greeting states the referral fee ($40) and for which type of matters it is waived. Regarding no-show or “No Contact Made” this is much more common for those matters that do not have a referral fee, however I do not have a percentage. I expect these answers to be vastly different once we begin working with the Call Center here in Nashville. That is to begin mid-October. Hawaii State Bar Association 1. On-hold or forced listen scripts The phone system, is part of the Hawaii State Bar Association’s phone system, therefore callers on hold are entertained by the Public Radio Stations available in Hawaii. 2. Scripts used by intake personnel when answering the phone We are using the ‘template’ provided by the ABA available on the LRIS Standing Committee’s website; and localize. 3. Other greeting systems We are working on trying to adjust our phone system so it goes automatically to voicemail; providing information to clients regarding the fee for service arrangement; etc., thereby eliminating repeating ourselves and retaining paying clients. 4. Statements by intake specialists • The Service has been bar sponsored for over 37 years!’ • ‘Our attorneys are in practice and charge for service and determine the cases they will handle.’ • ‘We do not list all the attorneys in the state only those who sign up for the service.’ If the inquiry is forwarded in writing we add: Therefore, our program our program has limitations. It is an option clients may use for locating or retaining an attorney for a legal issue. And therefore for the above listed but not limited to reasons listed above not every inquiry to the bar may receive the assistance requested. In such cases clients use other resources available to the public on we or in print. Thank you for contacting our office and allowing us to articulate the limitations and scope of our program. 5. "Live Chat" feature for online interaction with clients: Do you currently have this feature? If so, what program do you use? Do you use scripted answers when responding? 6. Training protocols for intake personnel We were using the Judiciaries’ lunch and learn programs held during noon time session; however as the program was cut due to budgeting purposes we review information at the ABA Website’s Clearing house and local substantive areas of law held at the bar; as well as the ABA Webinars. 7. Monitoring and feedback systems for intake personnel (e.g. frequency of evaluation, types of reports generated by intake specialist, etc.) Survey is sent to clients, we try to do it every three months or so. 8. Standard screening scripts for substantive areas of law selection

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(please see above.) 9. Do you use specific queries regarding urgency of case, etc. We normally tell them we are able to refer; however no guarantees on whether the attorneys will be able to take the case. 10. Internet intake platforms: Type of system used? Self-selection of aol? Protocol for response time, etc.? No intake on web; just email address so clients are able to email us. 11. Process for communicating the referral to the client: Verbal? Paper? How much detail is provided about the attorney to the potential client? By Verbal, or email. Client contact info and subject matter. We are limited our use of paper due to the cost of mailing, etc. 12. Protocols for attorney intake of lawyer referral client: Do you provide guides or manuals to the attorneys or their support staff? None available only, LRIS Brochure 13. Process for follow-up with the client: Percentage of referrals surveyed? Method of survey? What questions are asked on the survey? See Par report 14. Costs/charges: How are they communicated to client? Do you charge an initial fee? Referral (administrative) or consultation? The effect on no-show rates, etc.? Generally speaking we tell clients attorney will charge upwards of $250 and hour depends. Be prepared to pay for services. Palm Beach County Bar Association 1. On-hold or forced listen scripts LRS PHONE MESSAGE RECORDING YOU HAVE REACHED THE LAWYER REFERRAL SERVICE OF THE PALM BEACH COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION. WE ARE OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY FROM 9 – 5 AND ARE CLOSED ON ALL LEGAL HOLIDAYS. IF YOU HAVE REACHED THIS MESSAGE, WE ARE SORRY, BUT WE ARE ASSISTING OTHER CLIENTS. WE DO NOT HAVE ATTORNEYS IN THIS OFFICE AND ARE UNABLE TO GIVE YOU ANY LEGAL ADVICE. THE PURPOSE OF OUR SERVICE IS TO PROVIDE YOU WITH THE NAME AND NUMBER OF ATTORNEY WHO MAY BE ABLE TO ASSIST YOU WITH YOUR PROBLEM. YOU ARE ENTITLED TO A 30-MINUTE CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY FOR A $50 REFERRAL FEE. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE AT THE TIME OF THE REFERRAL. WE ACCEPT VISA/MC OR DEBIT. IF YOU CHOOSE TO HIRE THE ATTORNEY AFTER YOUR CONSULTATION, THE ATTORNEY CHARGES THEIR OWN FEES. THE REFERRAL FEE IS WAIVED FOR BANKRUPTCY/MEDICAL MALPRACTICE/NEGLIGENCE-PERSONAL INJURY AND WORKER COMPENSATION CASES. IF THE FIRST ATTORNEY COULD NOT HELP YOU, WE CAN REFER YOU TO A SECOND ATTORNEY. THERE ARE NO REFUNDS. YOU MAY REQUEST A REFERRAL ONLINE AT PALMBEACHBAR.ORG. (SPELL OUT) GO TO THE DROPDOWN BOX / RESOURCES FOR THE PUBLIC /CLICK ON LAWYER REFERRAL SERVICE AND FILL OUT THE FORM. OR YOU MAY LEAVE US A MESSAGE WITH YOUR NAME AND NUMBER AND A BRIEF

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MESSAGE OF YOUR SITUATION. WE WILL RETURN YOUR CALL WITHIN 24 BUSINESS HOURS. THANK YOU AND HAVE A NICE DAY. (if we close during Christmas change this first paragraph to say: You have reached the office of the Lawyer Referral Service of the Palm Beach County Bar Association. Our offices are closed for holidays from ______ to _____ and we will reopen on __________). 2. Scripts used by intake personnel when answering the phone • You can also go online to our website at • – home page on right • Click resources for the public • CLICK lawyer referral service This is the Lawyer Referral Service returning your call. We can be reached at 561-687-3266 3. Other greeting systems no other system 4. Statements by intake specialists How can we help you? • Tell me about your situation. • WHAT CITY ARE YOU LOCATED IN? • Where did this issue occur • You entitled to a 30 min consultation with an attorney for a fee of $50.00 payable by credit or debit card Would you like a referral? If we can help them get the following information Follow the lrs referral form. • Name • Address • Phone • Source • Email Address Credit card information Let the attorney know that the Lawyer Referral Service referred you. 5. "Live Chat" feature for online interaction with clients: Do you currently have this feature? If so, what program do you use? Do you use scripted answers when responding? We are not currently using this technology 6. Training protocols for intake personnel we have some materials (albeit very old ones) from the ABA that we’ve used. Also, we have something that I believe we got off the ABA LRIS webpage that is a collaboration from the Ohio Metro LRS 7. Monitoring and feedback systems for intake personnel (e.g. frequency of evaluation, types of reports generated by intake specialist, etc.) We don’t have anything formal in place at the current time

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8. Standard screening scripts for substantive areas of law selection contained in the training materials we obtained from the ABA years ago that was a collaboration from the Ohio Metro LRS 9. Do you use specific queries regarding urgency of case, etc. no 10. Internet intake platforms: Type of system used? Self-selection of aol? Protocol for response time, etc.?We have a form on our web site that members of the public can fill out and return to us. Normally a referral is made to them within 24 business hours. We are in the process of upgrading our software to the eAssociate which will allow for on-line referrals 11. Process for communicating the referral to the client: Verbal? Paper? How much detail is provided about the attorney to the potential client? We can either do the referral over the phone as listed in # 2 or to go Online LAWYER REFERRAL AND INFORMATION SERVICE. Upon request, we will provide the client with information about the attorney such as law school, admit date to The Florida Bar and certification areas 12. Protocols for attorney intake of lawyer referral client: Do you provide guides or manuals to the attorneys or their support staff? We mail a form that has this information on it when they sign up. Staff also calls the attorney’s office to welcome them to the LRS and goes over the rules and procedures with staff. Public Service: The PBCBA LRS is a non-profit public service of the Palm Beach County Bar Association. If a referral to an attorney is not appropriate, the caller may be referred to a social agency for help. PBCBA LRS Physical Address: We do not allow clients to come to the PBCBA LRS office. Please do not refer clients to our office, but rather give them our phone number (561) 687-3266. 1/2 Hour Consultation: The rules of the PBCBA LRS state that the referred attorney is to meet with the client, either in person or telephonically, for a 1/2 hour consultation at no additional charge from the referral fee. Refer Back to the PBCBA LRS: If you cannot help a client that is referred to you by the Service, you must refer them back to the PBCBA LRS. It not only helps other panel members but also protects you from negligent referrals. Referring Clients to Other Attorneys in the Firm: The PBCBA LRS Rules require that you personally conduct the initial consultation with the client and NOT refer them to another attorney or paralegal in your firm to handle the consultation. Clients are sometimes provided with brief information about you and feel “passed off” to someone else if you are not the attorney with whom they meet. Further, only attorneys registered with our LRS can meet with these clients Client Surveys: Client satisfaction surveys are sent on a regular basis that ensures us that PBCBA LRS is providing a valued service to the public. Referral Status Reports: Please feel free to save postage and fax your status reports to the LRS in a timely fashion. Monthly and Quarterly Reports: Any case that has not been reported on and is open will be listed on your monthly and quarterly reports. Please pay your fees to the PBCBA LRS by returning your reports with a check when you receive your fee. If the case is still pending and no further fees have been

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collected at that time, please return those reports to avoid being removed from rotation for non-compliance. Vacation, Sick or Busy: If you are going on vacation, have an extended illness or are extremely busy the LRS can hold your referrals for any amount of time necessary. Just let us know. Address and/or Firm Change: If your office moves or you switch firms, please immediately inform the LRS. Practice Area Changes: If you wish to change practice areas, please contact the PBCBA LRS. Frequency of Referrals: LRS clients are told that referrals are made on a rotating basis. The PBCBA LRS does not give out lists of attorneys. Clients Looking for Free Attorneys: The phone message and the PBCBA LRS staff tell the potential client that the attorneys on the service are not free or reduced rate. 13. Process for follow-up with the client: Percentage of referrals surveyed? Method of survey? What questions are asked on the survey? We used to do surveys, but have not done them in a number of years. The very few that were returned didn’t make it worth the time. We are exploring trying to get volunteers to come in and spot check the attorneys by looking at those who routinely indicate that the client never contacted them to look up some of the cases at the clerk’s office. 14. Costs/charges: How are they communicated to client? Do you charge an initial fee? Referral (administrative) or consultation? The effect on no-show rates, etc.? The initial fee information is explained on our website, in the detailed message that is on our phone system as well as the staff providing that information verbally. No-show rates have significantly been reduced since we started collecting the fee up front, over the phone, for the past year. Jacksonville Bar Association I am contacting you on behalf of the Jacksonville Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral Service. At this time we don’t have any sort of written practice or screening methods to speak of. Due to the fact that our LRS consists of 1 person who takes calls and does all the administrative work. We do go through a “pitch” of some kind, explaining what the person is getting and how much it would cost for us to set up a referral for them, and most important that we are not attorneys and can provide no sort of legal advice. Other than that the only other guidelines that we really have are the ones laid out in the LRS application, that is signed and submitted by all the attorneys on the service before they receive any referrals. I have attached the LRS application to this email for you to review, sorry that I could not attach it as a .doc file I only have access to it as a PDF or paper document.

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Milwaukee Bar Association After going through my files, I noticed that all of my screening guidelines came from previous ABA LRIS conferences so you probably already have access to them. We do have some helpful tips in our manual (attached) though. Other than that, we don’t have a specific “script”. We do have an opening message that all callers have to listen to when they call that I basically stole from the Colorado LRIS because I thought it was perfect. We do have a live chat that is done by me only and although I don’t have a script, I handle it like a call. It’s through imo. Our online “script” is through Legal Interactive and we email survey all of our callers. We call those that don’t have email. We tell all of the callers the fee agreement and it is also stated on our website. San Diego County Bar Association 1. On-hold or forced listen scripts: Attached 2. Scripts used by intake personnel when answering the phone: Attached 3. Other greeting systems: Attached 4. Statements by intake specialists 5. "Live Chat" feature for online interaction with clients: Do you currently have this feature? If so, what program do you use? Do you use scripted answers when responding?: attached 6. Training protocols for intake personnel: Attached 7. Monitoring and feedback systems for intake personnel (e.g. frequency of evaluation, types of reports generated by intake specialist, etc.) 8. Standard screening scripts for substantive areas of law selection: Attached 9. Do you use specific queries regarding urgency of case, etc. 10. Internet intake platforms: Type of system used? Self-selection of aol? Protocol for response time, etc.? 11. Process for communicating the referral to the client: Verbal? Paper? How much detail is provided about the attorney to the potential client? : surveys 12. Protocols for attorney intake of lawyer referral client: Do you provide guides or manuals to the attorneys or their support staff? attached articles and reporting instructions 13. Process for follow-up with the client: Percentage of referrals surveyed? 100% referrals with the exception of Family Law and Modest Means Method of survey? 30, 60, & Closed What questions are asked on the survey? attached 14. Costs/charges: How are they communicated to client? Do you charge an initial fee? No Referral (administrative) or consultation? The effect on no-show rates, etc.? Monroe County Bar Association 1. On-hold or forced listen scripts – See attached. 2. Scripts used by intake personnel when answering the phone – No script, but basically the same greeting “ good morning, lawyer referral service, this is Mark, how may I help you?” “ I am not the attorney, what I do is refer you to an attorney that is on our panel. We charge a $40 referral fee that I would get up-front over the phone and in turn the attorney would waive their consultation fees for up to a half hour.” 3. Other greeting systems - none 4. Statements by intake specialists - not sure what you mean by this?

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5. "Live Chat" feature for online interaction with clients: Do you currently have this feature? If so, what program do you use? Do you use scripted answers when responding? – don’t have that….yet 6. Training protocols for intake personnel – I am the only one. 7. Monitoring and feedback systems for intake personnel (e.g. frequency of evaluation, types of reports generated by intake specialist, etc.) none in place 8. Standard screening scripts for substantive areas of law selection – we are based on the Honor system 9. Do you use specific queries regarding urgency of case, etc. – none at this time. 10. Internet intake platforms: Type of system used? Self-selection of aol? Protocol for response time, etc.? On the Bar website, there is a referral request that gets directly emailed to me and I call the person directly. 11. Process for communicating the referral to the client: Verbal? Paper? How much detail is provided about the attorney to the potential client? This is a verbal giving of the name and number of the attorney. If they have an email address then I send them a confirmation email as I send the attorney their confirmation email. I don’t go into details about the attorney unless the client asks. 12. Protocols for attorney intake of lawyer referral client: Do you provide guides or manuals to the attorneys or their support staff? Not at the moment, but it is a goal to personally meet the attorneys and go over what is expected, how the program works, how I can better serve them, etc.. 13. Process for follow-up with the client: Percentage of referrals surveyed? Method of survey? What questions are asked on the survey? All referrals are surveyed if they have an email address, if not then they are randomly surveyed by a post card that is pre-paid. See attached 14. Costs/charges: How are they communicated to client? Do you charge an initial fee? Referral (administrative) or consultation? The effect on no-show rates, etc.? – We collect all referral fees up front over the phone by credit or debit card and the number of no shows is pretty much zero. The client occasionally mails in a check or money order and then I will call with the referral. The fee is communicated as for the referral and the attorney consequently waives their consultation fee. Chicago Bar Association In response, I am attaching the following: 1) Our on-hold/forced listen scripts for the phones (for requested item #1 in Jane's email); 2) Our Staff Training Manual (which contains bits and pieces for requested items #2 - #4, #6 and #8); 3) Our Staff Evaluation Form (completed annually - for requested item #7); 4) Screen shots of our Website Online Referral Module (for requested items #10, #11 and #14); 5) Our Client Survey (for item #13) Additionally, the following are my responses to the other items listed in her request:

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6) With respect to item #5, we do not presently utilize a "Live Chat" feature. 7) With respect to item #9, we do not presently use any specific queries regarding urgency of case. 8) With respect to item #11, for callers calling in for a referral during our normal business hours, we provide a referral on the spot verbally. We provide the attorneys name, address and telephone number and either ask the client to contact the attorney-or-we offer to transfer their call directly to the attorneys office at that time. The only additional information we would provide about the attorney is how long they have been in practice and how long been on our referral service - and this is only if the caller requests the information. With regard to referrals made via our website referral module, after an individual inputs their contact information and what type of attorney they are looking for, there is an automated rotation process that generates the name of the next available attorney, with their contact information and instructions on what to do to contact them (see screen shots of this attached and referred to in #4 above). 9) With respect to item #12, we do not presently provide attorneys any guides or protocols to follow for the intake of LRS clients. We do provide them with our Standard Operating Procedures and Rules (in the Training Manual attached) with general instructions on not charging a client more then they normally would just because they will be paying us percentage fees, how to fill out our reports, etc… and things like that. I would be very interested in seeing what others do in this regard for their panel members and in putting a Guide or Manual together for our attorneys! 10) With respect to number #14, we charge clients a $30 fee ONLY if they go meet with the attorney. The attorney collects this fee and forwards it to us with their status reports. We don't charge anything up front at the time of making the referral, either via telephone or website. The $30 fee is stated in our automated phone greeting and on our website, and also reiterated by our interviewers when speaking with clients. Santa Barbara County Bar Association 1. On-hold or forced listen scripts We do not have a script at the moment, but are working on one. 2. Scripts used by intake personnel when answering the phone 3. Other greeting systems 4. Statements by intake specialists 5. "Live Chat" feature for online interaction with clients: Do you currently have this feature? If so, what program do you use? Do you use scripted answers when responding? No such feature. 6. Training protocols for intake personnel Intake personnel read the attached manual and listen and learn for ~ two weeks until they are ready to take on calls. 7. Monitoring and feedback systems for intake personnel (e.g. frequency of evaluation, types of reports generated by intake specialist, etc.) This is constant. We have 1.5 staff members and calls and responses are evaluated daily. 8. Standard screening scripts for substantive areas of law selection 9. Do you use specific queries regarding urgency of case, etc. No

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10. Internet intake platforms: Type of system used? Self-selection of aol? Protocol for response time, etc.? None as far as Internet platform; response time is 24 hours. 11. Process for communicating the referral to the client: Verbal? Paper? How much detail is provided about the attorney to the potential client? Verbal/via email. We try to collect as much relevant info as we can. 12. Protocols for attorney intake of lawyer referral client: Do you provide guides or manuals to the attorneys or their support staff? No 13. Process for follow-up with the client: Percentage of referrals surveyed? Method of survey? What questions are asked on the survey? Survey is attached. ~80% surveyed via mail/email/phone. 14. Costs/charges: How are they communicated to client? Do you charge an initial fee? Referral (administrative) or consultation? The effect on no-show rates, etc.? We charge admin fee of $25 in some cases (ie not in Social Security, Workers' Comp, PI, non-income spouse in Fam Law etc). Some pay and do not contact attorney. Most do. The Bar Association of San Francisco 1. On-hold or forced listen scripts Attached 2. Scripts used by intake personnel when answering the phone We do not have a written script for answering the phone; mostly we have intake folks hone their explanation of the service which may or may not be the first matter covered in the interview! 3. Other greeting systems NONE 4. Statements by intake specialists See answer to number 2 5. "Live Chat" feature for online interaction with clients: Do you currently have this feature? If so, what program do you use? Do you use scripted answers when responding? Yes, we use Live Chat through Zopim. No script for answers because the requests are not uniform in legal content, albeit thanking the potential client for contacting our program is always part of the message. 6. Training protocols for intake personnel Entire training manual is attached 7. Monitoring and feedback systems for intake personnel (e.g. frequency of evaluation, types of reports generated by intake specialist, etc.) We generate call, intake and referral statistics for each of our intake personnel on a monthly basis and provide those results to each intake staff member monthly; The Director and the Intake &Referral Supervisor meet quarterly with each staff member to review more closely the person’s ongoing performance; this sometimes also can occur on a monthly basis if the intake staff member is new and/or working through specific techniques and skills. 8. Standard screening scripts for substantive areas of law selection Attached is our training manual, the back half of which is devoted to sample interviews for the substantive areas of law. 9. Do you use specific queries regarding urgency of case, etc. Statute and court deadlines, client circumstances that may merit an emergency referral 10. Internet intake platforms: Type of system used? Self-selection of aol? Protocol for response time, etc.? Switching to new in-the-cloud system with Intellinx software-as-a-service in 2013; currently using a custom-built database the platform for which is Microsoft ACCESS 11. Process for communicating the referral to the client: Verbal? Paper? How much detail is provided about the attorney to the potential client? Verbally communicated at this time; we will

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have the ability to automatically send the referral information to each client via email in our new system (we do sometimes do this if the client requests it or is long distance). 12. Protocols for attorney intake of lawyer referral client: Do you provide guides or manuals to the attorneys or their support staff? We do not provide intake guidance to our panel attorneys for LRIS client referrals. 13. Process for follow-up with the client: Percentage of referrals surveyed? Method of survey? What questions are asked on the survey? Sample client survey attached; every client referred is sent a survey. 14. Costs/charges: How are they communicated to client? Do you charge an initial fee? Referral (administrative) or consultation? The effect on no-show rates, etc.? We charge a fee for the 30-minute consultation ($35) except in injury matters, and we set up the appointment for the client with the attorney. This seems to keep our no-show rate under 10%. The clients usually opt to bring a check with them to the appointment and give it to the attorney who forwards the check to us. We also accept credit card payment which is made ahead of the appointment. We do not automatically refund the fee of $35 if it was pre-paid and the client didn’t show. Fairfax Bar Association 1. On-hold or forced listen scripts See attachment above (Recorded Messages) 2. Scripts used by intake personnel when answering the phone See attachment above (1 1 Telephone Procedures . . .) 3. Other greeting systems N/A 4. Statements by intake specialists See attachment above (1 1 Telephone Procedures. . .) 5. "Live Chat" feature for online interaction with clients: Do you currently have this feature? If so, what program do you use? Do you use scripted answers when responding? N/A 6. Training protocols for intake personnel Individuals start training by studying Staff Training Manual [see attachment above (Staff Training Manual Contents). They then “shadow” both the Director and one or more LRIS counselors for several days until they feel confident enough to begin taking calls. They take calls for one or two days with an experienced LRIS counselor sitting with them to help and to answer any questions. ] 7. Monitoring and feedback systems for intake personnel (e.g. frequency of evaluation, types of reports generated by intake specialist, etc.) Intake personnel are monitored on a daily basis. Reports generated include confirmation reports, client reports, the daily receipts for consultation fees (fee of $40 charged for consultation). The Director and one other employee process percentage fees and generate the percentage fee reports to attorneys. 8. Standard screening scripts for substantive areas of law selection See attachment above (1 1 Telephone Procedures. . .) 9. Do you use specific queries regarding urgency of case, etc. Most urgency seems to arise when the client calls the day before their court date or if they need a same day appointment. We try to accommodate them but we tell them upfront that sometimes it is not possible to schedule an appointment with an attorney on such short notice. 10. Internet intake platforms: Type of system used? Self-selection of aol? Protocol for response time, etc.? Requests for consultations are also received via email through the Fairfax Bar Association website. These requests are emailed to LRIS staff who call clients as the requests are received (on a daily basis). We leave a message to call us back if the client does not answer.

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11. Process for communicating the referral to the client: Verbal? Paper? How much detail is provided about the attorney to the potential client? Clients receive information either verbally or by email. Information provided can include year attorney was licensed to practice, what law school they attended, the attorney’s website address and attorney contact information. 12. Protocols for attorney intake of lawyer referral client: Do you provide guides or manuals to the attorneys or their support staff? Intake staff normally speak directly with the attorney to schedule the appointment. The confirmation letter is immediately sent by email or fax to the attorney. 13. Process for follow-up with the client: Percentage of referrals surveyed? Method of survey? What questions are asked on the survey? Referrals are surveyed on a case-by-case basis so the percentage surveyed varies every month. Intake personnel ask each client if they are willing to receive the survey and their answer (yes or no) is put in a “Comments” section. Often, clients do not want anything sent to their homes (particularly in situations involving divorce). Questions asked include if they were satisfied with the service they received from both the attorney and the referral service, length of the consultation, if any letters, court papers or other documents were prepared by the attorney, if the attorney handled a lawsuit or other legal problem for them, if they retained the attorney and what fee was quoted to them by the attorney, if they give permission for their comments to be shared with the attorney. We are going to add a question asking if we can use comments about the referral service on our website and that if we use their comments, only their first name and initial of their last name would be published. 14. Costs/charges: How are they communicated to client? Do you charge an initial fee? Referral (administrative) or consultation? The effect on no-show rates, etc.? We collect the $40 consultation fee upfront using VISA or MasterCard. We are flexible, so if the client wants to pay cash at the attorney’s office, we allow them to do so. Our “no show” rates are very low – for our last 2 fiscal years they have been approx. 2-3% of our total referrals. State Bar of Wisconsin 1. Forced introductory script 8. Standard screening scripts for substantive areas of practice 10. a link to our consumer website, providing do-it-yourself referrals 11. & 13. Process for communicating the referral to the client: our LRIS Client Survey 12. Protocols for attorney intake of LRIS client: the LRIS member instructions letter

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Philadelphia Bar Association Survey Responses

1. On-hold or forced listen scripts – Opening Greeting: “Thank you for calling the

Philadelphia Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral and Information Service. The Lawyer Referral and Information Service refers to attorneys in private practice according to type of practice. Shortly, you will speak with an intake staff attorney who will review your problem and determine if an attorney’s representation is right for you. To obtain a referral to an attorney, press one now to speak with an intake staff attorney.

To hear about free or reduced cost legal service options available in Philadelphia, press two now. If you would like to hear this message again, press four now. All others, please stay on the line and the next available staff attorney will answer your call in the order in which it was received. Thank you for calling.” Periodic on hold greeting: “Thank you for your patience. Your call is important to us. Please remain on the line and an intake staff attorney will be with you shortly. Thank you for calling the Lawyer Referral and Information Service.” (Repeats every two minutes.)

2 Scripts used by intake personnel when answering the phone – We do not have written scripts.

1. Other greeting systems – N/A 2. Statements by intake specialists – We do not have written scripts. 3. "Live Chat" feature for online interaction with clients: Do you currently have this

feature? If so, what program do you use? Do you use scripted answers when responding? – No, we do not have this system.

4. Training protocols for intake personnel – Intake personnel are trained by senior staff one on one at hiring. Intake personnel are also trained periodically as issues arise or as necessary.

5. Monitoring and feedback systems for intake personnel (e.g. frequency of evaluation, types of reports generated by intake specialist, etc.) – Intake personnel are evaluated on a continual basis as necessary.

6. Standard screening scripts for substantive areas of law selection – N/A 7. Do you use specific queries regarding urgency of case, etc. - No 8. Internet intake platforms: Type of system used? Self-selection of aol? Protocol for

response time, etc.? – E-mail interface on website. Wufoo is the system used. Messages must be responded to within 24 hours of receipt.

9. Process for communicating the referral to the client: Verbal? Paper? How much detail is provided about the attorney to the potential client? – Clients are given the referral while on the phone with the intake attorney. A written copy of the referral is also either mailed or emailed to the client. The client is provided with the attorney’s name, address, and telephone number.

10. Protocols for attorney intake of lawyer referral client: Do you provide guides or manuals to the attorneys or their support staff? – No

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11. Process for follow-up with the client: Percentage of referrals surveyed? Method of survey? What questions are asked on the survey? - 100% of clients are surveyed. The survey is mailed to the client with a business reply envelope. (A copy of our survey is attached.)

12. Costs/charges: How are they communicated to client? Do you charge an initial fee? Referral (administrative) or consultation? The effect on no-show rates, etc.? We charge a $30 first half hour consultation fee. This is communicated to the client on the telephone and also in the written referral letter which we send.

Bar Association of Erie County 1. No on-hold or forced listened scripts. 2. Lawyer Referral Service Mock Conversation Lawyer Referral & Information Service, how may I assist you. Can you afford an attorney? Is this for yourself? Tell me a little bit about what the situation is, or what kind of problem you are having. When did this happen? Have you had an attorney for this in the past or have one now? Through this service we would ask for your name, address and phone number. We’ll give you the name and number of an attorney. You would give him a call and tell him you were referred by this service. He cannot charge you more than $20 for the first half hour consultation. During that time you should discuss what the situation is, if he or she is able to assist you and what their fees are. Would you like a referral? At this point you would take the clients information, or if they declined possibly give them numbers to low or no income programs. Have a nice day. 3. No other greeting systems 4. Please refer to question 2 regarding statements by intake specialist. 5. We do not use Live chat for on online referrals.

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6. Lawyer Referral manuals and live phone conversations with experienced personnel. 7. Monitoring and feedback for intake personnel.- Within close proximity of intake Personnel daily – client survey cards sent daily. Daily reports faxed to attorneys after initial referral by intake personnel. 8. Standard screening- see above- which covers everything we need to know 9. Urgency of case- see above- client usually volunteers the information.

10. We use the Refer program for daily referrals and our web site for online referrals after hours. Response time will be within 24 hours 11. In telephone referrals we communicate information verbally. If it is an email we email

the information to the Client. We usually provide the name, address, & phone number to contact the attorney.

12. We do provide information in our application for attorney protocol as well as information on the referral sheet faxed to the attorney. 13. Process of follow up with client.- Telephone surveys and client survey cards

mailed. 50% of clients surveyed with both methods. Questions asked on survey 1. Did you keep appointment? 2. Did the attorney charge you $20.00 for the 30 minute consultation? 3. Would you use this attorney again? 4. Would you use the Lawyer Referral Service in the future? 5. Room for comments and encouragement to write them.

14. Costs/ charges are related to client verbally and on our website if done by email.

See above. We do not charge a fee for the referral. Client is informed they may be charged a

$20.00 fee for a 30 minute consultation with the attorney. Any other charges are to be taken up with the attorney. Our no show rates are improving as we are now keeping track of the clients that may do this on a continuing basis. As each referral is an individual issue, and each intake person is an individual, We try to individualize the referral based on many factors but each client should receive the information in the above conversation to make a well informed decision. We do not like to be too scripted but take into account each client’s circumstances. We are a public service first.

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The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis Date: September 26, 2012 1) On hold or forced scripts: Everyone who calls the LRIS phone line hears a greeting but has an option to be transferred into a que or leave a message or if the caller does nothing (not be transferred into a que or leave a message), the call is transferred into voicemail. The forced script or greeting is broken into lines which is much easier since usually I just have to record the script about hours as opposed to our old system which reaquired me to record the entir greeting. . In the past everyone who called the LRIS phone line heard the greeting and had the option of being placed in a que or leaving a message. Also, the LRIS line now shows on caller ID. In the past, the bar’s main phone number showed on the caller ID resulting in many callers calling the main phone number aggravating the receptionist. Thank you for calling the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis Lawyer Referral and Information Service or the LRIS. Our hours are Monday through Friday, 930 to 4, with the office closed between 1130 to 1230 pm. When you call this number, you will always hear a greeting. Please listen carefully for your options/ To reach the LRIS directly during working hours, please press 1. To leave a voicemail message, please press star. To repeat this greeting at any time, please press pound. If you remain on the line, your call will be transferred into the LRIS general mailbox. The remainder of this greeting, about 90 more seconds, explains how the lris operates. The LRIS is not Legal Aid. We cannot give legal advice. In most cases, the lawyer will charge fees. You will receive a referral to a prescreened lawyer based on your situation and geographic preference after you briefly explain your situation and provide your contact information. The lawyer may be immediately contacted. There is no charge for a brief phone conversation with the lawyer or for the referral. For a consultation of up to 30 minutes, usually in the lawyer’s office, there is a $30 fee to pay to the lawyer except if your case involves personal injury, social security disability, workers compensation or ABA DOL program referrals. If you meet with the lawyer, please pay the lawyer the fee Also, you may mail in the fee with the survey mailed to everyone who receives a referral or to pay by credit card, please call the LRIS. Our email address is or visit us on Facebook. As a reminder, to repeat this greeting, please press pound.

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To leave a message, please press star. We appreciate your calling the LRIS. NIGHT greeting (1, 5 and 4): Currently our office is closed. Our regular hours are from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Our office is closed on all legal holidays. LRIS general mailbox 3183 – Standard greeting is: This is the LRIS general mailbox. Please leave your name and phone number after the beep. Thank you. (If a bar’s phone systems are separate from the LRIS, it is important to have the receptionist easily transfer calls to the LRIS or the LRIS general mailbox AND to have the bar’s mian number’s after hours greeting to provide a connection transferring to the LRIS general mailbox. In August, we obtained a new phone system –BAMSL’s phone greeting after hours lists a directory which allows gives an option to transfer the LRIS general voicemail box. Unfortunately the new phone system has many problems and this greeting was not transferred over. Also, I had to have my supervisor step in when the person who was supposed to do this did not do it for over a year.) 2) Scripts – Every call is answered “Good morning or afternoon, Lawyer Referral Service, How may I help you? Courtesy and empathy should be used in every call. Please is used for every question and thank you is used for every response as well as the end of the call, with appropriate sympathies of “I am sorry” expressed to a person calling about the death of a spouse, child, significant other, etc. My phone now has caller ID but if the caller does not identify where the situation is, every caller is asked if the caller and/or the situation is located in the St. Louis area. Explain why the caller wants to speak with a lawyer: Then a caller is asked to briefly explain the situation if the caller has not done so. Depending on the situation, additional questions may be asked which will be discussed in my answers to questions 8 and 9. Contact and Source Information: Then the caller is asked for the caller’s address, if there is an apartment number, a phone number and an alternate phone number, the source – how did the caller hear about the LRIS if the caller has not identified this already.

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Every caller is asked if the caller has a piece of paper and something to write with. An attorney is then assigned. If the caller does not have something to write with, I ask if the caller has voicemail and offer to leave the information on voicemail. Before hanging up and leaving a voicemail, I ask if the lawyer is convieniently located and give the attorney’s name, and tell the caller when I hang up, I will call right back and ask the caller to please not answer the phone. Make sure the client understands how the LRIS works: Before the attorney information is given, every caller is asked is the caller hear and/or understand the greeting explaining how the LRIS works, and if not, I explain the LRIS and ask if the caller understands, In all contingency fee cases, I explain there is no fee for the consultation. The attorney information is then given to the attorney. If the attorney wants me to transfer the call, I offer that option. If the caller or the attorney does not want the call transferred, I explain to the caller the caller may call the attorney as soon as we hang up and the caller would have to contact the attorney since the attorney cannot initiate contact. All callers are asked to tell the attorney the caller was referred by the Metro Bar. Before hanging up, every caller is thanked. For nearly two years, I have been the sole LRIS staff. When I joined the LRIS 8 ½ years ago, I asked the other staff member to always answer as discussed above, and had both of us listen to a phone customer service webinar through the ABA. 3. Other greeting systems – N/A 4. Statements by intake specialists - I am unsure what you mean other than in the following situations: A request is made for an specific personal characteristic of an attorney, female, male, old, young, Christian, not Jewish, African Amercian, etc. – The caller is told we do not have that information and are unable to make referrals on that basis. Sometimes if the caller asks for a young attorney and seems concerned about fees, I will ask if the caller wants an attorney who may have reduced fees and accepts installment payments. If a caller asks if the caller has a case or for any legal advice, the caller is told the LRIS cannot give legal advice and I am not an attorney but the attorney should be able to answer your questions.

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5. “Live Chat” – do not have. 6. Training protocols for intake personnel – N/A – during the past two years – I am the sole staff member. In the past, I have had seven law students or lawyers between jobs who I trained by discussing with them what is involved in the average call and then listening to me and/or the LRIS assistant. I do not have time to seek help or train anyone now. 7. Monitoring and feedback systems for intake personnel – Every “client” is sent a survey which asks if the client is satisfied with the LRIS and/or would use the LRIS again. Each survey is reviewed by me upon receipt and is then promptly input for tracking. Also, I frequently generate many reports about fees, referrals, etc. 8. Standard screening scripts for substantive areas of law selection – No scripts but: Can you give me a list or more than one name? We give one name at a time and ask you to contact the attorney to see if the attorney can help. We will give up to a maximum of three attorneys, one at a time. How good is the attorney? Can you give me a rating? We do not rate attorneys nor are we aware of any rating that is objective. Please note we follow the ABA rules for lawyer referral services,… Can you tell me (a legal question)? Do I have a case? Although I will be happy to refer to you a lawyer who can answer your question, I am not an attorney and cannot give legal advice. I have no money for an attorney. Please briefly explain your situation. Perhaps Legal Aid or the Public Defender can help you. If they cannot, I can refer you to a lawyer who may have reduced fees and accept installment payments. Why do you need my name and address? Because we are required by the ABA guidelines to send everyone who receives a referral to an attorney a survey. However, this information is only disclosed to the attorney and we do not sell this information. Adoption – Is the child a family member, i.e. step child or grancchild? (Foreign adoptive parents rarely call here.) Bankruptcy: Personal or business. Civil Rights: By whom – please explain (employer, police, a store, etc) Collections/Garnishment: Have you been sued? Is there a judgemtn?

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Consumer law – home improvement, car dealers, insurance – often the BBB, Division of Insurance, etc. is given Family law – Is this a divorce, child support, etc.? Guardian – do you want to obtain guardianship over someone? If a child, is this a grandparent, is there a parent from whom you are seeking guardianship? I Do you want to be independent and not have a guardian or are you having problems with your quardian? Insurance – what type – homeowners, rental,automobile, lif Malpractice (legal or dental) – is the lawyer or doctor in the St. Louis a5rea Administrative law – Elder law – please briefly explain the situation; does the situation involve Medicaid benefits; is the person a senior citizen? Often elder law just involves a senior citizen with a legal issue. Social Security – Is this for disability or supplemental income? If the person discusses receipt of their spouse’s SSI – was the spouse receiving disability payments? Is this a back pay issue Is this an appeal in the US Court of Appeals or is the matter still before Social Security? Is this for a child? Consumer law – If the person says the problem involves a construction contract – is this a home improvement contract? Crimiinal law – Is the matter in the St. Louis area? Arrested or in jail – is this a felony or a misdemeanor, or what degree? Do you or the person have a lawyer, if complaining about a public defender. Family law – Can we send a survey to the given address or is there another address we should use? (Soon surveys can be sent by email.) If the person mentions abuse, is there physical abuse involved? Corporate attorney – the person is asked to explain the situation. Often people want a corporate attorney for a consumer law or labor or employment matter.

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Litigation – If nursing home abuse or medical or dental malpractice, was there a physical injury involved? If person mentions a restraining order, is the other party a spouse, former spoure, parent of a child? Legal Malpractice – is the situation you wish to discuss with an attorney over the handling of the case, or communication or fees? If communication – refer to the OCDC; If fees – refer to Fee Dispuate Real estate – is the property located in the St. Louis area For Landlord – are you a tenant? If you are tenant – are you being sued? Are you being evicted? If so, when? Have you been served? Foreclosure – Has the process started or are you having problems with the lender or servicer? Property owned by deceased person – Has probate started? If person wants to sign away property to receive benefits – is this for Medicaid Probate – has a person passed away? If the person is alive, for guardianship or estate planning or probate litigation over the handling of another’s estate 9. Specific queries regarding urgency of case, etc. – Yes – in litigation or family law, ask is this to start the process or is there a deadline or court date? (and asked in some real estate matters) 10: Internet intake platforms: Type of system used: I am not sure what this means – currently the public can submit a fillable form or send an email. Self-selction of aol? What is “aol” – area of law? Assuming aol is area of law, no, there is no self-selection since most people would incorrectly choose although there is a listl. Protocol for response time – None – Since I joined the LRIS, I have always responded to the email queries and respond as soon as possible – most by the end of the day if received by mid- afternoon. There have never been any complaints about response time. When I joined the LRIS, to respond to email queries, I developed a “signature” which asks for necessary information, and another signature when I have all of the information. 11. Process for communicating the referral to the client: Verbal? Paper? How much detail is provided about the attorney the potential client? If the request is made by phone, the attorney’s name, phone number and geographic location is indicated as well as explaining in what practice area the referral was made – to make sure the location, hours, etc. meet the client’s needs and to make sure the referral is in the correct practice area. If the client seems wary, the years of practice and years on the panel are given. With our

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new software, the years of practice and law school will be easily available. I have seen on the ListServe many services offer this information which is a great idea and I will explore. If the query is via email, the attorney information is given via email with a PDF copy of the notice sent. Currently all clients are mailed a survey and a notice a week later, except if the client is in a foreign country. *Our new software will allow surveys and notices to be emailed. 12. Protocols for attorney intake of lawyer referral client: Do you provide guides or manuals to the attorneys or their support staff? Every notice to the attorney tells them to not contact the client unless the call was transferred or the client called the attorney, to not refer to another attorney without contacting the LRIS My experience is attorneys wants something short and sweet and would ignore a lengthy manual or booklet. All new attorneys are given a “booklet” ( a folder) with an LRIS summary sheet, copies of forms, and a letter explaining what to expect, LRIS policies, etc. When the new software goes live, I will create another “booklet” and send an email to all panel attorneys with the PDF attached. I now schedule a phone call and email new attorneys a PDFs and then mail the booklet. Also, I ask if the attorney has staff, and if so, to explain the process to the staff and/or share the booklet. Twice a year with quarterly reports, the LRIS summary sheet is sent to all LRIS attorneys who are encouraged to share this with their staff. I go through every item on the summary sheet and the forms. Until my employee status became hourly last spring, I met with every new LRIS attorney in their office or at the bar, usually at the end of the day. Because these meetings often would add to more than a 40 hour work week, I can no longer do this. 13. Process for follow-up wiith the client: Percentage of referrals surveyed: 100 % - everyone who receives a referral to an attorney is mailed a survey one week later with the notice. Later this month, the new software will allow me to offer the option of emailing the survey and notice with a self-addressed envelope, and having the client complete the survey on line! Unfortunately the survey response rate is low which the new software will hopefully increase. Another reason for email surveys is to reduce the cost. We used to send a stamped envelope with an annual $600 cost plus the cost for each envelope that is returned plus the cost of envelopes plus the cost for the time to print the survey (I do) and then cut, and fill in the attorney’s name name and the case number. Our new software will print this information on the notice sent by email or mail. Also, the new software will compile the responses which are done manually by an accounting person who enters survey response

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I realize some service successfully follow up by phone. Even with two staff members, phone follow-up would take too much time plus we anticipate many people work or have caller id will not answer the phone. 13. Costs/charges: How are they communicated to client? -By phone: Every caller with the new phone system (still has MANY problems) has the option to to be placed in a cue and will hear a greeting, or leave a message. Due to the increase of voicemails, many callers are leaving messages. As in the past when every caller heard a greetings, before I make the referral, I ask if the caller heard the greeting, or do I need to explain how the LRIS works. Now most callers says they did not listen to the greeting so I explain. Via email – everyone who contacts the LRIS via email receives an explanation of the process – even if I am making a referral after receiving all of the information. As stated earlier, I created a “signature” explaining the process. Questions asked on the survey are embedded below: _________________________ 12-________________ Attorney LRIS Case No. The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis LAWYER REFERRAL & INFORMATION SERVICE Client Survey Please complete this survey & return in the enclosed envelope. If necessary, please use the back. 1. a) You contacted the lawyer; or b) You did not contact lawyer. If so, please skip to Question 7. 2. If you contacted the lawyer: a) You had a brief phone conversation with the lawyer and do not owe the $30 fee. (If you did not contact the lawyer, please skip to Question 4); or b) You met with the lawyer in the lawyer’s office or at __________________________________; or c) Your consultation was over the phone. 3 If you had a consultation with the lawyer: a) You paid the $30 fee to the lawyer; or b) The $30 fee is enclosed. (Payable by check or money order to “LRIS”, or cash or to pay by credit card, please call the LRIS.) c) You do not owe the fee because it was waived; (The matter involved personal injury, social security

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disability or workers compensation or was an ABA DOL program referral or you had a brief phone conversation.) 4. Did you hire this lawyer? Yes; or No (If not, why?) 5. If the lawyer quoted a fee, the fee was $_____________; or b) No fee was quoted; or c) This matter is being handled on a contingency fee basis. 6. If you paid the lawyer, what amount have you paid to date or received in settlement? $__________________ 7. Were you pleased with the service of: a. The LRIS – Yes or No AND The Lawyer – Yes or No b. Would you use the LRIS again? Yes or No If any of your answers are no, why? THE LAWYER REFERRAL & INFORMATION SERVICE Ph.: (314) 621-6681 or email or visit or visit us on Facebook. Thank you for using the LRIS & completing this survey. 5/12 14. Do you charge an initial fee? Referral (administrative) or consultation? We charge a $30 admiinistratie fee is for the consultation which is usually in the lawyer’s office except for a brief phone conversation (most lawyers wants to meet the client personally for a consultation) in cases involving personal injury, social security, workers compensation or ABA DOL program referrals. The attorney may collect or the client may mail the payment with the survey and envelope mailed to every client or contact me to pay by credit card. Prepayment of the fee is not required. Effect on no shows? There is no effect on no-shows because prepayment is not required and the attorney may collect the fee or remind the client to mail in the payment or pay be credit card. Although no-shows sometimes occur, I think most attorneys are savvy about this and/or call to remind the client about an appointment or have other work they can do.

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Because the two I realize there is a divided school of thought on prepayment – fee for the consulation or the referral. My committee annually revisits this due to decreased payment (or collection by the attorney of the fee). However, technically I cannot process credit card payments and I know of only two or three services which have switched. Kentucky Lawyer Referral Service

Massachusetts Bar Association

1. On-hold or forced listen scripts - Attached 2. Scripts used by intake personnel when answering the phone

• Good morning/afternoon, Lawyer Referral Service, how may I help you? • What specifically is the legal problem? • Are attorney’s fees going to be a problem? • Do you have an attorney working on the matter already? • Is this a third-party referral? (Are they calling on behalf of someone else?)

3. Other greeting systems 4. Statements by intake specialists 5. "Live Chat" feature for online interaction with clients: Do you currently have this

feature? If so, what program do you use? Do you use scripted answers when responding? - We do not have Live Chat

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6. Training protocols for intake personnel - Attached 7. Monitoring and feedback systems for intake personnel (e.g. frequency of evaluation,

types of reports generated by intake specialist, etc.) The LRS representatives sit just outside of my office, where I can hear their conversations easily. I am also able to monitor incoming calls through our telephone system however.

8. Standard screening scripts for substantive areas of law selection 9. Do you use specific queries regarding urgency of case, etc. 10. Internet intake platforms: Type of system used? Self-selection of aol? Protocol for

response time, etc.? Email requests for a referral can be made via our website. Throughout the day, one LRS representative will monitor the email folder and forward out the emails to all staff for responses. Response time is usually within 4 hours and after hour emails are responded to the very next morning.

11. Process for communicating the referral to the client: Verbal? Paper? How much detail is provided about the attorney to the potential client? Telephone inquiries are communicated verbally, while Email inquiries are all done electronically.

12. Protocols for attorney intake of lawyer referral client: Do you provide guides or manuals to the attorneys or their support staff? We provide an LRS Handbook to every member of the referral panel

13. Process for follow-up with the client: Percentage of referrals surveyed? Every caller with the exception of Family Law Referrals, are asked if we can send a survey to them. Method of survey? Mail What questions are asked on the survey? - Attached

14. Costs/charges: How are they communicated to client? Once a referral is made, we explain to caller to notify the attorney they were referred through our service so the attorney will know not to charge more than $25 for the first half-hour consultation. After that half-hour, the attorney may charge their regular rates. Do you charge an initial fee? No Referral (administrative) or consultation? No The effect on no-show rates, etc.? Not known

Hennepin County Bar Association Good morning: Attached are a few documents as requested from the Lawyer Referral & Information Service of the Hennepin County Bar Association in Minneapolis as requested for the screening process task force. 1. Client line phone script -- callers hear it before getting to a counselor. 2. Basic script. Note that our service sets up initial consultations for callers with member attorneys, usually in the attorney's office, by phone only if the client is out of the area or homebound. 6. We have a substantial staff training manual, including scripts, notes from inservice sessions on specific practice areas, programs, resources, etc. I've attached a document re practice areas, tailored to our panels and sub-panels. 8. The practice area document includes basic questions and issues that we cover for each area. 10. Our internet/online referrals are done directly from our website with no human intervention, using Associate software. This will change within a year. These referrals generally go nowhere.

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11. Confirmation letter from the Associate is sent to the client, with our "Hiring an Attorney: A client's guide" brochure. We will explain, if asked, the criteria attorneys must meet to be members of the service and the specific panel/sub-panel in question, as well as law school, how long they have practiced, and their web address. 12. Attorney referral report from the Associate is sent to the attorney, and must be returned within 30 days. Attorneys receive a welcome letter, including procedures, when they join; a quarterly newsletter also updates and reminds attorneys of programs, reports, and their responsibilities. And we thank them! 13. Surveys are sent to 50 percent of referred clients, approximately 45 to 60 days after the referral is made. We get back about 25 percent of them, and follow up with both parties if any substantial issues or concerns are raised. We also verify fees reported by clients with those reported by attorneys on quarterly reports. 14. There is a $30 administrative fee, except in personal injury, malpractice, workers comp, and SSDI/SSI cases or second referrals. This is communicated in the client confirmation letter and the brochure noted above. Our no-show rate for telephone referrals is about 16 percent; we actually set up the appointment, as noted above. Sorry, that's all I have time to dig up. And I just realized that the "Hiring an attorney" brochure pdf will have to be sent separately, in just a minute. I hope this material is helpful. Legal Aid Society of Orange County Our LRS is unique in that it is housed in a Legal Aid program. We refer callers who are ineligible for our services. We have about 100 attorneys on the LRS and about 85 are active at any given time. We make about 1,200 referrals a month. 1. On-hold or forced listen scripts: Caller is Greeted and given a language option (English or Spanish). Caller is then given the option to press #2 at any time in order to be immediately transferred to a representative. Callers are informed they will receive up to 3 attorneys who can handle the client's specific needs. Callers are informed that the attorneys on the LRS Panel are screened and are all in good standing. Then they are informed that each attorney has agreed to give one Free consultation up to 30 minutes by phone or by appointment. Callers are informed the attorney's are not LASOC employees, they are private and they charge. Callers are told to have a paper and writing utensil ready and are told what information they will need to provide in order to get the referral. 2. Scripts used by intake personnel when answering the phone: None 3. Other greeting systems: None 4. Statements by intake specialists: None 5. "Live Chat" feature for online interaction with clients: Do you currently have this feature? If so, what program do you use? Do you use scripted answers when responding? None 6. Training protocols for intake personnel:

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Trainees watch power points, and are trained on a one-on-one basis with employed paralegals, volunteer paralegals, law students, and attorneys. 7. Monitoring and feedback systems for intake personnel (e.g. frequency of evaluation, types of reports generated by intake specialist, etc.). Daily but no specific schedule. Our phone system allows us to listen in but we have not used that function yet. 8. Standard screening scripts for substantive areas of law selection: We don't use scripts but the callers are asked a few questions about their specific issue, what type of help they are seeking, and which venue the case will take place in or where it has been filed. 9. Do you use specific queries regarding urgency of case, etc. We don't use specific queries however, the client's are given the referrals right away weather they call the LRS phone number or they go on-line and do the referral themselves. Therefore, the client is responsible for meeting their deadlines. There is a box where the intake referring person can give facts to the attorneys about the case. For example, I encourage them to state whether we discussed limited scope with the client, or any specific issue. 10. Internet intake platforms: Type of system used? Self-selection of aol? Protocol for response time, etc.? Client's can visit the site in order to obtain a referral on their own. The website is set up so that the client can input their contact information, notes about the case, area of law, preferred language, and county location option. It will then provide three attorneys. 11. Process for communicating the referral to the client: Verbal? Paper? How much detail is provided about the attorney to the potential client? If the client calls they are given a referral over the phone, the names and phone numbers of the attorneys (we give three referrals) are recited to the client and the client may choose to have the referrals e-mailed to them. If the client comes in to the office, they fill out a form with their contact information and the area of law they need assistance with, the client is then given a print out of the referral. The client's may also give themselves a referral on 12. Protocols for attorney intake of lawyer referral client: Do you provide guides or manuals to the attorneys or their support staff? We don't provide manuals to the attorneys or their support staff. 13. Process for follow-up with the client: Percentage of referrals surveyed? Method of survey? What questions are asked on the survey? 100% of the clients receive an email evaluation. Less than 1% respond. 14. Costs/charges: How are they communicated to client? Do you charge an initial fee? Referral (administrative) or consultation? The effect on no-show rates, etc.? The client discusses all costs/ charges directly with the attorneys. They are told by our staff that as part of our panel the attorney's have agreed to provide a free initial consultation. There is no charge for the referral.

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