Best Practice H&S Guidelines for TLC3 Volunteers - Team Limerick … · Be Part of “Team...

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Transcript of Best Practice H&S Guidelines for TLC3 Volunteers - Team Limerick … · Be Part of “Team...

Best Practice H&S Guidelines for TLC3 Volunteers

Be Safe Be Part of “Team Limerick” Get to Know Your Neighbours Have Fun Do not put yourself or anyone else at risk

Be Safe 1/24

Please Remember to

Pick in the direction of your designated collection point. Your designated collection point will be communicated to you by text – prior to 14th of April 2017


13,000 Volunteers

98 Tonnes of litter collected which equates to over 4,000 household wheelie-bins of waste

220 TLC designated collection points

22,000+ The average accumulation of hours spent litter picking across the city and county

TLC 2016 Statistics


Making your local community a cleaner environment for yourself and your neighbours

Coming together as a community Bagging the waste and leaving it at the designated TLC collection point

No one should put themselves or any other person at risk during any TLC event. If you think a littered area is too

dangerous for you or your group of volunteers then it is!

Team Limerick Clean Up is about


Best Practice Guidelines H&S

Work in pairs

Talk to your volunteer group and update them on the safety guidelines

Give a clear overview to everyone in the group about what not to touch if they come across it

Communicate with your team at all times


Ensure there is a minimum number of 2 charged mobile phones available per group.

Children under 16 should not pick up litter by the roadside.

Volunteers should wear hi-visibility clothing and warning signs should be placed at either end of the stretch of road while work is in progress.

All relevant/appropriate rules of the road must be followed at all times.

No one should work on a carriage way –(area where cars travel)

Best Practice Guidelines H&S


On the Day Appoint an event coordinator who will: Brief on emergency procedures

Organise volunteers into teams

Distribute and collect equipment

Collected litter should be left at designated collection points

Risk assessment (in respect of any site with higher risk) to be submitted to

Best Practice Guidelines H&S


Best Practice Guidelines H&S

At all times children involved in all TLC events are the responsibility of their parents or guardians or a 'responsible

adult’ nominated by parent/guardian.

No more than 5 children to any one nominated responsible adult are advisable A minimum of 2 'responsible adults' should always be present with any group of children

Children 8/24

Best Practice Guidelines H&S

Do not use ladders Wash hands before and after handling litter.

Wear the gloves and high viz vests provided

A first aid kit should be present at all clean-ups

Wash hands before you have a cup of Fairtrade Tea or Coffee


Be mindful of Biodiversity

Protect Local Biodiversity Clean-up events should not adversely affect local biodiversity (flora and fauna)

Please consider local wildlife if working in countryside, parks, woodland, around shrubbery, hedgerows, ditches or open spaces.

Spring is the time of year when many animals are nesting and plants are making new growth, so extra care needs to be taken

Keep gates closed and avoid cleaning up natural materials such as logs, stones and weeds. They may look untidy but they are often home to animals and birds.


Risk Assessment

Carry out a risk assessment before the event. Look for the following hazards:

Hazardous Substances Water, derelict buildings, electric fences Anything you deem as hazardous For each hazard identified you must decide what precautions are needed



Liaise with the appropriate authorities and identify possible hazards.

Do not plan a clean-up near deep mud, steep, slippery or crumbling banks, or polluted water


Working near Roads and Lay-bys

Motorways and all access slip roads to motorways are out of bounds.

Do not go on a roundabout.

Restrict groups to work on footpaths and verges with a 60 KM per hour speed limit or below.


Unidentified cans or canisters, oil drums, poisons, insecticides, clinical waste, other hazardous substances, broken glass, condoms, syringes, etc.

What to look out for !



Liaise with the appropriate authorities. Do not plan a clean up near

deep mud steep, slippery or crumbling banks, polluted water – Recent Flooding could make areas more dangerous –



Check the depth of water where possible, as well as times of tides and fluctuations of flow All children and non swimmers should be kept away from the waters edge A trained life saver should be present Do Not Take Risks


Roads & Motorways

Motorways and all access points to the motorways – slip roads, roundabouts are out of bounds for TLC volunteers 60 KM per hour speed limit or below. Children under 16 should not pick up litter by the roadside High Viz clothing & Warning signs Rules of the road Appoint Co-ordinator Collection point


If you consider an area too dangerous,then it is: Take note of the exact location of the area and

Email to or Phone 061-496200. It will be logged as a case for the attention of Limerick City & County Council to follow up.


If you are unsure

If you are unsure email a Risk Assessement to :


Major Accident or Emergency

In the unlikely event of a major accident or emergency on during your clean up event: Phone the emergency services on 999/112 immediately Follow this (as soon as you are able) with a call to the TLC Good Friday Control Room (texted on Thursday 13th April) TLC Good Friday Control Room phones will be staffed between 9.30 am and 4.30 pm


Ensure you remove your gloves and wash your hands thoroughly in hot water before eating or drinking.

Please return litter pickers and any excess supplies to your group leader.

Enjoy your Fairtrade Tea/Coffee

Give yourself and your team a bola bos for a job well done.

When your clean up is complete


Good Friday, 14th April 2017

Day Date Time Venue

Tue 21st March 7.15 pm Devon Inn Hotel Templeglantine

Tue 28th March 7.15 Deebert House Hotel Kilmallock

Tue 4th April 12 noon Council Chamber



Good Friday, 14th April 2017

Over 16,094+ Volunteers already signed up for 2017 - Figures from 04.04.17


No one should put themselves or any other person at risk during any TLC event. If you think a littered area is too dangerous for you or your group of volunteers then it is!

Do Not Take Risks


Major Accident or Emergency

In the unlikely event of a major accident or emergency on during your clean up event: Phone the emergency services on 999/112 immediately Follow this (as soon as you are able) with a call to the TLC Good Friday Control Room (texted on Thursday 13th April) TLC Good Friday Control Room phones will be staffed between 9.30 am and 4.30 pm


Be Safe Be Part of “Team Limerick Clean Up Get to Know Your Neighbours Have Fun Do not put yourself or anyone else at risk

Thank You for Volunteering

Be Safe! 24/24