Best Management Practices: Agricultural Waste Management · handling waste. • Look at the...

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Transcript of Best Management Practices: Agricultural Waste Management · handling waste. • Look at the...






Agriculture and Forestry

Fisheries, Aquacultureand Environment

Agriculture and Forestry

Fisheries, Aquacultureand Environment

Table of ContentsSECTION A

Introduction ............................................................................ 1Farm Waste ............................................................................... 3Best Management Practices ..................................................... 5

SECTION BLivestock and Poultry Waste Management .............................. 6

Manure Handling and Storage .............................................. 8Odour Management in Barns and Manure Storage Areas..... 14Feedlot Management............................................................ 17Land Application .................................................................. 19Manure Treatment ................................................................ 23Fly Control ........................................................................... 25

Milkhouse Waste ...................................................................... 26Livestock Pasturing .................................................................. 33Waste Forage ............................................................................ 37Seepage From Farm Silos ......................................................... 38Dead Stock Disposal ................................................................ 39

SECTION CPotato/Vegetable Waste Management ...................................... 42

SECTION DFarm Plastics and Other Wastes ............................................... 45

Agricultural Waste Management 1

Section A - Introduction

griculture is thelargest contributorof any resource sector,

to the economy of Prince EdwardIsland. It is also a large generatorof waste materials.

This booklet is a practicalguide to help the agriculturalcommunity continue to be moreenvironmentally responsible andgain maximum return from theirwaste resources. Achievingenvironmental objectives in anincreasingly competitive busi-ness climate requires access tothe best and most up-to-dateinformation available.

This booklet will:• Provide practical information

to maximize the benefits andminimize negative impacts ofhandling waste.

• Look at the environmentalrisks associated with somewaste management practices.

• Describe management andfacility options for dealingwith waste.

• Compare the potential impactof various options.

• List contacts and other sug-gested readings.

It will not answer every ques-tion on waste management butit can help make decisions onfarm planning and day-to-dayoperations.

Environmental Farm Plans

This booklet is designed to beused as a supplemental resourcedocument to the EnvironmentalFarm Plan workbook developedby the Atlantic Farmers Council.Farm plans are developed byindividual farm families to helpthem identify areas of potentialenvironmental risk on their farm.

The planning process beginswith an individual farm reviewunder each of the followingcategories:• soil and site characteristics• farmstead and homestead• livestock and poultry• soil and crop management• sensitive ecological areas• hedgerows

2 Agricultural Waste Management

The next step is to develop anaction plan to address identifiedareas of concern. Farmers needto analyze their situation and de-cide what can be done and when.

Farm planning highlightsopportunities for pursuing bothbusiness and environmental ob-jectives at the same time. Plan-ning will also help farm operatorsdecide what tradeoffs might beeffective when business andenvironmental objectives com-pete. Understanding the bestmanagement practices is anessential part of developinga sustainable farm plan.

Technical advice is availablefrom the Department of Agricul-ture and Forestry and Depart-ment of Fisheries, Aquacultureand Environment.

This booklet is presented infour sections:


• outlines the environmentalchallenge presented by agricul-tural waste management.

• introduces how best manage-ment practices can be used onthe farm to protect, conserveand reuse resources whileminimizing negative impactson the environment.

Livestock and PoultryWaste Management

• discusses waste managementin the livestock and poultrysectors.

• emphasis is placed on manuremanagement, feedlot and pas-ture management, milkhousewastes and dead stock disposal.

Horticultural WasteManagement

• discusses potato, other vege-table and fruit wastes.

• highlights the environmentalconcerns associated withhandling wastes.

• suggests acceptable optionsfor disposal.

Farm Plastics

• discusses the best manage-ment practices for handlingfarm plastics in both thelivestock and horticulturalsectors.

Agricultural Waste Management 3

In addition to these, all farmoperations generate plastic wastematerial ranging from silage wrapto pesticide or drug containers.

Management that puts intopractice the principles of thefour Rs of Reduce, Reuse,Recycle and Recover is thebest first option:• Reduce the amount of waste

product generated;• Reuse the waste product on

the farm or provide it forothers to use; and

• After reducing and reusing asmuch of the waste product aspossible, recycle the producteither on-farm, such as withland application of manure,or off-farm, such as with plasticrecycling programs.

• Recover methane gas frommanure waste.

Only after considering thefour Rs should farm waste bedisposed of.

he first goal of any wastemanagement system is tomaximize the economicbenefit from the waste

resource and maintain acceptableenvironmental standards. To bepractical, the system must also beaffordable and suitable to theoperation. If wastes are notproperly handled they can pollutesurface and groundwater andcontribute to air pollution.

Most people think of manurefirst when they think of farmwaste. While manure is an impor-tant component, farm waste in alivestock operation can alsoinclude waste forage, dead stock,silage effluent and milkhousewaste. In horticultural operations,culls, diseased product, wash linesediment and processing plantwastes are common by-products.

Farm Waste

4 Agricultural Waste Management

Farm Waste By-productas a Resource

Many farm by-products can beeconomically valuable resourceswhen managed correctly. Ma-nure, for example, is a valuableresource because of its fertilizingand soil conditioning properties.Horticultural washwater can beeconomically recycled. Farmplastics can be recycled orreused. If systems for storage

and handling are substandardthese wastes can degrade theenvironment on and off the farm.

Relevant Guidelines andRegulations

Farmers should be aware of theenvironmental guidelines andregulations which apply to farmoperations in Prince EdwardIsland. These are:

Provincial National

PEI Pesticide Control Act Pest Products Control Act

PEI Plant Health Act Fisheries Act

PEI Planning Act Canadian Farm BuildingCode 1990

PEI Wildlife Conservation Act Canadian Code of Practice forEnvironmentally Sound HogProduction (Canadian PorkCouncil)

PEI Environmental National Building CodeProtection Act of Canada

PEI Guidelines for Disposalof Cull Potatoes

PEI Guidelines for Disposalof Dead Farm Livestock

Guidelines for ManureManagement for PEI

PEI Farm Practices Act

These documents are available from Island Information Service andlocal, federal and provincial resource departments.

Agricultural Waste Management 5

he best managementpractices (BMPs) re-ferred to in this bookletare practical guidelines

drawn from research and on-farmexperience. They also reflectrelevant regulatory requirementsand approved guidelines.

The Challenge

Our society is increasinglyconcerned with the environmen-tal consequences of all activities.Farming operations are noexception.

Our dependence on ground-water, the delicate balance of ourcoastal estuaries and the eco-nomic importance of tourismeach provide ample reason touse the best management prac-tices to handle wastes.

Green ConsumerismAccepting the environmentalchallenge and projecting apublic image of good environ-mental stewardship can provideproducers with a competitiveadvantage. While governmentsand international bodies proposeformal solutions, consumers areencouraging changes in themarketplace. “Green consumer-ism” is a growing trend that is be-coming an increasingly importantfactor at home and in many of thecountries that are markets forCanadian agricultural products.Powerful consumer actions havethe potential to affect the priceand marketability of products. Ina broader economic context, it is

not acceptable to be competitivein the global marketplace at theexpense of the environment.

WaterAll water for human consump-tion and most water for otherpurposes on Prince EdwardIsland comes from groundwater.Because the upper layer of soil isgenerally thin and the underlyingbedrock aquifer is extensivelyfractured, all areas on the Islandare susceptible to groundwatercontamination.

Fish and wildlife are dependanton clean surface water resourcesand their abundance contributesto the Island economy throughtourism, sportfishing, hunting,trapping and wildlife observation.Coastal estuaries of PrinceEdward Island have some of themost productive shellfish groundsin North America.

ClimateAgricultural activities bothabsorb and produce “green-house” gases. Gases such ascarbon dioxide, methane andnitrous oxide block the escapeof heat energy and produce awarming trend in the earth’satmosphere. Crop growthrequires carbon dioxide whileanimal production and vehicleoperation emit carbon dioxide.Improved treatment, handlingand utilization of manure offersthe greatest potential for thereduction of these gases fromagricultural sources.

Best Management Practicesintegrate principles ofproduction, business

goals, sustainability andenvironmental quality

in farm resourcemanagement systems.

Best Management Practices

6 Agricultural Waste Management

Section B - Livestock andPoultry Waste Management

Manure Management

he increasing size offarm operations inPrince Edward Islandand the expanding

residential land use in rural areashas greatly increased environ-mental concerns over nuisance

odours and the potential forwater pollution. With goodmanure management practices,proper storage facilities, andadequate separation distancesbetween non-compatible landuses, most environmental prob-lems can be avoided.

Manure management encom-passes manure collection, storage,transport and land application.The goal of manure managementmust be to maximize the soilamending value of manure andminimize the potential for envi-ronmental degradation.

Nature of the Resource

Manure and contaminated runoffwater are valuable sources offertilizer and organic matter forsoil. Manure is a dynamic organicmaterial, continually undergoingbiological and chemical changes.The value of manure as a fertilizerdepends on the quantity and formof nutrients present when it isapplied to land. Each phase ofmanagement may result in lossesof, or changes to, the beneficialnutrients in the manure.

Manure includes the faecal andurinary wastes of livestock andpoultry, plus materials such asbedding and added water. Thecombined moisture level offaeces and urine ranges from75% in poultry manure to 85%for swine manure. Dependingon the amount of water orbedding added, manure canbe solid, semi-solid or liquid.

Before and after - installation of proper manure storage system.

Agricultural Waste Management 7

Manure has potential to pol-lute surface water and ground-water through:• direct animal access to water-

ways• runoff from manure stockpiles,

barn yards and feedlots• seepage from manure storage

areas• overflow from storage areas• runoff from fields where

manure has been applied• runoff from pastures

Surface water problems whichmay result include:• harmful effects on fish from

oxygen depletion in streams,ponds, and estuaries

• nutrient enrichment of watersystems due to increased levelsof nitrates and phosphateswhich can cause eutrophication(algae blooms) of surfacewaters

• human and animal healthhazards including high concen-trations of bacteria in shellfish

Manure and associated waste-water can be farm liabilities ifthey are not handled properly.Potential liabilities include:• Bacterial and nitrogen con-

tamination of water supplies.• Potential disease in humans

and livestock due to patho-genic bacteria.

• Dangerous gases produced inmanure storage in the absenceof oxygen. These gases includeammonia; methane, which isodourless; and hydrogen sul-phide, which smells like rotteneggs. High concentrations ofthese gases can be harmful tothe health of animals andhumans.

• Nuisance to neighbours dueto odours from manure.

Manure contains about 75%of the nutrients fed to livestockincluding nitrogen, phosphorusand potassium. Animals use onlyabout 25% of nutrients andexcrete the rest. About 50% ofnitrogen and 75% of potassiumin manure is found in the liquidportion. Therefore, it is impor-tant to contain the liquids forland application. Almost all thephosphorus is in the solids.When manure is diluted bywater, nutrient concentrationsare reduced.

Environmental Issues

Manure management practiceshave the potential to degradethe surrounding air and water.Odours are an unavoidableconsequence of animal produc-tion and are the most apparentproblem associated with manure.Minimizing problems associatedwith odours requires respect forindividuals, in addition to goodmanagement practices.

Proper manure storage will minimize the impact on the natural environment.

8 Agricultural Waste Management

Manure Handlingand Storage

Livestock manure is classified aseither a solid, semi-solid or liquidusing the following criteria:• Solid - contains greater than

20% solids. Bedding materialcontributes to the solids con-tent of the manure. It can bestacked and handled by anyequipment that will move bulkmaterials

• Semi-solid - (also referred toas slurry) - contains 5% to 20%solids. Semi-solid manure isproduced in livestock housingsystems where limited beddingis supplied. The resulting semi-solid does not flow as readilyas liquid manure, nor can it bepiled like solid manure.

• Liquid - contains less than5% solids. The additional liquidcomes from washing andspillage from watering systems.When agitated, liquid manurecan be pumped or moved bygravity flow. Milkhouse wash-water and other types of waste-water are often added to theliquid manure. Manure whichincludes bedding or waste feedwill require dilution if it is to behandled as a liquid.

The moisture content of themanure determines the typeof handling and storage system.Most new swine and dairyoperations use liquid systems,while the majority of beef andpoultry producers on PrinceEdward Island have solid manurehandling systems.


A manure storage facility whichis of sufficient size reduces thechance of pollution from spillsand allows land application totake place when soil is dry, whencrops require nutrients, andwhen work schedules permit.

• Manure storage should belarge enough to store manure,bedding, wasted feed, precipi-tation and all liquids for atleast 210 days. A one yearstorage capacity is optimal.

• On PEI, the required volumeof open manure storages andconfinement yards will haveto be increased by 0.6 cubicmetres/sq metre (2 cubic feet/sq ft) of surface area to allowfor precipitation.

Liquid manure storage - circular concrete tank.

Agricultural Waste Management 9

• Proper management of allliquids is essential for effectiveand economical manurehandling and storage. Sinceall water which comes intocontact with manure must behandled as a waste, the key toefficient management is tominimize that contact.

• Surface runoff should bediverted away from livestockand manure storage areas.

• Runoff from solid manurestorage and exercise yards,milking centre washwater, siloseepage and livestock housingwashwater must be stored andproperly handled to ensurethat groundwater, streams andother surface waters are notpolluted.

Solid ManureThere are three common andacceptable ways of storing solidmanure. These are related to thekind of livestock or poultry hous-ing system in use. Farmers shouldconsider animal density and roofcosts versus the cost of runoffcollection systems when planninga solid manure storage system.

In Barn (solid manure pack) -Manure can be stored whereproduced, in confined, bedded-pack housing systems. These aremost commonly used for dairyand beef cattle. Dry manurepoultry housing systems alsostore the manure where poultryare housed.

Solid manure storage - curbed concrete slab with ramp.

In barn storage - manure pack.

10 Agricultural Waste Management

Curbed concrete slab withrunoff retention - Manure isremoved and stored on a curbedconcrete pad with a runoffcontainment system. Manure isusually moved by a tractor witha scraper blade, a front-end load-er, a stable cleaner and elevator/stacker or by a ram/pistonpump/air mover system.

Curbed concrete slab withroof - Manure is removed to aroofed storage area with a con-crete floor and partial sidewallsconstructed of reinforcedconcrete.

Field Storage of ManureField storage of manure is apractice sometimes used inconjunction with reduced storagecapacity at the barn. This practiceis generally not recommendeddue to the high permeability ofPEI soils and the fractured natureof the underlying bedrock.

As well, frozen ground during thewinter months can increase therisk of runoff. Loss of nutrientcontent of the manure can alsobe an important consideration.

Where the practice of fieldstorage is used, a number ofprecautions should be employed.Field piles should not be locatedwithin 300 metres (984 ft) of apublic water supply or within90 metres (300 ft) of a water-course, natural wetland orresidential well. Manure pilesshould not be located in areassubject to accumulated surfacerunoff or where flooding canoccur. Discharge of contami-nated runoff to road ditchesshould not be permitted.

Semi-Solid ManureThere are two common andacceptable ways of storing semi-solid manure.

Curbed concrete slab withearthen banks - This type ofstorage requires a sloped con-crete floor, concrete curbsand ramp to allow easy tractoraccess. Earthen sidebanks mustbe properly designed and con-structed to prevent seepage.Environmental approval willrequire certification by a quali-fied engineer. The sloped floorallows the liquid portion of themanure to flow to the lowestpoint, where it can be removedby pumping. The remainingsolids can be removed by a trac-tor fitted with a front-end loader.

Concrete storage - Where soilsare low in clay content, semi-solid manure may best be storedin a roofed structure with rein-forced concrete sidewalls onthree sides. A concrete floorsloping downward from the

Solid or semi-solid manure storage - concrete slab with sidewalls and drive-inramp.

Agricultural Waste Management 11

when manure is agitated priorto removal, so barns should bewell-ventilated.

Exterior Concrete Tank -Circular or rectangular tankswith reinforced concrete wallsand floors; may be partially orentirely in-ground. Covers maybe installed to reduce odours,to keep out precipitation or toensure safe operation. Coverschosen to reduce the strongodours common to liquid stor-age can include temporaryfloating straw crusts, tarpaulins,plastic domes or permanent steel,wood or concrete structures.For safety reasons, in-ground orpartially in-ground storage outsidethe barn must be fenced or have areinforced concrete cover whichwill support vehicle traffic. Thefloor elevation of the storagemust be 0.5 metres (1.6 ft) abovethe maximum water table andbedrock elevation.

Earthen Lagoons - Generally,PEI soils are too permeable toconsider this option without theinstallation of a liner. Earthenlagoons are not as environmen-tally reliable due to the risk ofpuncturing the liner duringcleanout. The liner must have apermeability rating of 10-7 cm/sec.Environmental approval willrequire certification by a qualifiedengineer. Soils must be tested todetermine their permeability.Other suitable liners includebentonite and geotextile materi-als. The floor elevation of thestorage must be 1 metre (3.3 ft)above the maximum water tableand bedrock elevation.

open side is required to containdrainage of the liquid portion.The floor should be sealed atthe walls to prevent seepage.

Liquid ManureAll liquid manure storages musthave some type of impermeableenclosure, including concretetanks, above-ground glass-linedsteel tanks and earthen ponds.These storage systems can becovered or open. Liquid manurestorages are most common inconfined swine operations andfree stall dairy systems. Commontypes of liquid manure storageon PEI are:

Underbarn Concrete Storage -Rectangular tanks with reinforcedconcrete walls sealed to a con-crete floor; may be located belowa slatted barn floor. Toxic andexplosive gases may be produced

Liquid manure storage - underbarn concrete storage with slatted floor (underconstruction).

12 Agricultural Waste Management

Planning Changes to YourManure Handling andStorage SystemMaking a change in the waymanure is handled is usually ex-pensive because it often requiresa fundamental change in the waymany other things are done onthe farm. When planning changesto your manure handling andstorage system or constructing anew system, consider the follow-ing basic elements:• storage capacity for at least

210 days• safety concerns• comparative cost of manure

handling systems• labour efficiencies• the quality and adaptability

of the current equipment• requirements for new equip-

ment• flexibility in the system and

location for future expansion• moisture content of manure• the location of the storage in

relation to neighbours, streams,wells and groundwater

• the type of storage in relationto groundwater table and soilconditions

• method of collection and barn-to-storage transfer

• potential nutrient losses• application method• requirements to handle other

liquids such as milkhousewashwater and bathroomwastewater

• preventing water pollution• minimizing odours

Curbed concrete manure storage with safety fence.

SafetySafety design features and signage are especially important forliquid storages. They should include these measures:• Safety Fences/Walls - a permanent safety fence or wall at least

1.5 metres (5 ft) in height should protect open liquid storageswithout fixed covers. This discourages access, particularly bychildren or livestock. Fences should be chain-link type.

• Concrete Liquid Manure Storage Covers - should be designedto support tractor loads if the tank cover is close to ground level.To avoid accidental access, the tank should be at least 0.6 metres(2 ft) above ground if the top is not designed for access.

• Locking Devices for Covers - should be used.• Signage - all access points must be marked with suitable safety


Farm operators should also observe the following safety practices:• Never enter a liquid manure tank without a self-contained

breathing apparatus coupled with a 3-person buddy system anda lifeline. The gases generated by liquid manure can be toxicand suffocating. Ventilation when agitating and pumping amanure tank is essential.

• Open flame should not be allowed near a liquid manure tank.The methane gas produced by liquid manure is highly explosive.

Agricultural Waste Management 13

Runoff Containment

Runoff management consists oftwo elements: decreasing theamount of water being contami-nated by livestock operationsand ensuring that contaminatedrunoff is contained so that itwill not degrade the surround-ing environment.

• Every effort to reduce thevolume of runoff coming ontoa livestock site will pay off inreduced storage size and costs.All runoff should be divertedaway from livestock housingand manure storage areas.Perimeter diversion ditches,berms and dykes, and grassedor paved waterways can all beeffective depending on thetopography of the site.

• Roofed exercise yards willeliminate runoff.

• The use of eaves troughs on allroofs will allow roof drainageto be controlled and diverted.

Farm with urban encroachment.

• Contaminated runoff frommanure storage and livestockareas must be contained andhandled as part of the manurehandling system. Runoff maybe added to an existing liquidmanure storage provided thestorage has the capacity tohandle the additional volume.Excess water in liquid manurestorage does increase haulingand spreading costs. It alsotends to hinder the formationof a surface crust, resulting inincreased nitrogen losses andodour generation.

• Where solid manure systemsare used, runoff must behandled separately. Runoffshould be diverted to a sepa-rate liquid storage system. Therequired storage volumes willdepend on local precipitationand the size and surfacing ofthe livestock area.

• Contaminated runoff can betreated in a constructedwetland.

Setback Considerations

Adequate separation betweenlivestock facilities and neigh-bours is one means of compen-sating for normal odour produc-tion, reducing the potential fornuisance conflicts. Proximity todevelopments can determine thepotential for future growth ofthe operation. Greater separa-tion distances afford moreopportunity for odours to be-come diluted by mixing withthe air. When evaluating sites fornew operations only, you must

14 Agricultural Waste Management

Required Minimum Separation Distance Between ManureStorage and Watercourses, Wetlands, and Wells

Distance to

Watercourse, Source of DomesticStorage Type or Wetland, m (ft) Water, m (ft)

On-Farm Storage Facility 90 (300) 90 (300)*Field Storage 90 (300) 90 (300)*Composting 90 (300) 90 (300)*

* public water supply 300 m (984 ft)

select a location that will impacton as few neighbours as possi-ble. Proposals for all new orexpanded livestock operationsare reviewed by the Departmentof Fisheries, Aquaculture andEnvironment.

The recommended minimumseparation distance (MSD)between a livestock operationand a single residence or resi-dential and recreational areasvaries with the following factors:• size of the agricultural opera-

tion measured in animal units• degree of expansion from

existing operation• type of manure storage• type of housing• type of livestock

In general, larger separationdistances are recommended asthe size of the operation in-creases. Municipalities mayrequire different siting criteriafrom those recommended here.The location of new operationsmust always be cleared withmunicipal authorities. Municipalproperty maps are very useful forevaluating new sites. For informa-tion on minimum separationdistances, the reader should referto “Guidelines for Manure Manage-ment for Prince Edward Island”.

Watercourses, Wetlands,and Wells

Plan the location of livestockfacilities and manure storage tomaximize the separation distancefrom watercourses, wetlands, andwells. This is particularly impor-tant with earthen storages and inareas where the groundwatertable is shallow or where bedrockis found close to the surface ofthe ground.

• Wells should be located uphillfrom storages and constructedin a manner that will reducethe risk of pollutants enteringthe well.

• Grouting the annular spaceoutside the casing with ce-ment or bentonite grout mustbe carried out.

Odour Managementin Barns and ManureStorage Areas

Odour is a part of livestockfarming. Odours from livestockfacilities and manure storage andhandling have the most publicimpact. The best time to incor-porate odour managementconsiderations is prior to theconstruction of new livestockbuildings. Separation distanceis the single most importantelement in avoiding odourconflicts with neighbours.When manure managementsystems are properly designedand operated, nuisance odourscan be reduced.

Agricultural Waste Management 15

Distance from neighbours andnon-agricultural land use willdetermine the level of technol-ogy and management required tominimize nuisance odours. Themost common and effectiveodour control methods arebased on reducing the amountof odour-causing gases producedand released to the atmosphereand dispersing odours asquickly as possible.

What Causes Odours

The biological breakdown ofmanure produces ammonia,hydrogen sulphide and othercompounds such as mercaptansand amines. Combinations ofthese compounds can produceoffensive odours at very smallconcentrations (parts per bil-lion). The types of compoundsproduced depend on the biologi-cal processes which take placein the manure.

The following factors controlthese processes:

• Bacteria which are found inmanure are responsible forcreating odourous gases asthey break down organicmaterial. Aerobic bacteria,which require oxygen tosurvive, produce mostly car-bon dioxide which is essen-tially odourless. Anaerobicbacteria, which thrive in theabsence of oxygen, tend toproduce odourous compoundssuch as ammonia and hydro-gen sulphide. The type ofbacteria present may vary atdifferent locations throughoutthe manure handling system.Generally, aerobic bacteria arelocated near the surface, whileanaerobic bacteria are beneaththe surface.

• Temperature controls the rateof bacterial action. The higherthe temperature, the faster thebiological action and thereforethe greater the gas production.This explains the fact thatfewer odours are producedin cold weather conditions.

• Moisture is required for biologi-cal activity to take place. Thebacterial activity slows and canbe stopped as manure is dried.Moisture also makes anaerobicconditions more likely in themanure and thereby encouragesthe activity of odour-causinganaerobic bacteria.

Concrete liquid manure storage, with cover for odour control.

16 Agricultural Waste Management

• Type of waste material ormanure affects the types andquantities of gases produced.For example, liquid poultrymanure will produce morehydrogen sulphide than solidmanure from broilers. Also, theaddition of milkhouse wastesto manure storage can worsenthe odour problem.

• Particle size or surface areaalso affects the rate of odourgeneration. The greater thesurface area present, the fasterthe bacterial action proceeds.

• Chemicals may alter the proc-ess to reduce or increase thenumber and types of odoursproduced.

Often, odours are formed asthe manure breaks down instorage, and remain trappedin the manure until they arereleased when the manureis agitated, moved, or spread.

The goal of odour managementis to reduce the frequency, inten-sity, duration and offensivenessof odours and to manage the farmin a way that creates a positiveattitude toward the operation.

BMPs for Odour Controlin Livestock Facilities

• where storage is outside thefacility, collect and transfermanure from the barn tostorage on a daily basis

• ensure that sufficient beddingis added to absorb liquids withsolid manure handling systems

• maintain water systems toprevent leakage

• use a pressure washer to cleanbuildings

• clean and disinfect buildingsbetween successive groupsof livestock

• keep dust levels low sinceodours are absorbed andcarried in the air on dustparticles; add moisture or oilto feed as a dust suppressant

• maintain recommended air flowthrough livestock buildings

• clean and maintain ventilationfans and shafts

• locate exhaust outlets for maxi-mum air dilution; higher outletsgenerally provide greater dilu-tion of exhaust gases

• locate exhaust outlets to takeadvantage of the prevailingwinds; face them away fromthe nearest neighbour’s resi-dence if possible

• do not exceed recommendedanimal densities for livestockbuildings

BMPs for Odour Controlin Manure Storage

Most odour-causing gases areformed when manure is in stor-age. In practice, most manurestorage is anaerobic. The anaero-bic conditions promote odourproduction. These gases eitherescape from the storage to causeimmediate problems or arereleased later during spreading.

Roof exhaust outlets to maximize air dilution.

Agricultural Waste Management 17

Liquid versus solid. Typicallyfewer odours are produced bysolid manure handling systemsthan by liquid systems. Anundisturbed solid manure stackis self sealing so few odours aregiven off until the pile is dis-turbed. With open liquid storage,odours are common. Weather, aswell as the addition of manure,can agitate the slurry-causinggases to be given off.

Covering a storage is aneffective way to minimize odourgeneration. Storage covers:• reduce occasional manure

agitation caused by wind andrain; and

• reduce the movement ofodourous air from storage areasto neighbouring residences.

When evaluating manurestorage options, consider thefollowing guidelines to reducethe potential for nuisance odours:

• Provide additional storagevolume for greater flexibilityin the timing of manure applica-tion. This can reduce thelikelihood of storage overflow

and permit application tocoincide with the most appro-priate timing and weatherconditions.

• Separate the liquid and solidportions of manure in storageto reduce the promotion ofanaerobic conditions.

• Avoid the addition of silageeffluent and waste forageproducts to the manure stor-age reservoir. These combina-tions create strong odours.

• Discharge the inlet pipe belowthe liquid level to avoid surfaceagitation in a liquid storagesystem.

• Plant a buffer zone of treesor construct an earthen bermaround the manure storage toreduce the movement of airover the manure surface. Thishas the added benefit of remov-ing the storage from the sightof neighbours.

• Treatment technologies areavailable and can be used inrare cases when dealing withsevere odour problems. Treat-ment systems must be designedto handle the manure volumesgenerated by the livestockoperation.

Feedlot Management

Feedlots are intensive operationswhere livestock are kept in aconfined area and all food andwater are delivered to the ani-mals. The livestock can be eithertotally confined indoors, out-doors, or a combination of thetwo. Animal densities for outsidelots will depend on whether thelot has a soil base or is hardsurfaced. Space requirementscan be less than 4.5 squaremetres (50 sq ft) per head foryearling beef cattle.

Combination indoor/outdoor feedlot.

18 Agricultural Waste Management

Site Selection• Avoid sites with permeable

soils and/or fractured bedrock.Groundwater contaminationwould be a high risk on thesesites.

• Maintain recommended prop-erty setbacks from water-courses, wells, and neighbour-ing properties.

• Provide adequate lot slopes onoutside lots for surface drain-age.

• Allow for potential expansion.• Prevailing wind direction

should be taken into accountin siting livestock facilities.

• Wind protection will enhancelivestock performance.

• Ensure that upslope runoff isdiverted away from the feedlot.

Solid Systems

Most confined livestock areas usea bedded pack. For well-beddedareas much of the liquid is ab-sorbed, resulting in minimal seep-age. Regardless of the amount ofbedding, however, all seepage andrunoff must be contained on thefeedlot property.

• A thorough cleaning of thefeedlot once a year is recom-mended. Over cleaning willtend to remove the compactedand impervious soil and in-crease the possibility of down-ward nutrient movement.

Liquid SystemsLiquid systems use a slatted floorbarn with no bedding. Liquidmanure systems for beef opera-tions are uncommon because ofthe associated high costs of thesystems compared to otheralternatives.

Runoff Control

Feedlots that are exposed toprecipitation are likely sourcesof surface and groundwatercontamination. The need forrunoff control cannot be over-emphasized. Legislation nowrequires that feedlot areas incor-porate a system to collect andstore contaminated runoff.

It may be more economicalto house beef cattle in a totally-confined, naturally-ventilatedfacility than to provide collec-tion and storage of contaminatedrunoff from an outside feedlot.

BMPs for runoff controlinclude:• Diversion ditches or dykes

should be constructed todirect surface water runoffaway from the site.

• Grass filter strips whereappropriate.

1. Settling basin2. Collection basin3. Mounds4. Slope 2-4%5. Waterer

Example of a Feedlot Area Runoff Control System





Agricultural Waste Management 19

Feedlot runoff will be easierto control if the feedlot yard isgraded. This requires a 2-4%slope away from the feed areaor shelter. Runoff from eachyard should be directed to acollection basin or to the ma-nure storage. The size of collec-tion basins to store runoff fromconfined livestock areas dependson the size of the runoff area andthe amount of precipitation. ForPEI, allow 0.61m3/m2 (2 cubicfeet per square foot) of surfacearea. Runoff control systemsshould be designed by an engi-neer. The volume of runoff canbe reduced by limiting the size ofthe confinement area. Collectedcontaminated runoff can beeither applied to the land ortreated in a constructed wetland.(See page 30.)

Odour Management

Frequent cleaning and a highlevel of sanitation are the mosteffective ways of minimizingodours from feedlots. Keymeasures are:• Keep the animals as clean and

dry as possible. Wet manureon the warm body of ananimal accelerates bacterialgrowth and increases odour.

• Scrape manure from the lotsurface frequently. Drainagebecomes less effective asmanure accumulates.

• Provide well-bedded dryresting areas. This results incleaner cattle, better overallsanitation and less odour fromthe lot area.

• To avoid continuous wettingof manure, prevent wateringfacilities from overflowing.

• Time the cleaning process inrelation to seasonal weatherconditions i.e. temperature,wind, etc.

Overall, maintain a neat ap-pearance around the feedlot.Well-placed visual screens andshelterbelts ensure a positivepublic perception. For a moredetailed discussion of odourmanagement see page 14 (OdourManagement in Barns and Ma-nure Storage Areas).

Land Application

Spreading manure on land isa highly desirable method ofrecycling a natural, organic by-product of livestock production.A sustainable agricultural systemshould include manure as afertilizer for crop production.Manure is readily available witha minimal input of energy andcan significantly decrease cropproduction costs.

20 Agricultural Waste Management

Most livestock operations aresurrounded by large areas ofproductive agricultural land. Toprevent damage to crops, mini-mize the risk of pollution andobtain the maximum benefit ofthe manure as a fertilizer, manureapplication rates should matchthe crop nutrient requirements.Too much of a good thing canlead to problems. Manure is anexcellent fertilizer which posesan environmental risk only whenmismanaged.

Animal manure can be a valu-able soil amendment. Whenproperly managed, it not only actsas a source of plant nutrients, butalso helps improve soil tilth,structure, aeration and water-holding properties through theaddition of organic matter.

To maximize the utilizationof manure nutrients by crops:• Have a sufficient land base for

manure spreading.• Test soil and manure to deter-

mine nutrient levels.• Understand the release rates

for nutrients in manure.• Calculate crop nutrient de-

mands.• Prevent the loss of nutrients in

surface runoff.• Reduce the loss of nitrogen to

the atmosphere.• Minimize soil compaction and

problems with soil structure.• Prevent leaching of nitrates

into groundwater.• Prevent pollution of water-

ways by manure runoff.• Minimize odours during


Application Rates

Manure application rates shouldbe determined as part of anoverall nutrient managementplan. Do not try to provide allnutrients for a crop with ma-nure. It is not likely that manurewill release its nutrients at theright balance and time for yourcrop. Also, not all manure willhave the right composition tomeet crop requirements.

Field application of solid manure.

Agricultural Waste Management 21

• Test the macro-nutrient (nitro-gen, phosphorus and potas-sium) content of your manure.

• Test the soil to determinenutrient levels.

• Know the nutrient needsof the crop being grown.

• Set a realistic target of provid-ing up to 75% of the requirednitrogen with manure. Thebalance would be provided byfertilizer. You need to knowhow much is applied in eithercase.

While the nitrogen require-ment is the key factor in decid-ing the amount of manure toapply, phosphorus and otherelements can also increase toexcessive levels in fields wheremanure is applied every year.

An adequate land base isimportant to get the full benefitsof manure. Long-term benefitsincrease if manure is spread over

larger areas. Avoid yearly applica-tions to the same land unless botha soil and manure test show thereis no risk of reaching excessivenutrient levels.

The rate at which you canapply liquid manure will also belimited by the soil’s ability to soakup the liquid before it runs off.Tillage before application mayhelp if high rates are planned.

Spreading Considerations

• Manure should be incorpo-rated into the soil as soon aspossible after spreading. Thiswill minimize the potential forodour complaints and pollu-tion from runoff and willensure that maximum fertilizerbenefits are gained from themanure. It is recommendedthat surface applied manure beincorporated within 24 hoursof application.

• Injecting liquid manure di-rectly into most soils is thebest practice if it can be donebefore preparing the seed bedor during the cropping season.Nutrients are readily availableto growing plants.

• To avoid soil compactionproblems, do not apply manureunder wet soil conditions.

• Manure must not be dischargedor allowed to enter any water-course.

• Manure should not be spreadwithin 30 metres (100 ft) of awatercourse on slopes lessthan 5% and within 60 metres(200 ft) of a watercourse onslopes greater than 5%.

November to mid-April• Manure should be going into storage, not on fields.• Do not spread on frozen, bare, or snow-covered land.

Mid-April to mid-June• Apply to land growing annual crops before planting.

Mid-June to August• Inject liquid manure between rows of growing row crops.• Apply manure to cereal land immediately after harvest and prior

to conservation tillage.

September to October• Apply manure to grassland. Avoid applications in areas subject

to concentrated runoff and avoid tillage until after October 15.• Apply to annual crop lands that will be planted with winter

cover crops.

Manure Application Calendar

22 Agricultural Waste Management

Timing Considerations

It is usually best to apply manurebefore, or early in, the growthstage of any crop. Some formsof nitrogen are available immedi-ately to plants. In addition, nu-trients in organic form may bereleased throughout the growingseason. If manure is spread latein the growing period or afterthe growing season, there isreduced benefit to the crop, andthere is an increased risk ofnitrate leaching to groundwateror surface runoff contaminatingwatercourses.

Odour Management

Manure spreading is the mostcommon cause of nuisanceodour. There are many factorsthat contribute to the produc-tion of odours during applica-tion. The following managementpractices are the best method ofminimizing the possibility ofcomplaints:

• Keep transport equipmentclean and well maintained toensure that manure is not de-posited on public roads. Do notoverload equipment. If a spilloccurs, clean the road promptly.

• Avoid transporting manure onpublic roads during periods ofhigh traffic such as rush hoursbefore and after work, orduring lunch break.

• Check the weather conditionsbefore spreading. The bestweather for spreading is sunnydays with windy, cloudy nights.Sunshine will dry the manurequickly, preventing furtherodour production. Turbulentair movement dilutes odours.Rain removes odours from theair. However, the worst condi-tions are damp, humid weatherwith light winds. Still airkeeps the gases in the areaand moist conditions allowfor more odour production.

• Spread in the morning whenair is warming and rising, ratherthan late in the afternoon.

• Consider when possible theimplications of spreading onholidays and weekends whenneighbours are most likely tobe affected by odours.

• Notifying neighbours prior tospreading on adjacent proper-ties is a “good neighbour” policy.



General Detailed Odour OffensivenessLow Moderate High

Time of Year

Time of Week

Time of Day





Early MorningMorningNoonAfternoonEveningNight

No WindLightStrong

DryHigh HumidityDuring Precipitation

From Odour Control Guidelines for Livestock Operators, P. Jacobs & Associates Ltd., 1994.* Based on various studies and on personal observations of the authors.

Agricultural Waste Management 23

• Do not exceed recommendedrates of application for yoursoil type. Generally, the worstperiod for odours is during thefirst 12 to 48 hours afterspreading. With very heavyapplication rates, odours couldlast up to 10 days.

• Incorporate manure into thesoil as soon as possible afterapplication. Spread and tillmethods reduce the releaseof odours. Injection of manuredirectly into the soil is anexcellent method of odourcontrol. With injection, odoursare less detectable at 70 metres(230 ft) than they are at 400metres (1,300 ft) from surfaceapplied manure.

• Apply composted manure topastures and hay fields. Wherethis is not possible, applymanure in a very thin layer sothat it will dry in five days orless. This will also prevent flypropagation.

• Keep the discharge height ofthe slurry as low as possibleto reduce odours during landapplication.

• Choose discharge methodsthat are most effective forodour control. From mostto least effective are:- Dribble bars or booms- Bottom discharge tanker- Top discharge tanker

Manure Treatment

Treatment of manure is designedto reduce the pollution potential,make handling easier and/orincrease the value of manure.Treatment can be either physical,biological or chemical.

Physical treatments such asseparation of solids from liquidsare usually considered primarytreatment.

Biological treatment methodsare usually categorized as eitheranaerobic or aerobic to describethe type of bacteria that areencouraged to break down thesolids in the manure. Composting,naturally aerated lagoons, oxida-tion ponds, mechanical agitation

Liquid manure injection system.

24 Agricultural Waste Management

or pumping and air injection areexamples of aerobic treatmentmethods. Anaerobic methodsinclude anaerobic ponds anddigesters.

Many of these treatment systemshave not been totally successful inon-farm applications. Either thetreated wastes would still pollutethe environment, or the systemsare too costly to be economicallyfeasible. Producers should giveserious consideration to theeconomic and social benefitsderived from treatment technolo-gies before investing. As technolo-gies continue to be developed, asuitable system may be found.

On-Farm Compostingof ManureComposting is the aerobic de-composition of organic materialsby microorganisms under control-led conditions. During decompo-

sition, the microorganisms con-sume oxygen while feeding onorganic matter. Compostingreduces both the volume andmass of the raw materials whiletransforming them into a valuablesoil conditioner.

The Benefits of Compost:• compost adds organic matter,

improves soil structure, re-duces fertilizer requirementsand reduces the potential forsoil erosion.

• composting involves an in-crease in expenditure, how-ever the increased marketpotential and soil conditioningproperties offer benefits.

• markets for compost arereadily available. Potentialbuyers include home garden-ers, landscapers, vegetablefarmers, operators of golfcourses, etc.

• composting reduces theweight and moisture contentand increases stability ofmanure. Compost is easier tohandle than manure and storeswell without odours or flyproblems, thus lowering therisk of pollution and nuisancecomplaints.

• composted manure is lesssusceptible to leaching andfurther ammonia losses.Composting high-carbonmanure/bedding mixtureslowers the carbon/nitrogenratio to acceptable levels forland application.

• proper temperatures withinthe compost pile will reducepathogens.

• potential reduction in soil-borne plant diseases.On-farm composting.

Agricultural Waste Management 25

Composting systems usedon farms:Passive composting - involvessimply stacking the materials inpiles to decompose over a longperiod of time with little agita-tion and management.

Windrow composting - thematerials are formed into longnarrow windrows which aremechanically turned.

Aerated static pile - themost common approach, usesblowers to force air thoughpipes and into the pile.

In-vessel composting - thematerials are contained withinbins, reactors, or buildings wherea high level of control of mois-ture and oxygen is provided.

In terms of cost, labour,management and process speed,the windrow and aerated staticpile systems are comparable.In-vessel composting is generallymore expensive but results inbetter control over the process,a higher quality product, andless odour.

The location of a compostingsite should provide:• easy access with a minimum

of travel and materials handling.• a firm surface to support

vehicles under varyingweather conditions.

• appropriate separation dis-tance from wells, watercoursesand neighbours.

• minimal risk of groundwatercontamination.

• good surface drainage.• grading for containment of

surface runoff.

Compost applications to landshould be based on soil testresults and crop needs. This isto prevent a nutrient imbalancefrom occurring and to makeefficient use of compost.

Fly Control

Flies near livestock and poultryfacilities and manure storage areasare a nuisance to farm operatorsand neighbours. Flies may alsotransmit disease from one farm toanother. A successful fly controlprogram can involve:• regular removal of manure and

wet feed from the building: atleast once every seven days dur-ing the fly breeding season tobreak the reproduction cycle

• avoiding the scattering ofmanure and feed outside thebuilding during barn cleaningoperations

• keeping the manure collectionarea dark

• providing screens on all open-ings in buildings

• keeping the manure in en-closed structures if possible

• prompt disposal of deadanimals and afterbirth

• regular cleaning and disinfec-tion

• use of biological controlsi.e. parasitic wasps

In situations where thesemanagement options are notsufficient to control the prob-lem, spraying with insecticidesmay have to be considered.

26 Agricultural Waste Management

Milkhouse Waste

• the type of milking system;• the bulk tank system;• the floor wash down;• other uses ie. udder wash,

water conditioners, etc.

The average daily production ofwashwater on a per milking cowbasis is 14.1 litres (3.1 gallons).

The disposal of this washwaterhas become a major environ-mental concern.

Wastewater contains milksolids, fat, detergents, acid clean-ers and sanitizers, manure, soilparticles, and other substances.

andling milkhousewastewater hasbecome increasinglyimportant as dairy

operations become larger andmore automated. Quantities andstrength of wastewater frommilking parlours vary from farmto farm.

Modern milking parlours andpipeline milking systems utilizelarge quantities of water. Thevolume of water used depends on:• the management practices

associated with the milkingfacility;

Bulk TankAutomatic 190-225 l (42-50 gal)/washManual 115-150 l (25-33 gal)/wash

Pipelinea (in parlour) 285-475 l (62-104 gal)/washBucket Milkers 115-150 l (25-33 gal)/washMiscellaneous Equipment 115 l (25 gal)/dayCow Prep

Automatic 4-17 l (0.8-3.75 gal)/cowManual 1-2 l (0.2-0.4 gal)/cow

Milkhouse Floor 38-76 l (8-16 gal)/dayParlour Floor Without Flushing 150-285 l (33-62 gal)/dayParlour and Holding Area Floorwith Flushing

Parlour Only 75-114 l (17-25 gal)/cow/dayParlour and Holding Area 95-150 l (21-33 gal)/cow/dayHolding Area Only 38-76 l (8-16 gal)/cow/day

a. Volume increases for long lines in large stanchion barnsSource: Midwest Plan Service, 1995.

Washing Operation Washwater ProducedLitres (Imp. Gallons)

Agricultural Waste Management 27

Environmental Concerns

The following table showstypical waste strengths formilkhouse washwater.

Best Management Practices

Proper milkhouse washwatermanagement should consideroptions for reduction and reuse.

Reduce• Manual washing and prepping

of cows uses less water thanautomated systems.

• Mechanically removing manureand wasted feed from theparlour prior to wash downreduces waste volume andstrength.

• Manually check water hardnessand iron content, and calibratecleaning equipment annually.Adjust chemical cleanserconcentrations based on thequality of the washwater.

• Design the milking parlour tominimize washwater require-ments. Drain locations andfloor slopes are important.

Reuse• Feed the first rinse of milking

equipment to calves. This willreduce the amount of milkingcentre washwater by 15-20%.

• Feed pre-cooler water tolivestock. Pre-coolers are usedto lower milk temperaturebefore it enters the bulk tank.

• Many new dairy operationshave underground tanks tostore washwater. Use thiswater to wash parlour floorsand drain to manure storage.

• Recycling washwater reducesthe amount of chemical cleans-ers required. Washwater canbe used from one cleaningcycle to the next.

• Make sure that reused waterdoes not increase bacterialcounts.

Total Solids 1417-3506

Suspended Solids 171-996

Oil and Grease 5-330

Biochemical Oxygen Demand 207-1530

Chemical Oxygen Demand 542-4554

Total Phosphorus 35-288

Total Nitrogen 14.9-37.4*

Source: Urgel Delisle (1990), except for * = B.C. Farm, Lo, K.V. et al., 1988.

*Notes:TOTAL SOLIDS includes all solid materials either dissolved or suspended in thewashwater.

SUSPENDED SOLIDS refers to the amount of material suspended in the washwaterwhich could be removed by filtration. The level of suspended solids in milkingcentre washwater gives a good indication of the clogging potential of the materialin underground infiltration systems.

OIL AND GREASE originate from the biodegradable fats and oils in milk. High levelsof oil and grease will result in considerably larger scum and sludge accumulationsin septic tanks containing milking centre washwater. Oil and grease that movesinto the leaching bed can clog and seal tile lines as well as the trenches, oftenresulting in complete failure of the bed system.

BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (BOD) is a measure of organic waste strengthand is usually reported as the amount of oxygen consumed over a specified periodof time. High BOD loading can depress the dissolved oxygen concentrations inreceiving waters to levels that affect aquatic organisms. High BOD levels in milkingcentre washwater are an indicator of high organic levels as a result of milk, manure,etc., present in the waste product.

CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (COD) is a measure of the amount of oxygen re-quired to chemically oxidize the organic matter in the washwater. Like BOD, CODis an estimation of the amount of organic material present.

TOTAL PHOSPHORUS includes soluble phosphate generally in the form of PO4 and

organic bound P (phosphorus bound to soil). Soluble phosphate can be releasedand is readily available for algal growth. Phosphorus originates predominantly fromthe detergents and phosphoric acid used in the wash cycles during the cleaning ofthe milking system.

TOTAL NITROGEN includes organic and inorganic nitrogen and ammonia. Ammo-nia is the major nitrogen parameter of concern due to its toxicity for fish and otheraquatic animals. In treatment trench systems, nitrogen is normally converted tonitrate (NO

3) which can contaminate groundwater. Nitrogen originates from ma-

nure or nitrogen based detergents.

Milking Centre WashwaterParameter Concentration


28 Agricultural Waste Management

Advantages• an existing storage with ad-

equate capacity can be utilizedto store milkhouse waste;

• better agitation can beachieved through the extravolume of liquid milkhousewaste making it easier topump to a spreader;

• storage can be sized to handlethe additional wastewater;

• best option if washwatercontains the first rinse and/orhas a high solids content.

Disadvantages• lowers fertility value of manure;• requires up to 25% increase in

manure storage capacity;• the increased volume must

be spread on fields, addingto handling costs.

Settling Tank and InGround Disposal Field

This system is similar to a house-hold septic system but insteadhandles the wastewater for themilking centre. It also requiresproper site conditions. If thesoil is too shallow to bedrock,has low permeability or a highwater table, another manage-ment system may be required.This system requires carefuldesign installation and manage-ment to ensure long-term success.

Advantages• does not impact the capacity

of manure storage and handlingsystems;

• relatively low cost.

Handling andTreatment Options

Regardless of the disposal sys-tem used, it must be properlydesigned, installed and operated.

To select and design the bestsystem for your farm, you needto know your approximate dailywashwater production. Measureyour actual water use by install-ing a water flow meter, or esti-mate it using a calibrated pail.

Liquid Manure Storage

Farms equipped to handle liquidmanure can divert milkhouseeffluent to the liquid manurestorage. The combined milkhousewaste and manure is eventuallyapplied to the land with liquidmanure following proper manuremanagement guidelines.

MilkhouseSediment Tank

Treatment Trenches


Pump-out Openings


13" Baffle Inlet

3-4" Flow-Thru Openings


Sediment Tank

Earth BackfillIn This Area

3/4 - 1"Crushed Stone

In This Area

4" DiameterSeptic Tile





30 - 40"

Treatment Trench

Sample Illustration of Sediment Trench & Treatment Trenches

Agricultural Waste Management 29

Disadvantages• first rinse, milk from treated

cows or colostrum must bediverted from the system;

• does not work in areas withlow permeability or high watertables;

• requires careful managementand maintenance;

• sludge levels within the tankshould be checked and re-moved as required.

Conventional in ground dis-posal fields have been usedextensively in the past and withproper design, management andsoil conditions, these systemscan work quite well.

Historically, many systemshave failed due to the disposalof excessively high strengthmilkhouse washwater throughthe system.

You may consider this system if:• you do not have or are not

planning to build a liquidmanure or runoff storage;

• the soil has good drainagecharacteristics;

• your washwater is relativelyfree from solids;

• you are willing to restrict thewater that enters the system toa minimum;

• you are willing to collect thefirst rinse from the milkingequipment;

• you are willing to prevent milkfrom going down the floordrain.

To prevent whole milk fromreaching the disposal field system,it is recommended that a doublecompartment septic tank withproper baffles on the inlet andoutlet pipes and a storage capac-ity for several days of milkhouseeffluent be installed. Allowing themilk several days residence in thetank will allow most of the milkfats to separate and form a layerat the top of the tank which mustbe periodically pumped. A mini-mum retention time of four daysis recommended, but six days ispreferred.

Research and experience haveshown that constructing thedisposal fields to promoteaerobic conditions for a periodof time between milkings willgreatly improve the reliabilityand useful life of these systems.This will allow microbial activityto oxidize some of these materi-als and prevent trench sealing.

Vegetative Filter Strip Bed

Testing in the Maritimes hasshown that a grassed filter stripcan also be an effective andeconomical milkhousewastewater treatment alterna-tive. As the wastewater flowsdown a filter strip it evaporatesor infiltrates into the soil. TheVegetative filter strip bed.

30 Agricultural Waste Management

soil and plant media filter outand biodegrade the fine solidsand organic material. Nitrogenand phosphorus are taken up bythe plant life and absorbed tosoil particles.

The design of an effective filterstrip includes a settling basinahead of the filter strip, a spread-ing device at the entrance of thefilter strip to ensure even flowacross the strip and provisions toalternately apply wastewater totwo parallel strips. This willallow the filter strip a rest periodduring which no wastewater isapplied.

Advantages• does not impact upon existing

manure storage or handling;• relatively low cost.

Disadvantages• first rinse, milk from treated

cows or colostrum must bediverted from the system;

• requires careful managementand maintenance;

• solids must be removed regu-larly from the settling basin toprevent overflow to the grassfilter strip;

• may not provide optimaltreatment during the wintermonths.

Constructed Wetlands

Constructed wetlands are shal-low, man-made aquatic systemsthat can provide an environmentfor treating agricultural runoffand wastewater. Constructedwetlands have been utilized astreatment systems for a numberof wastewater sources including:

• milkhouse washwater;• manure storage and feedlot

runoff;• drainage tile outflow;• agricultural field surface runoff;

and• food processing wastewater.

Constructed wetlands utilize aseries of physical, biological andchemical processes which facili-tate the treatment of wastewater.

Wetlands have been con-structed on agricultural opera-tions throughout Atlantic Canadaand many have been extensivelymonitored. The concentration of

Grass Filter Bed (Top View)

Inlet Pipe

Spreader Strip orPipe for distribution

Vigorous uniformgrowth of grass

0% Slope

Uniform Slope0.5% to 5%

Fence toexclude livestock

Minimum AreaMilking Centre Wastes - 4.65 square metres (50 sq ft) per cowFilter Strip Size - 164 square metres per cubic metre (50 sq ft per

cubic foot) of wastewater. Length is equal to twice the width.

Milking Centre Wastewater


Agricultural Waste Management 31

• Site selection is important. Thewetland will be more economi-cal to construct if it is locatedclose to the wastewater sourceand if the wastewater can flowby gravity to the wetland.

• Perform soil permeability testsearly in the planning stage. Ifthe hydraulic conductivity isgreater than 1x10-5 cm sec-1, aclay or synthetic liner will berequired. This will greatly addto the cost of the wetland andmay be a reason to considerother options.

• Many agricultural wastewatersources produce small volumesof effluent. During the summer,evaporation rates from thewetland are often higher thaninflow volumes. Additionalwater from other sources suchas roof gutters may have to beadded to the system.

• Wastewater must be retainedin a settling pond prior toentering the wetland to allowfor adequate separation ofsolids. This pond should beless than 1 metre (3 ft) deepto reduce odour potential.

• Wetlands are more efficientduring summer months. Itmay be desirable to designthe settling pond to be largeenough to store the entirevolume of wastewater pro-duced during the winter andto discharge it to the wetlandduring the summer.

• The proposed site must besurveyed to produce an accu-rate topographical map.

Constructed wetland.

waste-water pollutants includingsuspended solids, nitrogen, phos-phorous and faecal coliforms, aswell as BOD and COD levels, havebeen reduced by 70-98 %.

Design Considerations• Before construction, hire a

qualified engineer to designthe wetland and obtain re-quired building and environ-mental permits from the PEIDepartment of Fisheries,Aquaculture and Environment.

• Constructed wetlands shouldonly be designed as secondaryor tertiary wastewater treat-ment systems. The size of awetland must be based on theinflow volume, the concentra-tion of pollutants in thewastewater, and the desiredlevel of treatment.

32 Agricultural Waste Management

• Constructed wetlands maycontain one cell or severalindividual cells depending uponthe topography. If the construc-tion site is on a slope, it may bedesirable to construct individualcells in a terrace type system.The length of each cell shouldbe twice the width. The topog-raphy should be relatively levelover the entire cell to ensure aneven depth of water. Individualwetland cells should includeboth deep and shallow zones.Shallow zones should havewater depths ranging between15-30 cm (6-12 in). Deep zoneshelp to evenly distribute waterand add to the retention time aswastewater passes through thewetland. Deep zones shouldconstitute 25% of the surfacearea and they should be at least1 metre (3 ft) deep to preventgrowth of aquatic plants.

• The outflow from a constructedwetland should receive finalpolishing by discharging it toa tertiary pond or grassedwaterway.

• Aquatic vegetation (cattails andbulrushes) is best established bytransplanting root stock from anearby natural wetland. Theroots should be planted at adensity of at least oneplant per square metre(10 sq. ft). A permit isrequired from the PEIDepartment of Fisheries,Aquaculture and Envi-ronment to removecattails from existingwetlands.

Management to achievemaximum performanceof the wetland mayinclude:• Eventual removal of

solids from the pre-treatment settling pond.

• Possible addition of water tothe wetland during prolongeddry periods to prevent stressof aquatic vegetation andcracking of a clay liner.

• Eventual excavation of sedi-ment and plant material fromthe wetland cell if there is anaccumulation of phosphorous.

• Control of muskrat populations.


Another innovative new technol-ogy recently introduced to theMaritimes involves the use ofchemical treatment reactorsor flocculators to remove themajority of phosphates andsuspended solids from themilkhouse effluent.

The effluent is transferred fromthe milkhouse to a reactor and aproportionate amount of hydratedlime is added to the reactor. Themixture is allowed to settleundisturbed for two hours. Thenthe clarified liquid is dischargedto the disposal field system whilethe sludge is sent to the manurestorage. This technology is rela-tively new and its cost efficiencyfor treatment of milkhouse wasterequires more evaluation.

Milkhouse Wastewater Flocculator

Agricultural Waste Management 33

Livestock Pasturing

he pasturing of cattle isa common practice onmost PEI dairy and beeffarms. Traditionally, it

was desirable to have a pasturethat had a watercourse runningthrough it to allow for conven-ient watering of livestock.However, more recently it hasbecome the recommendedpractice to restrict livestockfrom having access to water-courses because of their impacton water quality and the damagethat they cause to the riparianzone. It has also been found thatcattle are healthier and moreproductive if they are providedwith a fresh source of water.Many farmers have fencedlivestock out of streams andhave implemented practicalwatering alternatives. This hasproven beneficial to both thehealth of the cattle and theenvironment.

Health and ProductivityConcerns

Supplying abundant quantitiesof fresh, clean drinking wateris critical for good health andmaximum productivity of cattle.Cattle that have direct accessto watercourses, for drinkingpurposes, can experience thefollowing problems:• Decreased water consumption

resulting in reduced productiv-ity. Cattle are less likely to drinksufficient quantities of water ifit has been contaminated bytheir access to the watercourse.

• Reduced productivity due tolost grazing time. Cattle enjoyloafing in streams and they willnot be productive if they arenot foraging. If a stream is theonly watering source, cattlemay have to spend excessivetime travelling to obtain waterbecause streams are often notstrategically located in thepasture.

• Increased risk of diseasetransmissions. Cattle cancontract Leptospirosis, Salmo-nella, Bovine Virus and algaepoisoning, especially if thewater is slow moving orstagnant.

• Increased udder problemsfrom mud and dirt buildup.Calves have more difficultynursing and mastitis is moreprevalent.

• Increased stress to feet andlegs if animals have access tosteep and/or unstable streambanks.

• Increased risk of abortion ifcows slip on steep slopes.

34 Agricultural Waste Management

Impact on Watercourses

If cattle have access to water-courses, including springs,ponds, streams, wetlands andestuaries, the following impactscan be observed:• Unstable stream banks due to

loss of vegetation.• Widening of watercourses and

reduced stream velocities dueto the hoof action of livestock.

• An increase in water tempera-tures as shade cover isdestroyed.

• A reduction in the ability of thearea surrounding the water-course to filter and absorbcontaminants (ie nitrates, faecalbacteria, etc.) which may becontained in surface runoff.

• A reduction in the qualityof fish and wildlife habitat.

• An increase in faecal bacteriacontamination and nutrientloading in the watercourse.This can result in shellfishclosures and restricted usefor recreational purposes.

Best Management Practices

To reduce the impact that pastur-ing livestock have on a water-course, the following practicesare recommended:• Restrict livestock access by

fencing off streams, wetlands,ponds and marshes and pro-vide livestock with an alter-nate source of water. Thewider the buffer betweenthe fence and the stream, thebetter the filtering capacityof the riparian zone.

• Provide stream bank protec-tion in highly disturbed areasto prevent further erosion.Use vegetative measures wherepossible. Rock riprap under-lain with a suitable geotextileis also an option.

• Manage pastures to reduce theconcentration of manure andmaintain permanent foragecover. Vigorous forage growthon pastures protects soils andminimizes runoff. Avoid heavytraffic areas by increasing thenumber of in-pasture wateringlocations.

• In cases where pastures existon either side of a water-course, a livestock streamcrossing should be con-structed and maintained.The crossing should havefences on both sides. Culvertsor wood structured bridgesprovide good crossings. Costscan be kept to a minimum ifthe crossing does not have tosupport farm equipment.

A Watercourse/Wetland Altera-tion Permit is required from thePEI Department of Fisheries,Aquaculture and Environmentif any excavation is requiredwithin 10 metres (33 ft) of awatercourse or if a streamcrossing is being installed.

Fencing protects sensitive habitat areas.

Agricultural Waste Management 35

Alternate Watering Systems

On PEI, the following alternatewatering systems have beenutilized by farmers to water cattle:

Farm wells• Most flexible, reliable and cost

efficient source of water.• Water can be pumped long

distances [PEI installations areup to 900 metres (3,000 ft)].

• Water is conveyed inpolyethylene pipe rangingin size from 1.9-3.2 cm(.75-1.25 in) diameter.

• Polyethylene pipe can beburied below frost or laidon top of the ground.

• If pastures are at an elevationbelow the farm well, water canbe gravity fed to the wateringstations.

• Capable of watering largenumbers of livestock.

• Ideal for intensive grazingsystems. Water can be readilymade available in each pad-dock. This will reduce thedistance cattle need to traveland increase productivity.

• Dependable in winter with theuse of either energy-free orelectric bowl technologies.

Gravity flow systems:• Will work on sites where there

is sufficient elevation differ-ence along a length of a water-course for water to gravityflow through a pipe from anupstream location to a water-ing tank.

• Works best on a watercoursewith grades along its lengththat are greater than 3% andwith stream banks that are notsignificantly higher than thestream bed. Most PEI streamshave grades less than 1%, thusmaking it difficult to installan in-stream system.

• Pastures with continuous flow-ing springs on the upper slopesare excellent candidates forgravity flow systems. A continu-ous flow of water from thespring can be gravity fedthrough a polyethylene pipe toa watering tank. The waterlevel in the watering tank iscontrolled by a second pipethat discharges the overflowback to the stream.

• Greatest advantage is that theydo not require any type ofpumping equipment.

• Dependable, low cost and lowmaintenance.

• Capable of watering large herds.• Dependable in winter.• Less flexible than farm wells

when used with intensivegrazing systems.

Hydraulic ram pumps:• Installed in running water.

The falling water producesa hammering effect in thehydraulic ram pump that forcesa portion of the water into astock tank or storage reservoir.

Stock tanks provide a convenient, reliable source of water.

36 Agricultural Waste Management

• Every 30 cm (1 ft) of verticaldrop in the pump will produce300 cm (10 ft) of vertical lift.

• Capable of watering largenumbers of livestock if wateris pumped to a reservoir thatfeeds the stock watering tank.

• Poor option for intensivegrazing system.

• These pumps can offer reliableservice but require an appro-priate location, good systemdesign and proper installation.

Pasture nose pumps:• Operated by a cow pushing

its nose against a lever whichprimes the pump and deliversapproximately 1 litre (0.2 gal)of water into the bowl.

• Can lift water up to 8 metres(27 ft) vertically and 38 metres(125 ft) horizontally.

• Will work with any watersource that has at least a 15 cm(6 in) depth of water at alltimes.

• Easy to install and easy torelocate.

• A single pump can supplywater for up to 30 head ofcattle. However, the number ofhead per pump is a function ofpasture size. On large pastureswhere cattle tend to water asa group, the number of headwatered per pump shouldbe reduced because only oneanimal can water at a time.Multiple pump installationsare practical with larger herds.

• Not suitable for young calvesbecause they have difficultyoperating the pump.

• Not dependable when tem-peratures drop below freezingpoint.

Bilge pumps:• A bilge pump is a marine sump

pump that is placed directlyinto a watercourse and is usual-ly powered by a 12 volt battery.

• Capable of supplying largevolumes of water [1-2 litres/second (1000-2000 gal/hr)]over a short time period.

• Low cost and portable system.• Management required to charge

and switch 12 volt batteriesafter a few days of operation.

• Unable to pump water overlong distances, therefore water-ing stations are usually located3-4.5 metres (10-15 ft) from theedge of the stream.

Solar systems:• Use the power of the sun to

charge a 12 volt pumpingstation.

• A water reservoir is recom-mended in addition to thestock tank to allow for reducedefficiency on cloudy days.

• Can be custom-designed basedon topography and thenumber of head to be watered.

• Ideal for large pastures atremote sites.

• Not cost effective underintensive grazing systems.

Wind powered pumps:• Wind power is an alternate

energy source that can beapplied to pumping waterfor livestock.

• These systems are very com-mon in Western Canada buthave not been used extensivelyon PEI in recent times andwould require further evalua-tion for local conditions.

Livestock operating a pasture nosepump system to water.

Agricultural Waste Management 37

Waste Forage

aste forage is anormal by-prod-uct of any live-stock feeding

system. It includes waste hay,waste silage and silage effluent.


When hay is harvested, it isallowed to dry to less than 15%moisture. When it is stored andfed, it poses no environmentalhazard. Hay that is wasted duringfeeding usually becomes incorpo-rated with the straw and manure.


The potential for waste fromsilage feeding systems also exists.However, because silage is har-vested and stored at a muchhigher moisture content than hay,

there is also the potential forleachate or seepage waste fromstorage areas. Silage can be storedin vertical silos, horizontal silos, orin round bales wrapped in plastic.

Environmental Concerns

While forage waste is costly toproducers, it is also an environ-mental concern.

• Silage seepage can leach intothe groundwater and cancontaminate watercoursesif runoff is not controlled.

•Burning waste forage cancause nuisance odours andcontribute to air pollution.

• Silage waste can also createnuisance odours.

Best Management Practices

Reduce waste forage by:• Storing bales of hay under

cover.• Harvest and store only as

much forage as will be re-quired for the coming year.

• Harvest silage at the optimummoisture content to minimizethe potential for seepage.

• Use waste forage as a mulchto provide protection from soilerosion in recently harvestedpotato fields rather than haulingit to the woods or burning it.It will add organic matter tocultivated soils.

• Compost waste hay and silage.This will require addition of anitrogen source such as manure.Waste forage being used as a mulch for erosion control after potato harvesting.

38 Agricultural Waste Management

Seepage From Farm Silos

ilage seepage presentsseveral concerns for theagricultural industry.

• Contamination of surface andgroundwater.

• Deterioration of the silo struc-ture.

• Odours.

Silage effluent has extremelyhigh BOD values, which areapproximately 200 times asstrong as raw domestic sewage.A significant discharge of effluentinto a watercourse can remove somuch oxygen that fish and otheraquatic creatures die immediately.

With respect to groundwaterquality, silage leachate containsnutrients, acids, minerals andbacteria. Nitrate-nitrogen is the

most significant groundwatercontaminant from this group.The greatest percentage of silageseepage is produced within 5 to10 days after filling the silo.

Best Management Practices

• Seepage from the silo, alongwith the surface water runofffrom open bunker silos, shouldbe collected and stored sincethis material is highly contami-nated. During the croppingseason this contaminatedmaterial can be spread regularlyon land.

• Harvest silage/haylage at lowmoisture, i.e. below 60%moisture content for towersilos and below 65% for hori-zontal silos.

• Adding absorbents which aredesigned to take up excessmoisture will result in low orno seepage production. Mate-rial that can be used includeoatmeal, dried sugar beet pulpand dried corn cobs. To beeffective, enough materialmust be added to absorb theanticipated seepage.

• Silos should be covered - thisprevents rain water fromentering and leaching throughthe silage/haylage.

• Divert all surface water awayfrom the silo site.

• For new silos, install seepagecollection and storage systems.

Harvesting silage at proper moisture levels will minimize the risk of seepage.

Agricultural Waste Management 39

Dead Stock Disposal

Environmental Concerns

Dead animals are a health risk tohumans and farm animals. Theymay be carriers of disease. If notpromptly removed or disposed of,carcasses will also attract rodents,flies, and nuisance wildlife, as wellas producing offensive odours.

Options for Disposal

Dead animals should be removedfrom the building as soon aspossible and disposed of inan approved manner within oneday. Livestock and poultry can-not be disposed of in manurestorage or be spread onto theland with manure. Under nocircumstances should deadanimals be left lying around thefarm buildings for an extendedperiod of time. Feeding car-casses to wildlife is not anacceptable disposal methodand should not be used.

While health and environmentalconcerns are most important,ensuring that disposal activitiesare not unsightly will create goodwill in the community. Trees,shrubs and windbreaks can beused to screen disposal sites.

Disposal options are coveredin order from most to leastacceptable.

he disposal of deadanimals must be inaccordance with the PEIGuidelines for Disposal

of Dead Farm Livestock. Theseguidelines are designed to protectthe public and animal health andto reduce the risk of contamina-tion of drinking water suppliesand surface water resources. Alllivestock and poultry operationsneed a management plan for deadanimals. Afterbirth in livestockoperations and eggs in poultryoperations are additional wasteswhich should be handled in asimilar manner.

Composting of dead stock carcasses.

40 Agricultural Waste Management

• Dead Animal RemovalService

A dead animal and poultry re-moval service removes carcassesto be rendered. Poultry and othersmall animals must be stored infreezers and held for pickup.Livestock should be picked upwithin 48 hours of death. For acurrent list of livestock removalcompanies, call the PEI Depart-ment of Agriculture and Forestry.

• CompostingComposting of poultry and othersmall agricultural animals isconsidered a low cost, environ-mentally acceptable method ofdisposal of dead stock. The useof composting technology in thedisposal of poultry and hogs isbecoming more widespread.

Some basic requirements forcarcass composting are:• An aerobic environment must

be maintained.

• A carbon source will be re-quired to ensure that theproper carbon:nitrogen ratioof 25:1 is present for thecomposting process to takeplace. Sawdust is an idealcarbon source.

• Temperatures throughoutthe compost pile must exceed55°C (130°F) for adequatereduction of pathogen levels.

• Moisture content of the com-post pile should be in the 50-60% range.

• The composter should belocated in an area that is welldrained, accessible and awayfrom areas that are sensitiveto groundwater contamination.If a facility is constructed forcomposting, it should consistof a concrete pad, roof, and rot-resistant construction materials.

• The composting site must belocated a minimum of 90metres (300 ft) from a water-course or domestic well.

• All contaminated runoff fromthe compost site must becollected. Clean surface watershould be directed away fromthe composting facility.

• The finished compost can bespread on the land.

• Capacity of the compostingfacility must be sufficient todispose of the normal mortalityrate. Expanded capacity to con-tain an excessive mortality rateis desirable but not essential.

Sample Composter Layout Using Hay Bales


Agricultural Waste Management 41

Additional information for on-farm composting of dead stockcan be obtained from the PEIDepartment of Agriculture andForestry fact sheet “Compostingof Swine Carcasses - Turning aProblem into an Asset”.

• Subsurface BurialBurial should be considered onlyas a last resort. Subsurface burialis not recommended due to thepotential for groundwater pollu-tion. It is permitted as long asthe criteria listed below are met.Burial sites should be staggeredthroughout the property, notconcentrated in one location.Burial sites must be located:• at least 300 metres (1,000 ft)

from any drinking water supplyor well. With prior writtenapproval from the Department

of Fisheries, Aquaculture andEnvironment, a burial sitemay be located closer than300 metres (1,000 ft), but atno time will the Departmentapprove a site less than150 metres (500 ft) froma drinking water source.

• at least 60 metres (200 ft) fromany fresh water stream, pond,estuary or coastal area.

• at least 30 metres (100 ft) fromany public right of way.

All buried poultry and live-stock must be covered on thesame day they are buried with aminimum of 0.6 metres (2 ft) ofearth. Subsurface burial shouldonly be considered under thefollowing conditions.

• At locations where the watertable does not come within600 mm (24 in) of the pitbottom and where soil is wellaerated.

• At locations where the floorof the burial pit is at least0.6 metres (2 ft) above bedrock.

• At locations not subject tosurface runoff, ponding orflooding.

• Open trench pits are notacceptable.

Roofed composting facility.

42 Agricultural Waste Management

Section C - Potato/VegetableWaste Management

otato production is alarge and growing indus-try on Prince EdwardIsland. This success in

production is accompanied by anincrease in the volume of wastesassociated with grading andprocessing. These wastes includeculls, diseased product, washlinesediment and processing planteffluent.

Environmental Concerns

• Potato/Vegetable wastes posea plant health issue for theindustry as diseases such as ringrot, blight and viruses can bespread from culls that are notproperly disposed of.

• Proper storage and disposal isrequired to protect ground andsurface water.

• Odour generation from decom-posing waste can be a nui-sance to neighbours.

Options for Disposal

Disposal options are covered inorder from most to least accept-able.- value-added processing- animal feed- composting- land spread- burial

Value-Added ProcessingDehydration of cull and otherwaste potatoes (smalls) is a veryeffective and efficient methodof turning a waste material into avalue-added product. This processdehydrates the raw potato intodry material such as potato flakesand granules. These products areused in the food industry to createnew recompositioned potato andother food products. On PrinceEdward Island, the dehydrationprocess can handle upwards of200 tonnes/day of waste potatoes.

Nature of Waste Disposal Options

Dehydration Animal Land& Processing Feed Composting Spread Burial

Culls ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Diseased Products ✖ ✖ ✔ ✖ ✔

Rock/Low Organic ✖ ✖ ✖ ✔ ✔

Wash Line Sediment ✖ ✖ ✖ ✔ ✔

Processing PlantWaste ✖ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✖

Agricultural Waste Management 43

This process also generatesother waste streams. The recom-mended disposal options for thesewaste materials is as follows:• Low organic waste (rocks and

silt): silt is returned to the land,rocks are buried.

• Wastewater: treated to approvedstandards and discharged.

• Waste sludge from treatmentprocess: land applied in accord-ance with regulations.

Potato dehydration plant.

Animal FeedCull potatoes and processingvegetable wastes are an excel-lent energy source suitable forfinishing rations in beef feedlots.

Culls and processing plantwastes are normally deliveredto the farm in 10-30 tonne loads.These products should be storedaway from direct sunlight in athree-sided concrete storage witha roof. The concrete floor in thestorage should be sloped to theback to retain seepage. Ideally, apotato waste storage should belocated beside a manure storageto allow drainage of excess liquidinto the manure storage.

Cull potatoes and processingplant wastes can also beensilaged. Advantages of ensilinginclude a longer storage life, moreconsistent quality product and abetter insurance of continuoussupply. Potato waste can beensiled by itself in a bunker if theproduct is chopped or pureedprior to ensiling. It will take 7-10days for potato waste to ensileand it is preferred that the mate-rial is not fed within 21 days.Alternatively, potato culls andprocessing plant wastes can beensilaged by placing them inlayers in the silo with well-wiltedhay crop silage at a 2:1 ratio.A mixture of three parts potatowaste to one part chopped haycan also be ensilaged.

CompostingThe composting of cull potatoesand other vegetable wastesincluding diseased products isan environmentally acceptablemethod of disposal.

Typical cross section of an on-farm storage for culls and processing plant by-products.

44 Agricultural Waste Management

permitted within 15 metres(50 ft) of the edge of a publichighway right of way.

• Sections of farm fields subjectto application must be at least37 metres (120 ft) from anywatercourse where slopesaverage 2-5%, and 107 metres(350 ft) where slopes average5-10%. Potatoes should not bespread on slopes greater than10%.

• Maximum application ratesshould not be more than10 tonnes/acre.

• Wash line sediment is removedfrom settling ponds and spreadon land.

BurialThe burial of vegetable wastesis the least desirable option andmust be done in accordancewith provincial guidelines forthe burial of cull potatoes.

• The site should be located atleast 60 metres (200 ft) fromany surface water body andat least 150 metres (500 ft)from any well or water supply.All sites within 300 metres(1,000 ft) of a well will requireprior inspection and writtenapproval by the Departmentof Fisheries, Aquaculture andEnvironment.

• Large scale burial sites (totalaccumulated tonnage greaterthan 250 tonnes) must havethe prior approval of theDepartment of Fisheries,Aquaculture and Environment.

• Burial should not occurwithin two feet of the bed-rock surface or the watertable. Prior to the excavationof a burial pit, a test holeshould be dug to determinethe depth to bedrock anddepth to the water table.

The microorganisms whichbreak down the ingredients ina compost pile require specificamounts of carbon and nitrogenfor the composting process towork effectively. To obtain thecorrect amounts of carbon andnitrogen, potatoes must bemixed with other materials foreffective composting. Commonmaterials which can be mixedwith potatoes are sawdust, strawand solid manure.

The On-Farm Composting ofManure section (p. 24) containsadditional information oncomposting methods andguidelines. A fact sheet onpotato composting techniques isavailable from the Departmentof Agriculture and Forestry.

Land SpreadThe spreading of cull potatoeson frozen land during the winteris permitted under the followingconditions:• All potatoes must be spread

evenly on a field to ensurefreezing. Potatoes must notbe dumped in piles.

• Areas subject to applicationof potatoes must be at least150 metres (500 ft) away fromany dwelling occupied bypersons other than the personowning and/or disposing ofthe potatoes. Spreading is not

Mix Ratios for Potato Composting (by volume)

Ratio Parts Parts Parts3 : 3 : 1 3 sawdust 3 potatoes 1 manure

2 : 1 2 manure* 1 potato2 : 1 2 straw• 1 potato2 : 1 2 leaves• 1 potato

Note:*Wet, sloppy manure will not work•Both straw and leaves are bulky and work best if they are wet prior to being added to the pile.

Agricultural Waste Management 45

Section D - Farm Plasticsand Other Wastes

Proper Disposal of FarmPlastics

The most ideal method ofdisposal of farm plastics is toconvert the waste into a usableby-product such as buildingmaterials, fence posts, recrea-tional furniture or recycledsilage wrap. A manufacturingfacility is in operation on PrinceEdward Island. Landfilling orburning of farm plastics is notrecommended.

The Island Waste ManagementCorporation will accept clean,dry silage wrap at the EastPrince Waste ManagementFacility. Residents of the EastPrince area may contact thecorporation office for theirdisposal needs.

arms generate a numberof other waste materials.These include plastics,chemicals, empty contain-

ers, building materials, oldmachinery, animal health careproducts and petroleum wastes.

Farm Plastics

Plastics are used on the farmin a variety of manners. Theseinclude silage wrap and nylontwine. Plastic film placed on thesurface of the soil to enhanceheat retention is a new tech-nique used in agriculture. It isalso used for cover and storageof forages.

From waste to usable by-product -silage wrap converted to plasticlumber.

Picnic table constructed from recycledplastic.

Steps in Off-Farm Recycling of Plastic Wrap

• Once the plastic wrap is removed, shake it to remove contami-nants (dirt, haylage, water, ice, etc.). Separate strings from theplastic.

• Store plastic wrap indoors. This will keep it from further con-tamination and degradation by sunlight. Some farmers storeplastic on hay wagons inside machinery sheds.

• Keep plastic clean and dry.• Bale or compact into small square bales for easier handling,

storing and transporting. Bale only with plastic string.

46 Agricultural Waste Management

Pesticide Containers

Containers made from plastic arethe most common type used tohold liquid pesticides. Paper bagcontainers are used to holdpesticides which are sold in agranular or powder form.

The disposal of empty pesti-cide containers in Prince EdwardIsland is regulated under theprovincial Pesticide Control Act.

Rinsing ContainersRinsing containers removespesticides left in the containerafter emptying. Removing thispesticide:• Saves money. Throwing away

pesticide in an “empty” con-tainer is throwing away money.

• Reduces chances of expo-sure. Pesticide left in a con-tainer can poison people,livestock or wildlife.

• Reduces chances of con-tamination. Pesticide left in acontainer can contaminate soil,surface water or groundwater.

Containers should be rinsedimmediately after use. Waitingtoo long allows the pesticidesolution to dry out inside thecontainer, making rinsing diffi-cult and lessening the probabil-ity of meeting clean standards.

The recommended method ofrinsing pesticide containers istriple-rinse.

• Fill empty container about 1/4full with water and replace capsecurely.

• Swirl and shake the containerto rinse all inside surfaces andthe handle cavity.

• Pour contents into spray tank.Let contents drain for 30 sec-onds after container is “empty”.

• Repeat three times untilcontainer is clean. Final rinsewater should be clear.

Paper bag containers that havea plastic or foil lining should besingle-rinsed. Even after rinsing,trace amounts of the pesticidemay remain.

All containers not being recy-cled should be punctured orcrushed so that they cannot beused again for any other purpose.



✓ Rinse for value.✓ Rinse for safety.✓ Rinse for the environment.Triple-rinse or pressure-rinseyour pesticide containers.Pour the rinsate into yoursprayer tank.

the paper booklet.

the clean empty containersto a designated collectionsite.

Agricultural Waste Management 47

Disposing ofPlastic ContainersThe recommended way todispose of empty plastic pesti-cide containers is to return themto the pesticide dealer for recy-cling. Pesticide manufacturersand dealers have developed acontainer collection programwhich recycles empty plasticcontainers. All licensed pesticidedealerships accept empty plasticcontainers. Containers must beclean, triple-rinsed, and containno liquid material. There areapproximately 2-3 million plasticcontainers recycled each year inCanada. In 1998, the containercollection program recycledover 75% of all plastic containerssold on Prince Edward Island.

Burning ContainersThe on-farm burning of plasticcontainers or hazardous sub-stances is prohibited by lawunder the Environmental Protec-tion Act - Air Quality Regulations.Low temperature burning doesnot destroy the remaining pesti-cides but results in them beingvaporized and drifting to otherareas. The breathing of smokefrom these fires can be harmful.

Burying ContainersThe burying of empty pesticidecontainers, even if they havebeen properly rinsed, is notrecommended. While properlyrinsed containers do not posean environmental threat, thedecomposition rate is very slow.A plastic container may takeseveral centuries to break down.A plastic fence post made fromrecycled plastic is a much bettergift to your grandchildren.

Paper Bag ContainersThe recommended way todispose of empty paper bagcontainers is to take them toa provincial landfill site or theEnergy From Waste Plant. Strictregulations governing what canbe disposed of in landfill areenforced by the Departmentof Fisheries, Aquaculture andEnvironment. Before pesticidecontainers can be accepted at alandfill, a disposal permit mustbe obtained from the Depart-ment of Fisheries, Aquacultureand Environment. The recom-mended way to disposeof any other empty pesticidecontainer that cannot be recy-cled is to take it to a provinciallandfill site.

How to get aDisposal PermitProducers can call (368-5000),fax (368-5830), or write (Depart-ment of Fisheries, Aquacultureand Environment, P.O. Box 2000,Charlottetown, PEI, C1A 7N8) torequest a disposal permit forplastic or paper bags. A requestfor a disposal permit must statethe name and address of theproducer as well as the numberof containers being disposed of,type of container, size of thecontainer, former contents of thecontainer, and a statement thateach container has been prop-erly rinsed or emptied. At thetime of delivery of the emptycontainers to the landfill, landfillsite personnel will verify that thecontainers being delivered arethe same as the permit states.

48 Agricultural Waste Management

Site personnel will also inspectthe containers to ensure thatthey are properly rinsed, emptyand punctured/crushed. Thetwo designated landfill sites arein Sleepy Hollow and WellingtonCentre.

Excess Pesticide ProductDisposal

Unfortunately, as of now, thereis no official pesticide disposalfacility on PEI. Pesticide wasteis still taken off-island to facilitieson the mainland. In November1998, an Agricultural Clean-upDay was very successful. A greatamount of old and excess pesti-cide was collected and truckedoff the island to be disposed ofin the proper way. Until PEI hasa disposal facility, farmers areencouraged to use the followingsuggestions to help keep excessproduct levels down:

• Practice responsible purchas-ing. Buy only the amount ofpesticide that will be totallyconsumed by the farm.

• Pass on excess pesticides toother producers who canmake use of them.

• Small operators may wish tobuy pesticides as a group withother small operators, therebyreducing waste. This may alsobe a cost saving measure foroperators.

Until a collection is organized,producers are advised to storeexcess pesticides in their origi-nal container in a safe, dry areaaway from food, pets, children,and water wells.


Animal Health CareProducts

Animal health care productsinclude drugs, medicines, oint-ments, insect repellants, vaccines,needles, applicators, disinfectants,cleaners, rodenticides and fumi-gants. If animal health careproducts are improperly disposedof, they can present health andsafety risks to people (especiallychildren), farm animals, pets andwildlife.

• Try to use products for theirintended and registered pur-pose before they becomeoutdated or contaminated.

• It is best to store products intheir original container in aclean, dry, frost-free area suchas a farm office or utility room.The storage area should belocked.

• The product label often givesadvice on storage, but if youare unsure, your veterinarianor supplier would be able tohelp. Typical storages includelocked refrigerators and insu-lated cabinets.

Agricultural Waste Management 49

• Unused animal health careproducts should be left witha veterinarian for disposal. Ifthis is not possible, syringesand drugs should be placedin a labelled, puncture-proofcontainer and delivered to theEnergy From Waste Plant or anapproved waste disposal site.

Farm Building Materials

Even though many buildingmaterials will not adversely affectthe environment, the preservingmaterials on many of them couldcause problems. Dumping,burying or burning this materialon the farm is unacceptablebecause it could cause pollutionand be dangerous for people,especially children. Piles ofbuilding materials make excellenthavens for rodents.

Reusable building materialsshould be separated and storedfor future use. Remaining excessconstruction materials should betaken to an approved site fordisposal.

Machinery and Equipment

Machinery, equipment, stoves,refrigerators, bulk tanks andwater heaters become outdatedand must be replaced.

• Reusing or repairing oldcomponents can make goodeconomic sense. Unusableequipment can be sold toscrap dealers. Before equip-ment is taken, remove anyhazardous materials suchas antifreeze, oils or fuels.

• Stoves, refrigerators, waterheaters, etc. can be taken to aprovincial landfill (white goodsarea) where the items will becrushed, bailed and recycled.A contractor is hired by theprovince to recover the ozone-depleting substances fromrefrigerators before they arecrushed.

• All tires should be brought toan approved disposal location.

Used Oil

The dumping or burning of oilon the farm is not permitted.The provincial Used Oil Han-dling Regulations require sellersof lubricating oil to operate areturn facility. Used oil, there-fore, can be returned to anydealer on the Island.

50 Agricultural Waste Management

Acknowledgements and BibliographyCanadian Agri-Food ResearchCouncil. Siting Livestock andPoultry Operations for the 21stCentury; Symposium Proceed-ings, Ottawa, ON July 13-15,1995. Ottawa, 1996.

P. Lane & Associates Ltd. A Reviewof Odour Management Technolo-gies for Use in Livestock Opera-tions in Nova Scotia. AgricultureCanada, unpublished, 1993.

B.C. Ministry of Agriculture.Environmental Guidelines forPoultry, Dairy, Beef and Pork.1992-94.

USDA, Soil Conservation Service.Agricultural Waste ManagementField Handbook. 1992.

Atlantic Committee on Landand Engineering. ConstructedWetlands for the Treatmentof Agricultural Wastewater inAtlantic Canada. Draft, 2000.

Nova Scotia Agriculture andMarketing. Milkhouse Waste.Fall 1998.

The Best Management Practicesfor Agricultural Waste Manage-ment Booklet was funded underthe Canada-Prince Edward IslandWater Annex to the Federal/Provincial Framework Agree-ment for Environmental Coop-eration in Atlantic Canada.

Participating Agencies

PEI Department of Fisheries,Aquaculture and Environment,PEI Department of Agricultureand Forestry, EnvironmentCanada and Agriculture andAgrifood Canada.


P. Jacobs & Associates Ltd.

Graphic Design

TechnoMedia Inc.

TechnicalReview Committee

Clair Murphy, Jim Young, DelbertReeves and Tom Duffy, PEIDepartment of Fisheries,Aquaculture and Environment;Ron DeHaan and Teresa Mellish,PEI Department of Agricultureand Forestry.


Barrett & MacKay, Ron DeHaan,Delbert Reeves, Tom Duffy,Graeme Linkletter, RussellCampbell, Allan Campbell,Jane Palmer, Jamie Coffin,John MacLeod, Shane Murphy.


PEI Department of EnvironmentalResources and Department ofAgriculture, Fisheries and For-estry. Province of Prince EdwardIsland Guidelines for Disposal ofCull Potatoes. March 1996.

PEI Department of Environmen-tal Resources and Departmentof Agriculture, Fisheries andForestry. Province of PrinceEdward Island Guidelines forDisposal of Dead Farm Live-stock. March 1996.

PEI Department of Agriculture,Fisheries and Forestry. PotatoCompost Production and Use.January 1995.

PEI Department of Agricultureand Forestry and Technology andDepartment of Environment.Guidelines for Manure Manage-ment for Prince Edward Island.January 1999.

Agriculture Canada and OntarioMinistry of Agriculture and Food.Best Management Practices:Livestock and Poultry WasteManagement. Toronto: OMAF,1994.