Best Childrens Picture Books

Post on 30-Dec-2020

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"Earl, the Hungry Squirrel" Books About Health And Nutrition and help introduce your children to different digestive organs and teach them to pay attention.

Transcript of Best Childrens Picture Books

Best Childrens Picture Books

Little bit about me and the idea behind the book…

Since I was a little girl I had a passion and a knack for 👧storytelling… I remember being just 5 or 6 years old, standing in the middle of the playground, surrounded by my friends and neighborhood kids. Their faces filled with curiosity and wanderlust as I told them story after story, poem after poem… “Tell us another one!” they said, “You tell it so well!” they said. I wanted to tell stories forever… And, I had so, so many to tell… 📚

I absolutely loved telling stories, to friends and strangers alike; but there was one thing that gave me even more pleasure: WRITING. 📝

Why Earl?

"Earl, the Hungry Squirrel" is a perfectly rhymed picture book with beautiful illustrations that both parents and children will enjoy reading. It will help introduce the little ones to different digestive organs and teach kids to pay attention to how they feel after meals (feeling of fullness, discomfort, stomach pain, etc). This book is perfect to teach children about consequences of bad eating habits and get them started on a healthy path by inspiring kids to see their organs as friends who should be treated with attention, love, care and respect.

Earl's organs

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