BEORMUND NEWS Newsletter... · 2020-04-03 · It’s also fun spotting them from your window or if...

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Transcript of BEORMUND NEWS Newsletter... · 2020-04-03 · It’s also fun spotting them from your window or if...

BEORMUND NEWS Home Learning Newsletter #StaySafeStayHome #StayHomeSaveLives March 2020

A rainbow is a multi-coloured arc that forms in the sky. No two people see the same rainbow, in fact even our individual eyes see

slightly different rainbows.

You might have noticed that people have been putting up colourful creations to show support for our

wonderful NHS. It’s a great way to help cheer others up and raise a smile as we spend more time

inside. It’s also fun spotting them from your window or if you do go for a walk in your local area.

Have a go at creating your own rainbows. Click on the link for some ideas. You can send photos of your

rainbows to us at school: Newsround have also been asking for photos of rainbow artwork, may-

be you could send yours.

We are fortunate enough to have a

fantastic Speech and Language

therapist here at Beormund. Zahra

works with/has worked with many of

our children. She has compiled a

helpful guide for parents and carers

around Managing Feelings which was

sent out last week. This is one of the

activities included. A copy of the letter

is also available on our website.

If you would like more resources,

games or activities, or just to chat on

the phone for advice please email:

A warm hello to all our parents, carers and all the children of Beormund Primary school. We miss you and we hope you are all keeping safe.

These are uncertain times and I know that we are all beginning to acclimatise to a new ‘normal’. Here’s hoping that you are following Government guidelines and are only leaving the house for food, health reasons or work (if you cannot work from home). If you do go out stay 2 meters (6ft)

away from other people at all times. Do not meet others, even friends, or family. And wash your hands as soon as you get home.

I know that you have all been in regular contact with your class teachers, your child’s therapist and the Safeguarding team here at Beormund. It’s important to stay in contact. It’s good to talk. We pride ourselves on the relationships we build with the children and our families at our school

and we aim to maintain that during these testing times. Staff are also finding their feet and welcome open and honest conversations. Many of us

are parents too and are attempting to keep our children occupied, enthused and happy. Hopefully this month’s newsletter conta ins practical ideas to help engage your child in learning whilst at home. These are testing times for all. Look to find the pleasures in learning through play.

Encourage your child to read everyday and involve them in chores such as cleaning and cooking - essential life skills and great bonding activities too. Find your own daily structure/timetable that works for you and your family. Make time to do the tings you enjoy and end the day by sharing

activities, events, quotes that made you smile. These are testing times for us all. So please, go easy on yourself and stay safe.

Design your own cereal box

What would it be called?

Create your own cereal character. Do they have a slogan? A catchy saying?

Why should people buy your cereal?

Maybe include a word search or game at the back of the box.

Make animals out of recycled

materials. Decorate with paper, felts, paints, pencils.

Can someone guess what the ani-mal is? Is it a made-up creature?

What are its features or special powers?

Design an egg,

Draw and cut out an egg shape. Decorate using patterns and bright

colours. Now hide these around the house for someone to find. This is

called an Easter Egg hunt.

Have they all been found? Now ask someone else in your family to try

hiding them for you to find.

Make playdough and have fun

creating and building with it.

Faces in places -can you make

faces out of objects around the house? Can you photograph or

sketch them?

Hide two objects around your house.

Make a treasure map for someone else to find them.

Make an Easter hat using recycled materials.

Sketch the view from one of your

windows. Pick a different window for a different day. Colour and

shade. Do you need to use different colours for different days? Does the

weather change your pictures? Which is your favourite view & why?

What would your ideal playground look

like? What rides would there be? What would there be for children to do?

Design a playground, label and

describe the features of your creation.

Are you ready for a fun and varied Art challenge? How many creative projects can you complete?

You will need

8 tbsp plain flour

2 tbsp table salt

60ml warm water

food colouring

1 tbsp vegetable oil

Thank you to Miss Smits for providing the challenge.

March Together Task

Who managed to play a board game together last month?

Maybe you’d like a family board game? If you have any reasonable

requests for a game you’ve always wanted to play together then

please let your class teacher know.

We can’t guarantee everything you ask for but we’re ordering a few treats for our children in their homes and we’re really keen

to encourage you all to play together.

We’d love to read your learning

Please share any home learning with

us. Why not screenshot your writing.

Share examples of a diary entry or a

fantastic story. We would love to see

and share what you are doing

Rewards for learning and behaviour

Your child can still earn House Points and Shillings

even though they are learning at home.

Children can earn Shillings when they complete their

online learning—RM Maths. Education City & Bug

Club. Their class teacher can also award Shillings

when you speak on the phone, especially if your child

has been helping out around the house and

displaying great behaviours.

Inspiration for Writing…

New ideas for your writing books in

your learning pack:

1. Write a story using 5 objects in from

your home. Give them names and person-

alities. How do they meet?

Take them on an adventure

2. Alphabetical order.

Choose 10 random items in your home, then

put them into alphabetic


3. If you became the Head Chef of a fancy restaurant, what

food would you serve to your customers? What type of

food would you cook?

Design a menu for your very own restaurant.

Check out this website recommended by

Ms Foster:

Creative ideas and art activities you could

do with a cardboard box:


Lockdown tasks:

Could you write a helpful guide to

a child in Sweden ‘How to keep

yourself entertained on lockdown’


Could you design new protective

wear for our NHS staff.

Home Learning

If you do manage to complete any fantastic

home learning, why not take a picture/

screenshot and send it in to We would love to see your learning—we

could also include it in next month’s news-


For daily updates, creative ideas, fun messages and interesting information

please follow our school Twitter page @BeormundSchool. Please engage,

tweet home learning and share ideas.

If you don’t have Twiiter then our feed appears on the front page of the school

website. Check in when you can.

Now we know that we have a few confident dancers at our school. Oti Mabuse is streaming live dance classes at 11:30 am each morning

Do you love animals? Want to learn

and know more about different spe-

cies? Then Google Edinburgh Zoo

and visit their website. They have set

up live webcams for their animals



Spot as many of the following things outside as you can! Take a picture.

A cat

Post box

Zebra crossing

A red door

Yellow flower

A green car

A bird

A bus

And if you are going out for a local walk, collect the following:

A stick longer than your hand

A stone smaller than your palm

A green leaf

We are fortunate enough to have a fantastic team of therpaists

here at Beormund. Sam, our drama therapist, suggests a few

helpful tips for our parents & carers in these testing times:

Take time for yourself and calmly and clearly explain why this

might be needed

Listen to music, reread your favourite book, listen to an au-

dio book

Find time to engage in your own arts and craft activity

Bake healthy treats, tend to house plants, teach yourself to

knit or sew

Keep a journal or diary at the start or end of your day

Have a friend/family member on standby when you need a

listening ear or a brief daily checkin to say how you are and

see how they are, even as a text chat

Be kind to yourself and note what you enjoyed

that day however small

April’s Newsletter class contributions are from our Years 4&5. Integrity class is currently led by Ms Foster, Miss Abena and Sir

Nathan. The children in Integrity class (Kayde, Oliver, Ruby, Dylan, Finlay and Kyle) had been busy learning lots and Ms Foster

wanted to share some of that journey with you…

Topic: Earth and Beyond

English: We have been identifying key features of a newspaper, exploring newspaper articles and writing a newspa-

per report linked to our topic. We have also examined a range of poetry, including kennings, haikus and shape po-

ems. We have performed poetry aloud for an audience, which has developed confidence when speaking in front of

others. We have developed our skills in instruction writing by identifying and annotating key features and using

these to write our own instructions for when we made delicious pizza. We also wrote instructions about how to look

after chicks, in response to chicks that visited our school this half term.

Maths: We have worked hard on using different written methods for multiplication and division. We have been working on our

knowledge of times tables up to x12 and recognising how they link to division facts. We have been identifying the properties of 2D

shapes, and focussed on right-angles, particularly in shapes. We explored data handling by investigating questions, creating tally

charts then recording the results onto bar graphs. We have been finding out more about measurements and have learnt how to

estimate, measure and record length and mass. Recently, we have been finding out more about basic fractions, including equiva-

lent fractions and comparing fractions. We have been applying our knowledge of different units by working out word problems,

suing the RUCSAC method.

Science: We have found out about Earth, Space and the planets in our solar system. We have looked at the

different layers of Earth and how our solar system works. We have explored how Earth orbits the sun, whilst

the moon orbits Earth, and we have looked at how the hemispheres and Earth’s axis works. Recently, we

began to study materials and their properties, and we generated lots of words related to what different ma-

terials feel like.

RE: We have found out about Jesus and the temptations he faced. We explored the different teachings of Jesus, including how the

devil tried to tempt him whilst he was in the desert. We will continue to explore stories related to Jesus’ teachings.

PSHE: We have been looking at the difference between positive and negative relationships. We have identi-

fied traits that we like in friends and we have examined our different emotions that we experience and strat-

egies we can use for dealing with these emotions. We have been respecting each other’s opinions and giv-

ing advice about dealing with challenging relationships. We have also been visited by PC Dan on two occa-

sions, where he has spoken to us about the long term negative impact that gang culture can have on our

lives as well as exploring the effect it can have on family members.

Enrichment and Get Busy: We enjoyed our horse-riding sessions at Mudchute Farm, where we were learn-

ing how to look after horses, ride them and control them safely. During Get Busy time, we have been draw-

ing and making solar systems, researching our hobbies and playing board games in order to learn how to

play like a good sport. Some of us have been using the construction kits to build things, and others have

enjoyed using the creation station to make objects, including topic-related things, such as rockets. We have

told our teacher about what else we would like to do during Get Busy; this includes using batteries and

lights to make circuits, and using mechanical equipment to make things move, e.g. cars.

Please note that all of our school policies, including Safeguarding, are available on the school website.

Paper copies are available on request.

It is important to note that the school number is still functioning (and calls are being transferred) during Covid-19

We are well aware that online learning has been a struggle to date. As companies attempt to cope with

the high demands. But we’re pleased to see that the platform that we use as a school do work. It’s

definitely easier to logon this week and some have noticed that it’s a little faster too. We understand

it’s been a little frustrating but please keep trying. #PerseverancePays

The teachers are uploading and maintaining lots of work on Education City. We know that last week was so difficult to log on. The company have

written to us and apologise and explained that they were not ready for that surge is usage - 550% more than an usual day. But they promise us that

they’re back on track and teachers have been highlighting the great online learning being accessed at home.

You also have you your child’s RM Mtahs and Bug club log ins. They are personalised learning programmes set to your child’s level. But please

remember that neither work via Google Chrome. Please access using Safari/Internet Explorer - it’s

something to do with Adobe Flash.

Book worm:

A very special mention to Ruby

from Integrity class who has

read 23 books on Bug Club

during her time at home. Yes

twenty three. That’s amazing

as many of us know how diffi-

cult it has been to log onto to

Bug Club at the moment.

A Chick Adventure

Who remembers our furry school visitors? And

who can remember of the names given to all of

our chicks?

Choose your favourite chick and then write and

adventure story for them. Where would they go?

What would they do? Perhaps you could give

them a superpower...

Here’s a few fun ideas we’ve been sharing on Twitter recently…


Please follow us, like, share and engage.