Benjamin Guinebertière - Microsoft Azure: Document DB and other noSQL databases - NoSQL matters...

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Transcript of Benjamin Guinebertière - Microsoft Azure: Document DB and other noSQL databases - NoSQL matters...

Microsoft Azure: Document DBand othernoSQL databases

Benjamin Guinebertiere

Technical Evangelist, Microsoft France


noSQL matters on Azure

Other related managed services (PaaS)

Azure Search

Redis Cache

HDInsight : Hive + ORC Hadoop with Column

storage + SQL

SQL Database Elastic Scale Relational + Sharding

Managed databases (PaaS)

Azure Storage Tables Clef/valeur

HDInsight HBase Column

DocumentDB Document JSON


MongoDB Document

In IaaS, or managed by MongoLabs,

or MongoDB

Cassandra Column

In IaaS, may be initiated thru the


Titan Graph

… Any database that installs on

Windows or Linux


DocumentDB at Microsoft

user data store

{"id": "AzureDocumentDB","servicetype": "Data Platform","servicename": "Azure DocumentDB","releasetype": "Preview","public": true,"regions": [

{"name": "North Europe","visible": true,"capacity": 230034


"name": "West US","visible": true,"capacity": 800034


"name": "East US","visible": false,"capacity": 1000034



{"id": "MS_125734","name": "John Macintyre","jobrole": "Program Manager","companyname": "Microsoft","photo": null,"bio": "John builds stuff at Microsoft.","topicids": [


],"sessonids": [



designed, built and optimized for JSON


schema-free and queryable


multi-document transactions


tunable and fast

scalable and fully managed

{ }{ }




The Basics

The Basics

Resource Model Entities addressable by logical URI

Partitioned for scale out

Replicated for HA

Entities represented as JSON

Accounts scale out through addition of capacity units

{ }{ }





Query arbitrary paths,

properties and values

No secondary index

definitions required

Consistent Query Results in

the face of heavy writes

Query through SQL (or LINQ

in .NET)

JavaScript UDFs Extensibility

-- Nested lookup against index


FROM Books B

WHERE B.Author.Name = "Leo Tolstoy"

-- Transformation, Filters, Array access

SELECT { Name: B.Title, Author: B.Author.Name }

FROM Books B

WHERE B.Price > 10 AND B.Language[0] = "English"

-- Joins, User Defined Functions (UDF)

SELECT CalculateRegionalTax(B.Price, "USA", "WA")

FROM Books B

JOIN L IN B.Languages

WHERE L.Language = "Russian"

The choice of consistency level has performance implications

for both write and read operations

• Write operations

• Consistency level changes impact request latency

• Stronger consistency levels result in higher write


• Read operations

• Consistency level changes impact throughput

• Weaker consistency levels result in higher read


Tip: You can lower the consistency level of a specific read or query request by specifying [x-ms-consistency-level] request header or by using RequestOptions in the SDKs

Document myDoc = await


new RequestOptions

{ ConsistencyLevel = ConsistencyLevel.Eventual });

Lower consistency level on read operation

How it works

Automatic indexing of documents

JSON documents are represented as


Structural information and instance

values are normalized into a JSON-Path

Example{"headquarters": "Belgium"} /"headquarters"/"Belgium"

{"exports": [{"city": “Moscow"}, {"city": Athens"}]} /"exports"/0/"city"/"Moscow"

and /"exports"/1/"city"/"Athens".

Configuration Level Options

Automatic Per collection True (default) or False

Override with each document write

Indexing Mode Per collection Consistent or Lazy

Lazy for eventual updates/bulk ingestion

Included and excluded


Per path Individual path or recursive includes (? And *)

Indexing Type Per path Support Hash (Default) and Range

Hash for equality, range for range queries

Indexing Precision Per path Supports 3 – 7 per path

Tradeoff storage, query RUs and write RUs

Path Description/use case

/ Default path for collection. Recursive and applies to whole document tree.

/"prop"/? Serve queries like the following (with Hash or Range types respectively):

SELECT * FROM collection c WHERE c.prop = "value" SELECT * FROM collection c WHERE c.prop > 5

/"prop"/* All paths under the specified label.

/"prop"/"subprop"/ Used during query execution to prune documents that do not have the

specified path.

/"prop"/"subprop"/? Serve queries (with Hash or Range types respectively):

SELECT * FROM collection c WHERE c.prop.subprop = "value" SELECT * FROM collection c WHERE c.prop.subprop > 5


process multiple

documents with

application defined

stored procedures

and triggers

JavaScript as the procedural language

Language integrated

Execution wrapped in an implicit transaction

Preregistered and scoped to a collection

Performed with ACID guarantees

Triggers invoked as pre or post operations

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Other noSQL databases on Azure

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Benjamin Guinebertière

Technical Evangelist, Microsoft FranceAzure, data insights, machine learning @benjguin |

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