Benefits of Balance Transfer

Post on 25-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Benefits of Balance Transfer




Hi, Jack!

Hello, Tom!

New House!


Have you taken a home loan to purchase it?


What rate of interest have you been charged?


Oh! That’s pretty high

I know

Don’t worry

Price of the house has also increased and I have to pay more

amount to the builder.I have no clue how will I arrange

the extra amount

Why don’t you transfer your loan


I am also not satisfied with the terms and

conditions and facilities offered by the bank

Yes! Go for a balance transfer to some

other lender


No issues! You can always make a loan

transfer after certain period

But, I have recently taken a loan

It will solve all your problems

How will it help?

It will also reduce your EMI

You can even reduce your


You will have to pay less interest

You will be able to save more

You can apply for a higher amount of loan or take a top up loan

for extra money

Okay! That’s great

Can you help me to choose a new lender?


What all to notice while choosing a new lender?

Check the facilities they provide and

read all terms and conditions carefully

A lender must have fast approval of


Nil foreclosure charges

No hidden charges

Online account accessibility

Customized insurance schemes

You should try an NBFC

But, where will I get such lender?

You will get all these facilities in an NBFC

for sure

You are welcome!

Thanks Friend!