Benefits of Asana

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Benefits of Asana

Benefits of Asana


How to perform Uttan Mandukasana

The stretched frog pose usually follows directly on the sitting frog pose, Mandukasana. Sit in Vajrasana position on your heels. Open your feet apart and place your buttocks on the floor in between your feet. Now open your knees wide and let your toes touch each other in the back of your buttocks.

Sit straight, grab your right elbow with the left hand and vice versa and stretch your thus folded arms up and behind your head.

You can include your breathing by inhaling when you move your arms upwards and bring your arms down again with exhalation.


Benefits of Uttan Mandukasana

Full stretch for nearly all your muscles.

Your feet, calves and hips are stretched through the way you are sitting while your torso.

Arm muscles are stretched when you move your arms up and down.

Your organs get room to expand and work properly.

This Yoga posture is good for lower back pain.



Kneel on the Yoga mat and place your hands on the hips.

Your knees should be in line with the shoulders and the sole of the feet should be facing the


As you inhale, draw in your tail-bone towards the pubis by pulling the navel in.

Simultaneously, arch your back and slide your palms over your feet till the arms are straight.

Do not strain or flex your neck but keep it in a neutral position.

Stay in this posture for a couple of breaths.

Breathe out and slowly come back to the initial pose.

Withdraw your hands and bring them back to your hips as you straighten up.

How to perform USHTRASANA


Benefits of the Camel Pose (Ushtrasana)

Improves digestion.

Stretches and opens the front of the body. It also strengthens the back and shoulders.

Relieves the body of lower back ache.

Improves flexibility of the spine and also improves posture.

Helps overcome menstrual discomfort.




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